Secured Wireless Data Transmission using Encryption and Frequency Hopping Technique
S.P.Vijaya Vardan Reddy1, T.V.Padmavathy2, D.S.Bhargava3, B.Raghunatha Rao4, T.Jagapathi Babu5
1S.P.Vijaya Vardan Reddy*, ECE, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India.
2T.V.Padmavathy, ECE, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India.
3D.S.Bhargava, ECE, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India.
4B. Raghunatha Rao, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai,
5T. Jagapathi Babu, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, India.

Manuscript received on November 11, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 20 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 November, 2019. | PP: 11263-11268 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D9464118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D9464.118419

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Abstract: This work aims at developing wireless communication medium a mid two nodes by using Encryption and Frequency Hopping techniques. Data Encryption is done by using Cryptography. One of the major challenges in data communication network is security. This issue becomes more critical if there is connectivity during resource sharing. In our paper, we discuss data encryption using RSA algorithm to make certain that data is confidential. Using this algorithm, sender is allowed to generate public keys to encrypt the information and receiver is been shared with a private key using a protected database to decrypt the same. An erroneous private key will decrypt the protected data but to a different form from the actual data. The data we choose for being a key, method of distributing it are vital issues in algorithms. Hence Cryptography is used to convert the message block into a private key and Frequency Hoping is done by using the Spread Spectrum technique. Also the classification of cryptographic algorithms is outlined in this paper.
Keywords: Encryption, Cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Frequency Hoping, Spread Spectrum.
Scope of the Article: VLSI Algorithms.