Thermo-Acoustical and FTIR Spectroscopic Research of Nanofluids at Different Temperatures
Bhaskara Rao Gorle1, N. Jaya Madhuri2
1Bhaskara Rao Gorle, Research scholar, Department of physics, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ananthpur, Ananthapuram 515002, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2Dr.N.Jaya Madhuri, Assistant Professor, NBKR Institute of science and technology, vidyanagar, S.P.S.R Nellore(District), Andhra Pradesh, India.
Manuscript received on January 05, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on January 25, 2020. | Manuscript published on January 30, 2020. | PP: 5306-5309 | Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020. | Retrieval Number: E3207018520/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E3207.018520
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Abstract: In recent years the greater interest of increase in thermal conductivity have attracted because there is comparison to that of the base fluids by Nano fluids. The wide spread of nano particles of the formation nano fluid of a base fluid, takes place. These nano fluids are very much useful in thermo dynamical applications and in the study of so many physical-chemical studies. The properties of molecular of sound in nano fluids like transmission undergo changes of associated systems in highly dependent and the cohesive properties of liquids. Generally nano fluid is having high thermal conductivity values. Four different temperatures have been studied in this thermo-acoustical work and FTIR Spectrum of Coo Nano fluid at T (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K. The observed results are explained in the nature of interactions and bond formation.
Keywords: Nano fluid; Coo; Adiabatic Compressibility; Thermal Conductivity; FTIR.
Scope of the Article: Thermal Engineering.