
Skolem Mean Labeling of Six Star Graphs Κ1,η1 ∪ Κ1,η2 ∪ Κ1,η3 ∪ Κ1,η4 ∪ Κ1,τ1 ∪ Κ1,τ2 where 0 ≤|∑i2=1 τi — ∑i4=1 ηi | ≤ 1
J. Vinolin1, D. S. T. Ramesh2, S. Athisayanathan3

1J.Vinolin*, 1Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
2D.S.T.Ramesh, Department of Mathematics, Nazareth Margoschis College, Pillaiyanmanai, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India.
3S.Athisayanathan, Department of Mathematics, Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Affiliated to University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nau, India.
Manuscript received on February 10, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on February 20, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 1865-1867 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F8105038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F8105.038620

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Abstract: Skolem mean labeling of Six star graphs G = Κ1,η1 ∪ Κ1,η2 ∪ Κ1,η3 ∪ Κ1,η4 ∪ Κ1,τ1 ∪ Κ1,τ2 under the condition 0 ≤|∑i2=1 τi — ∑i4=1 ηi | ≤ 1 is proved in this paper with clear explanation and examples. The aim of this paper is to discuss the 4, 2 partition of the Six star graph and to find the existence of the skolem mean labeling for the Six star graph under the given conditions with clear step by step proof.
Keywords: Mean Graphs, Skolem Mean Labeling, Skolem Mean Graphs, N – Star Graphs.
Scope of the Article: Data Management.