Secure and Multi Copy Dynamic Information Possession in Cloud System
Soumya N. S1, Divya K. S2, Deva Kumari A3, Soumya. K4, Sreeparna Chakrabarti5
1Soumya N.S, A.P, Department of Computer science and Engineering, MSEC, Bangalore.
2Divya K.S, A.P, Department of Computer science, Kristujayanti College, Bangalore.
3Deva Kumari A, A .P, Department of Computer Science, Kristujayanti College, Bengaluru.
4Soumya.K, A .P, Department of Computer science, Kristujayanti College, Bangalore.
5Sreeparna Chakrabarti, A.P, Department of Computer science, Kristujayanti College, Bangalore.

Manuscript received on January 05, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on January 25, 2020. | Manuscript published on January 30, 2020. | PP: 4234-4238 | Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020. | Retrieval Number: E6698018520/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E6698.018520

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Abstract: Smart cities are implementation of information and communication technologies. These are developing based on institutional, physical, social and economic infrastructure. Every data is organized in a secure manner in these planned cities. Client’s data is stored in Cloud servers Cloud Computing is that the net based mostly model, that permits the convenient on demand resources. More organisations are surging towards the cloud for outsourcing their sensitive data. Cloud Service Provider (CSP) can charge the client data based on their storage in the cloud server by paying fee, metered in Gigabytes/Month. For the scalability, availability and accessibility purpose, some customers want their data to be replicated in the multiple servers at the distinctive Data centers. If the customers want to store more copies of data in server, they have to pay more charges so it needs strong guarantee on CSP, that it stores all the data copies on the service contract agreement. This paper centers on a Data security of immense associations. A Mapping Based Dynamic Data possession scheme is proposed, to provide the guarantee to the customer that CSP isn’t conning by putting away just barely any duplicates of information. This plan underpins Dynamic activities on the re-appropriated data.
Keywords: Dynamic Data, Cloud Computing, Data Migration, Intrusion Detection, Outsourcing data, Data Integrity.
Scope of the Article: Cloud Computing.