Better Communication Tool for Specially Disabled
Gogineni Saikiran1, Anjusha Pimpalshende2, Porika Dhanrajnath3
1Gogineni Saikiran, CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, India
2Anjusha Pimpalshende, CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, India.
3Porika Dhanrajnath, CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, India.

Manuscript received on November 20, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 26, 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 November, 2019. | PP: 3008-3011 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D7439118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D7439.118419

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Abstract: Sign language is widely used when a dumb communicates. However, non-sign-language people find it difficult in interpreting them. So, we had come up with a system that enables speech impaired to speak with an artificial voice in public communities using Artificial intelligence techniques. we propose a hybrid-weighted metric known as weighted pruning in deep convolutional neural networks. In this work, we report experiments of weighted pruning. we show that using a weighted pruning strategy we can achieve significant speed up in Faster RCNN object detection model by discarding 50% of filters. In this paper we show evidences to our claim by reporting mean Average Precision of weighted pruned CNN is slightly higher than existing pruning techniques. The former part of the paper focus on moulding convolutional neural networks in terms of their speed and scalability for deploying them on mobiles, embedded and further small gadgets. The latter part of the paper describes novel approaches in letting dumb speak as fast as normal person in public, without time lapse using natural language algorithms and recommendations.
Keywords: Faster RCNN, Hand Gesture Recognition, Recommendations, SQL, TD IDF Vectorizer, Weighted Pruning.
Scope of the Article: IoT Application and Communication Protocol.