
Enhancing the Economic Mechanism of Poultry Subcomplex of Regional Agro-industrial Complex in the Conditions of Import Substitution
A.V. Nikitin1, R.A. Smykov2 

1A.V. Nikitin, Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Internatsionalnaya Street, 101, Michurinsk, Russia, 393760.
2R.A. Smykov, Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Internatsionalnaya Street, 101, Michurinsk, Russia, 393760.

Manuscript received on 15 March 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 22 March 2019 | Manuscript published on 30 July 2019 | PP: 4648-4651 | Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019 | Retrieval Number: B3367078219/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3367.078219
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: With international sanctions and the reciprocal food import embargo in place, ensuring food supply by procurement of domestic Russian products can be addressed through the implementation of the import substitution strategy. The Tambov region, with its favourable conditions for many types of agricultural production, plays an important role in ensuring food security. Amid the recent considerable decline in the average per capita nutrition levels, Russia has significant potential for food demand growth provided an increase in real income levels and price stabilisation. This should stimulate growth in production and improved efficiency of the agro-industrial complex. The development of Russian poultry farming can play an important role in it.
Index Terms: Organisational Economic Mechanism, Poultry Subcomplex, Government Regulation, Import Substitution, Agroholding.

Scope of the Article:
Social Sciences