Development of Spinning Monitor to Facilitate the Sider in Textile Mills
M.Madhan Mohan1, A.Akshaya2, E.Anjali3, A.Dharshinidevi4, V.Harish5
1Mr.M.Madhanmohan , is currently working as assistant professor ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
2A.Akshaya, is currently working as assistant professor ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
3E.Anjali, is currently working as assistant professor ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
4A.Dharshinidevi, is currently working as assistant professor ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
5V.Harish, is currently working as assistant professor ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
Manuscript received on April 02, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on April 21, 2020. | Manuscript published on May 30, 2020. | PP: 981-985 | Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020. | Retrieval Number: A2167059120/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A2167.059120
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Abstract: In India, textile mills occupy a vital role in exporting the quality materials and offering above 35 million people employment opportunities. In India Textile mills run over 24×7, siders working inside covering area of 500 meters working in the spinning process runs continuously to monitor and set right the yarn breakage instantly to minimize the production loss. During the spinning process, siders need to monitor around more than 2000 spindles at every instant of time, makes them restless and leads to the unproductive work due to continuous walk to cover the entire spindle area even though the yarns in many of the spindles is unbroken. Due to this, the efficiency of the sider, as well as production and its quality, is affected. To avoid this, prototype model developed with IR sensors arrangement in each spindle to monitor the broken yarn and shares the broken yarn spindle information to the respective sider through the android device and take the sider to the particular spindle location to set right the yarn through line follower robot. The output of the sensor continuously support to monitor the status of yarn as soon as it is noticed, Through android devices linked via cloud computing make the sider to have productive work in set right the yarn with very less effort. In this paper, the efficiency of the spinning mills is improved and eradicates continuous manual monitoring of yarn breakages by siders, reduces their time and walking distance per shift through integrating of simple IR sensors through cloud computing.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Cloud Storage, Yarn breakage Monitor, Spinning.
Scope of the Article: Cloud Computing