
Intelligent Bus Fare Management System using Naive Bayes Algorithm
S.p. Maniraj1, Anirudh sharma2, Ishika Ratnam3, Aman Kumar4

1S.P Maniraj is currently Assistant professor in Computer Science and engineering in Srmist, Chennai India.
2Anirudh Sharma, is currently pursuing Bachelors degree program in Computer Science and engineering in Srmist, Chennai India.
3Ishika Ratnam, is currently pursuing Bachelors degree program in Computer Science and engineering in Srmist, Chennai India.
4Aman Kumar, is currently pursuing Bachelors degree program in Computer Science and engineering in Srmist, Chennai India.
Manuscript received on March 15, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on March 24, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 4358-4361 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F9350038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F9350.038620

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Abstract: In India, Buses are considered to be one of the cheapest mode of Public Transportation. Everyday thousands of people travel by bus to reach their offices, Amusement park, malls etc. The project has it’s use in providing an efficient transportation system in India. We are proposing such a system due to increase in traffic in recent days and to promote for public transportation among daily travellers. In this system, we are proposing QR reader for generating bus ticket. Users can scan QR code reader and make payment instead of taking tickets from conductor. Whenever a person decides to travel from one place to another, they have to select from and to location. It will then display all the buses moving in that particuar route. The user can then select the bus whichever suits him and then it will display amount details for per person and seat gets booked for the user. Then to generate the actual ticket, the users have to scan the QR code which is placed in the bus and make the required payment. After the successful payment, the conductor and traveller gets notified through SMS. Using this application, the user can also track the location of any bus with the help of GPS (Global Positioning System) and get to know the estimated arrival time(ETA) of a particular bus. The Application reduces passenger waiting time and make their travelling smooth and efficient. Also, we are using Naive bayes algorithm for classification of various attributes such as no of tickets booked every hour, no of person travelling in day, frequency of buses moving etc. Based on these attributes we can predict the probability of Buses required in a particular route, a single person travelling number of times in a day etc and help the public transport companies in increasing the usage while reducing the operational cost.
Keywords: GPS(global positioning system), Naive Bayes Algorithm, QR Code, Fare Collection, Conductor.
Scope of the Article: Mechanical Design.