
Advanced Security Model for Internet of Things Environment
S. Mani1, V. Saravanan2, T. Samraj Lawrence3, G. R. Sakthidharan4, M. Veluchamy5

1Mr. S. Mani, Department of CSE, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
2Dr. V. Saravanan*, A.P., Department of Computer Science Engg., Dambi Dollo University, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
3Dr. T. Samraj Lawrence, A.P., Dept. of IT., Dambi Dollo University, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
4Dr. G. R. Sakthidharan, Professor, Department of CSE, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engg. & Tech., Hyderabad, India.
5Mr. M. Veluchamy, Asst. Prof., Department of Computer Science, Periyar University Constituent College of Arts and Science-Idappadi, Salem, India.
Manuscript received on March 12, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on March 25, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 3387-3392 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F8815038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F8815.038620

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Abstract: IoT has become one of the most prominent used industry which is been intensively used in various applications across the globe. This usage has also made it more vulnerable to numerous attacks from within and outside the industry. Though this remains as one of the most predominant challenges in almost all of the industries, most of the organizations fail to allocate security budgets in order to secure their sub-networks from being misused and attacked. One of the most important aspects of this drawback is the unawareness of various upcoming IoT devices and infrastructures that are not technically sound enough to handle and meet the challenges caused by the various attacking methods. Implementation of highly secure IoT based infrastructure could basically produce various other benefits that include obtaining greater revenues from new inculcated methods and models while minimizing the operational costs by making use of the various optimized processes. This, in turn, leads to various meaningful and accurate data with a better knowledge of user experience. In order to develop such an IoT infrastructure, all the organizations have to mandatory build built-in security checks in each and every level of the applications being used by them. The paper presents a new design model that is used for securing all the devices from various malicious attacks. The paper also compares the newly designed model with the existing model and has proved the betterment of the security level that is been achieved.
Keywords: Security, Authentication, IoT, SIGMA Protocol, Threats.
Scope of the Article: Internet of Things.