Modified Authentication Protocol and Evaluation Tool: Kerberos and BAN Logic
Randhir Bhandari1, Digvijay Puri2, Natasha Sharma3
1Randhir Bhandari, Senior Faculty-IT, iNurture Education Solutions Private Limited, Banglore, India.
2Digvijay Puri, Senior Faculty-IT, iNurture Education Solutions Private Limited, Banglore, India.
3Natasha Sharma, Faculty-IT, iNurture Education Solutions Private Limited, Banglore, India.
Manuscript received on 6 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 11 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP: 2432-2436 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: C4684098319/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C4684.098319
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: IIn today’s world the computer network communication increases the efficiency most of the organizations. Hence threats have been increased due to these online transactions/communications. These threats necessitate the researchers to improve the existing security protocols and /or develop the new ones. Authentication Protocols are one of the same which can provide the authentication, confidentiality & integrity. For checking the authenticity of messages exchange process in authentication protocols BAN logic is used. The Kerberos encrypt the information for authentications. Many organizations use it and it has five versions and versions 4 and 5 are latest. In one of over previous paper we have generalized the ticket exchange process of version 5. In this paper to make it more authenticated some modifications are proposed to both BAN and Kerberos and we defined them as R- Kerberos & R- BAN. To achieve this, we have added participant’s physical address (MAC Address) as it is unique to every network adapter and can be used as our secret key.
Index Terms— NTLM, Kerberos, BAN, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Ticket.
Scope of the Article: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting