An Interactive Animated Comic of Paedophile Awareness for Children
Siti Zulaiha Ahmad1, Nur Anis Idayu Mohd Nor2, Anis Maesin3
1Siti Zulaiha Ahmad*, Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, University Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.
2Nur Anis Idayu Mohd Nor, Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, University Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.
3Anis Maesin, Academic of Language Studies, University Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.
Manuscript received on April 02, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on April 17, 2020. | Manuscript published on May 30, 2020. | PP: 332-337 | Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020. | Retrieval Number: A1501059120/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1501.059120
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Paedophile is an issue that can cause nightmare to children who have become victims as they are likely to suffer physically and emotionally for the rest of their lives. Paedophile awareness is still generally low among Malaysians, especially children, that a creative and attractive method is required to deliver the crucial message. This research focused on the integration of animated comic and interactive multimedia using storytelling elements to create awareness about paedophile. Scenes embedded with the message are put into comic form to attract children’s attention and increase their understanding. Therefore, this study aims to develop an interactive application, called ‘i-ComPedo’ (Interactive Animated Comic of Paedophile Awareness among Children. The study adapts 3-phases research activities for the research methodology, which are analysis and design, development and testing. In order to evaluate the usability of ‘i-ComPedo’, this study conducted usability that involved primary school children. The usability test revealed that 91.3% of the children perceived ‘i-ComPedo’ as an interesting, understandable, user-friendly courseware. As a conclusion, an interactive animated comic has been developed to offer a new and innovative approach in instilling awareness among children about paedophile.
Keywords: Interactive animated comic, Awareness, children, Paedophile.
Scope of the Article: Agent Architectures, Ontologies, Languages and Protocols