Routing by HDF Based Optimal Path Selection in Multipath WSNs
U. D. Prasan1, Gorti. Satyanarayana Murty2, Ch. Ramesh3, S. Vishnu Murty4
1Dr. U. D. Prasan, Prof & A.HOD, CSE Department, Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh.
2Dr. Gorti. Satyanarayana Murty,Prof & HOD, CSE Department, Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh.
3Dr. Ch. Ramesh, Prof & Assoc. Dean, CSE Department, Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh.
4S. Vishnu Murty, Assoc. Prof, CSE Department, Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh.
Manuscript received on 15 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 25 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP: 1435-1439 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: B3713078219/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3713.098319
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Abstract: Multipath routing (MPR) is an effectual method for routing data on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) since it offers security, reliability as well as load balancing (LB) that are particularly serious in the resource-constrained scheme like WSNs. This paper proposed a selecting optimal routing path in MPR using QoS for WSN. In the First phase, the network nodes are initialized. Next, the nodes are formed as a cluster which is known as cluster formation utilizing K-Medoid clustering algorithm. In the cluster formation, the cluster heads (CH) are chosen from each cluster using Grey wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm. In the next stage, routing operation is performed, which is bifurcated into 2 sections as, multipath route selection, and optimal path selection (OPS). For multipath route selection, AOMDV protocol is used. Using this protocol, efficient multipath routes are chosen in the network. After several transmissions, a route might lose the quality of the link. So an optimal path is chosen from the existing routes in the network using Hybrid Dragon Fly (HDF) optimization. Performance metrics of the proposed work is compared with that of existing optimal path routings techniques. Results illustrate that our model exhibited better energy efficiency along with Network Lifetime when compared to the existing routing models.
Keywords: K-Medoid Clustering Algorithm, Grey wolf Optimization (GWO), Quality of Service (QoS), Hybrid Dragon Fly (HDF).
Scope of the Article: Routing, Switching and Addressing Techniques.