
Strategies for Improving Urban Fabric in Core Area of Mysore City
Shobha R.1, Shankar B.2

1Shobha R, Associate Professor in Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, University of Mysore, Mysore.
2Shankar B, Director of Institute of Development Studies and Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, University of Mysore, Mysore.
Manuscript received on March 12, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on March 25, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 3262-3267 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F7977038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F7977.038620

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Abstract: The core of historical cities in India is complex areas; having historical urban fabric symbolizing the origins of the city usually endowed with significant heritage buildings and serving as a place of identity for the entire city. The core of Mysore is one such historical and prime heritage city in India. The city is known as the ‘city of palaces’. The City of Mysore originated as a small nucleus with Ambavilas palace as the focal point and has expanded around the palace as when required. The origination point is currently the core area which is the oldest city part having many prevailing heritage buildings. The core of Mysore has historic urban fabric and exhibits unique characteristics that contribute significantly to the good imageability of the city. The core is in the phase of transformation due to rapid urbanization. The disharmonious developments have resulted in the loss historical urban fabric and character, thus tarnishing the image of the city. The methodology for the study is based on field survey adopting visual survey method for data collection by techniques like photography, diagrams or maps and analyzing various literatures to comprehend the elements of urban fabric, historic evolution, growth and development of urban core areas. The paper attempts to analyze the urban fabric of Mysore core, factors affecting and suggest strategies and measures for improving the urban fabric for conserving the character of city core. The paper also intends to emphasize on challenges of core areas undergoing constant pressure of transformation prone to consequential effects of urbanization resulting in loss of character. The proposed strategies are some of the tools and techniques that could be adopted by urban designer, planner, and local planning authorities in improving the urban fabric of core area.
Keywords: Heritage Core, Urban Fabric, Built Form, The Image of The City
Scope of the Article: Algorithm Engineering.