Software Design and Development for Optimizing Quality Assurance Assessments
Farid Sukmana1, Fahrur Rozi2
1Farid Sukmana, Informatics Engineering, Muhammadiyah Gresik University, Gresik, Indonesia.
2Fahrur Rozi, Informatics Engineering, STKIP PGRI Tulungagung, Tulungagung, Indonesia.
Manuscript received on 7 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 14 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP: 3383-3389 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: C5029098319/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C5029.098319
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Quality assurance (QA) in one part to assest standard quality in the management, product, environment or other.QA in organization controlled by QA staff. This staff work to prepare all requirement in process of internal audit . The requirement like making checklist from QA standard like ISO, OHSAS and others, arrengement scheduling for audit, until make summary from audit result is the job of them. The problem is all requirement to prepare internal audit still used manual job, like using excel and distributed it one by one to each section in organization. This is make waste of time just to prepare the requirement until to make summary of the audit result. So, how to reduce the time of the job QA staff from weekly to just a minute. This can do by implementing quality assurance using software. By implementing this system can reduce significantly, the step of work of QA assessment from 15 step, can be 5 step only. And some of work in QA assessment can be done just a minutes, that before need a day until weekly just to make the job done.
Keywords: Quality Assurance, Audit System, Standard.
Scope of the Article: Quality Assurance Process, Standards, and Systems