Study of Seismic Effect on Different Types of Infill Walls
Parth Shah1, Roshni John2

1Parth Shah, Student, Saraswati College of Engineering, Mumbai University. Plot No.-46. Sector No.5. Kharghar. Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra), India.

2Prof. Roshni John, Professor. Saraswati College of Engineering, Mumbai University, Plot No.-46, Sector No.-5. Kharghar. Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra), India.

Manuscript received on 19 October 2023 | Revised Manuscript received on 08 December 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 November 2023 | Manuscript published on 30 January 2024. | PP: 21-25 | Volume-12 Issue-5, January 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijrte.D79501112423 | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D7950.12050124

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Abstract: The natural disaster that has occurred is an earthquake. Known to mankind for a very long time, researchers have been looking into various methods to protect the buildings ever since they were first discovered. Infill walls are one of the most significant components of the building since there was a need to limit the damage caused by it to the building, even though there are many different techniques to doing so. Infill walls are also efficient in providing stability to the building. Cladding can take the form of infill walls, which are constructed between the structural parts of a building. The structural structure offers support for the cladding system, while the cladding itself serves to partition the internal space from the outside world. Other types of cladding panels are attached to the exterior of the frame, but infill walls are installed in the spaces in between the framing components. This makes it distinct from other types of cladding panels. Although they are required to withstand wind loads imparted to the face, the infill walls that are being considered for this project are not being considered as load bearing infill walls. However, they are required to hold their own weight. In this project we will analysis the performance of a reinforced concrete building of regular plan with different kinds of infill walls using response spectrum method the structure is modelled with E- TABS software.

Keywords: Infill Walls, Response Spectrum Analysis, E-Tabs
Scope of the Article: Structural Reliability Analysis