Perspective Technology to Improve Arid Pastures
Mamadjanov Sultanali Islamaliеvich1, Tukhtabaev Mirzohid Akhmadjanovich2, Obidov Roziqjon3, Umirzaqov Zarpulla Antarovich4
1Sultanali Islamaliеvich Mamadjanov, Ph.D. from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Uzbekistan.
2Mirzohid Akhmadjanovich Tukhtabaev, Ph.D. from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Uzbekistan.
3Roziqjon Obidov, Ph.D. from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Uzbekistan.
4Zarpulla Antarovich Umirzaqov, Teacher (independent researcher), Department of “Automobile roads” Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh region, Republic of Uzbekistan.
Manuscript received on April 02, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on April 21, 2020. | Manuscript published on May 30, 2020. | PP: 802-811 | Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020. | Retrieval Number: A1496059120/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1496.059120
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Abstract: This article presents the problems of degradation-desertification of astrakhan pasture and hayfields. In these areas, contain all kinds of livestock, as well as diverse fauna. In lean years and degradation, above animals cause large losses. Degradation, world science and practice recommended to be suspended by improvement, that is, by seeding of zoned fodder plants. Based on literature review, this article presents the features of perspective fodder plants of desert introduced into culture to improve arid pastures. Uzbekistan contains only Karakul sheep, whose skin is very highly valued on the world market, more than 10 million heads. More than 4.0 hectares are required per sheep per year, and the pasture area is about 20.0 million hectares. To improve which more than 40,000 tons of Kochia seeds are required per year, for which it is necessary to create seed plants nurseries. Therefore, the authors of this research paper had the goal to develop perspective technology for improving arid pastures, with the creation of rational Kochia seed plants. The results of existing scientific and practical work analyzed and present authors continue to study some indicators of physic-mechanical properties (friction coefficient for various materials) of Kochia seeds. Existing technologies for improving pastures and hayfields, and creating seed plants were studied. These studies have developed the methodology and effectiveness of furrow sowing of the Kochia seeds, in comparison with surface sowing (control). The main parameters are theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed – diameter and width, as well as the type of the covering roller of experimental seeder (based on grain-grass seeder) for sowing Kochia seeds, simultaneously forming a sowing furrow and seed embedment in them. Based on the results of laboratory, field and economic tests of experimental desert seeder, optimal seedlings obtained of Kochia seeds and, subsequently, a high yield of fodder and seed mass. A continuation of the proposed innovative technology for improving arid pastures, hayfields and creation of seed plants are preliminary and further research on control of pests and diseases of desert fodder plants and their seeds by biological methods, and the use of ultraviolet radiation.
Keywords: Sheep breeding, karakul (astrakhan) production, arid, desert, semi-desert, fodder plants, Kochia (Kochia prostrata), sagebrush, saxaul (Haloxylon), furrow sowing.
Scope of the Article: Production