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Specification of Jagged Spot by the Lipper Sonance of Stuff Delivery on the Spread Variance Knowledge System
Jeong-Lae Kim1, Kyung-seop Kim2
1Jeong-Lae Kim, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University, Seongnam, South Korea.
2Kyung-seop Kim, Department of Liberal Arts, Eulji University, Seongnam, South Korea.
Manuscript received on 09 May 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 19 May 2019 | Manuscript Published on 23 May 2019 | PP: 1294-1298 | Volume-7 Issue-6S5 April 2019 | Retrieval Number: F12240476S519/2019©BEIESP
Open Access | Editorial and Publishing Policies | Cite | Mendeley | Indexing and Abstracting
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Lipper variance technology is comprised the sonance status for textiles-dot pattern of the glitter knowledge rate (GKR) and differentiation knowledge rate (DKR) on the lipper knowledge gestalt. The knowledge rate condition by the lipper knowledge gestalt is comprised with the spread sonance system. As to investigate a textiles-dot pattern of the jagged variance, we are comprised of the lipper value with lipper layer point by the spread-down structure. The concept of knowledge rate is made sure of the reference of glitter rate and differentiation rate for variance signal by the lipper sonance gestalt. Moreover to turn up a jagged variance of the GKR-DKR of the medium in terms of the lipper-sonance gestalt, and lipper point sonance that is obtained the a lipper value of the far variance of the Li-kg-FA-ρMAX-AVG with 5.72±(-1.85) units, that was the a lipper value of the convenient variance of the Li-kgCO-ρMAX-AVG with 1.71±(-0.59) units, that was the a lipper value of the flank variance of the Li-kg-FL-ρMAX-AVG with 0.78±(-0.06) units, that was the a lipper value of the vicinage variance of the Li-kg-VI-ρMAX-AVG with 0.12±(-0.03) units. The spread sonance will be to appraisal at the ability of the lipper-sonance gestalt for the restrain degree knowledge rate on the GKR-DKR that is to be obvious the jagged glitter and differentiation gestalt by the knowledge rate system. Spread knowledge system will be appraisal of a gestalt by the special signal and to sum a lipper data of spread sonance rate.
Keywords: Glitter Knowledge Rate, Lipper Knowledge Gestalt, Spread Knowledge System, Spread Sonance.
Scope of the Article: Knowledge Systems and Engineering