Smart Blood Management and Tracking System
T. Senthil Kumar1, S. Prabakaran2, Ashim Sharma3, Devvrat Vaidya4
1T. Senthil Kumar, Assistant Professor at SRM Institute of Science and Technology. (Tamil Nadu) India.
2Dr. S. Prabakaranis a Professor at SRM Institute of Science and Technology was Awarded his Ph. D in 2008. (Tamil Nadu) India.
3Ashim Sharma, UG Student Studying Computer Science Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Is Areas of Interest Are Blockchain and Java Development, (Tamil Nadu) India.
4Devvrat Vaidya, UG Student Studying Computer Science Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Is Areas of Interest Are Python, Data Science and Java Development, (Tamil Nadu) India.
Manuscript received on 02 April 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 07 May 2019 | Manuscript published on 30 May 2019 | PP: 352-357 | Volume-8 Issue-1, May 2019 | Retrieval Number: A3357058119/19©BEIESP
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley | Indexing and Abstracting
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: The blood bank management system is devised to store, process, analyse and retrieve information concerned with management and supply of blood bags. There are many discrepancies in the current blood management and tracking system such as stealing, hoarding and selling of blood packets at exorbitant rates at need of the hour which lead to unnecessary delay in treatments of the patients which in turn, sometimes leads to death of patients. This work deals with tracking and management of blood donated by an individual at blood banks and hospitals until it is used to cure a patient or disposed of after expiration. The donation, storage and usage of blood will be monitored and tracked so as to make sure that there is no inconsistency. Moreover, the blood packet would be inscribed by a QR code with information of the donor. With help of blockchain, we aim to achieve less redundancy in quest of availability of blood in blood banks. The stored blockchain database would be managed and could be only accessed by authorised user. The database would be accessible to all the hospitals which come under the umbrella of this arrangement. This technological advanced system aims to increase the efficiency, security and robustness of managing blood bags in current blood management and tracking System
Index Terms: SBMTS, Smart blood Management and Tracking System
Scope of the Article: Bio – Science and Bio – Technology