
Spatio-Temporal Limnological Analyses Resulting to Sustainable Development
Pradip Kumar Prusty1, Yashaswi Nayak2, Annapurna Sahoo3, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi4

1Pradip Kumar Prusty, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Mangement, Odisha, India.
2Yashaswi Nayak, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Mangement, Odisha, India.
3Annapurna Sahoo, Institute of Life Sciences, Odisha, India.
4Gagan Kumar Panigrahi*, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Mangement, Odisha, India.
Manuscript received on February 10, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on February 20, 2020. | Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. | PP: 1892-1895 | Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020. | Retrieval Number: F7790038620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.F7790.038620

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Abstract: Sustainable development in agriculture is the need of the hour. Extensive use of agrochemicals in the agricultural sector for practices like weed control, pest control, enhancing soil fertility, etc. results in a broad range of uninvited effects not only to the agricultural ecosystem but also to the human health owing to the nondegradable nature of these chemicals. This situation is alarming and of serious concern. It’s high time to curb our dependency on agrochemicals and instead search for other alternatives, most importantly keeping an eye on their environmental impact. In this prospect, eco-friendly strategies should be adopted to ensure safe and healthy agricultural products for the society. Aquaculture being one of the fastest growing food fabrication sectors, thus we majorly focused on community-based aquaculture on the regions of eastern belt of India. The present study is a diagnostic approach that demonstrates how sustainability challenges can be overcome by utilization of local resources.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Eco-friendly
Scope of the Article: Sustainable Structures.