
Sign Language Recognition
E.Padmalatha1, S.Sailekya2, R.Ravinder Reddy3, Ch.Anil Krishna4 ,K.Divyarsha5

1Dr.E.Padmalatha, M.Tech(CSE),Ph.D(CSE), Assistant Professor, CBIT Hyderabad, India.
2S.Sailekya, B.E(CSE) Student BVRIT, Hyderabad, India.
3Dr.R.Ravinder Reddy, M.Tech(CSE),Ph.D(CSE) Associate Professor, CBIT Hyderabad, India.
4Ch.Anil Krishna, B.E(CSE),CBIT Hyderabad, India.
5K.Divyarsha, B.E(CSE),CBIT Hyderabad, India.

Manuscript received on 9 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 18 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP: 2128-3037 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: C4565098319/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C4565.098319
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Abstract: There are nearly 15 million people around the world who have difficulty in speaking or communicating. Their only way of communication is through sign language. Hand gesture is one of the methods used in sign language for non-verbal communication. It is most commonly used by deaf & dumb people who have hearing or speech problems to communicate among themselves or with normal people. There are many recognized sign language standards that have been defined such as ASL(American Sign Language), IPSL(Indo Pakistan Sign Language), etc., which define what sign means what. ASL is the most widely used sign language by the deaf and dumb community. The deaf and dumb use sign language to communicate among themselves with the knowledge of the standard sign language. But they can’t communicate with the rest of the world as most of the people are unaware of the existence and the usage of the sign language. This method aims to remove this communication barrier between the disabled and the rest of the world by recognizing and translating the hand gestures and convert it into speech.
Key words: Sign language, disabled, nonverbal communication

Scope of the Article:
Soft computing Signal and Speech Processing