Vehicular Crash Signaling System
Sharmila K P1, Renjitha V C2, Rizwan Roshan3
1Dr. Sharmila K. P. is an Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate from Bharathiar University, Bengaluru.
2Renjitha V Chandran obtained her bachelor‟s degree in Telecommunication Engineering from CMR Institute of Technology in 2017. Bengaluru.
3Rizwan Roshan obtained his bachelor‟s degree in Telecommunication Engineering from CMR Institute of Technology VANET and Zigbee.
Manuscript received on November 17., 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 24 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 November, 2019. | PP: 12876-12880 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D9704118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D9704.118419
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: The rise in demand for automobiles has resulted in a palpable increase in the traffic density, thereby giving way to more road accidents over time. Many a times, casualties of a road accident fail to live after they fall victim to poor emergency facilities and inadequate accident response time. It is not viable to anticipate road accidents but the repercussions can be minimized at the very least. If given immediate medical attention and care, the number of deaths caused as a result of road accidents could be reduced to a considerably low number. The primary hindrance in casualties receiving appropriate medical care is the fact that the rescue services do not receive any piece of information about the accident and sometimes, even when the information is passed on, it is usually received late. Hence to ensure that victims get adequate medical help on time, there is a need for an efficient automatic system. The Crash Signaling System uses a combination of technologies such as vibration sensor, Zigbee, GSM and GPS modules that detects the impact of the accident as well as the point of accident and conveys the information of the location to the nearby emergency care unit. It also sends information about the point of accident to the vehicles in the vicinity which then would help the drivers of oncoming vehicles to stay alert and drive cautiously. The ZigBee module assists in sending the alert message about the point of accident to the vehicles in the vicinity. The proposed system ensures that the emergency services are made accessible to accident victims in a timely manner and shares the information of the accident to the nearest hospital or rescue team via a GSM module. Besides it also sends a message to the victim’s emergency contacts. This system can be used in all in all vehicles for accident detection and reporting. VANET is a similar wireless communication technology which employs V2V and V2I.
Keywords: Accident Detection, Road Accidents, VANET, Zigbee.
Scope of the Article: Wireless Access Technologies for IoT.