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Design of optical logical Multiplexer using SOA
Sumit Gupta1, Sairam Boddapati2, Chaganti Sridhar Sai3, Borra Nanda Sai4

1S.Sumit Gupta, Associte Professor, Department, of E.C.E KLEF, Vaddeswaram, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
2Sairam Boddapati, Student B. Tech, Department of E.C.E KLEF, Vaddeswaram, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
3Changanti Sridhar Sai, Student B. Tech, Department, of E.C.E KLEF, Vaddeswaram, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
4Borra Nanda Sai, Student B. Tech, Department, of E.C.E KLEF, Vaddeswaram, (Andhra Pradesh), India.

Manuscript received on 23 March 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 30 March 2019 | Manuscript published on 30 March 2019 | PP: 1668-1671 | Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019 | Retrieval Number: F2863037619/19©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: This paper shows implementation of the logical multiplexer with the optical component. In optical communication the devices involved shows the behaviour of nonlinearity that causes the phenomenon’s like Four wave mixing and also Cross gain modulation. These non linearity behaviours are very useful for forming the concept the optical logic multiplexer. This occurs due to variation in reflective index and gain. The optical logical multiplexer that we had designed in our module performs the logic operation like electrical multiplexer with the use of optical component. Input feed as well as terminal of output are in the form of optical.. Switching and operating several electronic devices under the same optical remote can be brought into the existence using the concept involved in our design module and that is implementing of optical multiplexer. Controlling of different electronic devices which are associated with their different functioning frequency can be executed with our design module. This optical logical multiplexer will play an essential role in the part of communication system like network and switch.
Keywords: Cross gain modulation, four wave mixing(FWM), Digital Multiplexer, Optical nonlinearity, Semiconductor optical Amplifier (SOA)
Scope of the Article: SOA and Service-Oriented Systems