Object Sorting Robot Mechanism on the Basis of Colour, Height and Type (Metal or Non-metal) Using Human Voice Input
K Vijayan1, Anjima S Nair2, D Shruthi3, Krishna Manoj4, Rohan Sharma5
1K Vijayan, Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMIST, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
2Anjima S Nair, Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMIST, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
3D Shruthi, Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMIST, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
4Krishna Manoj, Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMIST, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
5Rohan Sharma, Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMIST, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on 02 July 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 12 August 2019 | Manuscript Published on 27 August 2019 | PP: 24-28 | Volume-8 Issue-2S4 July 2019 | Retrieval Number: B10050782S419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1005.0782S419
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Abstract: Automation is a very broad term which is basically used to handle different mechanisms and processes to reduce human efforts, time consumption and human energy. It reduces manual efforts, costs and is faster as well as more accurate than human beings. Sorting of objects is a very important aspect of agricultural machineries, food processing industries and various other industrial applications. Many kinds of intelligent robots are emerging these days. These systems collaborate with humans to accomplish tasks like sorting in an unstructured environment. Sorting plays a very significant role in the manufacturing and production industries. Also, sorting is one of the widely researched topics in today’s time. This paper describes about a robotic mechanism for sorting objects. The Sorting system uses a TCS3200 Colour Sensor, an SR-04 Ultrasonic sensor, Metal detector, Bluetooth module and a Robotic push mechanism. Three different parameters like colour, height and type of object (metal or non-metal) is detected by setting the threshold and by giving the input one at a time by using human voice command via a Bluetooth module integrated with the Arduino. The three colours detected include red, blue and green. Also the range of distances or heights measured by the ultrasonic sensor reaches up to 200cmThe overall sorting is then carried out by the robotic mechanism.
Keywords: Bluetooth Module, D C Motor, Metal Detector Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, TCS3200.
Scope of the Article: Autonomous Robots