
Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus
Toirova Guli Ibragimovna1, Yuldasheva Mavjuda Rakhimovna2, Elibaeva Lola Suleymanovna3

1Toirova Guli Ibragimovna, Associate Professor, Doctor, Department of Philosophical Sciences, Bukhara State University Uzbek Linguistics,  Uzbekistan, Bukhara.
2Yuldasheva Mavjuda Rakhimovna, Teacher of the Department of Pedagogics, Bukhara State University.
3Elibaeva Lola Suleymanovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy, Bukhara State University.
Manuscript received on 18 September 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 05 October 2019 | Manuscript Published on 11 October 2019 | PP: 352-355 | Volume-8 Issue-2S10 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: B10570982S1019/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1057.0982S1019
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: The article discusses the author’s corps and its significance in modern glossary, the world of Pushkin’s author’s corps, the Czech writer’s corps, Shakespeare’s author’s corps and their shortcomings. The interface of the author’s corps is made up of different designs and structures, and the author is responsible for its completeness, the interface should be attractive and impressive. The creation of the interface is based on the design of the national or modern features, the interface should involve the life and works of the artist in photoes. The Corpus of Linguistics is a very rapidly developing branch of the world of computational linguistics, which has achieved great success in this regard. The Corpus of Linguistics is also taught as a science in world universities. The subject of this discipline is the theory and practice of building a corpus, such as body features and the basics of programming. The Corpus of Linguistics deals with general theory and practice of computational linguistics, the formation of the language body, and computer technologies. The article tells about modern information technologies that have created tremendous opportunities for language functionality. Computer translation, editing, analysis, electronic dictionary and thesaurus are proof of our opinion. Especially the creation of modern electronic dictionaries and the culture of their use is one of the effective ways of learning a language. In particular, the role of language buildings created and developing at a fast pace throughout the world when demonstrating the ability and ability to master the language is very large. The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic foundations of the Uzbek language corpus, to study the linguistic value of the linguistic corpus, the history of corpus linguistics, to study the author’s linguistics of the corpuses, its features in the social, lexicological, educational and other fields. The article gives an idea about the interface, the content of the corpus, its flawless functioning and at first glance the importance of the author’s personality, creative heritage, classification.
Keywords: Interface, The Author’s Corps, Mathematical Modeling, Morphologic And Semantic Annotation, Information, Linguistic Base, Artificial Intelligence, Сomputer Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Language Corpus, Special Software, E-Library, Lexical, Morphological, Grammatical, Semantic Symbols, Problems With Linguistic Markup.
Scope of the Article: Interface Agents