Morphology of Aluminum Oxide (Al₂O₃) Nanoparticles and Their Effect on the Micro Structural and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced (CFR) Epoxy Nanocomposites
P. Mansoor1, B.W. Sandeep Kumar2
1P. Mansoor*, Research Scholar, Mechanical department, Reva University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
2B. W. Sandeep Kumar, Assistant professor Vemu Institute of Technology, Chittor Dist, Andhrapradesh, India. 

Manuscript received on January 01, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on January 20, 2020. | Manuscript published on January 30, 2020. | PP: 3036-3040 | Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020. | Retrieval Number: E6229018520/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E6229.018520

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Abstract: The main aim of this article is to investigate the effect of inclusion of Aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) nano particles at varied percentage of weights into the carbon fiber-reinforced (CFR) epoxy composites, and evaluating the Mechanical properties for flexure, Impact and Tensile strength. The Aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) is included into various percentages starting from 1 to 5 wt% and spread homogeneously throughout the epoxy resin by ultrasonication process. The CFR- Al₂O₃ nano composites are prepared through layup technique and healed by vacuum bagging method. The mechanical properties such for flexure and ultimate tensile strength showed better properties due to the presence of Al₂O₃ nanoparticles, while response for CFR- Al₂O₃ nano composites increased at 2 wt% addition of Al₂O₃ nano particles, and further reduction has been seen at 5wt% due to an greater static effect.
Keywords: Flexure Strength, Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites, Impact Strength, Sonication, Tensile Strength, Vacuum Bagging, Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles..
Scope of the Article: Mechanical Maintenance.