
A Modified Method for Predicting Relative Permeability
Mohamed Ameen1, Mahmoud Tantawy2, Ahmed Gawish3

1Mohamed Ameen*, Petroleum engineering department, General Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt.
2Mahmoud Tantawy, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
3Ahmed Gawish, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
Manuscript received on February 02, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on February 10, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 704-710 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F7333038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F7333.038620

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Abstract: Evaluating the relative permeability data is very essential as all the reservoirs contain multiple fluid phases. In absence of lab measured data, many correlations were developed to capture an accurate formula for relative permeability data prediction. The objective of this work focuses on how to calculate the value of exponents incorporated into generalized Corey’s correlation instead of using pre-assumed fixed values and use the estimated values of exponents to predict relative permeability data. A giant database of experimental results for 750 plugs, covering different types of reservoir rocks and fluid systems, was involved in the methodology development to test its validity and reliability. Relative permeability data prediction was performed for 750 plugs using the generalized Corey’s correlation and the proposed methodology to estimate exponents. Predicted relative permeability data were compared to the collected actual experimental results and the prediction results of other common published correlations through extensive statistical analysis. Statistical analysis showed that the proposed methodology has significant reliability to predict relative permeability data.
Keywords: Corey’s correlation, Exponents, Relative permeability, Relative permeability curve end points.
Scope of the Article: Probabilistic Models and Methods.