Problems and Remedies in Writing Skill
K. Gurusamy

Dr. K. Gurusamy, Associate Professor, Department of English, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education College, Krishnankoil (Tamil Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on 05 January 2020 | Revised Manuscript received on 27 January 2020 | Manuscript Published on 04 February 2020 | PP: 6-8 | Volume-8 Issue-4S4 December 2019 | Retrieval Number: D10031284S419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D1003.1284S419
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Communication is a process through which meaning is assigned, ascertained and conveyed. It is an attempt to create shared understanding through the replication of tautologies in the universe. This process requires a vast repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, gestures, and evaluating enables collaboration and cooperation. Over time the forms and ideas about communication have evolved through the continuing progression of technology. The progression of written communication can be divided into three informative communication revolutions. First the written communication emerged through the use of pictographs. The second happened when writing began to appear on paper and other media with commonly shared writing systems, leading to the mobility in written communication. The final stage is the transfer of information through controlled waves of electromagnetic radiation and other electronic signals. Though there are several means and modes of communication process to establish meaning, it is only the written communication which has been globally recognized to be a powerful means for communicating ideas. But not everyone could communicate easily through written communication. It is hard to achieve and requires a lot of practice and patience. This paper entitled “Problems and Remedies in Writing Skills” deals with the problems that one come across in writing and also suggests some remedial measures to overcome them.
Keywords: Communication, Issues, Remedies, Writing.
Scope of the Article: Optical Communication