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Improvement of Thermal Conductivity by Anodized Copper Coating
M.H. Mahmood1, Suryanto2, F.I. Haider3
1M.H. Mahmood, Department of Manufacturing and Material Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, PO Box Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2Suryanto, Department of Manufacturing and Material Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, PO Box Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3F.I. Haider, Department of Manufacturing and Material Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, PO Box Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Manuscript received on 21 March 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 02 April 2019 | Manuscript Published on 18 April 2019 | PP: 79-81 | Volume-7 Issue-6S March 2019 | Retrieval Number: F02180376S19/2019©BEIESP
Open Access | Editorial and Publishing Policies | Cite | Mendeley | Indexing and Abstracting
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: This paper presents an investigation into the effects of the anodized copper coating on the performance of heat transfer. The investigation was made by an experimental thermal test on copper pipes coated with a copper oxide. The coating was performed using anodization in oxalic acid bath contains 0.1M oxalic acid at ambient temperature and applied voltage of 9 volts. The anodized coating consisted of cupric oxide with an average grain size of 45 nm and an average thickness of 10 micrometers. Results show an enhancement of heat transfer performance after the anodized coating. The thermal resistance of anodized copper samples was less than those of the non-anodized one. The cause of the decreasing in thermal resistance after the coating was due to the increase of the heat transfer surface area. The coating increases heat transfer coefficient 10 times higher than the uncoated surfaces. This invention can contribute to developing the design of heat exchangers, by reducing the size of equipment, which considered as one of the most important Industrial challenges.
Keywords: Anodized Copper Coating; Copper; Heat Transfer; Thermal Resistance.
Scope of the Article: Heat Transfer