Influence of Leader-Member Exchange of Employees’ Affective Commitment in Saudi Arabia Universities
Rajeh Bati Almasradi1, Siti Aisyah Panatik2, Nurul Farhana Noordin3
1Rajeh Bati Almasradi, Azman Hashi International Business School,Universti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
2Siti Aisyah Panatik, School of Human Resource Development, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
3Nurul Farhana Noordin, School of Human Resource Development, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
Manuscript received on 25 November 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 04 December 2019 | Manuscript Published on 10 December 2019 | PP: 704-707 | Volume-8 Issue-3S2 October 2019 | Retrieval Number: C12251083S219/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1225.1083S219
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: The emotional attachment employees’ exhibit towards their workplaces, known as affective commitment, has a determining influence on the quality and sustainability of their performance. Employees with strong visceral attachment tend to record more successful careers. However, the quality of this emotional attachment is a function of the quality of interactions between the employees and their leaders. This study, therefore, examines the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and affective commitment (AC) in a sample of 373 administrative employees drawn from Saudi Arabian higher educational institutions. The survey data were collected were analysed using a partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. Outcomes of the analysis revealed that LMX positively and significantly affects AC. Also, the quality of the relationship between employees and their immediate managers is predicted by the level of employees’ affective commitment.
Keywords: Leader-Member Exchange, Affective Commitment, Saudi Arabia.
Scope of the Article: Social Sciences