Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Identifying Feature Stock Price by Considering Most Influential Parameters using Prediction Methods in Indian Stock Exchange
K.Sudhakar1, S.Naganjaneyulu2

Secure Data Transmission using Goldbach Codes and RSA Algorithm
Jibendu Kumar Mantri1, Rajalaxmi Mishra2

Exploration of Opinion from Twitter Data
Nilesh Korde1, Gaurav Kawade2, Sunita Rawat3, Kavita Kalambe4, Abhijeet Thakare5

An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Dual Language Programme (DLP) among Science and Mathematics Teachers
Norazilawati Abdullah1, Kung-Teck Wong2, Noraini Mohamed Noh3, Mahizer Hamzah4, Nor Hasnida Che Md Ghazali5

Surface Absorption Characteristics of Recycled Concrete
Roshni John1, A. A. Bage2

Interval Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets and Fuzzy Connectives
V.Lambodharan1, N.Anitha2

Optimization for Interference Cancellation in MIMO-OFDM System using Modified Bat Algorithm (MBA)
Chitteti Venkateswarlu1, Nandanavanam Venkateswara Rao2

Local Homogeneity Based Morphological Operators for Segmentation of Fabric Defect via LSE
Ganta Raghotham Reddy1, S.P.Girija2

Influence of Belt Transmission Parameters on the Stiffness of the Elastic Elements of the Driven Pulley and Tensioning Roller
Dilrabo Мamatova1, Anvar Djuraev2

“Smart City” Definition and ITS Practice in India
Vinay Prakash Shrivastava1, Jagdish Singh2

Diagnosis and Prognosis of Alzheimer‟s Disease Via 3D CNN
S.Sambath Kumar1, M.Nandhini2

Effect of Ammonium Sulphate on Dielectric Properties of Soil AT X & J-Band Microwave Frequency
Syeda Ruhi Nishat1, Gulam Rabbani2, H.C. Chaudhari3, Y.H.Shaikh4

Electric Discharge in Liquids under the Effect of Vibration
Nikolay1, A. Bulychev2

Synthesis and Effect of TIO2 on Electrical Conductivity of Poly (2, 5-Dimethoxyaniline)/ TIO2 Thin Film
Maggie Dayana. A1, Victor Williams Rayar2

Design and Modeling of Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator for Wind Mills
Kalaivani M. N1, Balachander. K2

Energy Efficient Technology for Solid Waste Management in IoT-Enabled Smart City
S. M. Turkane1, Mayur D. Mhase2, C. B. Kadu3, P. S. Vikhe4

Automatic Body Fall Detection System for Elderly People using Accelerometer and Vision Based Technique
S. M. Turkane1, Swapnil J. Vikhe2, C. B. Kadu3, P. S. Vikhe4

Electrocoagulation Treatment for Removal of Color and Chemical Oxygen Demand in Landfill Leachate using Aluminum Electrode
Bharath M1, Krishna B M2, Shiva Kumar B P3

Type-2 Neuro Fuzzy Current Controlled Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive
R. Ramanjan Prasad1, G. Durga Sukumar2

Performance of Classification Algorithms for Prediction of Crop Cultivation by Reducing the Dimensionality of a Data Set
I. Rajeshwari1, K. Shyamala2

Optimization Techniques for History Matching and Production Forecasting
Giridhar Vadicharla1, Pushpa Sharma2

Sketchai: using FCNS to Extract Line ART Drawings
Raghav Jadia1, Siddharth Sampat2, Ritika Pandey3, Manohar R4, Supriya P.5

Suction Injection Induced MHD Flow through Vertical Narrow Porous Channel with Permeable Properties
L. Prasanna Venkatesh

Working of Battery Energy Storage Systems Associated to Wind Farms
Vigneshwar. C.B1, Sengottuvel. P2, Dhanasekar.J3

Bandwidth Enhanced Multislot Rectangular Patch Antenna for UWB and X Band Wireless Applications
S.Sivagnanam1, E.Gnanamanoharan2, G.Ramprabhu3, M.Monica4

Resource Based Capability and Competitive Strategy of High-Tech Ventures in Kerala
Ranjini S Nambiar1, P. Balasubramanian2

PI and PID Controller Design and Analysis for DC Shunt Motor Speed Control
Irma Husnaini1, Krismadinata2, Asnil3, Hastuti4

Impact of Electron Irradiation on Transition Temperature of Pb-Substituted Bi-2223 Superconductor
Zaahidah Atiqah Mohiju1, Nasri A. Hamid2, Yusof Abdullah3

Service Differentiated QOS Guaranteed Cross Layer Solution for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (SD-QCLS)
Vidyalakshmi K1, M.Siddappa2, B.Shanmukha3

Evaluation of Classification Accuracy with Original and Compressed Images
Vanitha Kakollu1, Chandrasekhar Reddy P2

Does Learning Style Predict Academic Performance of Engineering and Technology Students in India?
Thaddeus Alfonso1, Sharon Sophia2

Performance of Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Techniques for Attribute Based Encryption
Devendrasinh Vashi1, H B Bhadka2, Kuntal Patel3, Sanjay Garg4

Multi-Control Operation for A Remote Mesh Network
Kachi Anvesh1, B. Ravinder Goud2, M. Parameswar3, A.Venkata Srinivas4

Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Their Impact in Telecommunication Industry in India
Sukanta Saha1, Yogesh C. Joshi2

Data Analytics and Mining in Healthcare with Emphasis on Causal Relationship Mining
Sreeraman Y1, S. Lakshmana Pandian2

Influence of Granite Cutting Waste and Recycled Concrete on Properties of Self Compacting Concrete
G.Ganesh Naidu1, M.Sri Durga Vara Prasad2, N.Narendra3

Tea Leaf Disease Segmentation by using Color and Region’s Mean Based Segmentation (CRM)
P. Velmurugan1, M. Renukadevi2

Turbidity, COD and Total Suspended Solid Removal: Application of Natural Coagulant Cassava Peel Starch
Nur Shahirah Abd Rahim1, Norzila Othman2, Syarifah Nur Fahirah3, Syazwani Mohd Asharuddin4, Marlinda Abdul Malek5

Temperature Distribution in Mini Channel Heat Exchanger for the Development of a Portable Vaccine Carrier
Elmer B. Dollera1, Eliseo P. Villanueva2, Leonel L. Pabilona3, Kristian Jon A. Dotdot4, Godofredo B. Dollera, Jr.5

Recommender System for Nutrient Management Based on Precision Agriculture
G. Yogeswari1, A. Padmapriya2

The Formative Blend of Culture and Education in Entrepreneurial Development
Rodrigo Velasco

Design of Bessel High Order All Pass Filter Based on An OTRA
Vivek Bhatt1, Sandeep Khantwal2, Rahul Negi3

Financial Aspects of Local Government Reform in The Russian Federation
Olga Zinisha1, Igor Ivanenko2, Susanna Labanova3

Properties and Compatibility of Microflora for Creating Starter Cultures in Sausage Production Technology
Anton Nesterenko1, Andrey Koshchaev2, Nadezhda Kenijz3, Ruslan Omarov4, Sergei Shlykov5

Online Education & School Students: A Reality Check
Priti Verma1, Anjali Trivedi2

QUASE: AN Ontology-Based Domain Specific Natural Language Question Answering System
Vaibhav Mishra1, Nitesh Khilwani2

Ant Colony Decision Tree Method to Detect the Suspicious News
Asha Kumari1, Balkishan2

Identification of suitable Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to implement the Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Hospitality Industry
V. Jagannathan1, A. Mohammed Faisal2

A Wireless Wearable Back Angle Measurement System for Sports and Therapeutic Applications
Ramandeep Singh Chowdhary1, Mainak Basu2

Health Status of Tribals at Kallakinaru, Kodaikanal Hills, Tamil Nadu
M.Shanmugapriya1, S.N.Sugumar2

Enhancing Prediction of Prosthetic Fingers Movement Based on sEMG using Mixtures of Features and Random Forest
Wafaa N. Al-Sharu1, Ali Mohammad Alqudah2

Improving Security through Software Defined Networking (SDN): AN SDN based Model
Pradeep Kumar Sharma1, S. S. Tyagi2

Development of Black Oil Correlations for approximation of PVT properties for Integrated Production Modeling for Heera Oil Field
Ajoy Lal Dutta1, Minati Das2

A Versitile Method to Design a Three Fingered Robotic Arm using Cad and Matlab Technique
KommuriVenkatesh1, A. Purushotham2

Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries
Shivani Khanna1, Geeta Kumari2, Hemant Bhanawat3, K. M. Pandey4

Legal Politic in Providing Infrastructure in Indonesia, is Human Right Still Have Any Places?
Ricca Anggraeni1, Indah Mutiara Sari2

Low-Density Polyethylene/Calcium Ferrite Nanocomposites Films Prepared for Structural, Morphological, Mechanical and DC Conductivity Characterization
Nayeemuddin1, S A M N Quadri2

DC-DC Buck Boost Converter For Renewable and Biomedical Application based Real-Time IoT
Shwetha.M1, S.Lakshmi2

Automated Evaluation of Students’ Feedbacks using Text Mining Methods
Sartaj Ahmad1, Ashutosh Gupta2, Neeraj Kumar Gupta3

Business Intelligence using Data Mining Techniques for Salon Industry
Padma R1, Josephene Sheeba S2, Thirumurthi Raja A3

Enhanced Chaotic Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm Based PID Controller for Automatic Voltage Regulator System
G. Saravanan1, D. Sathish Kumar2, A. Mohamed Ibrahim3, C. Karthikeyan4

The Effect of Financial Compensation and Flexibility of Working Hours on Telecommuting Employee Performance
Melva Hermayanty Saragih1, Mettalia Tania2, Lidya Kartika Idris3, Yovan Prajnajaya4

The Mixed Logic Style based Low Power and High Speed One-bit Binary adder for SOI designs AT 32NM Technology
Chaitanya Kommu1, A Daisy Rani2

Data Leakage Prevention System: A Systematic Report
Sheela Gowr. P1, Kumar. N2

Power Control Schemes for Interference Management in LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks
Amandeep1, Sanjeev Kumar2, Vikas Chauhan3, Hari Saroop4

Design and Development of an Intelligent Aqua Monitoring System using Cloud Based Online Access Control Systems
Ms. Shalinee Gupta1, S S P M Sharma B2

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Initiatives in Improving the Performance of Banks with Special Reference to HDFC Bank
Chetanya Singh

Broadband and Efficient Full Wave Rectenna for Wireless Energy
Sharanbasappa B Belamgi1, Sudhabindu Ray2

Hybrid DFIG Driven Wind Turbine – Grid Systems Modeling and Control for Reliable Source
Sally El-Tawab1, Ibrahim Nassar2, Mohammed Mehanna3

Classification and Change Detection of Tirupati Urban Area using Erosion and Dilation Based PCA Transform
M.Dharani1, G.Sreenivasulu2

Interpretation and Translation of American Sign Language for Hearing Impaired Individuals using Image Processing
Shreyas Rajan1, Rahul Nagarajan2, Akash Kumar Sahoo3, M. Gowtham Sethupati4

An Efficient Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Resource Provisioning in Cloud
M. Aliyu1, M. Murali2, A. Y. Gital3, S. Boukari4

Secure Cloud Data Audit using Protocol and Digital Signature Techniques
Prakash G L1, Manish Prateek2, Inder Singh3

Joint Responsibility of the Parent Company under Obligations of Subsidiary Company
Tatiana Vitalievna Melnikova1, Yuliya Vladimirovna Shalyaeva2, Evgeny Stepanovich Shcheblyakov3, Anjelica Alisherovna Kuzhleva4

Optimization of Roller Burnishing Process for Improved Surface Finish, Electrical Conductivity and Grain Area for Al6061 Alloy
Kamesh B, Amrita.M1, V.S.N. Venkataramana2

Evaluation of HEN controllability
M.Gouda1, M.Kaoud2, S.M.Aly3, M.E.Awad4

Design and Analysis of 1×2 Circular Patch Antenna Array for 2.4 GHz Applications
Shanthi P1, Yashvi Mehul Shah2, Siddharoodha C A3

A Systematic Method for Hardware Software Codesign using Vivado HLS
Pranitha.K1, Kavya.G2

Prediction of Stock Prices using Random Forest and Support Vector Machines
S. Arun Kumar1, Abhishek Jha2, Shashank Shekhar3, Ashutosh Kumar Singh4

Cost Analysis Based Algorithm for Load Shared Multiple Induction Motor Set-up
Roopa Nayak1, Andhe Pallavi2

Integrated Secure Health Domain System using IoT
Nagarjuna Valeti1, V.Ceronmani Sharmila2

Escape Velocity backed avalanche predictor- Neural evidence from Nifty
Bikramaditya Ghosh1, Emira Kozarević2

Two-Step Verification Technique for Isolation of Black hole Attack in MANETs
A Sai Venkateshwar Rao1, Siddhartha Chauhan2

A Novel Battery Management System for Series Parallel Connected Li-Ion Battery Pack for Electric Vehicle Application
Premananda Pany

Technology Gaps among South East Asia Countries from the Perspective of Technology Achievement Index
Chyntia Ika Ratnapuri1, Tutik Inayati2

Barriers in Adoption of IFRS in Developed and Developing Economies: TIFS Framework
Mohd. Junaid Ahmad1, Mohd. Moneef Ahmad2, Anuddin3, Mohd. Ajmal4

How to Direct a Mutual-Fund Portfolio by Walking Through Common Strategies
Gangu Naidu Mandala1, Suresh Sirisetti2, Venkta Ramakrishna Rao Gandreti3, S. Anjani Devi4

SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in the Cloud
Boggula Lakshmi1, B. Madhuravani2, B. Veda Vidya3, C. Sowjanya4

Enhancing Reading Skills of Engineering Students
Shreeja Ghanta

Experimental Programme on FRC with OPC only and FRC with OPC and Mineral Admixtures
N. Sanjeev1, Katta Manoj2, T. Sampath Kumar Reddy3, T. Sairam4

Breast Cancer Classification using SVM Classifier
E. Karthikeyan1, S. Venkatakrishnan2

A Hexagonal Topological and Hop-Count based Geographic Routing Protocol for WMNS
Suraj Malik1, Paramjeet Rawat2, Rakesh Kumar3

A Novel Video Game Recommender System using Content Based Filtering -Vidya
Krishna Chythanya. N1, Krishna Bhargavi. Y2, A. B. Rohan3

Machine Learning Based Network Anomaly Detection
Mohammad Kazim Hooshmand1, Doreswamy2

Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Solar Power Prediction by Environmental Features for Indian Railway Stations
Sanjeev Kumar Sukalikar1, S.R. Awasthi2

Count Vectorized Spam and Ham Discernment of Short Message Service using Machine Learning Classification
M. Shyamala Devi1, Kamma Rahul2, Manubolu Satheesh3, Koruprolu Rajasekhar4, Pittala Ganesh Kumar5

Elderly Protection and Empowerment Towards Elderly Healthy, Independent, Quality, Creative and Productive
Yatty Maryati

Dispositional Resistance to Change and User Resistance Behaviour to Use Human Resources Information Systems in the Healthcare Sector: The Moderating Role of Conscientiousness
Abdulrahman Al Shikhy1, Zafir Mohamed Makhbul2, Zainab Ali Rawshdeh3, Rasidah Arshad4, Khairul Anuar Mohd Ali5

Socio-Cultural and Economic Impact of Kochi-Muziris Biennale
Sujith A S1, Asha John2

Detection of Microbial Activity in Raw Milk
Balambigai Subramanian

EEG Correlates of Visual Signal Processing: Spectral Decomposition using ICA
Vamsi Krishna Vadla1, Ramesh Naidu Annavarapu2

Experimental Design and Implementation of IT2FL-controlled BLDCM Based on LabVIEW™
Hayder Yousif Abed1, Amjad J. Humaidi2, Abdulrahim Thiab Humod3, Ayad Q. Al-Dujaili4

Image Completion using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Priyadharshini C1, S.Usha Kiruthika2, Karan Poddar3, Karthikeyan V4, Balaji Babu5

Automatic Source Code Summarization using Semantics and Stereotypes
Chitti Babu.K1, Sethukarasi.T2

Diversification and its Role in Improving Hotel Industry Businesses Competitiveness
Natalia Goryushkina1, Lyudmila Petrova2, Tamara Khudyakova3, Nadezhda Tchuykova4, Nadezda Klimovskikh5, Natalia Voinova6

Market Segmentation of Buying Behavior of Consumers of Health Care Products in Chandigarh India
Geeta Kumari1, Varsha2, K. M. Pandey3

Magnetohydro Dynamic Steady Flow Between Two Parallel Porous Plates of a Viscous Fluid Under Angular Velocity with Inclined Magnetic Field
R. Delhi Babu1, S. Ganesh2, V. Yuvaraj3

Experimentation of Emission Control on a Four Stroke Diesel Engine using an Eco-Friendly Silencer with Excess Air
A. Dhanalakshmi1, M. Suresh2, A. Ravinthiran3, P. Pradeep kumar4, A. Saleem5

Radio Reciprocal Membership Function on Cycle Related Graphs
S. Antony Vinoth1, T. Bharathi2

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to Predict the Viewability of any Page Depth for any Given Dwell Time
B. Syamala1, G.Surekha2, Prabhu Mydukuri3

Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to Develop IS Strategic Planning
Wahyu Sardjono1, Ivan Alexander2, Widhilaga Gia Perdana3

User Satisfaction Affecting Factors in the Online Trading Systems
Wahyu Sardjono1, Muhammad Savin2

Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation in Government Organization
Wahyu Sardjono1, Mohammad Savin2

Emotional Intelligence Training Workshop and its Impact on Employee Performance: an Empirical Evaluation
Divya Goel

The Various Methods on Early Stage Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
Mrutyunjaya1, Sarika Raga2

Bio-Oil from Coconut Shells
Sasikumar . C1, Sundaresan . R2, Nagaraja . M3, Sivahari Shankar.M.S4, Karthikeyan . S5

Early Stage in Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Through Screening and Diagnosis
Che Ku Nuraini Che Ku Mohd1, Helmi Adly Mohd Noor2, Faaizah Shahbodin3, Suriawati Suparjoh4, Aliza Che Amran5

Effect of Sliding Velocity and Normal Applied Load on Wear Behavior of Al-Ti- Sic Composites for Automobile Brake Pad System Under Dry Sliding Condition

Fuzzy-DSM for Evaluating City-Forest Governance in Indonesia
Ditdit Nugeraha Utama1, Safira Aulia Fadhillah2, Gerry Ikhtiyar3, Fazrin Al Banjari4

Social Entrepreneurship Among Students with Disabilities for Special Education Community using Digital Technology
Che Ku Nuraini Che Ku Mohd1, Faaizah Shahbodin, Nurulizwa Abdul Rashid2, Zanariah Jano3, Samer Ali Hussein Al-Shami4

Disease Prognosis by Machine Learning Over Big Data from Healthcare Communities
M.Rajeswari1, A.Chandrasekar2, Nasiya PM3

Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Grey Wolf Optimizer Method
Krunalkumar J. Gandhi1, Nitin J. Patil2

Fuzzy Positive Implicative and Fuzzy Associative WI-Ideals of Lattice Wajsberg Algebras
C. Shajitha Begum1, A. Ibrahim2

Factors Influencing the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia by using the Revised UTAUT Model
Mohammed A Sabri Alrawi1, Ganthan Narayana Samy2, RCM Yusoff3, B. Shanmugam4

Experimental Research on Strength Properties of Concrete (M60) Partially Fine Aggregate Replaced with Waste Crushed Glass
G.Lalitha1, C.Sashidhar2, C.Ramachandrudu3

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Detection using Circumventing Ant Colony Optimization based Convolutional Neural Network
B.Ramya1,V.Uma Rani2

A Novel Authentication Mechanism for Cognitive Radio Network
B.Sarala1, S.Rukmani Devi2, M.Suganthy3, S.Jhansi Ida4

Getting Graft Cellulose Copolymers and Acrylic Monomers
Rafikov A.S.1, Nabiev N.D.2, Karimov S.Kh.3, Ibodulloev B.Sh.4, Mirzayev N.B.5

Discovering Constraint-based Sequential Patterns from Medical Datasets
M. Y. Alzahrani1, Fokrul A. Mazarbhuiya2

An Efficient Neural Network Model by Weight Roll Algorithm
Siddhartha Dhar Choudhury1, Kunal Mehrotra2, Christhu Raj3, Rajeev Sukumaran4

Improving the Performance of Antnet Protocol using Performance Measures Modeling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
T. Sudhakar1, H. Hannah Inbarani2

Optimization Technique for Approximate High Impact of Node Density for Two Hop Relay Manets
Meerasharif Sheik1, Bobba Basaveswara Rao2

Performance and Micro Structural Analysis of Portland Slag Cement Mortar Induced with Pozzolanic Additives
P.Raja Priya1, V.Kannan2

Extended Advanced Method of Clustering Big data to achieve high dimensionality
N.Sree Ram1, M.H.M.Krishna Prasad2, K.Satya Prasad3

V-Groove Shape Effect on Tensile Strength of Metal Inert Gas Aluminum to Steel Welding Process
M. F. M. Roslan1, A. I. M. Shaiful2, A.E. Beleed3, M. N. B. Omar4, S. Illias5

Optimal River Interlinking using Data Driven Machine Learning Techniques
Amitabha Nath1, Lalhmingliana2, Goutam Saha3

Culinary Influence on Bengaluru as a Tourism Destination
Usha Dinakaran1, Sushil Dwarkanath2

Benchmarking of Graph Partitioning Tools and Techniques
Anuja Bokhare1, P S Metkewar2

“Monitoring of Anthracene & Benzo(e)Pyrene (PAHs) in Ambient Air of Meerut Area of NCR & Purification of Air by Yagyaroma”
Nidhi Rani1, Abhishek Kumar Singh2

Soft Computing Techniques for Weather Change Predictions in Delhi
Jibendu Kumar Mantri1, Suvendra Kumar Jayasingh3

Impact of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana on the Productivity of Youth in Gwalior Region, India
Mini Agrawal1, K.S. Thakur2

OpenCV libraries for Benzene Image Processing Applications using Python Programming
Vimal Babu U1, Ramakrishna M2, Nagamani M3, Sandeep Kumar4

Toponomic Analysis of World Countries: Degree of Learning, Toponimic Classification and Natural Geographical Aspects ( Examples of European Countriyes)
Khusnudin Bayqabilov1, Asqar Nigmatov2, Mirali Mirackmalov3, Nurbol Karakulov4

Design and Analysis of Progressive Die for Chain Link Plate
Ahmad Razlee bin Ab Kadir1, Nurul Na’imy Wan2, Baizura binti Zubir3, Muhamad Muzaffar bin Mansor4, Pranesh Krishnan5

Design and Analysis of Punch and Die of a Micro Blanking Tool
Ahmad Razlee bin Ab Kadir1, Nurul Na’imy Wan2, Mohamad Sazali bin Said3, Baizura binti Zubir4, Muhammad Zulhusni bin Ibrahim5, Pranesh Krishnan6

Design and Analysis of Stage Progressive Die for a Sheet Metal Component
Ahmad Razlee Ab Kadir1, Mohd Zaki Bin Abdul Razak2, Norzalina bt. Othman3, Muhammad Izham Arief Mohd Sani4, Pranesh Krishnan5

Difficulties of Apprehensivness Concerning the Concepts of Chemical Thermodynamics Basis Related to the Evaluation of the Practices: Case about Students First Chemical Year at Ben M’Sik Faculty of Science
Tamani Soumia1, Radid Mohamed2, Talbi Mohammed3

Wired Sensor Systems for Water Quality Monitoring
Minu.M.S1, Priyanka Kumari2, Aniket Kumar Singh3, Avinash Singh4

Enhancing Talent Management through Competency Mapping in Higher Education Province
Manne Neelima Chaudhary1, A. Geetha2

Tourism Destination Competitiveness in UAE: The Role of Strategic Leadership and Strategic Planning Effectiveness
Hamad Ali Salem Mahdi Alseiari1, Gamal S. A. Khalifa2, Amyia Bhaumick3

Farm Mechanization and its Behavioral Effects on Displaced Rice Workers of Region III
Emelita C. Kempis

Enhancement of Power Quality Using Fast Acting Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
Vipin Kumar Mishra1, Ritula Thakur2

Impact of „Smart Applications of IoMT (Internet of Medical Things)‟ on Health-Care Domain in India
Arunangshu Giri1, Satakshi Chatterjee2, Pradip Paul3, Smita Chakraborty4, Swatee Biswas5

Measuring the Impact of Statistical Techniques for Computation of Weighting Factors in Avalanche Forecasting Model
Neha Ajit Kushe1, Ganesh M. Magar2

Design of Low Power and High Speed Decoder and Priority Encoder using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor for Binary Content Addressable Memory Array
A. Gangadhar1, K. Babulu2

Career Development Conundrum of Educational Institutions – An Introspection of Student Talent Management
V. Mohana Sundari1, Challapalli Praseeda2

Composite Material Robot Manipulator with Joint Flexibility- Mode and Mode Shape Simulation
Ramalingam S1, Rasool Mohideen S2, Sridhar P S3

Technology Management: Strategic Model for Developing Nations
S C Jain

Framework for Hybrid Book Recommender System based on Opinion Mining
Anil Kumar1, Sonal Chawla2

A Solution to Cartpole using Neural Networks and Tensorflow
Nishad Sandilya1, P Vinoth Kumar2

Vulnerability Tracking in Cloud using Encryption
K. Srinivas Rao1, CH. Anil2, E. N. Vijaya Kumari3, Y. Bhavitha4

Influence of Expansive Agent on the Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties of Gypsum Plaster
Raja M.A1, Sophia M2

Modeling and Simulation of Disturb and Detect Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Standalone Solar System
Amr Refky1, Hamdy Abd El-Halim2

DM3730 Processor Hardware Debugging on Linux Platform
K.Yadaiah1, Vijayalaxmi Biradar2

Social Media Use (SMU) for Teaching and Learning in Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim Youssef Alyoussef1, Mahdi M Alamri2, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi3

Efficient Denoising by Feature Recovery from Residual Noise in Spatial Domain
Amina Girdher1, Bhawna Goyal2, Ayush Dogra3, Anaahat Dhindsa4, Sumit Budhiraja5

Multilevel Prioritization based Effective and Reliable Communication Model for Vehicular Network
Kavita1, Gagandeep2

Endoscopy Modified Fully Convolutional Neural Network for CA Design
E. Srinivasarao1, Ch. Raghava Prasad2

Applicability of Inspirations from Nature and Wisdom from Vernacular Architecture in Synergy with AI for Design of Sustainable Buildings
Gaurav Singh1, Manoj Kumar2, Bhavesh Joshi3, Shailendra Kumar4, Anjani Kumar Shukla5

Challenges of the Indonesian Bureaucracy in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Capt Gusrah1, Bahtiar2, Alfian, Darwis3, Yusriadi Yusriadi4

An Efficient and Effective Forest Surveillance System to Prevent Malicious Activities using LoRa
Chandra.B1, S. Usha Kiruthika2, Dinesh Kumar.S3, Anish.S4, Kabilesh.E5

Appropriate Green Materials for Affordable Building Construction in Nigeria
Shogo Musbau Adeniyi1, Sarajul Fikri Mohamed2, Moronfoye Sikiru Ademola3

Tracking of Potholes and Measurement of Noise and Illumination Level in Roadways
Judy Simon1, S. M Shyni2, M. Mayuri3, R. S Rajam4

Processing and Testing of Epoxy Polymer Composites using Tender Palm Shoot Fiber and Aluminium Particles as Hybrid Reinforcements
V. Thulasikanth1, T.Geethapriyan2, R.L. Deepak3, K B. Puranjay4, K. Hemanth Reddy5

FQ-BF: An Efficient Forwarding and Query Optimization Framework based on Bloom Filters in NDN
Arshdeep Singh1, Gurjit Singh Bhathal2

The Improvement of Employees’ Performance in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhammad Rakib1, Henni Zainal2, Syurwana Farwita3, Yusriadi Yusriadi4

Smart Reserved Parking System using Internet of Things (IoT)
S.Muthamil Selvan1, Richard Roy2, Leo Deepak3, Sanjay Kumar. S4

IOT Based Gesture Recognition for Smart Controlling
Ketki P. Kshirsagar1, Rajeshree Rokade2, Dhanapal Kamble3

Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network using Cross-Layer Design
Manisha R. Dhage1, Srikanth Vemuru2

Hand Gesture Robot Car using ADXL 335
T.Chandraleka1, Blasubramaniam R2, Balasubramanian S3, Karthikeyan S4, Jayaraj R5

Photovoltaic Pumping System Fed by DC-DC Push Pull Converter
N.Chandrasekaran1, A.Karthikeyan2

Complexities in Implementing the Frame Work of E-Governance Plan of Indian Government in using with Developmental for Tamilnadu Citizens- By using Data Mining Methods
Jayachandran.S1, K.Nirmala2

Effect of Lightweight Waste-Based Aggregate on Lightweight Concrete
Salmia Beddu1, Zakaria Che Muda2, Daud Mohamad3, Agusril4, Sivakumar Naganathan5, Fadzli Mohamed Nazri6, S N Sadon7, M Hanafi8

E.B.C.D Apps
Umi Hanim Mazlan1, Mohamad Faizzudin Mohamad2, Wan Saiful’Azzam Wan Ismail3, Raihana Zainordin4, Nurul Hidayah Ab Raji5

The Effect of Financial Distress, Debt Default and Audit Tenure on Going Concern Opinion
Bambang Leo Handoko1, Mahdi Kusuma2

Process Development for the Value Addition of Banana Central Core (Pseudo Stem)
D.Tiroutchelvame1, M.M. Pragalyaashree2, Dayanand Peter3

Air Traffic Forecasting using Time Series Models
Manohar Dingari1, D. Mallikarjuna Reddy2, V. Sumalatha3

Targeting and Design Procedure for Water-using Networks with Single Contaminant
Mai Mohamed Refaat1, Said Ali2, Mustafa Awad3

Optimizing Energy Utilization in Ant Based Multipath Routing
Jaideep Atri1, Shuchita Upadhyaya2

A Numerical Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations Arising in Astrophysics
Z. A. Zaki1, Naeem Ahmad2, Marwa I. Ghonamy3, F. A. Abd El-Salam4, A. M. Azam5

Topology Optimization of Automotive Gear using Fea
Mit Patel1, Hadiya Valiulla2, Vinay Khatod3, Bhavin Chaudhary4, Vikas Gondalia5

Factors of E- Learning among Rural People of Cuddalore Region

Automated Date Fruits Sorting Machine using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Kumaravel. G.1, Ilankumaran. V.2, Suaad Abdullah Al Maqrashi3, Manar Khalifa Saif Al Yaaqubi.4

Reference Evapotranspiration Assessment Techniques for Estimating Crop Water Requirement
N. Seenu1, R M Kuppan Chetty2, Taarun Srinivas3, K M Adithya Krishna4, Ashish Selokar5

E-Business Innovation Model of Setiu Wetland Resources for Women Entrepreneurship Program
Mustafa Man1, Wan Aezwani Wan Abu Bakar2, Suriyani Muhamad3, Noraida Hj Ali4, Masita@Masila Abd. Jalil5

Evaluating the Performance of Daylighting Inside Interior Spaces of Historic and Ancient Buildings for Identifying Strategies of Designing Facade Openings of Future Buildings
Abdullah Haredy

The Impact of Environmental Policies That Influence Job Market
Noor Mala Othman1, Adib Farhan Zaime2, Lai Chee Sern3, Azman Hasan4, Salina Md. Said5, Anies Faziehan Zakaria6, Lee Ming Foong7

Enhanced Support Vector Machine Based Leukaemia Cancer Classification
T. Preethi1, D. Maheswari2

Automation Anywhere Tool for Student University Result
Vinod Mane1, Ashwini Abhale2, Sumit Khandelwal3, Preeti Patil4

Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth Utilizing Panel Co-Integration
Ayushi Raichoudhury

MP-K-Means: Modified Partition Based Cluster Initialization Method for K-Means Algorithm
Manoj Kumar Gupta1, Pravin Chandra2

Retention of Andhra Telecom Circle GSM Mobile Subscribers
Dasari Siloyam1, Rajesh C. Jampala2

Quality of Service of New Generation Banks in Vellore District
V.S. Sivapprakash1, S.Venkatesh2

Contemporary India’s Social Structure in Select Novels of Aravind Adiga and Application of Interactive English Language Learning System
J. Hilda Malar1, R.Venkatraman2, J. Amutha Monica3

Managerial Entrepreneurial Competencies Required By Technical College Students: Pilot Test
Abubakar Ibrahim Muhammad1, Yusri Bin Kamin2, Nur Husna Binti Abd.Wahid3, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi4

The Interrelationship Between Controlled and Uncontrolled Factors Affecting The Percentage of Value Added of Wheat To GDP In Egypt
Doaa Wafik Nada1, Assem Tharwat2

Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient Power Gated MALFA Cell
K. Murugan1, S. Baulkani2

Cold Chain Monitoring System for Vaccine using Iot
Kishore Kumar K1, Balaji S.M2, Yeshwanth M3, Pavan Teja N4

Experimental Analysis of Natural Sand with Crushed Sand of M20 Concrete Mix
Imam Korabu1, Chetan Pise2

Partial Replacement of Cement With Combination of Alccofine and Marble Dust for Development of Sustainable Concrete
Revati P. Sawant1, Sudhanshu Pathak2, Sachin Mane3

Anatomization of Cost and Time Control Factors in Construction
Helis Joseph Prem F1, Mahalakshmi Mathivanan2

An Empirical Note on Delhi Weather Effects in the Indian Stock Market
Chinnadurai Kathiravan1, Murugesan Selvam2, Marxia Oli. Sigo3, Indulekha K4

Problems Face by Cosmetic Product towards Online Purchasingin Nagercoil
K. Dhanalakshmi1, I. Samuel Sundar Singh2

Predicting Indian Stock Prices through Sentiment Score and Data Mining Techniques
Govind S1, Narayanan Prasanth2, Sureshkumar WI3, Balamurugan R4

An Intelligent Energy Management Frame Work using Fuzzy Logic for Grid Connected Hybrid Energy System
V. Dega Rajaji1, K.Chandra Sekhar2

Experimental and Numerical Delving Of Full Spiral Shell and Tube EGR Cooler
Jayant H. Bhangale1, Ajay L. Krishnani2

Complex Multipliers: Implementation using Efficient Algorithms for Signal Processing Application
Aniket Kumar1, R.P. Agarwal2

Ensemble Classification Model for Diabetes Prediction in Data Mining
Munendra Kumar1, Anuj Kumar2

Corporate Social Responsibility: An Indian Perspective
Ganga R Menon1, N Madhava Menon2

The Reader’s Scrutiny Towards the English Usage of “The Hindu”
C. R. Marcelin Vasantha1, V. Manimozhi

Renewable Energy from Cooking Stove Waste Heat Energy using Thermoelectric Generator for Night Market Application
Mohd Arizam bin Abdul Wahap1, Mohammad Haidir bin Maslan2, Mohd Sharimienizam bin Harun3, A Shamsul Rahimi bin Subki4, Sharizal bin Saat5

An Implementation of Harmonic Suppression in 3 Φ Inverter using SVPWM
M.Selvaperumal1, D.Kirubakaran2

Eugenia Jambolana Lam. Seed as an Adsorbent: Evaluation of Adsorptive Characteristics for Cr (VI) from Aqueous Solution
Nitish Gupta

Fully Automatic Solar Powered Oil-Water Separation System for Grease Trap Controlled by Arduino: A Conceptual Design
Mohamed Saiful Firdaus Hussin1, Halyani Mohd Yassim2, Azrul Abidin Zakaria3, Ridhwan Jumaidin4, Muhd Ridzuan Mansor5, Mastura Mohammad Taha6

Enhancement Open Circuit Voltage of Calcium Titanate AR Coated Magnesium Solar Cell
K.Kathirvel1, S.Selvakumar2, S.Dhamotharan3, G.Bharath4, M.Sivaraman5

GWO-SA: A Novel Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer-Simulated Annealing algorithm for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Problems
Vikram Kumar Kamboj

Women Economic Empowerment through Multiple Enterprises in India
Asoke Howlader1, Sidhartha Sankar Laha2, Arindam Modak3

Evaluation Program for the Career Development of Indonesian Navy Civilian Personnel using the Cipp Evaluation Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp)
Acep Maksum1, Muchlis R. Luddin2, Fahmi Idris3

Economic Growth and Unemployment Nexus in USA
Asoke Howlader1, Sidhartha Sankar Laha2, Arindam Modak3

Recent Analysis of Green Energy Technology (GET) for Telecom Applications
S.Sivarajan1, S.Manikandan2, T.Rajeshkumar3, R.Ranadheer Reddy4

The Impact of Feature Selection Methods for Classifying Arabic Textual Data
Mohammad Abu-Arqoub1, Ghassan F. Issa2, Wael M. Hadi3

Multi-Objective Optimization of Laboratory Technicians Scheduling using Binary Genetic Algorithm
Antoni Wibowo1, Filbert Ivander2

Automatic Sarcasm Detection with Textual and Acoustic Data
Steve Michael1, Amalia Zahra2

Impediments and Solutions in the Process of GST Registration of Restaurants in Hyderabad
Bharti Sharma1, Rakhi Arora2, Manmohan Singh3

Youtube Video Ranking: A NLP based System
Selvakumar K1, Rajesh M2, Eshwar S3, Shraveen BS4

Improved Text Mining Algorithm for Fault Detection using Combined D-Matrix
Ashish P. Ramdasi1, K. M. Mehata2

Critical Assessment of a PV Utility Tied System using P&O MPPT Technique under Dynamic Loaded Conditions
Sunny Vaish1, Deepika Bhalla2, Akhil Gupta3

Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Affective Commitment of Employees in the Service Sector
Rekha Aranha1, Maria Thomas2, Avil Saldanha3

Effect of Perforation Shapes on the Heat Transfer Characteristic of Perforated Fins
Chandra Kumar Dubey1, Anand Kumar Singh2, Shailendra Sinha3

Mutual Browser Conflicts Disclosure
Chandra Prakash Patidar1, Meena Sharma2

Efficient Energy Management System using Zigbee f or Residential Application
Shyni S.M1, Abitha Memala W2, Bhuvaneswari C.3, Judy Simon4

Bayesian Compressive Sampling Based Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network using Wavelet Transform
Rohit Nigam1, Santosh Pawar2, Manish Sharma3

Performance of Various ICA Algorithms for an Electrocardiogram Signal
S.Balambigai Subramanian

Applying Unsupervised Machine Learning in Continuous Integration, Security and Deployment Pipeline Automation for Application Software System
Deepak Raj D S1, Swarnalatha P2

Drought Forecasting using Wavelet-GMDH Model with Standardized Precipitation Index
Mohammed Salisu Alfa1, Ani Bin Shabri2, Muhammad Akram Shaari3

Intelligent Assistive System for Visually Disabled Persons
G.A.E.Satish Kumar1, M. Munindhar2

Trend Related To Compensation among Different Industries
Nimmi Agarwal1, Prashant Kumar Pandey2, Praveen Kumar Pandey3

Performance Assessment of Green Rated Built Environment using Post Occupancy Evaluation
S.G. Sonar1, R.V. Nalawade2

Antecedents of Offline Impulsive Buying Behaviour
Annie John1, R Rathidevi2, Jain Mathew3

Enterprise Resource Planning for Indonesian Insurance Company
Natanael Alamas1, Marcelina Anggraeni2

Data Aggregation and Terror Group Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
S P Maniraj1, Deep Chaudhary2, Vankayala Hari Deep3, Vishesh Pratap Singh4

Methodology for Optimization of Road Works Schedule According to Local Climatic Data
Grigorios Papageorgiou1, Nikolaos Alamanis2, Nikolaos Xafoulis3

Swindling Shonky Anatomization of Credit Card Transactions using Machine Learning
M. Shyamala Devi1, Nariboyena Vijaya Sai Ram2, Aravapalli Sai Vamshi3, Basyam Bharath4, Mallangi Surya Prakash Reddy5

Reservoir Performance Prediction using Integrated Production Modelling (MBAL Software)
Prathmesh Sapale1, Vishesh Bhadariya2, Ashok Kumar Achari N3, Nitesh Paliwal4, Vandavasi Sreeharsha5

Removal of Dye from Textile Industry Dyeing Effluent using Adsorption and Coagulation Methods
Ashok Kumar Popuri1, Bangaraiah Pagala2

Removal of Heavy Metal (Chromium) From Aqueous Solution using Acacia Arabica Wood (Black Babul)

Removal of Arsenic using Low Cost Biosorbent Tamarind Bark
Pagala Bangaraiah1, Popuri Ashok Kumar2

Development of Ambient Stable Retort Pouch Processed Ramasseri Idli
Krishnaprabha1, K.P. Sudheer2, N. Ranasalva3, S. Rajani4, P.R. Rohitha5

To Interpret Rate Transient Analysis for the Determination of Reservoir Properties
Nitesh Paliwal1, Prathmesh Sapale2, Vishesh Bhadariya3, Shreeharsha Vandavasi4

Effect of Different Thermal and Non-Thermal Treatments on Total Phenols and Antioxidant Content of Soybean
Rahul Kumar1, Pavuluri Srinivasa Rao2

Simulation of Microwave Assisted Finish Drying and Inactivation of Escherichia Coli, Bacillus Cereus and Staphylococcus Aureus of Onion Powder
Sandeep Singh Rana1, K.V.S. Madhuri2, N. Pravallika3

Cotton Fabrics Treatment With Gallnut Extract (Terminalia Chebula) For Improving Color Fastness Of Alizarin Dye
Siva Jagadish Kumar1, B. Venkatesh2, Ch. Govardhana Rao3, M. Ramesh Naidu4

Preparation of Barium Titanate from Barite Ore of Andhra Pradesh
T. Subbaiah1, H. Gunti2, N. Krishnajyothi3, T. V. Rama Krishna4, P. Nagalakshmi

Feasibility Of Metal Biosorption Using Gulmohar (Delonix Regia) Tree Leaves Power: Effect Of Biosorption Structure On Adsorption Isotherms And Kinetics
Sumalatha. B1, Venkat Narayana. A2, Ch. Raja Babu3, Divya Sruthi. P4, Rohith. P5, P. Vijetha6

Service Design Inputs for Hotel Businesses
Dhritiman Chanda1, D.Ghose2

Innovative And Environmental Aspects Of State Regulation Of Environmental Management
Vladimir Kozlov1, Andrey Goncharov2, Dmitry Malinichev3, Olga Isabekova Elena Odinokova4, Konstantin Kolyazov5

Predicting Student Academic Performance with Ensemble Classification Method on Imbalanced Educational Data
E Deepak Chowdary1, V Lakshmi Prasanna2, V Vamsi Krishna T3, Gokul Yenduri4

Vulnerability Assessment of Web Applications using Penetration Testing
Gitanjali Simran T1, Sasikala D2

Position and Function of Region Representative Council in The Framework of Region Economic Resources Based on Article 22D, The Constitution of Republic of Indonesia
Iwan sandi Panggarso1, Ismi Rajiani2

The used of the Boosted Regression Tree Optimization Technique to Analyse an Air Pollution data
Noor Zaitun Yahaya1, Zul Fadhli Ibrahim2, Jamaiah Yahaya3

Dynamic Capability of Private Universities: The Role of Middle Managers
Sukaris1, Sri Hartini2, Dien Mardhiyah3, Ismi Rajiani4, Budiyono Pristyadi5

Antecedents Behavioral of The Millennial Generation Financial Management
Sukaris, Al Kusani1, Anita Handayani2, Ismi Rajiani3, Asep Saepuloh4

Optimization of the FDM Process Parameters to Attain the Desired Strength of ABS Specimens
Chetty Nagaraj1, Debashis Mishra2, Tulasi Tirupati3

Status of Village Regulations in the Indonesian Legislation System
Dodi Jaya Wardana1, Ismi Rajiani2

Alternate Sexuality as a theme in Mahesh Dattani’s Play ‘On a Muggy Night in Mumbai’
Shanice Anne Thomas1, S. Sushma Raj2, Ganeswara Rao3

Prediction of Sugarcane Yields from Field Records using Regression Modeling
Shivani S. Kale1, Preeti S. Patil2

Consumer Neuroscience and its Application in Marketing
M.Raghuvaran1, S. Gomathi2

Secret Image Sharing using 2-Pixel Visual Cryptography Encryption
Priyanka Diggavi1, R.N.Kulkarni2

Hybrid Method of Document Image Encryption using ECC and Multiple Chaotic Maps
Revanna C R1, Keshavamurthy C2

Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification
Vignesh Janarthanan1, A.Viswanathan2, M. Umamaheswari3

Quantitative Model for the Systematic Evaluation of Standard Form of Civil Engineering Contract
Sim Nee Ting1, Chee Khoon Ng2

Various Methods for Object Detection Based on Deep Learning
Arlin Maria Scari1, Neena V V2

A Proposed Budgeting Planning Model for Bimodal Transportation in a Phosphate Supply Chain
Yassine Azougagh1, Khalid Benhida2, Said Elfezazi3, Noureddine, Dahmani4

Development of Hybrid Contact Mode Triboelectric and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester
M K Azwan1, H Salleh2

Parallel Semi-Supervised Big Data Clustering Based on Mapreduce Technology
Amsaveni M1, Duraisamy S2

A Novel Fuzzy Based Assessment Method for Learning Outcomes
Binu Thomas

Performance Evaluation of Stress Concentration Factor for Shoulder Fillet on Round Bar under Bending Loading
Hiren Prajapati1, Bhavesh Patel2

Water Level Monitoring using Blynk Application in IoT
C.Navaneethan1, S.Meenatchi2

Prioritized Retransmission: A TCP Flow Control Mechanism
Avanish Kumar1, Dharamdas Kumhar2

Improving Fuzzy Network Models For the Analysis of Dynamic Interacting Processes in the State Space
Rami Matarneh1, Irina Tvoroshenko2, Vyacheslav Lyashenk3

Intelligent Predicting Learning Disabilities in School Going Children Using Fuzzy Logic K Mean Clustering in Machine Learning
Margaret Mary. T1, Hanumanthappa. M2, Sangamithra A3

Fusion of brain MRI and CT images and Classification of brain tumor using Machine Learning Algorithm
Jayasheela M1, Gomathi E2

Spatiotemporal Monitoring and Prediction of Land Use Integrating the Markov Chain and Cellular Automata in the Coastal Chaouia
H. Souidi1, L. Ouadif2, L. Bahi3, N. Habitou4

A Model of Factors Affecting Vocabulary Education Methods Employed at Saudi School in Malaysia
Aizan Yaacob1, Aspalila bt. Shapii2, Alobaisy Ayman Saad3, Alhuseen Omar Alsayed4, Nabil Hasan Al-kumaim5, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi6, Hussein Abualrejal7, Qusay Al-Maatouk8

Exploiting Solar Thermal Energy in Ammonia Synthesis Plant
M. Dmarany1, M. H. M. Hassanien2, Alaa-Eldin Adris3

Mobile Banking – An Answer to Financial Inclusion in Hilly Rural India
Anil Mehta1, Deepankar Chakrabarti2, Rajeev Srivastava3, Ranjeet Mehta4

Electronic Braille Alphabet Reader for Multilanguage
Khajavali Kovvuru1, D. Jaya Kumar2, S. Nanda Kishore3

Intelligent Traffic Management using RFID Technology
Vijayaraman P1, P Jesu Jayarin2

Distance From File Tip to Apical Constriction/Apical Foramen in Relation To Numeric Scale Reading on Display of Two Electronic Root Canal Length Determining Devices
Paras Mull Gehlot1, Upendranatha Reddy2, Sowmya Halasabalu Kalgeri3, Annapoorna B M4

Design and Development of a Voice Actuated Hospital Bed for Patient Care
Kajol H1, Shaik Junaid2, Shubham Jain3, Anuja Chaudhary4, Prajwal K T5

Vulnerabilities to Internet of Things and Current State of the Art of Security Architecture
Md. Forhad Rabbi1, Ashique Jubayer2, Syed Montasir Hossain3

Refractance Window Drying: An Innovative Drying Technique for Heat Sensitive Product
S. V. Karadbhajne1, V.M. Thakare2, N.B. Kardile3, S.M. Thakre4

Performance Evaluation of Thermal-Hydro Hybrid system with Wind Energy Storage system
Krishan Arora1, Ashok Kumar2, Vikram Kumar3

Experiments for calculating Properties of Distilled Water from Solar Still and Potable water from Reverse Osmosis Process
T.Ganesh1, A.Ravinthiran2, S.Santhosh3, M.Kannan4, B.Dinesh Kumar5

Color Removal and COD Reduction of Organic Effluent Stream from a Petrochemical Plant
Swati Jain1, Priyadarshini Lenka2, Pujan Vaishnav3, Jinali Shah4, Ajay Joshi5

Endoscopic Video Pre-Processing using Histogram Equalization and Canny Edge Detection Technique and Hough Transform Technique for Polyp Detection
Nagesh B S1, N P Kavya2

An Efficient VLSI Design of AES Cryptography in Memory Implementation
Bijjam.Swathi1, Manchalla. O.V. P.Kumar2, G.Marlin Sheeba3, M.Kiran4, Y.Sudarsana Reddy5

Design of Low Power, High Gain Fully Differential Folded Cascode Operational Amplifier for Front End Read Out Circuits
Gaurav Sharma1, Sushma Reddy2, Anil Kumar Bhardwaj3, Arvind Rehalia4, Sumeet Gupta5, Amit Kant Pandit6

Rule Based Morphological Variation Removable Stemming Algorithm
Maheswari S1, K. Arthi2

Self-Service Checkout System for Groceries
Ertie C. Abana1, Thom Benedict Daña2, Charity Alan3, Jhosa Mae Martin4, Ronica Buraga5, Christian Balagtas6

Fuzzy Logic Controlled Paddle Wheel Aerator
Ertie C. Abana1, Ariel M. Lorenzo2, Krizel Angelie Argal3, Ian Kim Bacud4, Jeric Barcena5, Mervin Gabriel Anthony Berbano6, Khristian Russell Littaua7, Shawn Wayne Tiangco8

Anti-Tampering Device for Residential Energy Meter
Ertie C. Abana1, Marion James Ladia2, Dreexel Gil Balao3, Joel Balunsat4, Newel Dannug5, Julius Rom Paguigan6, Jovimar Torres7

Concrete Mix with Laminated Rubber Strips for Residential Concrete
Ertie C. Abana1, Rolando A. Bitagun Jr.2, Diosdado G. Guzman3

Remote Sensing Image-Based Analysis of the Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Land Surface Temperature
Ertie C. Abana1, May Z. Valdez2, Jeromie S. Salas3, Analiza M. Mateo4

Impact of Shock Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour
Munish Kumar Tiwari1, Jaspreet Kaur2, Amit Manglik3, Anshu Goel4

Statistical Methods for Banking Sectors to Detect the Eligible Customers for Home Loan
Sujatha.V1, Kalpanapriya.D2

Investor Behavior towards Commodity Market – with Reference to Karimnagar District, Telangana State
E. Ramesh1, N V Sriranga Prasad2, S. Parminder Singh3

Evoked Potential Detection using LMS Adaptive Wiener Filter and Wavelet Transform
Bhargav N.1,Viswanatha V.M.2, Shailesh M.L.3

Threshold Based Algorithm for the Detection of DDOS Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks
Poonam Sharma1, Megha Sharma2

Intelligent Systems and Synchro Phasors Protocols in Smart Grid Applications
Mohammad Kamrul Hasan1, Musse Mohamud Ahmed2, Shayla Islam3, Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim4

Calibration of Dynamic Line Rating Model for Phasor Measurement Unit Based Wide Area Measurement System in Smart Grid Application
Mohammad Kamrul Hasan1, Musse Mohamud Ahmed2, Sherfriz Sherry Musa3, Denis Lee4

Effect of Distributed Wind Generation on the Voltage Sag of Distribution Networks
Mohamed Shaaban1, Christy E. A. Benedict2

Extracting Novel Features for Skin Burn Image Classification
Kuan Pei Nei1, Stephanie Chua2, Ehfa Bujang Safawi3, William Tiong Hok Chuon4, Wang Hui Hui5

Development and Modelling of Three Phase Inverter for Harmonic Improvement using Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) Control Technique
Yonis. M. Buswig1, Azuka Affam2, Hani Albalawi3, Norhuzaimin bin Julai4, Al-Khalid bin Hj Othman5, Ohirul Qays6

Numerical Modeling on the Structural Performance of RCC Beams Made With SCC Produced By RCA as Coarse Aggrega
T. V. Arul Prakash1, M. Natarajan2

Testing Resource based Optimal Release Policy for Software System Incorporating Fault Reduction Factor and Change point
Rajat Arora1, Abhishek Tandon2, Anu G. Aggarwal3, Vibha Verma4

Lab scale Footing Analysis on Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil
V. Preetha1, V. M. Gnanasundar2, M. Arulsurya3, R. Ramya4, S. Nayannathara5

High Quality Color Image Compression for Discrete Transform Domain Downward Conversion Block Based Image Coding
Deepak Kumar Gupta1, Neetesh Kumar Gupta2

Stakeholders and Criteria on a Mining Project using AHP and Entropy-Weight Methods
Solange Ríos1, Alexi Delgado2

Mining Social Networking Sites: A Specific area of Facebook
Sonam1, Surjeet Kumar2

De-noising of MRI Images in Wavelet Domain
Munazza Farha Arshi1, Vandana V. Hanchate2, K. R. Joshi3

Corrosion Mitigation of Reinforcement in Concrete using Magnesium Anodes
Yogesh Iyer Murthy1, Sumit Gandhi2, Abhishek Kumar3

Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Convolutional Neural Network
Razat Agarwal1, Aditya Mahamuni2, Noopur Gautam3, Piyush Awachar4, Parth Sagar5

Performance and Emission Characteristic of Algae Bio-Diesel as an Alternative Fuel
P. Priyanka1, V. V. Prathibhabharathi2, T. Krishnaiah3

Chemical Impact on Heat and Mass Transfer Flow in Presence of Radiation and Rotation with Variable Temperature and Concentration
Sujan Sinha1, Manoj Kr. Sarma2

Implementation of Six Sigma Concept to Improve Software Product Quality at XYZ Company
Yuli Biena Octavius Ong1, Sfenrianto2

The Influence of Adult Attachment on Coping Strategies and Conflict
Carrie Grace Jaymess1, Fatahyah Yahya2

Police Law Actions Based the Principle of Discretion against Suspects

Inheritance and its type in Object Oriented Programming using C++
Mehul Patel1, R. D. Modi2, S. M. Pillai3

Scrutinizing the Consequence of Three Variations of Ponderosity Training on Fat mass, Fat Free Mass, Inter-Cellular Fluid, Extra-Cellular Fluid
Sunil Kumar1, Sonu Kumar2, Pradeep Kumar3, Roktim Sarmah4, Deepsikha Bansala5

The Determining Factors of Elderly People to Continue their Work Activities in Palembang
Hendry Wijaya1, Luis Marnisah2, Hamid Halin3, Fakhry Zamzam4, Susi Handayani5, Endah Dewi Purnamasari6

Next Generation Logic Gate Designs using Improved Polarity Control Bipolar Junction Transistor
Lokesh Kumar Bramhane1, Santosh D. Chede2, Premanand K. Kadbe3, Balasaheb Patil4, Sudhir B. Lande5

Headgear for Weakening Impact from Concussion in Rugby Games: Design and Development
Mohamed Saiful Firdaus Hussin1, Mohd Afdhal Shamsudin2, Azrul Abidin Zakaria3, Mohd Hasnun Arif Hassan4, Halyani Mohd Yassim5, Iszmir Nazmi Ismail6

Compensation of Power Quality using Solar-Powered Distributed Generation Interfaced by Fuzzy Logic Controlled Inverter to the Main Grid
Omar A. AlKawak

A Mutual Authentication Based on Multi Agent System for IoT-Cloud Paradigm
Amrani Ayoub1, Rafalia Najat2, Abouchabaka Jaafar3

A 2048-point Split-Radix Fast Fourier Transform Computed using Radix-4 Butterfly Units
Sonali D. Patil1, Manish Sharma2

A Research on Human Capital Management Strategies in Sugar Manufacturing Plant
Vasan M1, Sumathy M2, Sridhar M3

Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Images using Convolution Neural Networks
Esther Rani P1, Mahadev Venkata Sai Harsha2, Anil Singh3, Sujeet Singh4

Grocery Shopping Pattern of Indian Retail Customers: Traditional Stores Vs. Supermarkets
Hemalatha Jeyachandran1, Aravindh Kumaran2, L., Takhellambam Rocky Devi3, D. Asokk4, Arun Prasad5

A Critical analysis of Non-ideal Quasi Z Source Inverter considering with parasitic resistances
Satyavani.N1, C.Kamal Basha2, N.Visali3

Factors Influencing Spot and Forward Freight Rates in Indian Logistics Industry
Tanu Manocha1, M.Sahni2

Challenges of Digital India Programme in Karunabari Block of Lakhimpur District of Assam
Bhaskarjyoti Pegu

Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Computing using Artificial Intelligence
Kavita A. Sultanpure1, L. S. S. Reddy2

A Probe into the Role of Challenges, Satisfaction and Trust towards Loyalty in E-Banking Services
S.Preetha1, S. Iswarya2, G.Yuvarani3

The Impact and Issues of E-Learning with Saudi Arabian Universities and Schools a Systematic Literature Evaluation
Sajithunisa Hussain1, Rubina Khan2

Marketing Problems of Radish, Ridge Gourd and Lady’s finger
Abdul Wakil Ali

Central Jakarta Rainfall Intensity Forecast using Single Exponential Smoothing
Seng Hansun1, Marcel Bonar Kristanda2

Energy Dissipation in Solid Roller Bucket and Controlled Stilling Basin for Ogee Stepped Spillway
A. S. Kote1, P. B. Nangare2

Denoising and Analysis of ECG Signal using Wavelet Transform for Detection of Arrhythmia
Shilpa Hudnurkar1, Ankita Wanchoo2

Factors Affecting the Interests of Junior High School Students to Continue to High School of Automotive Engineering
Fajrin Sidiq Muzaffarul Zaman1, Zaenal Arifin2, Didik Rohmantoro3

Design and Simulation of Error Amplifier used in Power Management chips
KM Sudharshan1, BP Divakar2

Improvement of Algorithms and Procedures of Decision Support in the Field of Personnel Management
Iryna Davydova1, Oleksandr Balan2, Olena Danyliuk3, Maryna Horbashevska4, Nataliia Bakulina5, Illia Samarchenko6

A Miniaturized and Circularly Polarized L-Shaped Slot Antenna for Ultra-wideband Applications
Maninder Singh1, Dhawan Singh2, Gurpreet Kumar3, Rajeev Kumar4

Computational Experiment of Swirling Flows of Turbulence Models SA and SST
Nazarov Farrukh Kholiyorovich1, Khasanov Saidamin Magrupovich2, Yakubov Asror Abduhalilovich3

Optimization of the System of Monitoring the Effectiveness of Venture Investments
Larysa Ivanchenkova1, Inna Sysoieva2, Julia Ratushna3, Tetiana Kotenko4, Nataliia Baistriuchenko5, Yurii Melnyk6

Accurate Information Extraction from Customer Comments Posted Online
Mishu Jain1, Rajni Jindal2

Online Crime Reporting System
S.Priya1, Kushagra Srivastava2, SK Sujan Islam3, AMIT4

Economic Aspects of the Development of Peasant Household in Russia During the World War I
А.А. Kolupaev1, B.T. Gali2, O.E. Konteva3, S.A. Tinkov4, Yu. M. Avdeev5, P. N. Aleshin6

An Empirical Research on Business Dimensions of Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Salem, Tamil Nadu

Correlation Between the Usages and the Uses of English Articles in Select Contexts

Millennials’ Mentality on School Bullying Through R Programming
Hannah Revathy F.1, Mani N.2

Job Seekers Perception towards E-Recruitment (With Special Reference to Coimbatore City)
P.Nathiya1, D.Ramesh Kumar2

Viscous Dissipation Effect on 3D Unsteady MHD Flow Through a Vertical Porous Plate with Radiation, Heat Source and Slip Boundary Conditions
N. Radha

Different Machine Learning Classifiers for Music Emotion Recognition
Rahul Suresh1, Soumya A2

Development of Line Follower Robot with Camera Surveillance System
W.H.M. Saad1, H.R. Ramli2, R. Marimuthu3, S.A.A Karim4, Z. Manap5

Jargons Used in “PC World” Magazine
Darmawan Budiyanto1, Hastari Mayrita2, Aprillitzavivayarti3, Boy Indrayana4, Sophia Rahmawati5, Rusman Roni6, Amirul Mukminin7

Steady State Simulation of Plastic Pyrolysis Process using Aspen Hysys V9 Simulator
Selvaganapathy.T1, Muthuvelayudham R2, Jeya Kumar M.3

Ownership Structure and Financial Reporting Quality: Influence of Audit Quality Evidence from Jordan
Hamza Kamel Qawqzeh1, Wan Anisah Endut2, Norfadzilah Rashid3, Mohammad Mustafa Dakhlallh4

Big Data Processing-Beyond Batch Processing
S.Anuradha1, L.Srinivasa Rao2, G.Raghu Ram3

Extraction of Iris Crypt, Pigment Spot, and Wolfflin Nodule Biological Feature using Feature Point Selection Algorithms
M. Sindu1, B. Thiyaneswaran2, K. Anguraj3, N. S. Yoganathan4

Television Viewing Preferences of Kannada Speaking Population of Bangalore – A Special Emphasis on Kannada Sports Channel
Avil Saldanha1, Keshini Saggar2, Rekha Aranha3

Deep Neural Network for Better Face Processing
P.Anjaneyulu1, S.V.S Prasad2, V.Syambabu3, A.Vamshi Kumar4

To Enhance Phishing Emails Classification using Machine Learning Algorithm
Vidya Mhaske-Dhamdhere1, Sandeep Vanjale2

Management Accounting Practices Among Chinese Enterprises
Hou Luyang1, Erlane K Ghani2, Mazurina Mohd Ali3

Factors Affecting the Integrity of Manufacturing Company Financial Statements in Indonesian Stock Exchange and Malaysian Stock Exchange
Syarifah Nurul Fauziah1, Rosinta Ria Panggabean2

Profitability, Market Incentive and Audit Quality of Financial Misstatements: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Companies (PLCs)
Alfiatul Rohmah Mohamed Hussain1, Suhaily Hasnan2, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi3

Improving Population’s Quality of Life and Regional Development
Lev Solomonovich Mazelis1, Konstantin Sergeevich Solodukhin2, Alena Sergeevna Stepanova3

Bayesian Time Series Modelling of the Italian Daily Rainfall Data using Mixed Distribution
Muhammad Safwan Bin Ibrahim1, Muhammad Irfan Bin Abdul Jalal2

Trend Analysis of Cost Components in Select Pharmaceutical Companies
C Samuel Joseph1, F J Peter Kumar2, S. Paul Jefferson Clarence3

Job Recommendation System Implementation in Python vs. C++
Chanda1, Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal2

Iot based Agriculture Drought Prediction using Chaotic Genetic Algorithm Integrated Intuitionist Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering
M. Rose Margaret1, L.Pavithra2

Construction of a Device for Obstacle Detection
Reetu Malhotra1, Vanshika, Neha2

Social Robots a Strategic Antidote for Stress Among Engineering Students in Around Chennai
Madhusudan. K. S1, GeeVarghese, Vanitha2

Role of Machine Learning in Manufacturing Sector
Vimanyu Chopra1, Devinder Priyadarshi2

Crowd Sourcing-based Deduplication in Big Data Environment
Bosco Nirmala Priya1, D. Gayathri Devi2

Digital Watermarking for Image Authentication using Spatial-Scale Domain based Techniques
Sunil Kumar Vishwakarma1, Birendra Kumar Sharma2, Syed Qamar Abbas3

Social Responsibility Accounting: A Conceptual Framework for Universal Acceptance
Anand Patil1, M.Muthu Gopalakrishnan2

Accuracy of the Neurons Number in the Hidden Layer of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
Hindayati Mustafidah1, Suwarsito2, Silvia Nila Candra Permatasari3

Foreground Moving Object Detection using Support Vector Machine (SVM)
M. Nagaraju1, M. Baburao2

Collecting and Analyzing Academic Publication with UTeMAIR
Zurina Saaya1, Yogan Jaya Kumar2, Lim Boon Hee3

Improvement of Product Quality through Optimum Fixture Design using DOE and FEM
K.M.Arunraja1, S.Selvakumar2, P.Praveen3

Mechanical Properties of Randomly oriented Carbon – Sansevieria Trifasciata Fiber Epoxy Composites
Sandhya Rani Borukati1, B. Durga Prasad2, A. Ramesh3

Electronic Method for Detection of Heart Valve Defects
Aparajita Naik1, Jivan Parab2, Rajendra Gad3

An Architecture for Automated Verification of Academic Testimonials in E-Learning
Kh. Amirul Islam1, Akash Nag2, Sunil Karforma3, Sripati Mukhopadhyay4

Personality Prediction from Social Networks text using Machine Learning
Mamta Bhamare1, K. Ashok Kumar2

Automatic Generation Control in a Smart Grid using Electrical vehicle as a Battery Energy Storage System
Yogesh R Prajapati1, Vithal N Kamar2, Jatinkumar J Patel3

A Method of Fault Fix Priority Identification for Open Source Project
Hironobu Sone1, Yoshinobu Tamura2, Shigeru Yamada3

Vector Isolated Minimum Distance Filtering for Image De-Noising in Digital Color Images
Praveen Choppala1, James Stephen Meka2, Prasad Reddy PVGD3

The Relationship Among Superleader, Perceived Organizational Support and Work Performance Mediated By Work Satisfaction and Employee Engagement
Yuntawati Fristin1, Umar Nimran2, M. Al Musadieq3, Hamidah Nayati Utami4

Advanced Optimization tool for the Heart Patient
Jossy P. George1, Tessy Tom2, Suhas M. Gaikwad3

Retail Site Selection using Machine Learning Algorithms
Hui-Jia Yee1, Choo-Yee Ting2, Chiung Ching Ho3

Estimating Actual Evapotranspiration over a Large and Complex Irrigation System of the Nile Delta in Egypt
Mohie Eldin Mohamed Omar1, Ahmed Medhat Ismail Abd Elhamid2, Islam Sabry Al Zayed3

Exploration of Detection Method of Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
Sachin Lalar1, Shashi Bhushan2, Surender3

Instability Analysis of a Woven Fibre Composite Plate
Bidyadhar Basa1, Soumya Sucharita Pal2, Mistee Pradhan3

Various Research Opportunities in High Utility Itemset Mining
Sandeep Dalal1, Vandna Dahiya2

Conflict of Interest: Evidence from The Implementation of The Provincial Government Policy, Jakarta
Eddy Guridno1, Eko Sugiyanto2, TB Massa Djafar3

Differential CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Design for Wireless Receivers
Mahesh Mudavath1, K Hari Kishore2, Srinivas Bhukya3, Babu Gundlapally4, Prashanth Chittireddy5

Encryption and Decryption Technique Involving Finite Fields
Ayush Mittal1, Ravindra Gupta2

Patrolling AI Systems in Video Games
S. Balapriya1, N. Srinivasan2

The Influencing Factors that Impact the Buying Intention of Malaysian Students towards Samsung Smartphones
Anas Abudaqa1, Hasan AlMujaini2, MohdHilmi3

ECG Classification using Machine Learning
K Sandeep1, Padmavathi Kora2, K Swaraja3, K Meenakshi4, Lakshmi kala Pampana5

Effectiveness of Yoga on Emotional Competence of Secondary Students
Anthony N V1, K B Jasmine Suthanthira Devi2

Design a Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna for Satellite Communication
Uppala Tejaswi1, Sathuluri Mallikaharjun Rao2, MD Baig3, A Azeem4

Sonar Technology Assisted Vehicle Sensor
Partick Anthony C. Roca1, Emalyn A. Pabello2, John Rey B. Reyes3, Romiel C. Sabarillo4, Ranil P. Sumook5, Arvin Anthony S. Araneta6

Uber Data Analysis using Map Reduce
P. Devika1, Y. Prasanna2, P. Swetha3, G. Akhilesh Babu4

An Improved Dual Clustering Method for Classification of Microarray Image Segementation
D. Ravi Kumar1, V. Devi2, M. Balasaraswathi3, B. Karthik4

Hydrodynamics and Particle Mixing Characteristics of a Ternary Mixture in a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed
Jaya Bharathi. J.1, K. Saravanan2

Predicting Academic Course Preference using Hadoop
G. Divya Jyothi1, N. Shirisha2, P. Subhashini3, M. Anusha4

Performance Evaluation of the Semantic Web Reasoners
Deepika Chaudhary1, Jaiteg Singh2, D. P. Kothari3

Robust IT2FL Controller Design for the Speed Control of a BLDC Motor
Hayder Yousif Abed1, Abdulrahim Thiab Humod2, Amjad J. Humaidi3, Ayad Q. Al-Dujaili4

Revisiting State Subsidy Food Programme Model for India
Mahesh Sarva1, Ajay Sidana2, Rupesh Roshan Singh3, Gangu Naidu Mandala4

Smart Card Reader for Engineering Students [SCR – All in One]
K. Suresh Kumar1, D. Ganesh Kumar2, K. Sakthivel3, J. Senthil Murugan4, A. Mohan5

Deep Stock Prediction
R. Anusha1, Boggula. Lakshmi2, T. Mounika3, Spurthi Kankanala4

Psychological Impacts of Smartphone on College Students –Nomophobia (No-Mobile-Phone Phobia)
Bhavana S1, V. Vijayalakshmi2

Fault Tolerant – Optimal Resource Allocator for Cloud
Khiruparaj T. P.1, Abishek Madhu. V2, Ponsy R. K. Sathia Bhama3

Mind Boggling Business Visionaries With Reference To Transgenders of Cuddalore District

4G Adoption in India : An Extended TAM Model
Sandeep Mohapatra1, Manoranjan Dash2

Health and Hygiene Promotion by Advertisement is a Source to Make Consumer More Health Paranoid
Parihar Suresh Dahake1, Saket Narendra Bansod2, Nihar Suresh Dahake3

Rice Yield Forecasting Using Support Vector Machine
Sunil Kumar1, Vivek Kumar2, R. K. Sharma3

Classification of Sentiment Based on Movie Feedback Given By Audiences
Sumedh Shah1, Alwin Anuse2, Rupali Kute3

Impact of Sectoral Indices’ Fluctuation on SENSEX
Debasis Mohanty1, Mayadhar Satpathy2, Shakti Ranjan Mohaptra3

Cultural Performances and the Integration between Siamese and Malay Society in Kampung Keluang, Besut, Terengganu
W. N. J. Ariffin1, N. M. Yusoff2, E. M. Rahim3, N. A. Bakar4

Financial Technology: Fragmented for Financial Inclusion?
Ahmad Aziz Putra Pratama

The Ethicality of Choice of Humans Imperative for a Decision
Dhakshain Balaji V1, Sivakami B2

Predicting Academic Course Preference using Hadoop
Mohan P. Thakre1, Tejas S. Gaidhani2, Akshay K. Kale3

IoT based Fault detection in Solar Panel using Arduino UNO with Wi-Fi Module ESP 8266
M. Hariprabhu1, K. Sundararaju2

Python based Frequency Sampling Technique Algorithm for Hearing Impairment
Yogita S. Mahadik1, Mahesh T. Kolte2

Simulated output of Continuous Interleaved Sampling and Frequency Amplitude Modulation Encoding techniques used in Cochlear Implant
Deepti Gupta1, Pratistha Mathur2, Peeyush Tewari3

Trust Management Techniques, Models and Attacks in Cloud
Mahantesh N. Birje1, Vijay L. Hallappanavar2

Assessment of Rectangular Cavity in Concrete Gravity Retaining Wall Using Finite Element Method
P. P. Tapkire1, Bilavari Karkare2

Otolith Morphology and Body Size Relationships of Monopterus albus in Malaysia
K. Radhiah1, K. Ahmad Syazni2, N. Ismail3, A. G. Khaleel4, S. A. M. Nasir5

Unmanned Ariel Vehicle Sorts with Societal and Security Applications
Krishnaraj Rajagopal1, Kumar Narayanan2

State-of-the-art Prototypes and Future Propensity Stem on Internet of Things
Ankita Srivastava1, Pramod Kumar Mishra2

Binary Search In Linked List
Kumar Sanu

Bug Severity Prediction using Class Imbalance Problem
Shubhra Goyal Jindal1, Arvinder Kaur2

Drowning Detection System
Delaney C. Ofrecio1, Patricia Mae M. Maño2

The Impact of the Hindi Language over English Language in Online Shopping with respect to VIT, Vellore
Kamatchi Preethi V1, Selvakumar. D. S2

Influence of Parallel Plate Stack Spacing on the Temperature Difference of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator by using Helium as a Working Medium
Shivakumara N V1, Bheemsha Arya2

Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Low-Voltage Barium Titanate Doped Zinc Oxide Varistor Ceramics
Muhamad Syaizwadi Shaifudin1, Mohd Sabri Mohd Ghazali2, Wan Rafizah Wan Abdullah3, Syara Kassim4, Wan Mohamad Ikhmal Wan Mohamad Kamaruzzaman5

Detection, Defensive and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks through Machine learning Techniques: A Literature
P Krishna Kishore1, S Ramamoorthy2, V. N Rajavarman3

Finite Element Analysis of Milling Roller-Burnishing Process on Surface Integrity for Non-Ferrous Metal
Prem Narayan Vishwakarma1, Ajay Sharma2

Efficient Detection of Black Hole attack in Mobile Adhoc Networks using a TRUST based Scheme
Deepak Sharma

Enhancement of Transient State in MPPT Techniques for PV Grid Connected System
Neha Sunil Dahate1, N. R. Bhasme2

Learning an un-supervised – Clustering algorithm Monte Carlo over Consensus Clustering for Genomic Data for Tumor Identification
Tejal Upadhyay1, Samir Patel2

Behaviour of Green Concrete (Blended Concrete) using Agro-Industrial Waste AS Partial Replacement of Cement
M.Siva Chennakesava Rao1, M.M.Vijaya Lakshmi2, Praveenkumar T R3

A Wavelet architecture for Abdominal ECG preprocessing and fetal QRS detection implemented in FPGA using 90nm technology
Radha Abburi1, M. Asha Rani2

Tongue Driven System using Arduino
B.Sridhar1, M.Sreenivasa Reddy2, K.Haribabu3, P.Saiyasaswini4, N.Harika5

Removal of Baseline Wander from Electrocardiogram using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Low Pass Filter
Roshan M. Bodile1, T.V.K. Hanumantha Rao2

Design Optimization of Internal Axial Flow Ventricle Assist Device (VAD) using CFD Model
Sanjeeth Kumar Konduri1, K. Sai Krishna2

Impact of FDI on Retail sector in India
Mohammed Shahfaraz Khan

Tribological Analysis of Arachis Hypogaea Powders Reinforced on Epoxy Based Green Composites
S. A. Abdul Sukkur1, K. R. Vijayakumar2

ARIMAX Model for Short-Term Electrical Load Forecasting
Shilpa G N1, G S Sheshadri2

Eeg Signal Enhancement using DWT
M.Sreenath Reddy1, P. Ramana Reddy2

The Effect of B2B SERVQUAL on PMC Performance: The Mediating Role of Top Management Support in UAE Executive Council
Abdulla Hamad Saif Mohammed Alghfeli1, Gamal S. A. Khalifa2, Ali Ameen3, Abjit Ghosh4

Memristive Behavior in Magnetic Elements Separated by Thin Non-Magnetic Spacer Layer
Raj Kumar Singh1, Narendra Kumar Ram2, Kumari Mamta3

Corporate Feed, Compact 2X2 Array Antenna With Enhanced Radiation Characteristics u sing Metamaterial Structure
Pankaj shende1, Vandana Somkuwar2, Praveen Kumar Kancherla3

Real-Time Object Recognition using Region based Convolution Neural Network and Recursive Neural Network
R. Priyatharshini1, Aswath Ram. A.S2, R. Shyam Sundar3, G. Nethaji Nirmal4

Modification of Holter ECG Monitoring Based on Arduino Uno with Data Storage
Nur Hudha Wijaya1, Rahmat Jalaluddin2, Susilo Ari Wibowo3

Influence of Nanoparticles on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Chicken Biodiesel
Jaikumar Methre1, Sharanappa Godiganur2, Veerbhadrappa Telgane3

Design and Analysis of Solar Assisted Electrical Vehicle
Mahendra Babu Kantipudi1, Rajesh Babu Chunchula2

Heart over Mind? Effect of Perceived CSR on Consumer Buying Behaviour and the Mediating Role of Consumer Emotions
Jeanne Poulose1, Vinod Sharma2

Automation and Enhanced Service Delivery through Process Improvement in Hospitality Industry
Catherene Julie Aarthy.C1, M.K.Badrinarayanan2

Competency and Work Satisfaction, and Its Implications on Employee Performance National Land Agency of the Republic Of Indonesia
Yuliandi1, Nasir Azis2, Muhammad Adam3, Mukhlis Yunus4, Rusdin Tahir5

Assessment of Water Pumping System Powered By Solar Pump in Dry Areas
Amadou Yacouba Moussa1, Patrick Kuloba2, Robert Kiplimo3

Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer Along with Shrinkages in Brinjal (Eggplant/Solonummelongena)
S C Managuli1, Aswath2, H M Sathish3, K N Seetharamu4

Index Number of Multi Fuzzy Sets
K. Hemabala1, B. Srinivasa Kumar2

The impact of Human Capital on the Public Services Performance
Ebrahim Farhan Mubarak Busenan

Privacy Preservation of Healthcare Data in Hybrid Cloud using a Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based Sanitization Technique
Sridhar Reddy Vulapula1, Srinivas Malladi2

The Role of Information Technology on Management of SMEs in Kosova
Dandugudum Mahesh1, M. Rajyalaxmi2, M. Shravan3, Kafila4

Fair Compensation is a pivotal factor for better qualitative work life in Steel Industry
Srinivas Subbarao Pasumarti1, Pentapati Tirumala2

Degree of a Vertex in Max-Product of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph
S. Yahya Mohamed1, A. Mohamed Ali2

Effect of Varying Hot Surface Temperature on Ignition Delay Characteristics for Different Fuel Sprays
Tushar Gupta1, M. Emran Khan2

Utility Based Portfolio Optimization through Integer Programming Under Stochastic Markets
Afreen Arif H.1, T.P.M. Pakkala2

Iprivacy-Performance Measurement of Encrypted Image Over Mobile Cloud
M.Sankari1, P. Ranjana2, D Venkata Subramanian3

Multi Robot Path Planning Based on Cuckoo Search and With PSO Algorithm in the Complex and the Unknown Environment
Shubham Shukla1, NK Shukla2, Vibhav Kumar Sachan3, Sanjeev Sharma4

Effect on Material Removal Rate and Surface Finish in ECM Process When Machining Stainless Steel-316 with Cu Electrode
Iqbal Ahmed Khan1, Megha Rani2, Rupak Kumar Deb3, B R Bundel4

Thermal Conductivity & Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Hot Extruded Hybrid Composites of Al6061/Sic/GR
M.Balaji1, Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudar2, G.B. Veeresh Kumar3

Exploring Tech Savvy Trait AS a Base for Profiling Impulse Buyers
Shivang Dwivedi1, Ramesh Kumar Chaturvedi2

Business Performance Measures for the Third-Party Logistics Industry in UAE
R. Ashok1, R. Rajesh2

Job Satisfaction Dimensions and Organizational Commitment: Tools to Understand Employee Turnover Intention of IT/ITES Industry of the Gujarat State with a Focus on BPO Segment
Ranna Bhatt1, Mahendra Sharma2

Active Power Transfer Enhancement in VSC using Impedance Compensated DSRF-PLL during Weak Grid Condition
Atul Kunpara1, Vithal N. Kamat2

Finite Element Analysis of Direct Chill Casting using Concept of Element Birth and Death
R. S. Fegade1, R. G. Tated2, R. S. Nehete3, D. G. Parle4

Improvement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Maintenance in Government Institution using Hybrid of Six Sigma and Several Decision Support Methods
Nanda Adytiansyah1, Antoni Wibowo2

An Intelligent System for Monitoring and Managing Agricultural Fields
Pramod Mathew Jacob1, Juna Maria John2, Parvathy Nath H3, Parvathy Nandakumar4, Sravan Suresh5

GDP Impact on Efficiency Gains of Transportation and Distribution of Nascent Informal Sectors in India
K.Ganesamurthy1, A.Morarji2, M.Naghappa Rajan3

Smart Solutions for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Hebatallah ElMesmary1, Gamal Abd El-Nasser A. Said2

Threshold-Based Method for Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attack in IoT
Johnson Joseph1, Maitreyee Dutta2

Better Communication Tool for Specially Disabled
Gogineni Saikiran1, Anjusha Pimpalshende2, Porika Dhanrajnath3

An Augmented Reality-Based Simulation Guide for Apparel Assembly
De Silva R. K. J1, Basnayaka B. M. A. N2

Implementation of Pipeline Integrity Management in a Large Pipelines Network in India
S S Gupta1, A K Arya2, P.Vijay3

Development of Intelligent AVR for Synchronous Generator
Udhayakumar A1, Saravanan G2

Youths’ Perception towards Mobile Driven Financial Inclusion in Gwalior City
Sapana Gupta1, K.S. Thakur2

An Optimization of Makespan, Energy Consumption, and Load Balancing on the Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Fajar Kusumaningayu1, Antoni Wibowo2

Crop Disease Detection and Monitoring System
L. R. Priya1, G. Ignisha Rajathi2, R. Vedhapriyavadhana3

An Integrated Methodology towards Mitigation of Global Warming and Biomass Production for Biodiesel using Chlorella sorokiniana BTA 9031
Anoar Ali Khan1, Madhumanti Mondal2, Gopinath Halder3

Assessment of Seam Properties of Ahimsa Silk Union Fabrics
Neelam Sharma1, Minakshi Jain2, Radha Kashyap3

Areca Short Fiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid (PLA) Composites: Influence of Physical Treatment on Properties
Raghuveer H. Desai1, L. Krishnamurthy2, T.N. Shridhar3

Effect of Barriers Height at Inclined Cascade Aerator
Mahuwa Ghosh1, Sayyad Abdul2, Avinash Kumar3

Patterned Endorsement Framework for Defense Sector using Two Level Voice Authentication Process
M.Kathiresh1, N.Shanmuganathan2, R.Sankarasubramanian3

Computational Algorithms for Deep and Shallow Word Search in Sanskrit with Case-inflected Forms of Feminine and Neuter Nouns
Rajitha V.1, Suganya R.2, Meenakshi Lakshmanan3

Impact of Knowledge Sharing on the Relationship between Technological Factors and Supply Chain Performance
Farah Zawaideh

Damage analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Piezoelectric Sensors
G. Ganesh Naidu1, M. Sri Durga Vara Prasad2, M. Chandana3

Network Structural Equivalence and Public Sectors’ Organizational level of Influence in Information Sharing Network: A Social Network Methodology
Lokhman Hakim Osman1, Azhar Ahmad2, Abdullah Sanusi Othman3

Transition from Holistic to Deep learning Face Recognition Methods
R. S. Sabeenian1, J. Harirajkumar2, Lizzie D’ Cruz3

Feasibility of Care Toy Early Intervention in infants with Down Syndrome
Emanuela Inguaggiato1, Elena Beani2, Giuseppina Sgandurra3, Giovanni Cioni4, Care Toy DD Consortium5

Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict and Their Effect on Quality of Life among Leather Industry Workers
A. Pandu

Mathematical Modeling of Suspended Microbial Fuel Cells and Electron Transfer Mediator using Homotopy Perturbation Method
P. Jeyabarathi1, M. Kannan2, L.Rajendran3

Impact of Atmospheric Stability Indices on Convective Systems Over India and Srilanka
N. Umakanth1, G.Ch. Satyanarayana2, B. Simon3, M.C. Rao4, N. Ranga Babu5, T. Satyanarayana6

Digital Storytelling Implementation for Enhancing Students’ Speaking Ability in Various Text Genres
Syafryadin, Haryani1, Salniwati2, Ainur Rosyidah Azmie Putri3

Identification of Gender based on Blogs using Attention-based Recurrent Neural Network
Sachin Minocha1, Tarun Kumar2, Prem Prakash Agrawal3

Scientific Publication Analysis: Financial Reporting Quality Insight
Ag Kaifah Riyard bin Kiflee1, Mohd Noor Azli bin Ali Khan2, Mathew Kevin Bosi3

Smart Secure andWarning System in Hair Pin Bends at Hill Stations Based on Zig Bee Technology
P.Deepika1, S.Sathya Priya2, C.Priya, M.Surya3

Postulation of Customer Retention in Banking Sector using Machine Learning and Principal Component
M. Shyamala Devi1, G. Bhargava Krishna2, K.Sowmya3, T. Sabari Pavan4

Low Cost Iot Enable Weather Station for Precision Agriculture
Dushyant Kumar Singh1, Himani Jerath2

Relevance and Resourcefulness of Business Communication Course Contents: A Critical Evaluation in the State of Andhra Pradesh
Patlegar Vijaya kumar1, Laxmi Dhar Dwivedi2

Relationship between Organizational Effectiveness and Its Predictors among IT Sector
Reetu, Anshu Yadav1, Kulbir Redhu2

An Application for Load Sharing in Trucks
R. S. Sabeenian1, R. Vinod Kumar2, G. Ravi3, Ashok Pudasaini4

Classification of Child Items in a Gold Tree using Support Vector Machine Classifier
Sabeenian.R.S1, Paramasivam.M.E2, Anand.R3, Hariharan.S4

Field-Plate Geometry Dependent Electrostatics and Strain Mapping in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs
R. K. Nanda1, T. P. Dash2

Surveillance Camera using Face Recognition for Automatic Attendance Feeder and Energy Conservation in Classroom
Jayakumar Kaliappan1, R. Lokesh Kumar2, Narayanan Prasanth3, Jain Shreyansh4

Segmentation and Detection of Brain Tumor by using Machine Learning
Priyanka Arya1, Satyasundara Mahapatra2, Anil Kumar Malviya3

Behavior of Self-Supporting Communication Tower under Horizontal Loads
Ravichandran P1, Suriya M2, Anandkumar M3

Machine Learning Based Suspicion of Customer Detention in Banking with Diverse Solver Neighbors and Kernels
M. Shyamala Devi1, Jyotikinkar Saharia2, Shubham Kumar3, Aayushi Chansoriya4, Prashant Yadav5

Hybrid TABU-GA Search For Energy Efficient Routing In WSN
Varsha1, Manju Bala2, Manoj Kumar3, Neeraj Kumar4

Formation of Fractal Antenna Array for Multiband Applications
Sneha S. Kadam1, Neha S. Patil2, Prajakta B. Jadhav3, Pranali B. Kashid4

Eye Gaze Controlled Virtual Keyboard
Partha Chakraborty1, Dipa Roy2, Md. Zahidur Rahman3, Saifur Rahman4

Impact Of Globalisation on Formal, Motivational And Strategic HRM Practices: AN Empirical Evidence From India
Akbar Ali Khan1, MohdAsif Khan2

Cloud Based Television System using Virtual Machine
Caroline El Fiorenza. J1, Ishitha P2, Karunya Raghavan3

Does Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on Social Media leads to Information Adoption? Empirical Evidence from the Emerging Markets!
Muddasar Ghani Khwaja1, Ahmad Jusoh2, Khalil Md Nor3

Impact of Employee Morale on Organizational Success
Arvind Mallik1, Lakshmi Mallik2, Keerthi DS3

Optimization of Well Sidetrack under Uncertainty using Response Surface and Decision Support. I. Primary Recovery Mechanism
Abisoye M. Mumuni1, Sunday S. Ikiensikimama2, Oyinkepreye O. Orodu3

Deep Learning Methods for monitoring, detecting and measuring Deer Movements for Wildlife Conservation
Neelam Rawat1, J.S. Sodhi2, Rajesh K. Tyagi3

Adaptive Unified Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Operation of Power Systems with Static Security, Transient Stability and Statcom Device
B. Venkateswarlu1, K. Vaisakh2

Community Structure Analysis using Fast Louvain Method in Real World Networks
Laxmi Chaudhary1, Buddha Singh2, Neeru Meena3

Waste Bank Application in Jelegong Village, Bandung District, Indonesia
Yonik Meilawati Yustiani1, Lili Mulyatna2, Rikawati3

A Model for Accurate Prediction of Child Immunization Data for Knowledge Discovery using Bayesian TAN and Naive Bayes Classifiers
Sourabh1, Vibhakar Mansotra2

Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases using ANN-Back Propagation Network
S.Vijayanand1, A. Kumar2, M.Roopa3, S.Jagir Hussain4

Olex-Genetic Algorithm Based Information Retrieval Model from Historical Document Images
N. Vanjulavalli

Modified Encryption Standard with High Performance through Secure Protocol
M L N Swamy1, B S Sridevi2

Internet Connected e-Healthcare System with Live Video Monitoring using LWIP Stack and SJF Priority Scheduling
Deepika .N1, M. Anand2, K. Sudhaman3

Steganography using Spatial Domain Techniques
Sumeet Kaur1, R. K. Bansal2, Savina Bansal3

Gumiton – New Organo-Mineral Complex to In-crease the Productivity of Agricultural Cultures
Mazurov V. N.1, Semeshkina P. S.2, Ratnikov A.N.3, Arysheva S.P.4, Sviridenko D.G.5

Vehicle Number Management using Hbase
Chetan Pandey1, Amit Juyal2, Poonam Verma3, Kamred Udham Singh4

Fractional Order PI Controller for Nonlinear Processes using Binomial Theorem Approximation
Gowtham.T1, Srinivasan.K2, Balaji.M3, Kaushik.S4, Thirukkuralkani .K .N5

Intelligent Agent Technology for Cellular-Assisted GPS Positioning using Bayesian and Self-Organizing Map
Yee-Wai Sim1, Lam Hong Lee2, Yen Pei Tay3, Khang Wen Goh4, Dino Isa5

Personnel Performance Appraisal Dimensions For Indian Construction Organizations
Chaithra N Kowshik1, Gangadhar Mahesh2

E-Wallet- Factors Affecting Its Intention to Use
Amit Kumar Nag1, Bhumiphat Gilitwala2

Seismic Analysis of Electrical Panel
M. Vishnu Vardhan1, B Dhanraj2, K Rajasekhar Reddy3, S M Gangadhar Reddy4

Optimal Feature Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization with Random Forest Classifier for Lymph Diseases Prediction
J. Junia Deborah1, Latha Parthiban2

Teaching and Learning by Object Oriented Modeling in Pre-Primary and Primary School Education
Anand S. Ghuli1, Dayanand G. Savakar2, Smita A. Ghuli3, Pandurang H. Biradar4

E-Learning Impacts on Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning
Dwi Sulisworo1, Dian Artha Kusumaningtyas2, Trikinasih Handayani3

Application and Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Pallavi1, Sahil Mahajan2, Vinay Gautam3

Pre-Post Monsoon Assessment of Ground Water of Ghot Village in Gadchiroli District
Arif Khan1, Amol V. Naitam2

Importance of an Effective Test Suite Minimization Technique in Software Testing
Fayaz Ahmad Khan

Various Real Time Chat Bots and Their Applications in Human Life
V. Krishna sree1, C. Kaushik2, G. Sahitya3, Remalli Rohan4

Effect of Stress Triaxiality on The Strain Concentration Factor
Hitham Tlilan1, Mohammad Gharaibeh2, Manal Mustafa3, Ali Jawarneh4

Detection of Diabetes Mellitus using Tongue images
Logeswaran T1, Gowrishankar P2, Surendar V3, Tamilarasu P4, Suresh M5

Troubled Terrain of NGO Credibility in Public Arena-A Need for Technology Application
Umakanta Mohapatra1, Shradha Padhi2, Sucheta Priyabadini3, Navneeta Rath4

MHD and Thermal Radiation Effects of a Nanofluid over a Stretching Sheet using HAM
Venkata Krishnarao B1, Jayaramireddy Konda2, Charankumar G3

Power System Stability Enhancement using FACTS Devices
Ravinder Goud1, Dola Gobinda Padhan2, Naspuri Arun Raju3

Computational Analysis of RCC Slab (Simply Supported) using C Software Language
S.Suchithra1, M.R.Navajeeva2, G.S.Rampradheep3, C.Naveen kumar4, S.Padakalingam5

ABC Based Neural Network Method for Brain Tumor Identification from MRI and CT Images
Mitha Rachel Jose1, J. Amar Pratap Singh2

The Effect on Strength of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregate with Flyash, Granite Powder and Plastic Fibres
V. Divyasri 1, B.K.Chaitanya2, S.Ramlal3

Social Media Activities Evaluation for Universities in Indonesia
Yohannes Kurniawan1, Tiffen Aan Chandiono2, Andrew Suryadi3, Dennis Viermanto4

Impact And Hardness Characteristics of Cfrp-Kenaf-Abaca Fiber Composites
R. Senthil Kumar1, Krishnaraj.S Vijaya Ramnath.B2,  Adhitya.R.M3,  Anand.R.Iyer4

Management Philosophy: Ontological Problems
G.P. Otyutskiy

BER Evaluation in LTE SC-FDMA under Multipath Channels
Sahar Ebadinezhad1, Saddam Hasan2

Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping using Geo-spatial Tools for Watersheds in Upper Bhima Basin, Pune, India
Shivaji Govind Patil1, Ravindra Krishnarao Lad2

Human Capital in the Sustainable Development of the Regional Economy
Valery Glushkov1, Ekaterina Dolzhenkova2, Olga Voronkova3, Anastasia Perova4, Nadezda Klimovskikh5, Kseniya Kondrashova6

An Enhanced OLSR Protocol to Improve Performance Of UAV in Wireless Mesh Network
Jasleen Kaur1, Om Prakash2

Facial Expression Recognition using SVM with CNN and Handcrafted Features
G. Priyanka1, S. Pavithra2

Design and Development of Efficient Multipath TCP for Data Center in Public Cloud
Shashikala S V1, Ravikumar G K2

Knowledge Management Skills and Its Impact on Job Performance of Employees Working In Selected I.T. Companies in Hyderabad
Aluvala Ravi

Speed Control Analysis of Permanent Magnet DC motor with Zeta Converter
T.Nandhini Priya

Traversing Disability Stigma: Re-presenting „Disability‟ as a form of „Identity‟ in Victor Hugo‟s The Hunchback of Notre- Dame
Anjana R B1, Beena S Nair2

Smart Turmeric Harvester
S Sathesh1, S Maheswaran2, M Gokulapriya3, P Abinesh4, A Amutha5

Towards Enhanced Anomaly Object Detection and Face Recognition (EAODFR) in Surveillance Videos using Recurrent Neural Networks
P.Ragupathy1, P.Vivekanandan2

Public Administration and Innovation Policy in a Networked Society
Inna Suray1, Svetlana Suprunenko2, Olga Kartashova3, Oleksandr Bondar4, Vadym Gerashcenko5, Roman Karpenko6

Tentative Exploration of Bacterial Concrete with Partial Replacement of Stone Dust
Shaik Bifathima1, T.V.S Varalakshmi2

Robust Copy-Paste Detection Algorithm using SIFT for Digital Image Forensics
Amit Kumar Nag1, Bhumiphat Gilitwala2

Modeling and Analysis of Asymmetrical Modified Hybrid Thirty One Level Inverter with Reduced THD
R.Sreedhar1, P.Chandrasekar2, Lalhriatrengi3

Seismic Behavior of Mid-Rise Precast Reinforced Concrete Building with Effect of Joints and Supports
Shaibaz Bin Iqbal1, B. Narender2

The Role of the Resource Factor in the Socio-Economic Development of the Ecosystem
Vladimir Nosov1, Olga Moiseeva2, Nadezgda Kiseleva3, Natalya Glotova4, Tatiana Fasenko5, Larisa Tuchkina6

Garbage Managing Smart System using-IOT
Asha. R1, Nirdosh Mahajan2, Abhiraj Yadav3, Balamurugan K.S4

Loosening Wool Machines
Ismoyilov Furkat1, Khakimov Sherkul2, Khodjayeva Margarita3

Evolving Artificial Perception by Integrating Nlp and Cv
M. Prabu1, Mohammed Saif2, P Naveen Barathi3, Kailash Venthan4

Understanding the Interdependency between the Nifty 50 Future Index and the Advanced Future Stock Market through Econometrics
Arya Kumar

Design, Implementation and Detection of Hardware Trojans in Sequential systems
L.K.Hema1, S.A.V. Satya Murty2, Vijayan Sugumaran3

Magnify Qos with Tabu & Link Scheduling In Wmn
G.Revathy1, R.Madonna Arieth2, G.Saravanan3, M.Venkateshwaran4

Parkinson‟s Disease Classification using Various Advanced Neural Network Classifiers
S.Surya Devi1, M.Sivachitra2, P.Vadivel3

Smart Navigation of Vehicles using RFID in Remote Environments
J. Jagadeesan1, M Azhagiri2, Yogesh Kumar L3, Jaya Dinesh GR4, Shanmuga Sivam S5

Improving Performance Parameters of PMBLDC Motor using Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller
Singirala Manoj1, D. Krishna2, T. Anil Kumar3

Information Extraction using Tokenization and Clustering Methods
Jincymol Joseph1, J R Jeba2

Information Extraction using Tokenization and Clustering Methods
Jincymol Joseph1, J R Jeba2

The Effect of Internal Control System, Leadership Style and Compensation System Toward Fraud Prevention
Bambang Leo Handoko1, Ang Swat Lin Lindawati2, Jennifer3

Salinity Level Indicator using IoT

Total Quality Management Implementation in Healthcare Sector, Its Impact on Performance of Hospitals
Gaurav Puri1, S. Hari Babu2, Rahul Sharma3

Efficient and Secure Data Transfer in IoT
Jebin Bose S1, Julia Punitha Malar Dhas2

Economic Analysis and Optimization of Micro Grid considering Incentive Oriented Demand Response Programme
Sarabjeet Singh1, Saurabh Chanana2

Community-Driven Collaborative Recommendation System
Laxmi Chaudhary1, Buddha Singh2

Consumers’ Preference and Their Buying Choice
S. Ramachandran1, S. Rabiyathul Basariya2

Mechanical Properties of OPC – Geocement Concrete
P.Dinesh kumar1, T.Jeevetha2, K.Nirma Kumar3, N.Nandhini4, S.Vijayashanthy5

Eco Friendly Closed Loop Supply Chain Model Under Fuzzy Conditions
M.V. Madhuri1, N. Ravi Shankar2

K medoid Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network using a Constant Threshold
Sonal Gupta1, R.P. Narwaria2

Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty of the Tea Garden Labour Community of Dibrugarh District of Assam, India
Nilakshi Gogoi

Hybrid Multi-Focus Image Fusion using Stationary Wavelet Transform and Focus Measures for Visual Sensor Networks
Nainavarapu Radha1, Tummala Ranga Babu2

Deduction of Efficient Scanning Machines using Big Data Technology
Caroline El Fiorenza J1, Abishek R2, Shikhar Saxena3, Vaibhav Mukundan4

Security System for Visitor Validation at Entrance using Raspberry Pi and Elliptical Curve Digital Signature
S Rajashree1, Sukumar R2, Bhuvankumar P3

Optimized Traffic Management for Improving Energy Efficiency in Cognitive Network
ShobhitVerma1, Vikas Raina2

Economic Empowerment of Coastal Society through Entrepreneurship Based on Local Economic in a Southern Cross Area of the Province of East Java
Fajar Supanto1, Widji Astuti2

Green Finance: Fostering Sustainable Development in India
Babita Jha1, Priti Bakhshi2

Innovative Technologies in Agriculture
Alexander Nikitin1, Natalia Kuzicheva2

Competitiveness of Banks in Terms of Financial Stability: Technologies and Innovations
Natalia Nikolaevna Natocheeva1, Tatiana Viktorovna Belyanchikova2, Alexey Yevgenyevich Foshkin3

Sensor Guided Docking of Autonomous Mobile Robot for Battery Recharging
M V Sreenivas Rao1, M Shivakumar2

Environment Uncertainty – Business Performance Relationship: Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation
Harpreet Singh Bedi1, Gaurav Puri2

Seismic Behavior of RC Buildings with Effect of Staircase and Elevator Core Wall
Aslam Hussain Hashmi1, B. Narender2

The Influence of Mobile Technology Adoption among Secondary School Teachers using the UTAUT2 Model
Mohd Norakmar Omar1, Siti Noor Ismail2, Abd Latif Kasim3

Auto Encoder and Deep Auto Encoders Based Deep Learning on Medical Data
R.Subathra devi1, N.Rama2

Prediction Model for Occupational Incidents in Chemical and Gas Industries
Ganapathy Subramaniam Balasubramanian1, Ramaprabha Thangamani2

Modelling & Position Control for Electro-Hydraulic System
Meera C S1, Mukul Kumar Gupta2

Renewable Energy: Pumped Hydro Energy Storage System (Water Bank)
Mohammad Nizamuddin Inamdar1, Rohan Senanayake2, Mohammed Nusari3

Methodological Basis of Forming Spatial Poles of the Economic Growth in the Rural Areas
Alexander Sergeevich Denisov1, Valerij Nikolaevich Papelo2, Bogdan Anatol’evich Kovtun3, Maksim Sultanovich Vyshegurov4, Anna Nikolaevna Goloshevskaya5

Smart Parking Management System using IoT
M. Gopi Krishna1, Goli Narendhar2

Fuzzy Tsukamoto based Decision Support Model for Purchase Decision in Pharmacy Company
Guroh Kharisma Ramadhan1, Ditdit Nugeraha Utama2

Enhanced Loadability and Inapt Locations
Shilpa Kalambe1, Sanjay Jain2, Deepak Verma3

Business Scaling Using the Latest Marketing Tools
Оlena Sadchenko1, Liliya Yakymyshyn2, Svitlana Kovalchuk3, Daryna Chernenko4, Anna Zaitseva5, Alla Dudnyk6

Interrogation of Sentiment Perusing with Hash Counting Vectorizer and Term Inverse Frequency Transformer using Machine Learning Classification
Kota Venkateswara Rao1, M. Shyamala Devi2

Characterization of a Mobile Waste-Robot: A Heuristic Method to Path Planning Using Artificial Neural Networks
Ralph Sherwin A. Corpuz

Crashworthiness Characteristics of Multi-Cell Tubular Structures Subjected To Axial Impact
A. Praveen Kumar1, L. Ponraj Sankar2, D. Maneiah3, B. Raju4

Effect of Steel Bracing in Progressive Collapse of Multi Storey RC Buildings
Ifteqhar Ahmed Khan1, B. Narender2

The Efficiency of Personnel Management Using Motivation Modern Methods
Marina Bugaeva1, Stepan Buryakov2, Ksenia Vassilieva3, Ekaterina Zaytseva-Savkovich4, Tatyana Satsuk5

Contrast Enhancement of Mammograms and Microcalcification Detection
S.Anand1, J.Murugachandravel2, K.Valarmathi3, Abhisha Mano4, N.Kavitha5

A Novel Current Injection Circuit For Adjustable Speed Drives
A.Kannan1, T.Chandrasekar2, B. Justus Rabi3, S.S. Darly4

A New Method to Estimate Skew Angle in Printed and Historical Document Images
Banumathi K L1, Jagadeesh Chandra A P2

Strength Analysis on Natural Fibre Composite Banana and Sisal Fibres with Epoxy Resin
P. Pradeep Kumar1, Shaik Ahammad Basha2, S. Sai Kumar3

Statistical Analysis of Wind Speed & Wind Direction in Tantan Province, Morocco
Daoudi Mohammed1, Ait Sidi Mou Abdelaziz2, El Khomri Mohammed3, Elkhouzai Elmostapha4

Revenue and Management of Fund Finance Balance
Rusdin Tahir1, Dadang Hermansyah2, Dyah Purnamasari3, Berlianingsih Kusumawati4

Determination of Surface Roughness Throughout CNC Turning of ASTM 316 Steel Expending Taguchi Method
Shweta Siktta Swain1, N. K. Kund2

Face Recognition Based Attendance System in Schools and Organisations
Abhishek Kumar Singh1, Chirag Pattanaik2, Sanket Darokar3

Efficient Intrusion Detection System to prevent the Packet Dropping nodes from Infrastructure Less Networks
Arshad Ahmad Khan Mohammad1, Abbul Muqtadir2, Anusha M3

Smart Emergency Management with IoT for Integration of Emergency Centers and Patients
G.N.Keshava Murthy

Implementation of Linear Congruent Method in Learning Application Batak Toba Script with Game Model
Tonni Limbong1, Sriadhi2, Efendi Napitupulu3

Design and Development of Pharmaceutical Company Information System Based on Website using the Waterfall Model
Aris Darisman1, Mochammad Haldi Widianto2

A Low Jitter – Low Phase Noise Wideband Digital Phase Locked Loop in Nanometer Cmos Technology
Nilesh D. Patel1, Amisha P. Nai Priyesh P. Gandhi2

Routing Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic Based Clustering with Mobile Sink for Wireless Sensor Network
Vinod K1, Kanika Sharma2

Red Lesions Identification of Retina for Diabetic Patients
Geeta G. Unhale1, Mohua Biswas2, Manoj A. Deshmukh3, Akshay A.Jadhav4

High-speed Integration of Kinect V2 Data for Identification of Hand Gesture in Real time Movements
S.Chandrasekhar1, N.N.Mhala2

VLSI Architecture of Cubic SP line Interpolation on FPGA
C. Jayakumar1, J. Sangeetha2

Methods of Pedagogical Psychology in Education
Natalia Kolesnichenko1, Inna Osadchenko2, Svitlana Yashnyk3, Valentyna Kharlamenko4, Valentyna Slipchuk5, Nadiia Gramatyk6

The Innovative Technology for Modeling Management Business Process of the Enterprise
Galyna Ryzhakova1, Dmytro Ryzhakov2, Serhiy Petrukha3, Tetiana Ishchenko4, Tetyana Honcharenko5

Detection of Counterfeit Currency using Discrete Wavelet Transform in MATLAB
N. Prabakaran1, K. Chetan Reddy2, B. Shiva Gopi3, S.S.M. Pranav4

Multi-Label Classification with PSO based Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (Psosmote) for Imbalanced Samples
M.Priyadharshini1, L.Pavithira2

Percieved Role Stressors Amongst Students in Higher Education
Reema Agnes Frank1, Rashmi Kodikal2

Performance Assessment of DI-Diesel Engine using the Blend of Sunflower Oil and Rice Bran Oil
Eswaran M1, Immanuel P2, Ramanathan M3, Rajavelu S4

Design of Bootstrap Sample and Hold Circuit
Ankush Chunn

Electoral Participation of the Tea Tribe Community in Assam: Special Reference to Lok Sabha Election of 2019
Pranami Laskar

Customer Perception Regards E-Wallets
M.Nandhini1, K.Girija2

AODV based Service Discovery Protocol with Two Hop Neighbor Information
Smitha Kurian1, Loganathan R2

Propinquity Effect of Third Places on Customer‘s Experiential Value
Geetanjali Bhandari1, Ruchi Jain2

Enhanced Security through Multi-Tier User Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks
S.V. Achuta Rao1, M. Venkata Rao2

A Secure Image Watermarking Architecture based on DWT-DCT Domain and Pseudo-Random Number
Manocher C. Alipour1, Bobby D. Gerardo2, Ruji P. Medina3

Assessing the Level of Enterprise Reengineering in the Context of Global Digitalization
Halyna Chmeruk1, Volodymyr Tokar2, Liudmyla Sybyrka3, Olena Shaposhnik4, Olga Melnyk5

Optimal Power Allocation and Capacity Analysis for D2D-Enabled Vehicular Communications
Padmavathi T1, Kusma Kumari Ch2, Madhu R3

Assessing the Impact of Information Technology on Organizational Agility in South Khorasan Province (I.R.IRAN)
Hossein Kardan Moghaddam1, Hanie Behdani2, Amir Rajaei3

An Improved Smart Traffic Signal Using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Shruti Mishra1, Vijay Birchha2

A Signature Verification System with Ensemble Classifier
Alpana Deka

Surface Modification of Titanium Dioxide under Ultrasonic Treatment
Nikolay1 A. Bulychev2

Exploration of Amphipolar Copolymer Adsorption on the Hydrophobic Surface
Nikolay1, A. Bulychev2

Shock Experimentation of a Direct Oil Heater Used In Ships
Amol D. Lokhande1, Niteen L. Bhirud2, Gokul V. Mahajan3, Govind E. Chavan4, Dinesh R. Satpute5

An Effective Battery Energy Management System in Hybrid Solar/Wind System Using ANFIS Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter
M. Nagaiah1, K. Chandra Sekhar2

Solid State Anaerobic Fermentation of Sorted Municipal Solid Waste under Thermophilic Condition
Palani Pandiyan.C1, Arun Nivas. R2, S.Mohan3, S.Muneeswaran4, S.Palanivelraja5

Watermarking Schemes for High Security with Applications and Attacks: Research Challenges and Open Issues
Rahul Ajithkumar1, K. Satyanarayan Reddy2, G.Glan Devadhas3

Application of the Principle of Good Faith in Consumer Financing Agreements
Ery Agus Priyono1, Budiharto2, Asri Hayyunniarizka Wulandari3

Canteenautomation System Using Android Application
S.Jaya kumar1, Sawan kumar2, Prabhat Ranjan3, Dharmveer kumar raja4

Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic Based Fault Tolerance with OLC Codes for Parallel Fault Detection and Correction FFT Soc Design
Raju Katru1, M.Chandrasekher2

Forming the Immovable Property Taxation System for Individuals
Vasiliy Igonin1, Natalia Grigorievna Bondarenko2, Tatiana Alexandrovna Shebzuhova3, Elena Vladimirovna Bokareva4, Ruslan Muradovich Allalyev5, Elman Said-Mokhmadovich Akhyadov6

The Living Law’s Relationship With State Law In The Judge’s Decision: Indonesian Legal Pluralism
Tri Laksmi Indreswari

Impact of Copper Nanoparticle Addition on Thermo Physical Properties of Different Base Fluids
A.S.Periasamy Manikandan1, R.Balasubramani2, K.Kalaivani3, R.Baskar4

Execution of Fiducia Guarantee in Government Pawnshop Companies in Semarang City
Siti Malikhatun Badriyah1, R. Suharto2, Etty Susilowati3, Muhammad Haidar Fakhri Allam4

Profitability of Pineapple Production (Ananas comosus) among Smallholders in Malaysia
Nurul Hidayah Md Suhaimi1, Fazleen Abdul Fatah2

Sustainable Issues in Building Operations and Maintenance of Religious Schools in Malaysia
Huraizah binti Arshad1, Izran Sarrazin bin Mohammed2, Nor Nazihah binti Chuweni3

The Effect of User Participation and User Satisfaction on Accounting Information Systems
Meiryani1, Jajat Sudrajat2, El Madina Hakim3, Winwin Yadiati4

Matrix Converter Based Maximum Power Extraction through Wind Turbine and Induction Machine
Chetan Ghatage1, S.Sumathi2

Blockchain Enabled Supply Chain Management
R. Anusha1, A. Angayarkanni2, R.Gavoury3

Performance Characteristics of a Long Porous Partial Journal Bearing Using Couple Stress Fluid
Nisha1, A. Govindarajan2

Integration of Economic Load Dispatch with AGC of Multi-Area Power System: Analysis on Optimal Control and Stabilization
Prakash Chandra Sahu1, Ramesh Chandra Prusty2

Performance Analysis of DSR in MANET using Optimized Branch and Bound Algorithm
P.Ponmuthuramalingam1, S.Sasikala2

Torque Ripple Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor by Changing the Rotor Pole Tip Radius
Nirav A. Salunke1, Amit N. Patel2, Tejas H. Panchal3

Design and Implementation of Stoppers to Capacitive RF MEMS Switch For Low Frequency Applications
Bandlamoodi Sravani

An Empirical scrutinizing of Brand Personalities: Indian Telecommunication Service Providers
Kumar Ratnesh

Experimentation with Flexural Properties of the Carbon Fiber Graphite Fiber and Glass Fiber Composites
BabuKiran B.V.1, Debjyoti Sahu2, Aravinda Kumar M.S.3

The Development of a Blended Learning Model by using E-Book (BLME) on the Subject of Basic Programming
Safrian Aswati1, Jalius Jama2, Azwar Inra3, Kasman Rukun4, Muhammad Amin5

Ductility Analysis of Beams Reinforced with Super Elastic Shape Memory Alloys
G.Ganesh Naidu1, M.Sri Durga Vara prasad2, M.Saritha Gayathri3, P.Ravi Kumar4

Product Quality through Process Improvement- A Pathway to Zero Defects
M.Umasankar1, S.Padmavathy2, N.Prakash3

Strength Charecterstics of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash and Activated Fly Ash
B.Tipraj1, M.Guru Prasad2, E.Laxmi prasanna3, A.Priyanka4, Prashant.K.Hugar5

Identification of Tumour from Ct Images using Contour Plot and Gui
S Priya1, R Nischal2, Mithrashree Sekar3, Harshit Yadav4

Dynamic Monitoring of the Effect of Passenger Occupancy on the Vehicle Center of Gravity (CG) in a Lightweight Electric Vehicle
Sujan Neroula1, Chinmayee Hazarika2, Santanu Sharma3

Different Control Strategies Adopted by Dual Inverter Fed Open End Winding Induction Motor Drive
Kavya Venugopalan1, Jegathesan V2

Using Costumer Behavior to Build Social Network Based on Mole-Algorithm
Saba M. Hussain1, Ghaidaa A. Al-Sultany2

Model of Development of the Owners of Women and Men’s Expert in the Law of Islamic Authority
Edy Sismarwoto

Impact of Foreign Exchange Rate and Inflation Rate on the Economic Growth of India
Ujjal Sut

Current Research on Congestion Control Schemes in VANET: A Practical Interpretation
Harjit Singh1,Vijay Laxmi2, Arun Malik3, Isha Batra4

A Fault Tolerant Han-Carlsonadder using Tmr Technique
S. Rooban1, P. Divya2, P. Preethi3, M. Divya4

Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Weather Monitoring Systemusing Arduino for Smart Environment
R.Sathya Vignesh1, A.Sivakumar2, M.Shyam3, J. Yogapriya4

Effective Facial Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm
MalyalaDivya1, R Obula Konda Reddy2, C Raghavendra3

Function Prediction from Protein Primary Structure using Deep Learning LSTM Algorithm
Anjna Jayant Deen1, Manasi Gyanchandani2

IoT Based Integration of Pulse and Temperature Measurement in Medical Environment
G. A. E. Satish Kumar1, K. Ammaji2

Students Perception of Digital Services in Moroccan Universities – Case of Tuition Services
Sara AREZKI1, Najoua FELLAH2, Soukaina MIHI3, Taoufiq GADI4

An Efficient Energy Management Scheme for a Hybrid FC-SC-Battery Electric Vehicle using Model Predictive Control and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
Adel Abdelaziz Abdelghany Elgammal

Thermal Analysis of Arduino Uno Microcontroller
Richa Tripathi1, Akshaya Simha2, Harshith C3

Relationship between Mathematical Interestand Achievement in Mathematicsof Higher Secondary First Year Students
Varghese P I1, K.B. Jasmine Suthanthira Devi2

Information Security Risk Management for BIDUK System
Kristianto1, Natanael Alamas2, Jarot S. Suroso3

Design of Biphase Sequences using PSA for Radar Applications
E.V.Suryanarayana1, P.Siddhaiah2

A MOPSO-Based Optimal Demand Response Management System for the Integration of Wind-PV-FC-Battery Smart Grid
Adel Elgammal

Secure Remote User Authentication using Pass Script & Pass Text
Raj Mohammed Mohd1, C.Shoba Bindu2, D. Vasumathi3

Security Problems in Iot Model and Privacy Preserving in Various Iot Devices
Aruna Santhi. J1, T. Vijaya Saradhi2

Intersection Features for Android Botnet Classification
Najiahtul Syafiqah Ismail1, Robiah Yusof2, Halizah Saad3, Mohd Faizal Abdollah4

The Scenario of Rainfall-Discharge for Supporting the Optimization of Irrigation Reservoir Operation to Anticipate Extreme Flood
Rusdi Efendi1, Lily Montarcih Limantara2, Widandi Soetopo3, Ery Suhartanto4

Green Technology Trends: Increasing Sales of Green Technology through Brand Equity and Green Trust
Ivan Diryana Sudirman1, Dimas Yudistira, Mulyani2

Virtuoso View of Semantic Web
Anthoniraj Amalanathan1, Vairamuthu Subbiah2, Magesh Vasudevan3

Emotional Interfaces for Effective E-Reading using Machine Learning Techniques
Indhumathi R1, Geetha A2

Through the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) for Extended Model of Entrepreneurs Intentions to Involve in Halal Industry
Siti Hindun Supaat1, Nurul Zarirah Nizam2, Amiruddin Ahamat3

Chatbot and its Practical Applications in the Materialistic World
Gundapu Nitish Kumar1, Devavarapu Sreenivasarao2, Shaik Khasim Saheb3

Finite Element Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Composite Laminates
A.Dyson Bruno1, S.Hari Vignesh2, M.Vasundara3

Awareness & Preferences of Bancassurance in India
K.V.R. Satya Kumar1, P. Suneela Bharathi2

Matching Between SIEM Tools and Smart DLC Systems
Mohammed EL ARASS1, Iman TIKITO2, Nissrine SOUISSI3

Human Resource Management System Development Based on Solving the Problems of Multi-Criteria Alternatives
Elena Popova1, Daria Zamotajlova2, Alfira Kumratova3, Valentina Kolyada4, Anzhela Bashiyeva5

Deriving Operation Policy for Multiple Reservoir System under Irrigation using LPM Model
Bhavana K. Ajudiya1, P. K. Majumdar2, S. M. Yadav3

Mechanical Characterization with Morphological Analysis of Dry Flower Waste Bio Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composite
Deshmukh Deepak1, M. Chandrasekaran2, V.Santhanam3

Crisis in the Indian Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) Sector
Vijaya Kittu Manda1, P. Sai Rani2

Performance and Emission Test on Corn Oil Blended Diesel with Hydrogen Fuel
S.B Viswanath1, D.Sudarsan2, T.Ramakrishnan3, J.Yasin4

Internet of Things driven Inventory Management for the Retail Pharmacies
Shantashree Das1, Debomalya Ghose2

Tax Avoidance on the Banking Industry in the Era of Financial Technology Development
Wilson Pribadi1, Levana Dhia Prawati2

Improving QoS and Reducing Energy Consumption in Cluster-Based VANET Routing Protocol
Kumareshan.N1, Prakash.N2

Facial Expression Detector Using a Five-Layered Convolutional Neural Networks
Queenie Das1, Geetika Gopi2, Janani Suresh3, Swarnalatha P4

An Intelligent Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things
M. Prasanna1, M.Iyapparaja2, M.Vinothkumar3, B Ramamurthy4, S.S.Manivannan5

Commercial Banks as a Key Element in Regulating Cash Flows in the Business Environment
Viktoriya Margasova1, Oleksii Muravskyi2, Oksana Vodolazska3, Halyna Nakonechna4, Maiia Fedyshyn5, Liudmyla Dovgan6

Fabrication of Low-Cost Hip Implant using Direct Metal Laser Sintering Technique
Mohd Yusof Baharuddin1, Ahmad Hafiz Zulkifly2, Lee Ai Choo3, Siti Noor Azza Aminudin4, Muhammad Hisyam Lee5, Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh6

Optimization of Different Workout Variables Throughout CNC Turning of ASTM 316 Deploying ANOVA
N. K. Kund1, Shweta Siktta Swain2

Connotation of Workout Variables with Surface Unevenness Throughout CNC Turning of ASTM 316 Steel Exhausting RSM
Shweta Siktta Swain1, N. K. Kund2

Heavy Rainfall Prediction using Gini Index in Decision Tree
Ayisha Siddiqua L1, Senthil kumar N C2

Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion
Kaushalendra Kumar Dubey1, R.S. Mishra2

“Nature” ASA Construct in the Literary Text Landscape: Analytical Aspects
Lyudmila Viktorovna Gurlenova

Developing Natuna: Integrating Tourism, Marine and Infrastructure Strategies towards Implementing Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum
Tirta Nugraha Mursitama1, Yi Ying2, Bahtiar Saleh Abbas3

Development and Implementation of the Robot Prototype with Inertial Navigation for Work in the Arctic
Alexey Lagunov1, Alexey Orlov2

Thunderstorms over A.P using INSAT- 3D Satellite Data
N. Umakanth1, G.Ch. Satyanarayana2, D. Puneet Kumar3, L. Ram Gopal4, K. Kranthi Mahesh5

Development of Effective Arable Units for Dump Plowing
Gennady Maslov1, Elena Yudina2, Mikhail Kadyrov3, Nikolai Malashikhin4, Vasily Tkachenko5

Lin Pro T: the Feasibility of a Multimedia Courseware for Optimization Methods Course
R. N. Farah1, R. N. Hanani2

Track – Bridge Interaction on High Speed Railways – the ONCF Experience
Mohammed Touati1, Nouzha Lamdouar2, Laila Bouhlal3

Glycerin Purification Process Plant System Design and Performance
ZuriatiJanin1, Hazilah Mad Kaidi2, Robiah Ahmad3

Secure Cloud Storage of Text and Image Files by Giving Access Control to Users
Madhura Mahajan1, S C Dharmadhikari2

Perceived Price and Customer Satisfaction in of f-Premise Catering
Norsuhada Mat Hasan1, Siti Nurhanifah Sulong2, Siti Nor Fadillah Binti Ahmad Shariff3, Massyittah Binti Omar4, Muhamad Shah Kamal Ideris5

Secure Wireless Body Area Networks for Healthcare Applications
S. Ananthakumaran1, R. Bhavani2, K. Mohideen Pitchai3

How Succession Planning Initiatives May Effect the Growth of SMEs in Malaysia: A Conceptual Visit
Ahmad Fadhly Arham1, Nor Sabrena Norizan2, Mohd Natashah Norizan3, Fatrisha Mohamed Yussof4

Students‟ Satisfaction of E-Learning using Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi1, Alhuseen Omar Alsayed2, Nabil Hasan Al-kumaim3, Hussein Abualrejal4, Yousef Fazea5, Qusay Al-Maatouk6

Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow over a 2-D Prolate Spheroid
Channabasav1, Sharanappa Godignur2

Assessment of the Radiation Dose during 16 Slices CT Examinations
M.Mkimel1, R. El Baydaoui2, M. R. Mesradi Z.Tahiri3, E.Saad4, A.Hilali5

Modified Alternator design for Automatic Voltage Regulation
Anupama Prakash1, Anurag Kumar2, Bhanu Pratap Singh3

Comprehensive Examination on Resistive Random Access Memory
K.G.Dharani1, S.Bhavani2, S.Hridya3

Anomaly Detection in Distributed Denial of Service Attack using Map Reduce Improvised Counter Based Algorithm in Hadoop
Y.S Kalai Vani1, P. Ranjana2, M. Sankari3

Integrated Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition based Biometric Watermarking for Authentication using Iris Images
S. Joyce1, S. Veni2

Experimental Examinationof Hollow Brick Masonry Wallwith Reinforcement
Raju kumar Yadav1, Ramkrishna Kumar2, Rajan Kumar3, Lingeshwaran Nagarathinam4

Irrigation Services Management Model as a Guideline for Optimizing Water Distribution in Rotational Group System
Hanugerah Purwadi1, Lily Montarcih Limantara2, Ery Suhartanto3, Rispiningtati4

Strength and Microstructure of Sustainable High Performance Concrete
A.S.Adithya Saran1, T.Harish2

Implementation of Compact Ultra wide Band Antenna Design for Breast Cancer Tumor detection
K.S. Chakradhar1, V. Malleswara Rao2

Implementing Micropatterned Surface for Drag Reduction in UAV
A Vivek Anand1, B Nagaraj Goud2, J Sahana3, V Hariprasad4, K Arunkumar5

Simulation of Biometric Data in VANETs using Layer Recurrent Model
Ekta Narwal1, Sumeet Gill2

Satellite and AWS Based Scrutiny of Heat Wave over A.P
N. Umakanth1, G.Ch. Satyanarayana2, Ch. Lakshmi Harika3, Ch. Shweta4, N. Akhil Chowdary5

ANN and ARMA based thunderstorm prediction over Andhra Pradesh using INSAT 3D Satellite
N. Umakanth1, G.Ch. Satyanarayana2, I. V. S. S. K. Kiran3, V. Kartheek Sai4, D. Mercy5

Implementation of Manufacturer and Reseller Interaction Models, Taking Into Account Advertising Costs
Tetiana Bludova1, Nataliya Danylyuk2, Oleksandr Dyma3, Olena Kachan4, Olena Horokhova5

Auxiliary Draught Base Performance Improvement of Air Distribution System of Cold Store
Pankaj Mishra1, K. R. Aharwal2

Progressive Collapse Analysis of Three Dimensional Two Bay Five Storey Bare and Infilled Frames under Corner and Middle Column Removal
M.Prakash1, K.S. Satyanarayanan2, V.Thamilarasu3

Effect of Curing Conditions on the Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete Incorporating Slag and Steel Fibres
Abibasheer Basheerudeen1, S.K.Sekar2

BO Strategy and RK Model Combined Together: Worth for Customers
Munish Kumar Tiwari1, Amit Manglik2

A Low Input Referred Noise Dynamic Comparator for High Speed Applications
D Pavan kumar Sharma1, P.Sreehari Rao2

The Effect of Perceived Characteristics of DOI and Technology Adoption on SMEs Performance in Malaysia
Jaya Kumar Shanmugam1, Teoh Ai Ping2, Ramayah Thuraisamy3

Spatio Temporal Variation in Streamflow and Sediment Discharge in Middle Godavari Basin During 1969-2016
Madhura C. Aher1, S.M.Yadav2

Secure Authentication with Iris using Hamming Distance
P.Vimala1, C. Karthika Pragadeeswari2

Smart Home using Visual Sensor Network and Li-Fi Technology
Devendra Kumar1, Upasana Sharma2

Sitting Management Solid Waste Landfill Combining Geographic Information System and Analytic Hierarchy Process: Ajdir, Morocco
Yassir Bouroumine1, Lahcen Bahi2, Latifa Ouadif3, Ahmed Ait Errouhi4

Design and Implementation of Facial Recognition System for Visually Impaired using Image Processing
S.Kanaga Suba Raja1, M.Vivekanandan2, S.Usha Kiruthika3, S.Akila R .Janani Ayshwarya4

Biosolubilization of Cr (VI) from Tannery Sludge: Process Modeling, Optimization, Rate Kinetics and Thermodynamics Aspects
Venkatesa Prabhu. S1, Girma Gonfa2, Gizachew Assefa. K3, Surafel M. Beyan4, Ramesh. G5

Enhanced Underwater Balanced Co-operative Routing Protocol
Rajini.S.1, M Ramakrishna2

Multiple Authority Based Data Fragmentation Technique for Providing Secure Storage in Cloud
Girish Kumar D1, Rajashree V Biradar2, V C Patil3

Handwriting Recognition using Deep Learning based Convolutional Neural Network
Asha K1, Krishnappa H K2

Fouling Characteristics of Milk-Water System in a Plate Heat Exchanger
R.Balasubramani1, A.S.Periasamy Manikandan2, K.Kalaivani3, R.Baskar4

Preparation and Characteriztion of Biodegradable Composite Films from Poly (vinyl alcohol) and Natural Proteins for Food and other Packaging Applications
K. Subramanian1, S. Sangeetha2, G. Srisugamathi3

Phishing Website Detection using Supervised Deep Learning
L Lakshmi1, K Pushpa Rani2, K Vijay3, G.V.S.S Priyanka4

The Effectiveness of Extensive Assessment Instruments on the Psychomotor Achievement Levels for Fielding Category Games in Year 5 Physical Education Subjects
Azali Rahmat1, Norkhalid Salimin2, Hanapiah Khamis3, Abd Rahim Mohd Shariff4

Online Discussion Forum as a Tool for Interactive Learning and Communication
Edeh Michael Onyema1, Edeh Chinecherem Deborah2, Alhuseen Omar Alsayed3, Quadri Noorulhasan Naveed4, Sumaya Sanober5

Prediction of DDoS Attacksusing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
Saritha1, B. RamaSubba Reddy2, A Suresh Babu3

Impact of Landuse and Landcover on Valuation using Geospatial Technology in Madurai District, Tamilnadu, India
Balaji L1, Muthukannan M2

Wavelet-Based Thermal Image Analysis Methods
Venkata Surya Narayana Tinnaluri1, Umesh B Pawar2, Nandini M Chaudhari3

Artificial Intelligence based Credit Card Fraud Identification using Fusion Method
D.Uma Devi1, Gnanaprakasam Thangavel2, P. Anbhazhagan3

Breast Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning
Sivapriya J1, Aravind Kumar V2, Siddarth Sai S3, Sriram S4

The Effect of Corporate Governance Attributes On Audit Quality in Nigeria
Umar Aliyu Mustapha1, Norfadzilah Nik Mohd Rashid2, Saheed Ademola Lateef3, Abdullahi Bala Ado4

Machine Learning Based Classification Models for Financial Crisis Prediction
S. Anand Christy1, R.Arunkumar2

The Effect of Audit Quality on Accruals Earnings Management in Nigerian Listed Firms
Umar Aliyu Mustapha1, Norfadzilah Rashid2, Abdullahi Bala Ado3, Lateef Saheed Ademola4

Store Attribute Factors Inducing Customer Loyalty in the Context of Apparel Retailers
Santosh Kumar Alreddy

Enhancing the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Multi-Cell Square Tubes under Lateral Impact
A Praveen Kumar1, L. Ponraj Sankar2, D. Maneiah3, Gudem Harshavardhan4

Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in Real Time Environment using Ensemble Learning Model
Sharmila. K. Wagh1, Anuradha S. Varal2

Edge Detection in Grayscale Image of Brain MRI with Tumor Cells using Game of Life
Jasmeena Tariq1, A.Kumaravel2, Fasel Qadir3

An Efficient Route Maintenance Routing Algorithm for VANETS
Danish Ather1, Raghuraj Singh2, Ravi Shankar Shukla3

Strength and Ductility of Tyre Rubber Concrete Columns
Sulagno Banerjee1, Aritra Mandal2, Jessy Rooby3

Estimating Cell Count in Overlapped Cluster of ThinPrep Pap Smear Cell Microscopic Image
Deepa.T.P.1, Nagaraja Rao A2

Discover and Analyzes Whether Mobile Applications Downloaded From the Internet Are Good or Bad
G. Kalaimani1, G. Kavitha2

Enhancement of Surface Roughness and Corrosion Resistance of Wedmed Al 7075 Alloy
B Rajnaveen1, G Rambabu2, D Balaji Naik3, Abdul Silar Babu4

Optimization of Unit Commitment Problem with Third Order Polynomials using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
Karthikeyan. R1, Subramanian. S2, Elanchezhian. E. B3

Quality of Higher Education in the State of Karnataka (India)
Raghavendran V1, Jegadeeswari. S2

“Examining the Role of Social Capital, Sustainability Orientation and Self-efficacy in Entrepreneurial Intention among Indian Students”
Vijay Kumar Jain1, Pankaj Kumar2, Praveen Dube3, JayatiNaithani4

Design of an Automated Smart Vehicle Fueling System
P.Tamilarasu1, V.Kumaresan2, T.Gunasekar3, T.Logeswaran4, M.Suresh5, M.Suresh6

Export – Import Performance of Natural Rubber in India
A. Muthusamy1, S. Sundararajan2

Dynamics of Innovations and Value Creation in Small Business by Diffusion of Digital Marketing
Debadutta Das1, Manoj Kumar Jena2, Manoranjan Dash3

Current and Potential Users Adoption of Mobile Payment Technology in Nigeria
Abner, Ishaku Prince1, Udo Emmanuel Samuel2, Akpan Ededem Jack3, Clementina Kanu4

Measuring the Financial Performance of a Telecommunications Corporation
Mukdad Ibrahim

A Complete Summary of Non-Parametric Statistical Methods Used For Biological Microarray Data
Meenu Sharma1, Rafat Parveen2

The effect of linkages in the Hierarchical Clustering of Auto-Regressive algorithm for Defect Identification in Heat Exchanger Tubes
Zakiah Abd Halim1, Nordin Jamaludin2, Azma Putra3

Production of Polyphenol from Phyllanthus Emblica using Soxhlet Extraction Process
A.S.Periasamy Manikandan1, S.Akila2, K.Prabu3

IoT based Eye Movement Guided Wheelchair driving control using AD8232 ECG Sensor
Pratik Kanani1, Mamta Padole2

Consumers’ Perception toward Private Brands with Reference to Grocery Products
Dwarakanath Siriguppi1, Santosh Kumar Alreddy2

Summarize the Work Related to Prediction of Stock Market’s Option Prices with Artificial Intelligence using Standard Dataset
Ashish Pathak1, Parmalik Kumar2

Technology of Predictive Analysis of Entity’s Financial Stability Based on Linear Constrains
E.V. Negashev

A Novel way out to Unit Commitment Problem utilizing Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization
Padmanabha Raju Chinda

Cementing Efficiency of Rice Husk Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in M60 grade Self Compacting Concrete
G Mounika1, V Srinivasa Reddy2, M V Seshagiri Rao3, M Swaroopa Rani4

Hybrid Binary Gray Wolf Optimization for finding Optimal Features in Classification Problems
R.S.Latha1, G.R.Sreekanth2, R.C.Suganthe3, M.Geetha4

Random Forest based Hybrid Model for Intrusion Detection System
Harshal N. Datir1, Pradip M. Jawandhiya2

An Improved Lung Cancer Prediction System using Image Processing
D Kalyani1, C Raghavendra2, K Rajendra Prasad3

The Benefit and Challenge of Blockchain Technology for Tracing Automotive Component: a simulation test
Surjandy1, Meyliana2, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars3, Edi Abdurachman4

Artificial Neural Network based Process History Data Model for Gas Turbine Compressor Systems
Shaiju M.R.1, Arun P.2, S. Jayaraj3

Design, Simulation & Analysis of Rectangular & Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
Harshit Srivastava1, Usha Tiwari2

Fault Tolerant Coverage and Connectivity Model for Wireless Sensor Networks in Real time Environment
Neeru Meena1, Buddha Singh2

Design Optimization of Helical Coil Suspension for Mass Minimization
Anirudh Kumar Singh1, Vaibhav Mittal2

Relationship between FDI, Foreign Exchange Earnings through Inbound Tourism and Growth of Indian Economy
Piyali Roy Chowdhury1, Anuradha. A2

An Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction towards the Employee Self-Service Feature of Oracle’s PeopleSoft System

The impact of Supervisor Support towards Extra-Role Behavior
Asyakireen Samsudin1, Azman Ismail2

Intelligent Algorithm Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Solar Pump
B.Hari Sankar Reddy1, K..Nagabhushanam2, R.Kiranmayi3

An Adaptive Framework for Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Network
S.Nalini1, A.Valarmathi2

Multi-Level Inverter Topologies Based UPQC Applied to Distribution Systems for Power Quality Improvement
Shiwani Rai1, Mukesh Kumar Kirar2, Yogendra Kumar3

Novel TQWT Algorithm for Structural Damage Identification
Arun Kumar K1, Mallikarjuna Reddy D2

Static Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction of Composite Leaf Springs of Automotive Suspension System
Nithesh Naik1, Dheeraj Gosangi2, Revati Borkhade3, Ritesh Bhat4, Dasharathraj Shetty5, Samuel Schumann6

Income, Vulnerability and Empowerment of Women Street Vendors in Haflong Town of Assam
Biman Kumar Nath

Optimization of the ANOVA Procedure for Support Vector Machines
Borislava Vrigazova1, Ivan Ivanov2

Application of Ground Penetration Radar and Light Weight Deflectometer for Pavement Quality Control and Quality Assessment
Vishal Kumar Narnoli1, Sanjeev Kumar Suman2

Ergonomics as an Evolution in MSMEs
Parveen Sharma

Path Finder : An Artificial Intelligence Based Shortest Path
Anupam Singh1, Vivek Lokchand Shahare2, Nitin Arora3, Ahatsham4

A Novel Technique for Moving Object Detection & Tracking with Optical Flow
C.Karthika Pragadeeswari1, G.Yamuna2

A Prediction to Choose Customers in Auto Ancillary Automotive Products using K-Tree-Bayes Model for Improving Business Profits and Retention
K. Shyamala1, C.S Padmasini2

Prospective Application of Parallelization to Accelerate Biological Model Simulations
Kishore G R1, Shubhamangala B R2

Performance Emission of N-Octanol – Biodiesel Blend in Diesel Engine
Sunil Kumar Sinha1, Naveen Kumar2, Rajesh Kumar3

Task Scheduling Allocation based on Task Completion Time in Cloud Environment
Swathi Sambangi1, Lakshmeeswari Gondi2

Optimization of High Performance Concrete Mix Incorporating Bagasse Ash and Slag Aggregates using Statistical Method
Revanasiddappa Madihalli1, Latha M S2, J K Dattatreya3

PV modeling and Maximum power extraction using Voltage Control Algorithm
B. Maniraj1, A. Peer Fathima2

Determining the Dependency Pattern of Daily Change (increase or decrease) of Dhaka Stock Exchange Index (DSEX) in Bangladesh by Markov Chain and Logistic Regression Model
Sayedul Anam1, Md. Ashik Abdulla2, Md. Arif Hassan3, Md. Kamruzzaman4

Multi-Objective Physician Scheduling using Native Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and Its Variance
M. Hidayati1, A. Wibowo2

A Distinctive Perceptions of the Disputants in the Negotiation of Labor Dispute Resolution
Dan-Mallam Yakubu Abigail1, Peter Nwanes Karubi2, Parveen Kaur3, Arif Jawaid4, Nazir Hussain Shah5, Khalil Ur Rehman6

Throughput of Customised ZigBee Stack- A Mathematical Modelling
A.Narmada1, P.Sudhakara Rao2

An Online Video Segmentation using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Technique
R.Durga1, G.Yamuna2

Performance of H13 and HCHCR Tool Materials on Friction Stir Welded 6070Aluminium Alloy Plates Subjected to Different Temper Conditions
M.V.N. Srujan Manohar1, K. Mahadevan2, A. Aravindan3

Identification of Potentially active Methanogenic Population for Degradation of Organic Substances in UASFFR for Treating Sago Wastewater
Sheela R1, Asha B2

DC Feeder Voltage Control Strategy of Bidirectional DC to DC converter for Railway Traction
Sachin V. Kale1, N. R. Bhasme2

Lα X-ray satellites for 31 ≤ Z ≤ 38: Systematization
Desh Deepak Tewari1, Garima Misra2, U.D.Misra3

Effect of the Parametric Variations of Semiconductor Screen on Line Parameters and Wave Properties of Underground Cable
Swarnankur Ghosh1, Supriyo Das2

Development of Optimized Methodology for Improvement Domestic Energy Management
Asmaa Sobhy Sabik1, EL Saeed Osman2, Mohamed Ebrahim El sayed3

Sky-A* Algorithm for Artificial Intelligence
Mohd. Junedul Haque1, Rakesh Ahuja2

Financial Performance of Leading Logistic Companies in India
SP. Mathiraj1, Shetty Deepa Thangam Geeta2, N. Nagalakshmi3, M. Vinoth4

Design of OFDM with interpolated FIR Filter channel estimation based Fixed WIMAX system for Data and Image Transmission
Vasanth Kumar T R1, K V Prasad2

Smart Home Automation Tool for Energy Conservation
Vivek Shahare1, Nitin Arora2, Ahatsham3, Anupam Singh4, Nidhi Mouje5

Economic-Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting of Competitiveness Level of Agricultural Sector of Ukraine by Means of Theory of Fuzzy Sets under Conditions of Integration into European Market
Serhii Kozlovskyi1, Illya Khadzhynov2, Ruslan Lavrov3, Oleh Skydan4, Natalya Ivanyuta5, Natalia Varshavska6

Auto_Bot for Fire Detection and Extinguishion
Rukkumani.V1, Dharshini. V2, Suvetha. R3, Varsha. N4

Energy Efficient Routing based on Reliability for Mobile Ad hoc Network
Hashandeep Kaur Sidhu1, Manjeet Singh Patterh2, Preeti3

Automated Toll Booth using Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm
Kausalya. K1, Bhavadarini. S2, Gayathri. A3

The Impact of Database Technology on Learning Physics at Undergraduate Level
R. Nandhakumar1, K. Govindarajan2

Optimisation of Mix Proportioning of Self-Compacting Concrete using Heuristic Search
Nimisha Jiji1, Alisha Jais2, Ramesh Kannan M3

A Substitute Method for Color Image Enciphering based on Cell Shuffling and Scan Pattern
Chandra Prakash Singar1, Jyoti Bharti2, R.K. Pateriya3

Wireless Power Transfer and Vehicle Theft Detection using Block Chaining
S.Gnanapriya1, K. Rahimunnisa2, Jan Gracelin Jemi. K3, Ishwarya. S4, Karthikeyan. AL5

Molecular Modeling of Anti HIV Drugs of Protease Inhibitor Group by CoMFA
M.B. Kalhans1, A.K. Singh2, N.B. Singh3

Flood Prediction and warning system using SVM and ELM models
M Madhuram1, Anuj Kakar2, Anushri Sharma3, Saurav Chaudhuri4

NFDDC: Novel Neuro-Fuzzy Logic based Methodology for Distributed Data Classification
Shahina Parveen M

Digital Generation: Entrepreneurial Motivation of Generation Z in digital Era
Mulyani1, Tutik Inayati2, Rudy Aryanto3

Notaries Ethics in Stipulating Honorarium Minimum in Indonesia
Melissa Liguna1, Budi Santoso2, FX. Joko Priyono3

Synthesis, Characterization of Nano Film from Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes) and Its Antimicrobial Activity
Kavita Kulkarni1, A.D. Kulkarni2, Yogesh Wadavane3

Construction of Fuzzy Mean using Standard Deviation ( Χ – S  ) Control Chart with Process Capability
R. Dilipkumar1, C. Nanthakumar2

E-Payments – Enabling India towards Becoming Less Cash Economy
Rahul Dhaigude1, Vaishali Jain2

Novel Technique To Implement Low Power Differential Delay Cell Ring VCO With Variable Centre Frequency
Shitesh Tiwari1, Sumant Katiyal2, Parag Parandkar3

Newly Proposed k-NN Method for More Efficient Classification
Danail Sandakchiev

Time and Area Efficient 2-D DWT using Multiplier-less Canonic Signed Digit Technique
Akhilesh Jain1, Karishma Rushiya2, Rakesh Singhai3

Identification and Impact of Motivational Factors on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Health Workers of Punjab Government Health Department
Neema Gupta1, Asharuddin2

Selection of Shortest Path & Validation for Motion of Multiple Robots
K Prasanna Lakshmi

Development of an Algorithm for Creating a Database for Historical Heritage Research
Marina Kolesnikova1, Lyudmila Ermolenko2

Web development on Earth-Quake Measurement in Seismic Scale
P Jeyanthi1, G Sivakumar2, S Revathy3, V Vijeya Kaveri4

Water Reservoir Area and Volume Determination Using Geoinformation Technologies and Remote Sensing
Khasanov Khojiakbar1, Bakiev Masharif2, Choriev Jamshid3, Jahonov Aziz4, Khalimbetov Azat5

Sociological and Mathematical Models as Tools of Social Processes Applied Sociological Research
Alena Yurievna Bulatetskaya

Adaptive Broadcast Routing Protocol using Fuzzy Logic System for MANET
R. Saraswathi1, A.Subramani2

Followers’ Comply to Toxic Leaders: the Context of Engineering Academicians in Research University in Malaysia
Aishah Tamby Omar1, Ungku Norulkamar Ungku Ahmad2

IoT Based Smart Farm Monitoring System
R.Mythili1, Meenakshi Kumari2, Apoorv Tripathi3, Neha Pal4

Applications and Performance of Geogrids in Structures
S.Balaji1, S. Vinodhkumar2, R.G. Ridhuvarsine3

Balancing the Performance of Asphalt Binder Modified by Tire Rubber and Used Motor Oil
Eslam Deef-Allah1, Magdy Abdelrahman2

Alpha Modeling of Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph for Part of Watersheds in Indonesia
Dian Kamila1, Lily Montarcih Limantara2, Mohammad Bisri3, Widandi Soetopo4

Fast and Secure Packet Scheduling with Packet Level Redundancy Elimination in Dynamic Mobile Networks
K.Soniya1, A. Senthil Kumar2

Features of Strategic Economic Security Monitoring in the Context of Innovation and Investment Policy of Agro-Industrial Organizations
Makarova Nadezhda1, Shubovich Alexander2, Chusov Ivan3, Khalyapina Ekaterina4, Kuzmina Lyudmila5

The Copyright Protection System Through the Art Community Paradigm in Indonesia
Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan

Low Power Cmos Vlsi Circuit Layout using Emerging Technologies
K.Saifuddin1, Chakka Ravi Teja2, Yennapusa. Rajakullai Reddy3

An Enhanced-Node Feature Based Clustering Algorithm for MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network)
Sandeep Monga1, J.L Rana2, Jitendra Agarwal3

Vision Controlled Automated Robotic Vehicle using Raspberry Pi
Aswin Kumer S V1, Pamarthi Kanakaraja2, Kuruvella Naga Arun Sai Krishna3, Macharla Devisri4, Parvataneni Tulasi5

Mobile Sink Based Data Assemblage in Wireless Sensor Networks
Darwin Nesakumar A1, M.Daniel Nareshkumar2, A Swetha Reddy3, P.Mugilan4

Vibration Control of Water Tank Staging Equipped X-plate Damper
G. Nirmala1, Atulkumar Manchalwar2, Sakshi Manchalwar3

Biodiesel Production Optimization using Heterogeneous Catalyst (Al2O3) in Karanja oil by Taguchi Method
Satish A. Patil1, R. R. Arakerimath2

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Tensile Characters of Prosopis Juliflora Fiber-Reinforced Phenol Formaldehyde Composites
A. Sujin Jose1, S.R. Breesha2, G. Godwin3, S.A. Ananthapuri4

Timestamp Injected Cryptographic Hash Function to Reduce Fabrication of Hash Collisions
Zulfany Erlisa Rasjid1, Gunawan Witjaksono2, Benfano Soewito3, Edi Abdurahman4

Modeling and Simulation of Performance limits in IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function
Ali Eyadeh1, Mohammad Jarrah2, Ahmad Aljumaili3

Modelling and Analysis of Deregulated Electricity Market Operations
D.Prasad1, M.Gopila2, S.Purushotham3

Veracity Management in Big Data using Semantic Web Technology
R Revathy1, R Aroul Canessane2

Independent Component Analysis and Sophisticated Distribution Control Algorithms based Improving the Efficecny of Solar Power Generation
V.M.Madhavan1, D. Senthil Kumar2, M. Loganathan3

Proposed Sensing -Transmission Model for Uncoordinated Cognitive Radios
Navpreet Kaur1, Inderdeep Kaur Aulakh2, Meenakshi Malhotra3

Design a Portable Photovoltaic – Reverse Osmosis Unit for Brackish water As Pathway to Develop Remote Communities
Sami Abd El-Fattah1, M. Attia Abdellatif2, M.A. Hashim3

Collaborative Energy Efficiency for Modleach in WSN
Pragya Pandey1, Inderjeet Kaur2

A Novel Architecture for Low Power Adiabatic Cipher
Samik Samanta1, Rajat Mahapatra2, Ashis Kumar Mal3

Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nano Particles using Tecoma Stans Flower Extract
Kavitha K.R1, Vijayalakshmi.S2, Murali Babu B3

A Hybrid Topological Design of Led Driver for Automotive Applications
Vibin Mammen Vinod1, Mekala V2, Manimegalai M3, Prabhuram N4, Arun Kumar P5

Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Fuel Cells in Wastewater Treatment – Homotopy Perturbation Method
S. ThamizhSuganya1, P. Balaganesan2, L. Rajendran3

Modern Determinants of Economic Security Management of States in Conditions of Globalization and Stability Development
Vitalii V. Bashtannyk1, Galyna S. Lopushnyak2, Tetiana V. Bielska3, Petro F. Nemesh4, Yuliia Muzyka5

Broadcasting in VANET: State of the Art
Tahera Mahmood1, Tulika2

Ans-Assist: Robust Human Fall Detection for Unconstraint Smartphone Positions using Modified Long Short-Term Memory Cell
Maria Seraphina Astriani1, Yaya Heryadi2, Gede Putra Kusuma3, Edi Abdurachman4

Combined Impactof Knowledge Management and Total Quality Management on Innovation Performance: Insights from Indian IT Industry

The Robust Computer Aided Diagnostic System for Lung Nodule Diagnosis
Popuri Ramesh Babu1, Inampudi Ramesh Babu2, S.V.N.Srinivasu3

Radioepidemiologic and Experimental Evidence: Health Risks Associated with Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
Farhana Mohamad Yussof1, Roslan Umar2, Azmi Hassan3, Nurulhuda Mohammad Yusoff4, Siti Maisarah Aziz5

Behaviour of Granular Anchor Pile (Gap) and Group Piles In Different Type of Soils under Vertical Pullout Loads
Jaswant Singh1, Anupam Mital2, V.K. Arora3

IoT Based Vehicle Mounted Weight Sensors
Pavan Manjunath1, Pritam Gajkumar Shah2, Michael Herrmann3

Higher Dimensional Data Access and Management with Improved Distance Metric Access for Higher Dimensional Non-Linear Data
Sakshi Jolly1, Neha Gupta2

Relationship of Temple Infrastructure with Devotees’ Spiritual Experience with Special Reference to Arulmigu Subramanya Swamy Temple, Kundrathur, Chennai
B.Eswaran1, K.Anandanatarajan2

Tourists Perception of Public Transit Services for Leisure Travel Satisfaction in Lagos
Oloruntobi Olakunle Oluwatosin1, Safizahanin B. Mokhtar2, Muhammad Zaly Shah3

Influence of Training and Development Programs in Banking Sector on the Performance of Employee
Geeta Kumari

Does the Quality of Indonesian Tourism Website Influence Foreign Tourist Decision to Visit Indonesia?
Dimas Yudistira Nugraha1, Ivan Diryana Sudirman2

Implementation of Wireless Sensor’s Integration Possibilities and Attacks on Wireless Network Control
Poonkodi.R1, N. SaravanaSelvam2

Biogeochemistry using Melastoma Malabathricum and fern from mineralised area in Sokor, Kelantan
Chang Shen Chang1, Roniza Ismail2

Importance of Labour Efficiency in Dry Dock Construction
Govind Singh1, Ankit Kumar2, Samyak Jain3, Shanmuga Priya T4

Digital Twins Technology: A Bird‟s Eye-View From Coimbatore Manufacturing Firms
S. Anthony Raj1, B. Kalpana Sai2, G. T. Thiru Arooran3

Qualitative Analysis of Brain and Heart Signals using DWT
Revati Shriram1, Nivedita Daimiwal2

Robust Speaker Diarization Based on Daubechies Wavelet, Nonlinear Energy Operator and Pyknogram
Sukhvinder Kaur1, J.S. Sohal2, Amit Gupta3

The Effectiveness of the “Image Processing” Learning Practice Learning Model in Informatics Engineering Diploma Program
Herry Sulendro Mangiri1, Herminarto Sofyan2, Adhi Susanto3

An Architectural Design Proposal to Implement Li-Fi Framework
Devidas, Vasudeva Pai1, Abhishek S. Rao2, Ranjan Kumar H S3, Balasubramani .R4

Estimating the Impact of Crop Diversification on Economic Growth in India: A Quantitative Assessment
Pratiti Singha1, Anup Sinha2

A Fact-Finding Research on the Employment Stressors and its Imprint on the Work Satisfaction of the Teaching Fraternity working in Public and Private Schools
K.A.Harish1, B.Jeya Prabha2

Defect Detection of Coatings on Metal Surfaces Based on K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Yasir Aslam1, Santhi N2, Ramasamy N3, K. Ramar4

Generating of Fuzzy Rule Bases with Gaussian Parameters Optimized via Fuzzy C-Mean and Ordinary Least Square
Samingun Handoyo1, Achmad Efendi2

Blockchain Technology and It’s Applications in E-Governance Services
Om Pal1, Surendra Singh2

Efficient QoS Routing in Manet using Quantum Behaved PSO
Nibedita Jagadev1, Binod Kumar Pattanayak2

Physiological Traits (Face Recognition) Based Door Lock
Shashank Gutgutia1, Shubham Shukla2, Sardar Shubhjeet Singh3

Advanced Machine Learning Techniques used for Deodorant Based Sentimental Anatomy
CMAK Zeelan Basha1,Vaishnavi Yaramanchu2, Y Spoorthy3, Yaramanchu Divya4

Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Substitution of Fine and Coarse Aggregate by Waste Materials in Concrete
Abusalah Mohamed Alakhdar1, Baskar Rajaram2

Radiation Dose and Lifetime Risk of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Patients Undergoing 16 Slice CT Emergency Examinations
Zakaria Tahiri1, Leila Jroundi2, Fatima Zahra Laamarni3, Mounir Mkimel4

Architecture Centric Software Development using Program Line Code
V. Sujay1, M. Babu Reddy2

Design of Image Steganography using M-BAT Optimization
Srinivas Reddy.T

Integrated Device Cloud Architecture for a Secure Cloud of Things Environment
V. K. Sanjeevi1, Y. Sunil Raj2, S. Albert Rabara3

Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization and Compressive Sensing-Based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Prabhdeep Singh1, Anuj Kumar Gupta2, Ravinder Singh3

Development of Ingenious Floor Cleaner using ARDUINO
Anbumani V1, Geetha V2, Renugha V3, Praveenkumar V4

Effect of Global Economic Crisis on the Price Behavior of Realty Sector Index Stocks of NSE
M.Muthukamu1, S.Rajamohan2

Simulation of Boarding Time Prediction using M/M/C/K Queuing Model for Airport Passengers
Sivakami Sundari M1, Palaniammal S2

Financial Inclusion and Farmers: Association between Status and Demographic Variables
Ashwani Kumar1, Hariom Gupta2

The Effect of Green Human Resource Practices on Green Innovation Performance: A New Paradigm from Industrial Companies in Jordan
Khaled Mohammad Banyhamdan1, Ruba Risheed Al-Ghdabi2, Reham Zuhier Qasim Almomani3

Density Based Spatial Clustering Application with Noise by Varying Densities
Vikram Neerugatti1, Mokkala Kiran Moni2, Rama Mohan Reddy A3

Heat Transfer Performance of EG-Water Based Fe3O4 and its Hybrid Nanofluids in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
T. Kanthimathi1, P. Bhramara2, Ayub Shaik3

Thermal Degradation and Mechanical Behavior of Banana Pseudo-Stem Reinforced Composites
M.Z. Hassan1, S.M. Sapuan2, Z.A. Rasid3

Well Control using Drill Sim (One Circulation)

ECHA: A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Head Election Algorithm to Provide Energy-Aware Routing in WSN
V. Nivedhitha1, A. Gopi Saminathan2, P. Thirumurugan3

AN Input Based Random Number Generator
Prashant Kumar Yadav1, Surjeet Kumar2

Impact of Active Learning Training Design on Self Efficacy Levels of Participants
Jain Mathew1, Rachana Mukherjee2, Sridevi Nair3

Reconfigurable MIMO Antenna for 5G Communication Applications
G.Sudhakar Reddy1, Praveen Kumar Kancherla2, Amulya Boyina3

Characterization of Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beams with Variable Rotational Speed
S.N.Padhi1, K. S. Raghu Ram2, Jasti Kasi Babu3, T.Rout4

Design of Variable Fractional Delay Filter using FIR Filter Approximation
Ch. Kusma Kumari1, T. Narendra Babu2, D. Sita Siva3, P. V. S. Sankaracharyulu4

Salt & Pepper Noise Reduction using Cellular Automata
Jasmeena Tariq1, A.Kumaravel2

System Design of Augmented Reality Technology to Strengthen Sustainable Imaging of Kujang Products Based on Local Culture
Eneng Tita Tosida1, Deden Ardiansyah2, Agung Djati Walujo3, Ahmad Sofyandi4

Deep Learning Techniques to Address Issues in Data Quality and Data Variety
C.Pabitha1, B.Vanathi2

Credit Scoring for Financial Services Institution using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm under Logistic Regression Model
Ulfa Rahmani1, Sukono2, Riaman3

Building the Security Function Point Method for Web Application Vulnerability Remediation
Kwansoon Park1, Boyoung Kim2

Development of A Technology for the Directed Modification of Fatty Acid Composition of Beef in Grass-Fed Feeding
Ruslan Omarov1, Ivan Gorlov2, Marina Slozhenkina3, Natalia Mosolova4, Sergei Shlykov5

Time History Analysis on Precast Building Connections
Umamaheswara Rao Tallapalem1, Shaik Nurulla2, SrinivasaraoVallu3

Digital Technology Capabilities as a Key Driver of Sustainable Digital Transformation of Media Industry in Indonesia
Y. Johny Natu Prihanto1, Dyah Budiastuti2

Maximizing Network Lifetime using Fuzzy Based Secure Data Aggregation Protocol (FSDAP) in a Wireless Sensor Networks
Reshma S1, Shaila K2, Venugopal K R3

Impact Analysis of Carbon/ Glass/ Epoxy Hybrid Composite Pipes
V.Vijaya Rajan1, R.Muruganandhan2

Factors Determining Strategic Alliance Success in Construction Join Operation Lrt Project
Wahyu Sardjono1, Widhilaga Gia Perdana2, Finella Ayi3

Self-Calibration of Ultrasonic Water Flow Meter
Muammer Catak1, Coskun Ergan2

Performance of Improved speed pipelined floating point multiplier Architecture
Rajendra Prasad.K

Performance of Improved FIR filer using FPGA
Rajendra Prasad.K

Mobile Object Sensing Technologies using Arduino Microcontroller
José Mela1, Edwin Cedeño Herrera2, Oscar Rodríguez3, Raúl Dutari4

Enhancement of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Plain Fin Coated with Brass and Aluminium
Sreedhar Vulloju1, P.S. Kishore2, Mukul Shrivastava3

Ensemble Hybrid K- Means and DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm – HDKA for Cancer Dataset
Sangeetha.M1, Kousalya.R2

Combustion Behaviors of a Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled with Mosambipeel Blends Pyro oil using Ethyl Ether as an Additive
K.Venkaresan1, Basam. Koteswararao2, L.Ranganath3

Implementation of Effective Water Harvesting and Management System for Agriculture
B.Senthilkumar1, R.Gowrishankar2, S.Tamilselvan3, T.Kanagaraj4

Handwritten English Digit Recognition: A Machine Learning Formulation
Suchismita Behera1, Niva Das2

Methodology for Selection and Placement of Agricultural Crops using Artificial Intelligence
Vladimir K. Kalichkin1, Roman A. Koryakin2, Tatyana A. Luzhnykh3, Vera S. Riksen4, Anastasia S. Rudneva5

Identification and Characterization of Solar Cell Defects using Thermal Imaging
Neel Kamal1, Md Irshad Alam2, Vineet Shekher3, Vikash Tiwari4

Legal Nihilism in the Context of the Implementation of Amnesty and the Social Consequences of its use (on the Example of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Valentinovich Kochetkov1, Dmitry Vadimovich Kohman2, Ksenia Yuryevna Pronina3, Leila Sarvarovna Remizova4, Irina Vyacheslavovna Khoroshko5

Trends in the Production, Consumption, Import of Vegetables and Potatoes in the Russian Federation
Anatoly T. Stadnik1, Svetlana G. Chernova2, Olga V. Ozhogova3, Anastasia A. Samokhvalova4, Alexey I. Golikov5

Improvement of the Business and Personal Qualities of a Manager
Ludmila Sadovnicova1, Anzej Kokel2, Anna Adamus-Matushinska3

Аprospects for the Development of Family Entrepreneurship in the Digital Transformation of the Economy
Anatoly Nikolaevich Levushkin1, Pavel Aleksandrovich Matveev2, Irina Aleksandrovna Tolstova3, Galina Yurievna Mitsyk4, Natalia Leonidovna Avilova5

Eco-Friendly Remediation To Mitigate the Toxic Effects of Emerging Contaminant Diclofenac
Saloni Sharma1, Hema Setia2

HRV Analysis and Ventricular Arrhythmia Classification using various Classifiers
Desh Deepak Gautam1, V.K. Giri2, K.G. Upadhyay3

Classroom Communication in Engineering and Arts at Undergraduate Level in Indian Context
M. Subha1, D. Nagarani2

Big Data for Transportations and Mobility- Recent Trend, Advance and Challenge
M.Deepa1, M.Angulakshmi2, S.Sudha3, K. Brindha4, R.Rathi5

Offline-First Sleep Assessment (OFFSA): Internet of Things Polysomnography Sleep Assessment Framework for Sleep Monitoring in Rural Environment
Novi Azman1, Sandy Rachmat Wicaksono2, Ernawati Sinaga3

Design of Automatic Phototherapy System for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Novi Azman1, Fadelta Yasman2, Endang Retno Nugroho3, Ernawati Sinaga4

Sunflower in the Diet of Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus Pygargus) During the Winter High-Snow Period: Clinical and Morphological Criteria of the Digestive System
V.B. Yermolik1, Yu.D. Schmidt2, P.N. Smirnov3

IoT Based Smart Farming: Applications, Technologies and Future Vision
N Penchalaiah1, Jaladanki Nelson Emmanuel2, S Suraj Kamal3, C V Lakshmi Narayana4

Capacity management of vertically integrated development of intersectoral co-operation
Alexander Mokrushin1, Viktoriya Prokhorova2, Viacheslav Aluyan3, Sofia Savvidi4

Illumination Invariant Facial Expression Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
K. Prasada Rao1, M. V. P. Chandra Sekhara Rao2

Effect of Side Gapping Spark Plug on Engine Performance and Emission
Ahmad Shahril Daut1, Mohd Zaki Bahrom2, Rifqi Irzuan Abdul Jalal3, Eida Nadirah Roslin4

Performance of Diesel Grade in Turbocharged Engine
Asrul Syaharani Yusof1, Zulkifli Mohamed2, Eida Nadirah Roslin3

Thermoelectric Generator using Ice-Water Mixture as Heat Sink and Ambient Air as Heat Source
Mohamad Asmidzam Ahamat1, Razali Abidin2, Eida Nadirah Roslin3, Ong Yung Chieh4

Distracted Driver Detection with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
O. G. Basubeit1, D. N. T. How2, Y. C. Hou3, K. S. M. Sahari4

Security in Cloud Health Care
J. Rama Prabha1, S. Prabakaran2

Optimum Design Consideration for Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Hybrid Generator
S. A. Shahahmadi1, Y. Yusoff2, J. L. C. Xiong3, Md. Rokonuzzaman4, R. I. Thakur5, K. M. Kabir6, M. A. Matin7, Md. Akhtaruzzaman8, N. Amin9

Flood Risk Prediction for a Hydropower System using Artificial Neural Network
Nurul Najwa Anuar1, M. Reyasudin Basir Khan2, Jagadeesh Pasupuleti3, Aizat Faiz Ramli4

Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Quadrupedal Robot Integrated using Five-Jointed Legs with Suspension Spring
N T L See1, M Z Baharuddin2, Y C Hou3, K S M Sahari4

Regression Model for the Perception of Graduates on University’s Reputation
A R Fadhilah1, M Y Yuzainee2

Effect of Heat Exposure on Grain Growth and Oxidation Behavior of Cobalt Based Composite Powders by Facile Suspension Synthesis
N F Kadir1, A Manap2, M Satgunam3, N Afandi4, S Mahalingam5, S M Yunus6

Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices in Agricultural Farms for Effective Reservoir Sedimentation Management at Cameron Highlands
N S M Noh1, L M Sidek2, A Wayayok3, A F Abdullah4, H Basri5, S A Farhan6, T Sulaiman7, A B Md Ariffin8

Landslide Susceptibility Modelling for Agricultural Activities in Hilly Areas
N A Ishak1, L M Sidek2, A Wayayok3, A F Abdullah4, S H Haron5, S A Farhan6, T Sulaiman7, A B Md Ariffin8, H Basri9

Implementation of Effective Public Outreach Program (POP) in Cameron Highlands
N. F. M. Said1, L. M. Sidek2, N. A. M. Noor3, A. H. M. Puad4, T. Sulaiman5, M. Marufuzzaman6, H Basri7

Impact of Back Surface Field (BSF) Layers in Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar Cells from Numerical Calculation
C. Doroody1, K. S. Rahman2, H. N. Rosly3, M. N. Harif4, Y. Yusoff5, S. Fazlili6, M. A. Matin7, S. K. Tiong8, N. Amin9

Novel Designs of Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Systems
K. Sopian1, Ali H. A. Alwaeli2, Hussein A. Kazem3

Optimal Placement and Sizing of Multiple DG in Microgrid Systems
M Salmani1, J Pasupuleti2, V K Ramachandaramurthy3

Design and Development of a Carbon Footprint Calculation Model for Universiti Tenaga Nasional
N Abd Malek1, K K Kumarasan2

A Simplified Method: System Size and Cost Estimation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) System
Farah Zaheeda Kamarudin1, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari2, Nora Yusma Mohamed Yusop3

The Local Public Policy with Planetary Health using Executive Information System
Pichetwut Nillaor1, Anirut Sriwichian2, Jirapond Muangprathub3

An Intelligent Following Sensor Shopping Cart
F S Samidi1, I S Mustafa2, N A M Radzi3

Determination of Different Fault Features in Power Distribution System Based on Wavelet Transform
S H Asman1, N F Ab Aziz2, M Z A Ab. Kadir3, U A Ungku Amirulddin4, M Izadi5

Microcontroller Based Portable Anemometer for Wind Monitoring System
M. K. Mishu1, Md. Rokonuzzaman2, M. Shakeri3, J. Pasupuleti4, M. R. Amin5, S. K. Tiong6, N. Amin7

Orthogonal Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Low Frequency Applications: Modeling and Experimental Validation
N H H A Talib1, H Salleh2, M J Brennan3

Assessment of Electric and Magnetic Fields Exposures for Different Types of Street Lights
M Muhamad1, A R Nazaruddin2, M A Mohd Azrin3, R Ahmad Qisti4

Energy Saving Potential using Elite Jatropha Curcas Hybrid for Biodiesel Production in Malaysia
M Hanif1, A H Shamsuddin2, S M Nomanbhay3, I Fazril4, F Kusumo5, A Akhiar6

Flexural and Shear Bond Strength of Sediment Brick Masonry
L W Ean1, M A Malek2, B S Mohammed3, Chao-Wei Tang4, M T Tamunif5

Real-Time Monitoring of a Solar Charge Controller for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems
A. Ayob1, H. I. Mohammed2, A. S. Sabaahul Ahmad3, M. H. M. Saad4, A. Hussain5

Waste to Energy Production from Agricultural Waste of Paddy (Oryza Sativa) Industry in Malaysia: Life Cycle Cost Exploration
M Hanif1, A H Shamsuddin2, S M Nomanbhay3, I Fazril4, F Kusumo5, M F M A Zamri6

Renewable Energy and Energy Security in Malaysia
E J M Sahid1, S H Zahid Imran2, N Y Mohamed Yusop3

The Effect of Superplasticizer on Performance of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Containing High Volume Fly Ash
Alaa Hasan Alnusair1, Herda Yati Katman2, Mohd Rasdan Ibrahim3, Noorhazlinda Abd Rahman4

Hydropower Potential of Agricultural Dam in Bukit Merah
E Roslan1, Suhail Shaari2, Faiz Zamri3, Afifi Akhiar4, Fatihah Salleh5, Zakwan Ramli6, Abd Halim Shamsuddin7

Hydropower Potential on Agricultural Dam: An Evaluation for Pedu Dam
E Roslan, Mursyid Sulaiman1, Afifi Akhiar2, Faiz Zamri3, Fatihah Salleh4, Rashdan Isa5, Abd Halim Shamsuddin6

Energy Harvesting from Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam with Different Shapes
R Amna1, M R Sarker2, R Mohamed3

Feasibility Evaluation of Micro-Hydropower System Generation for Different Types of Sewage Treatment Plants
Ahmad Firdaus Abdul Jalil1, Jagadeesh Pasupuleti2, M. Reyasudin Basir Khan3

Evaluation of Transient Response of Different Earthing Configurations due to Lightning Impulses
L. M. Wai1, M. S. Abd Rahman2, A. Mohd Ariffin3, N. H. Nik Ali4, M. Osman5, M. Z. A. Ab Kadir6

Acoustic Properties of Mixing Empty Fruit Bunch and Oil Palm Frond Natural Fibres
R. Mageswaran1, L. S. Ewe2, W. K. Yew3, Zawawi Ibrahim4

Wireless Technologies and Process Automation
Nasr Rashid1, Osama I. Elhamrawy2

Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generation in Distribution System using Analytical Method
Chin Chia Seet1, Jagadeesh Pasupuleti2, M. Reyasudin Basir Khan3

Developing Curricula for Signaling and Communication Course at Malaysian Railway Academy (MyRa) through Industrial Collaboration Program
Mohd Fairus Humar1, Ibrahim Sulaiman2, Pedro Cruz3, Hasry Harun4

Real Time Sensor Data transmission to the IoT Applications using MQTT-SN and MQTT
M Obula Reddy1, J B Seventline2

Development and Construction of Electric Propulsion System for Go-Kart
Wan Mohd Khairudin1, Muhammad Hazwan2, Mohd Fairus Humar3, Teh Ewe Thong4

Effect of Passenger Car Oil Usage in a Motorcycle Engine
Hasan Muhamad Abid1, Eida Nadirah Roslin2, Rifqi Irzuan Bin Abdul Jalal3, Ahmad Shahril Daut4, Mohd Zaki Bahrom5

Desilting Basin Efficiency Estimation for Run-of-River Small Hydropower Plants
E. A. Azrulhisham1, M. Arif Azri2

PORFC: Return and Returnless Type of Portable Fuel Weight Consumption Meter
Rifqi Irzuan Abdul Jalal1, Muhammad Nur Farhan Norjohan2, Mohammad Edilan Mustafa3, Hasan Muhamad Abid Hasan4, Ahmad Shahril Daud5, Eida Nadirah Roslin6, Md Amin Md Nor7

Geomagnetic Induced Current Measurement in Hybrid PV-Wind System Transformers
Z M Khurshid1, N F Ab Aziz2, M Z A Ab Kadir3, Z A Rhazali4

The Electrical Behaviour of a Medium Voltage Polymer Insulator with Deposited Moss Layer on the Surface
F A Abd. Rahman1, M Izadi2, M Z A Ab. Kadir3, M Osman4

Performance Evaluation of Wireless Router Testbed using Raspberry Pi
F S Samidi1, M H M Haqeem2, N A M Radzi3, F Abdullah4, A Ismail5, M Z Jamaludin6, Y E Jalil7, W S H M W Ahmad8

Energy Efficient Bandgap Reference Generator for RFID Transponder EEPROM in 130 nm CMOS Process
M Marufuzzaman1, L F Rahman2, M B I Reaz3, L Alam4, L M Sidek5

The Relationship of Awareness and Satisfaction to Consumer Motivation in Energy Consumption Behavior
Husni Mohd Radzi1, Pui Yee Chong2, Nik Nadian Nisa Nik Nazli3

Load Restoration in Distribution System Using Minimum Spanning Tree – Prim’s Algorithm
H Mohamad1, N Md Razali2, N A Salim3, Z M Yasin4, B N S Rahimullah5

Design and Dimensional Measurement of Interdigital Sensor for Blood Glucose Measurement through Non-Invasive Method
Zarimin Zaharudin1, Ahmad Fairuzabadi Mohd Mansor2, Ahmad Anwar Zainuddin3, Ismail Adam4, Sheroz Khan5, Anis Nurashikin Nordin6, Faraz Ahmed Shaikh7, Kushsairy Abdul Kader8, Belal Ahmed Hamida9

Optimization of Directivity and Gain Performances on Circular Patch Antenna Design for 2.4 GHz Applications
Saidatul Hamidah Abd Hamid1, Goh Chin Hock2, Nayla Ferdous3

Early Fault Detection in Bearing with Fault Seeded on Outer Raceway at Three Different Position: Orthogonal, Centered and Opposite
Abdoulhdi A. Borhana Omran1, Yasir Hassan Ali2, Uma Shankar3, Fareg Saeid Ali4, Saleh Gareh5, Omar Suliman Zaroog6, N. A. Mardhiah7

What Do We Know about Intention to Discard Single-Use Plastic? Empirical Evidence in Malaysia
Y.N. Sang1, N.S. Othman2, I.N. Jazari3

Water Quality Index Score in River Water Treatment Plant at Upper Klang and Gombak River Catchment
H A Mohiyaden1, L M Sidek2, G Hayder3, M N Noh4

Stormwater and Drainage Master Plan and Formulation of Best Management Practices for Cameron Highlands
L M Sidek1, A H M Puad2, Z H Mustaffa3, A Z Ibrahim4, T Sulaiman5, A B M Ariffin6, H Basri7

Talking Points of Green and Sustainable Palm Oil Mill System in Malaysia
M F M A Zamri1, A Akhiar2, A H Shamsuddin3

The Effect of Acid Treatment on the Limestone for Calcium Looping Process
N. F. Afandi1, M. Amirul Mustaqim2, Abreeza Manap3, R. Adawiyah Zainuddin4, N. F. Kadir5

Numerical Modelling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Cross Arm
A. Alhayek1, A. Syamsir2, V. Anggraini3, Z. C. Muda4, N. M. Nor5

Room Temperature Synthesis and Characterizations of Cu-MOF using Natural Polysaccharide as Potential Organic Linker
M F M Fadli1, H Misran2, S Z Othman3, A M S Bahari4, N A Samsudin5, S A Rosli6, Z Lockman7, A Matsumoto8, N Amin9

Methods in Forecasting Water Used and Electricity Production at Hydropower Plants
Wee Wei Joe1, M Y Yuzainee2, Nuratiah Zaini3, M A Malek4

Cooling Load Calculation for Efficient Cold Storage of Fresh-Cut Yam Bean
M Y Yuzainee1, N H Noor Zafira2, J Nurulnadiah3

Solar Powered Autonomous Emergency Road Signing Waterlogged System in Highways
M. Shakeri1, L. L. Theng2, Md. Rokonuzzaman3, M. K. Mishu4, J. Pashupuleti5, S. K. Tiong6, N. Amin7

The Impact of Geomagnetically Induced Current on Single-Phase Saturable Transformer
A A Zawawi1, N F Ab Aziz2, M Z A Ab. Kadir3, H Hashim4, M Izadi5

The Usage of Agent Based Modelling in Flood Evacuation during Dam Failure
F F Norkhairi1, S Thiruchelvam2, H Hasini3, K N Mustapha4, A Ghazali5, R S Muda6

Performance of Green Roof Integrated Solar Photovoltaic System
M F Chow1, L. Ling2, W. L. Tan3, V Arenanda4, K. A. A. Aziz5, Y. M. Yusof6

Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Malaysia: Current State and Way Forward
Hazleen Aris1, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen2, I S Hussain3

Maximizing Savings in Electricity Bills Based on Customer’s Load Profile
H Atikah1, C S Tan2

Impact of Salesperson‟s Service Quality on Customer Buying Behavior in Fashion Retail Sector
Mohd Imran Siddiquei1, Rajesh Kumar2

Higher Payload Capacity in DNA Steganography using Balanced Tree Data Structure
Partha Saha1, Lubna Yasmin Pinky2, Mohammad Ashraful Islam3, Papia Akter4

Trusted Physicians’ Virtual Social Capital Facilitates Decision-Making during Knowledge Sharing
Anjum Razzaque1, Abdalmuttaleb Musleh Al-Sartawi2, Allam Hamdan3, Mukhtar Al-Hashimi4

Mechanical and Morphological Analysis of Aluminum Composite Material
P.V.Narasimha Rao1, Periyasamy2, Vasudevarao3, R.Sharavanan.S4, Ramanan.N5

Prediction of Student Performance using Hybrid Classification
A.Dinesh Kumar1, R.Pandi Selvam2, V.Palanisamy3

Integration of Response Surface and Decision Support to optimize a Well Sidetrack under Uncertainty II. Secondary Recovery Mechanism
Abisoye M. Mumuni1, Oyinkepreye O. Orodu2, Sunday S. Ikiensikimama3

Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Growth and Exports: An Anecdote from Oecd Countries
Anil Kumar Goyal1, Namita Rajput2

Managing Energy Consumption in Distributed Data Centers using Genetic algorithm
G H S Kaushik1, B Thirumala rao2, R Viswanath3, Keerthana J4

Behaviour of Slurry Infiltrated Hybrid Fiberreinforced Concrete Subjected to Acidic Attack
M. Guruprasad1, A.Priyanka2, Tipraj3, N.Prabhanan4, G.Swamy yadav5

A Cramming on Online Reservation Plea Proffer Hackney Cab Fever and its Smack on Fledgling Brain, their Attitudes, Perception and Behaviour
A. Leo, K. Aruna1, S. Sudhakar2, Ebenezer Siyaram3

Automatic Assesment of Pathological Disorder using Color Retinal Images

Solving SDST Flow shop Scheduling Problems using Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms
R Sanjeev Kumar1, G Robert Singh2, N Mathan Kumar3

Billing Monitoring System using NFC and Block Chain
S. Rajaprakash1, S. Muthuselvan2, K. Karthik3, Amal C S4, Shan Baby5

Improving the Shear Strength of the Soil by using Jute Fabric
Jothy V K Hema

Development of Competency-Based Poetry Learning Materials for Class X High Schools
M Obula Reddy1, J B Seventline2

Regression Based Model for Prediction of Heart Disease Recumbent
M.Diviya1, G.Malathi2, A.Karmel3

Needs of Effective Water Conservation
S. Parthiban1, S. Rajamohan2

Technology Acceptance Model to Judge Performance of Travel Booking Apps in India using Grounded Theory
Komal Chopra

Classification of Power Quality Disturbance Based on Multiscale Singular Spectral Analysis and Multi Resolution Wavelet Transforms
Muhammad Abubakar1, Muhammad Shahzad2, Khalil Ur Rehman3, Benjamin Doh4, Benjamin Kwame Adobah5

Binary Image Analysis Technique for Preprocessing of Excessively dilated characters in Aged Kannada Document Images
Sridevi T.N1, Lalitha Rangarajan2

Face Detection and Gender Classification using Facial Features
G.Kavitha1, I.Laurence Aroquiaraj2

Usage Intensity of Social Media and Academic Performance
Radziah Mahmud1, Mustaffa Bukhari2

FPGA Implementation of Disease Detection System
Amana Yadav1, Naresh Grover2

Capital Structure Decision during Firm’s Life Cycle: with Reference of Top Companies Listed in Bse 500 Operating in India in Terms of the Market Capitalization
Balkrishna Maharjan1, Gangu Naidu Mandala2, Nitin Gupta3

The Mediating Effects of Organizational Reputation in Predicting Job Seekers Attraction from Third-Party Organizational Justice Perspective
Hasnun Anip Bustaman1, Mohammad Nazri Mohd Nor2, Azni Zarina Taha3, Maheran Zakaria4

The impact of Board Size on the Performance of Shariah-Compliant Companies in Malaysia
Rosnia Masruki1, Mustafa Mohd Hanefah2, Mohd Marzuki Ismail3

Hydrophobization of Metal Surfaces
A.V. Ryzhenkov1, M.R. Dasaev2, S.V. Grigoriev3, A.V. Kurshakov4, A.F. Mednikov5, O.V. Ryzhenkov6

Replacement Srategy for Depriciating Stock Considering Stockouts and Time Dependent Demand
Shradha Goyal1, Rudresh Pandey2

Deviant Behavior of Youth in the Context of Psychology and Pedagogy
Tatyana Mikhaylovna Rozhnova1, Kseniya Sergeevna Rozhnova2, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Fadeyeva3, Nadezhda Yegorovna Schurkova4, Vladimir Mikhaylovich Litvishkov4, Yelena Mikhaylovna Klimova5, Irina Petrovna Ilinskaya6

State Dynamic Modeling using Ionic Conduction Phenomenon for TiO2-based Memristive Thin Film
Raudah Abu Bakar1, Nur Syahirah Kamarozaman2, Wan Fazlida Hanim Abdullah3, and Sukreen Hana Herman4

Structural and Optical Properties of Sm3+ Doped B-site Ba0.5Rb0.5LaTeO6 Double Perovskites
Z. Mohamed1, N. S. Abdullah2, M. Z. Halizan3, N. Ibrahim4

Screening and Isolation of Effective Microbes for Decomposition Process among Different Organic Waste
Khairol Redzuan Mohamad1, Muhammad Nuruddin Mohd Nor2

Effect of Zn-Doping on the Structural, Optical, and Humidity Sensing Properties of Sol-Gel Synthesized NiO Thin Film
N. F. Q. Fahmi1, M. H. Mamat2, A. S. Zoolfakar3, A. H. A. Razak4, M. Rusop5

Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Effluent of Plastic Recycling Processing Plant using LD Slag
N. A. Zainuddin1, M. F. Rosley2, F. I. Anuar3, N. M. Sarwani4

Rapid Expansion Supercritical Solution (RESS) of Carbon Dioxide as a Green Technology Method for Leucaena Leucocephala Solid Oil Particle Formation
N. A. Zainuddin1, N. S. Sulong2, N. D. Mohamad3

Nitrogen Removal Enhancement in Extended Aeration System
Zakri Ahmed1, Aminuddin Mohd Baki2, Jurina Jaafar3, Zulhafizal Othman4, Suzana Ramli5

Wear Behavior of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite with Nanoclay Modification
Aidah Jumahat1, Jamaliah Md Said2, Tengku Faizuddin T Mohd Azmi3, Mohamed Adzummar Hakim Abdull Adziz4

The Accuracy of Datria System in Improving Order Picking Process
Muhammad Akmal Asyraaf Adlan1, Nur Farizan Tarudin2, Nurul Elma Kordi3, Tengku Nurul Aishah Tengku Aziz4

Rheological Properties of Cassava Starch Film Forming Solution with Kaffir Lime Oil
Norasmah Mohammed Manshor1, Junaidah Jai2, Fazlena Hamzah3, Noorsuhana Mohd Yusof4

Effect of Torsional Element towards High-Speed Rotating Shaft’s Critical Speed at Different Boundary Conditions
Abdul Malek Abdul Wahab1, Z A Rasid2, H. M. Y. Norfazrina3, Ahmad Khushairy Makhtar4

Release of Ammonium-N (NH4+) and Nitrate-N (NO3-) by Different Leguminous Cover Crops (LCCs) Planted in Peat Soils
Muhammad Rahmat Abdul Rahman1, Nur Qursyna Boll Kassim2

Development of Intelligent Food Packaging from Red Cabbage Anthocyanin Pigment
Suzihaque, M.U.H1, Nur Syazwani Farzana Bt Mohd Zamroni2

Properties of Particleboard in Correlation with Mat Weight and Press Factor
Nor Yuziah Mohd Yunus1, Muhammad Abdilah Ab. Rani2, Nur Sakinah Mohamed Tamat3, Wan Mohd Nazri Wan Abdul Rahman4

Properties of Particleboard from Sawmill Wastes and Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) with Different Board Thickness and Resin Content
Wan Mohd Nazri Wan Abdul Rahman1, Nur Suhaila Abdul A’tas2, Nur Sakinah Mohamed Tamat3, Nor Yuziah Mohd Yunus4

Lamination Properties of Particleboard from Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) and Wood Wastes
Wan Mohd Nazri Wan Abdul Rahman1, Wan Nurul Amira Shah Fika Wan Zakaria2, Nur Sakinah Mohamed Tamat3, Nor Yuziah Mohd Yunus4

Inherent Safety in Offshore Drilling Operations
Siti Rafidah Ab Rashid1, Mohamad Amirul Mohamad Kamal2

Additive Manufacturing of 316L Stainless Steel
Jamaliah Md Said1, Muhammad Hussain Ismail2, Nurrul Amilin Zainal Abidin3, Nurul ‘Ain Haris4, Adila Nalisa Mohd Roslan5

LabVIEW Based Temperature Controller using Arduino
V. Prakasam1, Vikas Kumar Tiwari2, K.R. Anudeep Laxmi Kanth3

Chopped Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites : Effect of Nanoclay on Adhesive and Abrasive Wear Properties
Aidah Jumahat1, Norhashidah Manap2, Anis Adilah Abu Talib3, Tg Faizuddin Tg Mohd Azmi4

Flexural Properties of Chopped Kenaf and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Embedded with Carbon Nanotubes
Ummu Raihanah Hashim1, Aidah Jumahat2, Nur Syarah Iffah Azizi3

Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction using Magnetic Mesoporous Silica for Preconcentration of Organophosphorus Pesticides
Nur Husna Zainal Abidin1, Wan Nazihah Wan Ibrahim2, Nor Suhaila Mohamad Hanapi3

E-Banking Services: Impact of Demonetization on Satisfaction of Customers
Deepa Kotasthan1, Ritika Sinha2

Biomechanical Analysis of Spinal Fusion Cage for Lumbar Vertebrae
Rusnani Yahya1, Muhammad Hazli Mazlan2, Solehuddin Shuib3, Abdul Halim Abdullah4

Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulphide by Commercialized Rice Husk Biochar (RHB) & Hydrogel Biochar Composite (RH-HBC)
Ashadi Azwan Abd Rahman1, Azil Bahari Alias2, Nurul Najihah Jaffar3, Muhamad Ariff Amir Hamzah4, Wan Azlina Wan Ab Karim Ghani5

Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherms Modeling of H2S on Hydrogel Biochar and Biochar Adsorbent from Rice Husk
Ashadi Azwan Abd Rahman1, Azil Bahari Alias2, Muhamad Ariff Amir Hamzah3, Mohammad Aidil Ali4

The Effect of Slat Opening on Vortex Shedding Behind a Circular Cylinder
M.R.A. Misman1, A.M. Azmi2, Z.A. Kamarulbaharin3, A.H.A. Hamid4

Splat Behaviour Under Substrate Temperature of 673K Via Coupling Simulation
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Noh1, Ahmad Hussein Abdul Hamid2, Kochi Mori3

Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanostructure by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) Method: Influence of Growth Time towards Nanostructure Characteristics
R. A. Rahman1, M. A. Zulkefle2, S. H. Herman3, R. I. Alip4

Effect of Mordant Types and Methods on the Color Fastness Properties of Silk Fabrics dyed with Brown Seaweeds
Nabila Talib1, Mohd Rozi Ahmad2, Muhammad Ismail Ab Kadir3, Khudzir Ismail4

Effects of Kenaf and Basalt Facesheets Modified Nanosilica of Closed Cell Aluminium Sandwich Panel
Nurul Emi Nor Ain Mohammad1, Aidah Jumahat2

Woven and Unidirectional Glass-Aluminium Fibre Metal Laminates (FML): Quasi-Static Indentation Properties
Aidah Jumahat1, Muhammad Naim Najib2, Napisah Sapiai3

Removal of Oil and Heavy Metals from Oily Sludge using Esterquat Surfactant via Surfactant Enhanced Oil Recovery (SEOR)
Puasa, S.W.1, Sulong, N.A2, Ismail, K.N.3, Khamaruddin, PFM4, Mukelas, M.N5

Enhancing Fixed Size Palmprint Region of Interest (ROI) Extraction Algorithm for Personal Identification
Nurzalina Harun1, Wan Eny Zarina Wan Abdul Rahman2, Sharifah Aliman3, Husna Ramena4, Nurain Syazana Othman5

Thin Film Composite Membrane from PSF/Chitosan/PEG: Effect of PVA Concentration on the Removal of Mercury and Antifouling Properties
Norin Zamiah Kassim Shaari1, Mohamad Fazrul Basri2, Raimi Ruhaizat Mohammad Yazid3, Nurul Aida Sulaiman4, Shahira Ramlee5

Vehicle Speed Control for Autonomous Vehicle using PID Controller
Hidayatusherlina Razali1, Mahanijah Md Kamal2, Noorfadzli Abdul Razak3

In Vitro Mutation of Capsicum A nnuum L. var. Kulai by Gamma Radiation
Shamsiah Abdullah1, Nur Amalina Farhana Shariffudin2, Norumaimah Omar3, Abdul Rahim Harun4, Shuhaimi Shamsudin5

Quantifying the Tensile Properties of Hevea brasiliensis Silicone Biocomposite using Neo Hookean Model
Noorainol Faiz Noor Haris1, Jamaluddin Mahmud2, Mohd Azman Yahaya3

Flexural Strength, Fracture and Impact Toughness Analysis of Kenaf/Woven Fibreglass Polyester Composite
Z. Salleh1, Y. M. Taib2, S. Kushairi3, S. Yunus4, A. Kalam5

The Characterization of Co Ni Fe Coating in Different pH Environment
Nik Rozlin Nik Mohd Masdek1, Muhammad Naufal Othman2, Zuraidah Salleh3, Zainal Abidin Kamarul Baharin4

Flexural and Izod Impact Properties of Sugarcane Powder Reinforced Epoxy Composite
Siti Norazlini Abd Aziz1, Muhaimin Kamarul Bahrain2, Mimi Azlina Abu Bakar3

Stress Analysis of a Patient-specific Socket Design during Gait Cycle
Mohd Nor Azmi Ab Patar1, Muhammad Saleh Azlan2, Muhammad Adam Mohd Hamim3, Jamaluddin Mahmud4, Hokyoo Lee5

Single Edge Notch Bend (S ENB ) o f Kenaf/Fibreglass Hybrid Composites
S. Yunus, Z. Salleh1, Y. M. Taib2, N. R. N. M. Masdek3, K. B. Z. Abidin4

Mechanical Characterization of Epoxy Filled with Seed Shells as Reinforcement
Anizah Kalam1, Fauziah Md. Yusof2, Zahurin Halim3, Zuraida Ahmad4

Resistance Spot Weld assisted with Adhesive Bonding
Farizah Adliza Ghazali1, Norazwani Mohd Zain2, Zuraidah Salleh3, Ya’kub Md Taib4, Aidah Jumahat5

Polymerization of Lactide to Polylactic Acid by u sing Homogenous and Heterogenous Catalysts
Norliza Ibrahim1, Alia Syazana Mohamed2

Cost Effective Vision based Obstacle Avoidance System integrated Multi Array Ultrasonic sensor for Smart Wheelchair
Mohd Nor Azmi Ab Patar1, Norlisa Ramlee2, Jamaluddin Mahmud3, Hokyoo Lee4, Akihiko Hanafusa5

Electrospun Nitrogen-doped TiO2  Nanofibrous Thin Film for Photovoltaic Application
Mohamed Hasaan Hussain1, Noor Fitrah Abu Bakar2, Lim Ying Pei3, Lim Ying Chin4, Mohd Nazli Naim5

Permanent Deformation of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using Dynamic Modulus Simple Performance Test
Ekarizan Shaffie1, Ahmad Kamil Arshad2, Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya3, Wardati Hashim4, Mohd Amin Shafii5

Ammonia Nitrogen and Phosphate Removal in Leachate using Algae and Bacteria Mixture
Norhafezah Kasmuri1, Muhammad Zaidi Misni2

Knotty Tear Phenomena and Effect of Maturation Time on Knotty Tear in Filled Natural Rubber Latex Films
Siti Aisyah Jarkasi1, Dzaraini Kamarun2, Raja Roslan Raja Mohamed3, Azemi Samsuri4

Collection Efficiency Enhancement of Cyclone Filtration System
A. H. A. Hamid1, L. H. Kamaruhen2, M. H. M. Noh3

Vissim based Simulation of Variable Slip Road Length Design of the Federal Highway in Malaysia
K. D. Kamaruzzaman1, S. M. Abdul Rahman2

Blooming of Compounding Ingredients in Natural Rubber Compounds under Different Peroxide Loading
Ummu Qani’ah Yasin1, Engku Zaharah Engku Zawawi2, Noorazlina Adnan3, Hairani Tahir4, Dzaraini Kamarun5

Maintainability Assessment for Object Oriented Software System
Amit Sharma1, Deepak Kumar Singh2, Prabhat Kumar Vishwakarma3

Implementation of Staggered Pulse Repetition Frequency RADAR Tracking with Xilinx FPGA
P.A.Harsha Vardhini1, P.Upender2

Trade Intensity: Iraq’s Status in the Global Market
Dhrgam S. Habib

Sustainability Reporting with Regard to Environmental Performance by Top Indian Textile Companies
Deepa Chandran1, Udayashankara TH2

Microfinance in Fishery Sector: Social Capital as an Agent of Empowerment
Vidya Naik. V1, C.M.Bhaskar Reddy2

Association among Workplace Innovation, Employee Innovativeness and Job Performance: Empirical Validation in Context of Knowledge-Based Organizations
Khan Mohsin1, Raya R. Prabhakara2

Static and Dynamic Analysis of Cellular Beams
C.Rajendra Prasath1, P.M.Dhureen Karthik2, P.Muthanand3

Techniques, Models and Challenges of Data Mining in Internet of Things (IOT)
M Chandra Prabha1, R Viswanathan2

IoT Based Passenger Comfort and Services in Railways
A.Ganga1, Periasamy J.K2, N.Gopinath3, D.Sathishkumar4

Increasing Digital Banking Adoption and Usage Trends in India and its Impact on Financial Inclusion
Narinder Kumar Bhasin1, Anupama Rajesh2

Effect of Strengthening Axially Loaded Circular Self-Consolidating Short Columns with Expanded Metal Mesh
Sree Rameswari A1, Thenmozhi R2, Poongothai M3

Delay Minimization in on Chip Interconnects by the Method of Logical Effort
S.A.Sivasankari1, B.Sakthi Kumar2, R.Ohmsakthi Vel3

Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete
S.Deepa1, N.Sree Vidhya2, M.Kayalvizhi3

Automated Crash Event Data Recording System in Vehicles for Auto-Insurance Industry using IoT
D. Winston Paul1, T. Angela Rose2, Andrea Paul3, E. Geethapriya4

Cathartic Bot for Hospital Applications
Srividya.K1, Nagaraj.S2, Subramanian.M3, Nithya Rani.N4

Evaluation of Power System ASR Indices for IDN-FOPD Controller based Automatic Generation Control of a Two-Area Thermal Restructured Power System
B. Baskar1, B. Paramasivam2

Predictable FPGA Execution for Attentional Affirmation in Multi-Speaker Condition
S.Rajalakshmi1, V.Remya2, J. Britto Pari3

Assured Way to Manage Various Controls in Cloud
R. Premanand1, J.K Periasamy2, Deepa M3, Hemavathi M4, Manibharathi R5

Performance Evaluation of Bitumen with Waste Materials
S.Sivakumar1, T.Suresh2, M.Manojkumar3, M.Ariramachandran4

Experimental Evaluation on Strength Properties of Concrete using Silica Fume and Plastic Aggregates
Siva kumar S1, Anushya V2, Subburaj V3

Structured Deployment using Clustering Mechanism for Improving the Performance of the RFID Network
M.Thurai Pandian1, Saira Banu2, P.Damodharan3

Slope Stability Evaluation of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
Sarath Babu M1, Victor Samson Raj A2, Manoj Kumar M3

Marketing Problems Faced by the Tapioca Cultivators in Tamilnadu
S. Karthikeyan

Experimental Research on Water Column Oscillations in Moonpool of a Drillship in Downtime Period
Sivabalan Ponnappan1, MSP Raju2

Telugu Speech Recognition on TRI-SPECTRAL and DNN Techniques
Chunchu Raj Kumar1, Archek Praveen Kumar2, B Sheha Priya3, Affrose4, A. Haseena5

Telugu Speech Recognition on LSF and DNN Techniques
Y.Sangeetha1, Archek Praveen Kumar2, Neerudu Uma Maheshwari3, Rodda Srinivas4, P. Jyothi5

Heat Transfer in Hairpin Heat Exchanger using Magnetite/Water Nanofluid
Natte Rajeev1, M Sreenuraju2, Bolisetti Vamshi3, G. Parthasarathi4

Data Security and Privacy Preserving in Intrusion Detection Systems using Block-Chain Technology
B.Bizu1, N.P.Saravanan2

Credibility in Decision Making of the Students in Choosing Engineering Domain
G. Vijay1, N. Shabnam Nihar2, A.Joseph Lourdu Rajah3, S.Viji4

Pro-Active and Pre-Emptive Intelligent Network Management Strategies in Internet of Things
Majidha Fathima K M

Effect of Machining Parameter and Multi-Response Optimization during End-Milling in GFRP-VARTM Composites using RSM Based Response Surface Regression Method
L. Martin1, V.S.K Venkatachalapathy2, A. Selvaraju3

Confronting the Challenges in Teaching English to D-Gen Learners in Engineering Colleges
A.Hajira Banu1, P.Catherine Benita2, A.Visva Sangeetha3, S.Kayalvizhi4

Prosodic Analysis and Enhancement of Dysarthric Speech
S. Ezhilkathir1, Sheena Christabel Pravin2

A Novel Fuzzy Based Method to Improve the Network Lifetime in Internet of Things
Chandra Sekhar Sanaboina1, Pallamsetty Sanaboina2

Vulnerability of SDN Network Architecture and Proposed Countermeasures on Enhancing Security
Nitheesh Murugan Kaliyamurthy1, Swapnesh Taterh2, Suresh Shanmugasundaram3

Inferno Combative Robot with Blue Collar
N. Nithya Rani1, B. Puviyarasi2, T. Tamilselvi3, K. Srividya4

English as a Headliner in the Course of Engineering and its Impact on the Career
M.K. Subashini1, P. Elizabeth Kalpana2, V. Chithra Devi3, N.M. Sri Prasanna4

Design and Implementation of Home Automation of Embedded System Design with Internet of Things (IoT)
Adepu Aravind. M Risheek Sharma1, K. Naveen Kumar2, Srinivas Bachu3

A Method for the Analysis of Facial Expressions using Machine Learning Algorithms
Sruthi Anand1, Granty Regina Elwin J2, Ranjeetha Priya K3, Ayisha Farhin H4

Theme of Acculturation in Manju Kapur’s the Immigrant
B. Anita Virgin

An Autonomous Air Pollution Monitoring System using IOT and Cloud
N. Susila1, Esther Daniel2, S. Durga3

A Research on the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete–Marble Powder Partially Replaced to Fine Aggregate
K. Sivasubramanian1, G. Balamurali2, C. Jaya Guru3, V. Anushya4

Automatic Generation Control of a Two Area Thermal-Thermal Deregulated Power System with HES and TCPS units for Unscheduled Interchange Price Signals
M. Poonkodi1, I.A. Chidambaram2

GLEnc Obfus-Encryption and Obfuscation Technique to Enhance Data Protection in Public Cloud Storage
D. I. George Amalarethinam1, Lalu P. George2, Anjana S. Chandran3

Algorithm for Emotion Prediction using Twitter Dataset
K. Arulmozhi1, R. Ponnusamy2

Real Time Service Level Access Restriction using Dynamic OTUP Generation for Improved Security in Cloud
J.Mohammed Ubada1, M. Mohamed Surputheen2

Research on Feature Selection using SVM
C. Amali Pushpam1, J. Gnana Jayanthi2

A Performance Analysis of Detecting Credit Card Fraud by using CT18 Method
S. Subbulakshmi1, D.J. Evanjaline2

Optimized K Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm for Weather Prediction
A Zakiuddin Ahmed1, T.Abdul Razak2

Human Machine Interaction: Virtual Podium for Enhanced Job Search
G. Sivanesan1, A. Selvarani2, V. Kanagaraj3

Kerberos Authorization with Hybrid Access Control Model in Public Cloud
Ashok Kumar J1, Gopinath Ganapathy2

A Pilot Research on Android Based Voice Recognition Application
Ajins Joy1, R. Saranya2

Trust based Secure and Energy Efficient Routing using ACO for WSN
A.Jainulabudeen1, M.Mohamed Surputheen2

An Efficient Resource Scheduling Framework for Infrastructure Performance Enhancement in Cloud Environment
M. Abdullah1, M. Mohamed Surputheen2

Multi-Level Credit Card Fraud Detection
V. Sobanadevi1, G. Ravi2

Anisotropic Sophisticated Spatio-Temporal Contours Based Deep Neural Learned Moving Objects Detection in Video
K.N. Abdul Kader1, Nihal2

Effects of Catastrophe on a Queueing System with Voice over Internet Protocol
M.Balasubramanian1, Abel Thangaraja.G2, Bharathidass.S3

Fire-fly based MKFCM Segmentation and Hybrid Feature Extraction for Lung Cancer Detection
B. Mohamed Faize Basha1, M. Mohamed Surputheen2

Time Variant Multi Perspective Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Predicting Student Interest in Sports Mining
A.Basheer Ahamed1, M. Mohamed Surputheen2

Behavioral Pattern Based Psychotic Analysis for Improved Student Performance using Fuzzy Set
S. Peerbasha1, M. Mohamed Surputheen2

Real Time Feature Convergence Measure for Efficient Discrimination for Transactional Data Set
M.A.Jamal Mohamed Yaseen Zubeir1, A.R. Mohamed Shanavas2

A Critical Interpretation of Black Humor in Charles Wright’s the Messenger and the Wig
Prasanta Kumar Padhi

Implementation of Obstruction Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino UNO
Arjun Varma1, Ashwath A2, Ayush Verma3, A. Bagubali4, Kishore V Krishnan5

An Access for Designing and Manufacturing of Aerodynamics Wings for a FSAE Vehicle
Anirudh Ganesh Sriraam1, Sangeet Aggarwal2, Savitoj Singh Aulakh3, Jamadagni Nagesh Adarsh4, Shaswat Kumar Singh5

Chaotic Binary Sequence Generator based on Logistic Map
K. Chidananda Murthy1, Mahalinga. V. Mandi2, R. Murali3

Big Data Analytics using Swarm Intelligence based Framework for Prediction on Datasets
C.Kalpana1, B. Booba2

A Research on Supplier Performance with Reference to Switching Technologies Gunther Limited
K.Murugan1, H.S.Abzal Basha2, P.Venkatesh3

Decision Support System Analysis for Malignant Melanoma Detection
Naveen Raju D1, Hariharan S2, Ramprasath M3, Manickam M4

Perception of Accounting Professionals in the Convergence and Implementation of a Single Set of Global Accounting Standards in India
Madhu Bala Sharma1, Prateek Gupta2

Recognizability of Tetrahedral Picture Languages
F. Sweety1, T. Kalyani2, R. Stella Maragatham3, D.Gnanaraj Thomas4

Big Data Analytics for Images in Public Cloud using Map Reduce on Local Clusters
Buvaneswari.V.B1, S.Shanthi2, M.Pyingkodi3

Deep Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm based Cloud Resources Analysis and Prediction System
N. Subalakshmi1, M. Jeyakarthic2

Predicting the Presence of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome using Classification Techniques
P.Gokila Bindha1, R.R.Rajalaxmi2, S.Poorani3

Enhanced Iris Recognition for Person Identification
Sherin Antonny1, Ashwini P2, Kanchana V3

Naïve Bayes guided Binary Firefly Algorithm for Gene Selection in Cancer Classification
R.R.Rajalaxmi1, E.Gothai2, .R. Thamilselvan3, P.Gokila Bindha4, P.Natesan5

Secure Integration of Cyber Security and Internet of Things in Addressing its Challenges
S.Malathy1, C.N.Vanitha2

High Speed FIR Filter Design using Multiplier Sharing and Sub Expression Elimination Method
Chitra M1, Priyanka S2, Prabha V C3, Ramya S4

A Research on Health Care Sector with Special Reference to Health Insurance in India
T. Mohanasundaram1, P.Karthikeyan. P.Deepika2

Detection of Huntington’s Disease in Human DNA Sequence using Numerical Encoding Method and Machine Learning based Classifier
G. Tamilpavai1, C. Vishnuppriya2

Recurrent Neural Network based Models for Word Prediction
S.Ramya1, C.S. Kanimozhi Selvi2

Development of a Therapeutic Mobile Application for Indian Autistic Children
C.S.Kanimozhiselvi1, K.S.Kalaivani2, S.Poonguzhali3, D.Jayaprakash4

Machine Learning based Autism Grading for Clinical Decision Making
C.S.Kanimozhiselvi1, D.Jayaprakash2

Voice Pathology Identification using Deep Neural Networks
C.S. Kanimozhiselvi1, M.Balaji Prasath2, T.Sathiyawathi3

Classification of Breast Cancer using Deep Learning Architecture
B.Krishnakumar1, K.Kousalya2, R.S.Mohana3, K.Dinesh4, S.Santhiya5

An Aggregate Model for Prognosticate Diabetic Disease using Dissimilar Feature Selections with Upright Classification Techniques
P.Anitha1, P.R.Tamilselvi2

Privacy Risks and Security Practices in Digital Technologies
S.Karunakaran1, A.Sivakumar2, N.T.Renukadevi3, K.Saraswathi4

Epilepsy Seizure Detection and Prediction Based on Device Hive
K. Nanthini1, T. Kavitha2, D. Sivabalaselvamani3, M. Pyingkodi4, Gourav Kumar5

Efficient Aspect Finding in Sentiment Analysis using Optimal Binary Search Tree
K. Chitra1, A. Tamilarasi2, T. Kavitha3, S. Hemalatha4

Second Language Acquisition through Task Based Language Teaching
R.D.Gomathi1, V.Radhakrishnan2

Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II for Throwbox Deployment in Delay Tolerant Networks
C.Poongodi1, K.Lalitha2, A.Jeevanantham3, D Vijay Anand4

Composition of Feature Relevancy Based Biomarker Gene Selection in Gene Expression Dataset
M.Pyingkodi1, S.Shanthi2

A Block Chain Based Framework to Enhance Security against Cyber Attacks
Vani Rajasekar1, J. Premalatha2, K. Sathya3

Air Quality Index Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
S.Shanthi1, M.Pyingkodi2

Strategies in Acquiring of English in Circumventing the Language Learning Disability: A Product and Process of Acquiring Second Language

Lung Nodule Detection: Image Enhancement using Fuzzy Rule Based Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Entropy Weighted Residual Convolution Neural Network Method in CT
K.S. Gowri laksshmi1, R.Umagandhi2

Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Pixel Segmentation Strategy Exploiting Modification Direction (PSSEMD) with High Quality Shadows
S. Lakshmi Narayanan1, K. Sankaranarayanan2, V. Vijayakumari3

A Hyper Meta-Heuristic Cascaded Support Vector Machines for Big Data Cyber-Security
G.A.Mylavathi1, B.Srinivasan2

Improved Fuzzy Clustering (I FC ) and Correlation Based user Threshold Selection with TRI Branch for Finger Vein Recognition
K. Santhosh Kumar1, D. Maheswari2

Couple Stress Impacton S-Wavesin an Anisotropic Pre-Stressed Medium under Gravity and Magnetic Field
L. Anitha1, S. Selvi2

Noise and Echo Aware Accurate Dysarthria Speech Recognition Model
Usha.M1, L. Sankari2

Smart Crop Cultivation with Disease Monitoring and Control System
T.Rajeshwari1, P.A.Harsha Vardhini2

Impact of Social Capital (SC) on Business Performance (BP) of Muslim Women Entrepreneurs (MWEs) in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka (EPSL)
M. A. C. Salfiya Ummah1, Chong Siong Choy2, Ali Khatibi3

Adjunct Octagonal Array Token Petri Nets
S. Kuberl1, Anshu Murarka2

L – Fuzzy Ordered ‘Γ’- Semi rings
T. Srinivasa Rao1, B. Srinivasa Kumar2, S. Hanumantha Rao3, T. Nageswara Rao4

Data-Sharing and -Searching Scheme to Share and Search Data Securely by Iot Smart Devices
K.Rameshwaraiah1, K.Srinivasa Babu2, S.Sridhar Reddy3

An Integrated Heterogeneous Smart Agriculture System
B.Rajasekhar1, Gavendra Singh2, Afendi Abdi Mohammed3

Hybrid Paddy: A Path Finder to Prosperity in Tribal Tract of Odisha
Sibotosh Dash1, Rushina Singhi2

Adoption of Pulse Technology: An Effective Way to Meet Protein Deficiency of Rural People
N.K. Behera1, G.K.Malik2

GIS Based Assessment of Satellite Town of Jaipur City for Sub Urban Planning
Pran Nath Dadhich1, Deepak Sharma2

An Evaluation of the Impact of AIS on the Accounting Practices implemented in the ERP Environment
Athambawa Haleem1, Low Lock Teng Kevin2, Samsudeen Thowfeek Ahamed3

Critical Assessment of Phases of Partitioning and Offloading Tasks in Edge Computing
Kulvir Singh1, Yogesh Kumar Sharma2

Predicting Student’s Campus Placement Probability using Binary Logistic Regression
D. Satish Kumar1, P. Bindu2, Zailan Bin Siri3, D.S. Rao4, S. Anusha5

The Role of Task Based Learning in Teaching English
Tashmetova Gulfura1, Shakhnoza Bobojonova2, Abrayeva Shakhnoza3, Saydjanova Komila4, Alibekov Doniyor5

Socio-Philosophical Interpretation of Missionary Activity
Oblomuradova Khabiba

Peculiarities of the Development of the Financial and Economic System of Agriculture and Water Sector in Uzbekistan
Mamadiarov Dilshad1, Menglikulov Bakhtiyor2, Ergasheva Shahlo3, Sherali Normuminovich4

Main Trends of Doing Business in Uzbekistan
Temirov Xamid1, Mansurov Mansur2, Azimova Lola3, Urmanova Umida4, Mukhamedaminov Aziz5

Uzbek Weddings: Sociological and Cultural Aspects
Ganieva Marifat1, Latipova Nodira2, Alekseeva Victoria3, Abdukhalilov Abdulla4

Nominative – Communicative Research on Teaching Word-Formation
Babaeva Salima1, Alimova Hilola2, Elmuratova Nafisa3, Ataniyazova Khojarbibi4, Musaeva Gavhar5

Estimation of Influence of Innovative Development on Growth of Agriculture
Menglikulov Bakhtiyor1, Tashmatov Rustam2, Boltaev Nazarbek3, Azamat Ahmedov4, Dekhkanova Nilufar5

Model for Determining the Parameters of the Distribution Drum of the Sowing Seeder Hopper of Seeds of Desert Fodder Plants
Erkin Farmonov1, Askar Igamberdiev2, Amir Sadyrov3, Feruza Farmanova4, Sharafidin Aynakulov5

Improvement of Sowing Units to Strengthen the Feeding of Aridic Livestock Breeding
Erkin Farmonov1, Amir Sadirov2, Parakhat Berdimuratov3, Bakhtiyor Tulaganov4, Botir Mirnigmatov5

The Perspectives of an Innovative Model of the Modernization Uzbekistan
Akbar Utamuradov1, Khojiev Tunis2

Use of an Integrative Research on the Education System
Yuldasheva Dilorom1, Ashurbayeva Ruqiya2, Asadova Shakhlo3, Yusupova Dildora4

The Employment of the Anthroponym in Sports Acronyms (example in French)
Kamolova Sanobar

Interactive Strategies and Methods of Education
Zikirova Nafosat1, Abdullayeva Nasiba2, Nishanova Ozoda3, Djalilov Baktior4, Nishanbayeva Enajon5

The Essence and Content of Problem Based Learning
Komilova Malokhat1, Iskanjanova Feruzahon2, Melibaeva Ruzakhon3, Hashimova Masuda4, Raupova Shokhida5

Application of Anticorrosive Coatings Based on Modified English Kaolin and Epoxy Compound and Efficiency Evaluation Based on the Development of a Mathematical Process Model
Miradullaeva Gavhar

Shipbuilding in the Aral Sea and the Amu Darya River
Fazliddin Jumaniyozov

Lexical Skills and Their Place in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language
Arustamyan Yana1, Usmonova Manzura2, Yusupova Nigora3, Umarova Nasiba4, Muslimova Rano5

Mathematical Modeling of Structural Organization of Constructive-Heat-Insulating Construction Materials
Shaumarov Said1, Adilhodzhaev Anvar2

The Question of Modeling a Structure Structural Insulation Materials for Energy-Efficient Civil Buildings
Adilhodzhaev Anvar

Some Peculiarities of the Process of Preparing the Zeolites Containing Breeds in a Ball Mill
Adilkhodjaev Anvar1, Shaumarov Said2, Umarov Kadir3, Kadyrov Ilkhom4

Sociological Research on Justification of a New Single Civilization
Seitov Azamat1, Tuychiev Berdikul2

Personality-Oriented Learning Technologies
Xodjayeva Mavlyuda1, Kabulov Rustam2, Djuraeva Rano3, Alimjon Dadamuhamedov4, Mukhammadiev Alisher5

Modular Teaching Technology Based on Scientific Activity
Sultanova Kholida1, Zebuniso Akhrarova2, Dekhkanova Mamura3, Isanova Gulbakhor4, Musaev Kadamboy5

Legal Regulation of Efficient use of Industrial Zones: the Experience of Uzbekistan
Uzakova Guzal1, Negmatova Sitora2

Locomotive Diesel Engine Excess Air Ratio Control Device
Mukhammad Valiev1, Khusan Kosimov2

Method of Improvement of Efficiency Transportation Technology
Kobulov Jamshid1, Barotov Jamshid2

Inheritance Problems of Domen’s Names
Mamaraimova Gulrukh

Urban E–Inclusion:An Empirical Research
I. Yabesh Abraham Durairaj1, B. Lakshmi2, D. Chitra3

Impact of Employee Empowerment on Productivity
J. Ashok

Conductivity Research on ABS & PC Converted Core Shell Quantum Dot Doped in ABS & PC
P. Dinesh Kumar1, S Roji Marjorie2

Critical Risk Factors Causing the Time and Cost Overruns of Indian Railway Projects in India
Ravindra Shrivastava1, Sumeet Gupta2, Ankur Mittal3, Brijendra Saxena4

Fitting Infiltration Equations using Double Ring Infiltrometer to Design and Evaluate Irrigation Methods
Mohammed Hussain1, Y. Kamala Raju2

Flexural Behavior of Cement Concrete Beams Containing Recycled Waste Glass as Coarse Aggregate
B. Parthiban1, S. Thirugnanasambandam2

Parameter Estimation Techniques of Software Reliability Growth Models: A Critical Research with Experimentation
Sreedhar Y1, Krishna Mohan G2

Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) for Series Compensation of Transmission Line using Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (FCMLI)
Rudranarayan Senapati1, Priyansha Sharma2, Rajendra Narayan Senapati3

Consumer Perception towards Paytm with Special Reference to Kanyakumari District
Ashlin Nimo JR1, Ganesh Kumar R2

ynthesis, Growth, Optical, Structural and Mechanical Characterization of SPNP and KPNP Single Crystal using Ethanol as a Solvent
R. Arivuselvi1, P. Ramesh Babu2, K. Shakila3, M. Lakshmipriya4

Public opinion on Reasons for Emigration
Boomika Imayavarthini.T1, Sreeya B2

A Detailed Research on Liquidation of a Company
M.Deepthi1, B. Sangeetha Tomer2

Public Perception on Dreams
Gowri.K1, Sreeya B2

Awareness on Artificial Intelligence
K. Ahalya1, Sreeya B2

Public Perception on Group Behaviour in an Organisation
N.C. Vinoditha1, Sreeya B2

Public Opinion on Caste Discrimination in Higher Education
Pooja.V1, Sreeya B2

Customer Claims in Automobile Spare Parts Industry A 3PL Perspective
R Sundarprasad1, E. Muthukumar2

Creation of a New Generation of Teaching Literature – A Requirement of Modernity
Mamadaliev K.R.1, Jabborova O.M.2, Umarova Z.A.3, Abdullayeva B.P.4

Performance Evaluation of Pseudo Code with Weka for Accuracy Calculation
Swaroop Potti1, Dr. Prasanth Yalla2, Venkata Naresh Mandhala3, Saivardhan Pathuri4, Subbaraju. B5

Cost Estimate Model for Software Projects using GREYWOLF Algorithm and COCOMO Model
Krishna Mohan G1, J. Satish Babu2, Venkata Naresh Mandhala3, Gayatri V4, Chaitanya Gupta G5, Krishna Vamsi N6

Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Defects by using Testing Parameters
Prasanth Yalla1, Venkata Naresh Mandhala2, Valavala Abhishiktha3, Chitturi Saisree4, Kandepi Manogna5

Trusted and Protection of Exemplary Eventualities of Threats against Privileged Data Secrets across Sleepwake Cycles in Personal Computers
K.Tulasi1, Ch.Anand Krishna2, M.D.Ajay Sachin3, Dr.K.V.D.Kiran4, Venkata Naresh Mandhala5

Aerostatic Way of Harvesting High Altitude Wind Energy
S Rajasekhar1, G R S naga Kumar2, Pravallika3, Anjana Kumari4

Deep Neural Network Design and Implementation for Predicting Malignancy of Cancer Tumors
Javvaji Geetha Priya1, Koppisetti Sri Satyanjani2, K Amrendra3, Kolla Bhanu Prakash4

An Efficient Implementation of Fair Evaluation for Lightweight Block Ciphers
P.Manikanta Sai1, B.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy2, K.V.D.Kiran3, Venkata Naresh Mandhala4

Execution of Median Filter Built on FPGA for Trimming Noise Meeting the Real Time Requirements
Mainampati Sushma1, S.V. Sudheer Kumar2

Early Reviewers Prediction and Spammer Detection on E-Commerce Websites
Jayendra Kumar1, Palakursha Sirisha2

Creating Competitive Advantage through Sustainable Supply Chains: A Theoretical Framework for the Assessment of Practices, Dynamic Capabilities, and Enterprise Performance of Manufacturing Firms
Gunjan Tripathi1, Sudhanshu Joshi2

Hybridized Fuzzy Based Clustering For Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Cognitive Internet Of Things
S.Suganthi Devi

Decoupling Capacitance Enabled Water Pumping System using Photovoltaic System
Kolli Srisai Sudhakar Reddy1, P.Adithya Sesha Sai Krishna2, Sk. Moulali3, M.Naga Chaitanya4

Transformation of Managerial Innovations in Conditions of Digitalization of Market Relations
Svetlana Khaminich1, Mykhailo Broshkov2, Eduard Kuznietsov3, Olеna Ptashchеnko4, Viktoriia Milcheva5, Olga Boiko6

Methodology Development to Assess the Contractor Risk Tolerance from the Rocket and Space Technology Life Cycle Stage
Lyudmila Zubova1, Anna Yakovleva2, Tamara Stepanova3, Olga Koneva4, Alana Vanieva5

Conclusive Research Design and Development of Digital India Campaign: Scope and Challenges
Renuka Bakshi1, Swati Watts2

An Economic and Financial Analysis of Chennai, Kolkata and Ahmedabad Airports in India
Gopal Chand1, Dipti Ranjan Mohaptra2

Deconvolution for Enhancement of Biological Images Obtained by Fluorescence Microscopy
Reetoja Nag1, Raunak Kumar Das2

Fuzzy Logic Based Raodv Routing Protocol
K Santhi1, K Thinakaran2

Dimensions of Inclusive Interactions as a Response to the Existence of the Indonesian Ahmadiyah Community
Catur Wahyudi1, Bambang Noorsetya2, Titot Edy Suroso3

Characterizing the Effects of Pore Pressure Reduction and Voids using X-ray CT Scan towards Physical Changes due to Static Loading
Habib Musa Mohamad1, Adnan Zainorabidin2, Azura Azhari3, Engku Shahrulerizal Engku Ab Rahman4

Mediative Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Various Alternatives Based on Fuzzy Logic
Nitesh Dhiman1, M K Sharma2

Design and Implementation of Neuro Based Switching System Control for Power Socket
K. A. A. Aziz1, A. F. Kadmin2, M. A. AB. Aziz3, N. Mohammed4, S. F. Abd Gani5

Development of An Algorithm for Identifying the Thermal State of Meat and Fish Raw Materials
Tamara Kalyuzhnaya1, Diana Orlova2, Anton Tokarev3, Yuri Kuznetsov4

Method Development to Assess the Regional Tourism Potential
Bella Tokaeva1, Alexandr Torikov2, Natalia Nazarova3, Oksana Takhumova4, Zhanna Gornostaeva5

Sequential Estimation of Feed Forward Networks for Small Embedded Hardware
Rajarajan G1, Madhur Bhatnagar2, Sharoni Roy Chowdhury3

Optimization of Foreign Exchange using Kelly Criteria Model
Evi Sulfiah Ningsih1, Sukono2, Endang Rusyam3

Practical Fall Detection System using Vision and Wearable sensors
Vidhyapathi CM1, Sundar S2

Implementation of Smart Home using Wi-Fi to IR through MQTT
K Shivaraj1, K Kalyana Srinivas2, P Sampath Reddy3

Performance Analysis of TRIAC and MPWM of AC Voltage Controller Fed Capacitor Run Induction Motor
N.Murali1, S.Gobi Mohan2

An Intelligent Faculty Tracking and Attendance Marking System using Machine Learning
Hariharan R L1, Elza Susan Aby2, Abin Alex Joe3, Reshmi K S4, Jicku Philip Varughese5

Fuzzy Eulerian and Fuzzy Hamiltonian Graphs with Their Applications
Abdul. Muneera1, T. Nageswara Rao2, R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao3

Addressing Data Redundancy in IoT Networks
Abhinav Garg1, Manisha Jailia2

Telehealth Patient Monitoring System
Pamarthi Kanakaraja1, K.Krishna vamsi2, I.Pratyush3, M.Rama Krishna4, B.Sai mohan5

Impact of Judicial Doctrine and Geo Spatial Technologies in Refinement of Environmental Impact Assessment Laws and Policies in India
M.Z.M. Nomani1, Mudassir Rasool Wani2, Madiha Tahreem3

Design and Implementation of Loan Management System using ISI Server, PhP and MySql

Design and Development of A Modified AXI Based BIST Technique for Memory Architectures
K.V.B.V Rayudu1, D R Jahagirdar2, P Srihari Rao3

Development of Parameters of A Gear Spring Harrow by Planning An Experiment
Gennady Maslov1, Alexey Palapin2, Valery Tsybulevsky3, Valery Lavrentiev4, Elena Yudina5

Biological Control of Pythium Damping –off in Seedlings with Streptomyces Sp.
Beena Kanimozhi R1, Paul Raj R.S2

Smartphone Based Language Learning through Mobile Apps
Sonal Sharma

Edutainment Strategies in Enhancing Reading Comprehension among Undergraduate Students
R.Ramnath1, G.Kalaiyarasan2, N.Sasikumar3, M.Mahendraprabu4, K.Govindaraja5

Strengthening of Concrete by using Oyster Shell and Marble Powder
Khekiye Aye1, Khatele Kenye2, E Nainar3, Akenyu Khing4, Chelila Sangtam5

The Influence of Demographic Factors on Commodity Trading in India
G. Chaitanya Eswara Naidu1, MSV Prasad2, B. Sandhya Sri3

Mid Point Weighted Median Filter for Noise Removal and Smoothening of Images
Nishant Singh1, Vivek Kumar2, Charul Bhatnagar3

Intelligent Decision Support System for Automobiles
Brinda Mahesh1, B.Amutha2

Low Cost Design of Automated Drip Irrigation System with GSM
Ashwin Venkatesh.V1, Aruna Devi.B2

Towards Efficient Mining of Periodic High-Utility Itemsets in Large Databases
P. Lalitha Kumari1, S. G. Sanjeevi2, T.V Madhusudhana Rao3

Strength Analysis of Concrete Containing Crushed Rock Particles AS Partial and Total Replacement of Sand
Syed Afzal Basha1, B Jayarami Reddy2, C Sashidhar3

Differential Settlement in Various Tubular Structural Systems
R.Ramasubramani1, G.Pennarasi2, S.Sivakamasundari3

Effectiveness of Supervisory Coaching in Developing Professional of Islamic Teachers
Nur Habibullah1, Mukhtar2, Risnita3, Khairul Anwar4

Denoising of Medical Ultrasound Images using Wavelet Transform with Bilateral Filter
T.Joel1, J. Yogapriya2

Image Clustering using Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Pattern
Sukanya S.T1, Usha Nandini K2, Anuja S B3

Health-Related Questions for Disease Inference using Deep Learning Model
Usha Nandini K1, Sukanya S T2, Anuja S B3

Mending the Scars of Colonialism: Expounding Klamath Tribe‟s Efforts to Evolve Back through Theresa May‟s Community Based Play Salmon is everything (2014)
Anjitha Gopi1, Beena S Nair2

Reduction of Exhaust Gas Emissions by using Activated Charcoal and Copper Oxide in Two Wheeler
G Prakash Kanna1, M Kumaresan2, P Athisankar3, S Mohamed Nasrulla4

Mobile Cloud Data Privacy using Lightweight Data Sharing System
Kundan.B1, T.Rakesh Kumar2, Sarangam Kodati3

Is Financial Advertisement Effectiveness is Dependent on the Type of Media? A Case of Print, Electronic and Online Media
Pallavi Dogra1, Arun Kaushal2

Assessing the Effect of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change on Groundwater Recharge in Akaki Catchment, Central Ethiopia
Mearg Belay Shibeshi1, N.Rao Cheepurupalli2, K.V. Suryabahagavan3, Dessie Nedaw4

An Efficient Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Reduction in Hospital Building Electrical Installation
Agus Jamal1, Ramadoni Syahputra2

Carbon-Mineral Adsorbent from Petroleum Pitch and Precipitated Colloidal Silica
Kugatov P.V.1, Nigmatullin V.F.2, Zhirnov B.S.3

Controlling Devices by IoT
Vikas Rao Vadi1, Shafiqul Abidin2

Development and Testing of MR Damper
M. M. Khade1, S.P Chavan2, A. P. Patil3

Assamese Text Classification using k Nearest Neighbor
Moromi Gogoi1, Shikhar Kumar Sarma2

Proportional Learning of Semi Indirect Evaporative Cooling System
Manish Singh Bharti1, Alok Singh2

Migration of Chromium Through Black Cotton Soil Amended with Ground Granular Blast Furnace Slag
Srinivasa B.T1, Shankara2, S. N. Maya Naik3, P. V. Sivapullaiah4

Performance and Emission Characterstics of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Transformer Oil and Pine Oil Blend with Butanol Additive
R. Venkatesh Babu1, Killedar Prashant2

Piston Failure Analysis on Four-Wheeled 1000cc Engine Cylinder Capacity
Ahmad Zayadi1, Novi Azman2, Cahyono Heri Prasetyo3, Sungkono4

Strength Characteristics of Preformed Foam Concrete
R.Sanjay kumar1, C.Nivetha2, D.Parthiban3, D.S.Vijayan4

Strength Properties of Tyre Rubber Concrete
Sulagno Banerjee1, Jessy Rooby2

Energy Efficient Routing Technique by using TORA and BPSO
Neeraj Baiswar1, Mohd. Saif Wajid2, Gaurav Kumar Srivastava3

Brain Computing Interface using Deep Learning for Blind People
V. J. Chakravarthy1, M. Seenivasan2

Obscure Image Classification and Restoration using Support Vector Machines
Pradip Panchal1, Hiren Mewada2

Identification of Best Indian Entry–Level Segment SUV through TOPSIS Method
Nikhil Govil1, Aprna Tripathi2, Varsha Kumari3

Mobility Pattern Probing of Mobile Users using Call Data Record Dataset
P. Swathi1, P. Kavitha2, N. Narasimha Prasad3

Total Ankle Replacement Digital Templating Method
Azrulhizam Shapi’i1, Mohammad Khatim Hasan2, Riza Sulaiman3

Emission Characteristics of Preheating Corn oil biodiesel blend in CI Engine
G.Selvakumar1, J.Mahendran2, R.Thirunavukkarasu3, R.Periyasamy4, V.Gopinath5

Column and Surface Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Association with Meteorology in the Yangtze River Delta
K. Raghavendra Kumar1, N.S.M.P. Latha Devi2

A Novel Voltage Regulation Technique using Fractional Order PI Controller for A Three Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
M.Vinay Kumar1, U.Salma2

Sewage Monitoring using IoT
Karthik K1, S.muthuselvan2, Jaichandran R3, Varsha .B4, Thamjeed abdullah K5

Digitalized Synchronization of Multi level STATCOM with Switch Fault Elimination
K.Varalakshmi1, R.L.Narasimham2, G.Tulasiramdas3

Group 3 S Cordial Remainder Labeling
A. Lourdusamy1, S. Jenifer Wency2, F. Patrick3

Brain Waves Computation using ML in Gaming Consoles
A.Basi Reddy1, Agarala Jyothsna2, R.Swathi3, B.Surendra Reddy4

Genomic and Proteomic Semantic Annotations Integrating Cross Ontology
Karthik K1, S.Rajaprakash2, S. Muthuselvan3, Fayas alam4, Cris Mathew5

Bit Error Rate Analysis of Different Modulation Schemes in Free Space Optics Link using Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Model
Aakriti1, Riyanka Bandyopadhyay2, Kokou Firmin Fiaboe3, Pranaw Kumar4

Enhanced Resource Allocation and Workload Management using Reinforcement Learning Method for Cloud Environment
P Suresh1, P Keerthika2, K Logeswaran3, R Manjula Devi4, M Sangeetha5

Trust Issues in Cloud Computing
Vijay Kumar Damera1, A Nagesh2, M Nagaratna3

Benefit and Challenge of Blockchain Technology in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management
Surjandy1, Meyliana2, Erick Fernando3, Kristianus Oktriono4

Impact of Transformational Leadership on R&D Leader Performance
Pradeep Kumar Rout1, Jyoti Ranjan Das2, Monoranjan Puthal3

A Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction to Control Traffics in Large Scale Transportation using Internet of Things
S. Saravanan1, K. Venkatachalapathy2

The Square of A Directed Graph
J. Kavikumar1, D. Nagarajan2, Yoo Chai Sing3, M. Lathamaheswari4

Characterization and Performance of Mechanical Properties of GGBS Based Geo Polymer Mortars
Bhavani chowdary T1, Ranga Rao V2

Design of A Solar MPP Charge Controller using Mamdani FIS with Generalized Bell-Shaped Membership Function
Kailash Kumar Mahto1, Saptadip Saha2, Priyanath Das3

Effectiveness of Retail Marketing-Mix on Consumer Patronage: A Performance Assessment of Selected Supermarkets
Amir Hafizullah Khan1, Mohammad Bilal Sheikh2, Mayank Vinod Agrawal3

Reaching Out to the World Via Campus Wide Implementation of Moocs in Indian Education System
Krishna Kumar Singh1, Sachin Rohatgi2

Directions of Enhancement of the Competitiveness of National Economy Agricultural Sector
Yurii Lopatynskyi1, Oleg Melnyk2, Liudmyla Sybyrka3, Anzhela Melnyk4, Zoriana Kobelia5

A Methodology for Eliciting Data Privacy Requirements and Resolving Conflicts
Asmita Manna1, Anirban Sengupta2, Chandan Mazumdar3

ERP Performance Measurement AT PT Hero Supermarket using the IT Balanced Scorecard Method
Ibnu Fajar alam1, Nilo Legowo2

Deficiency and Sufficiency of Critical Factors Greatly Affect Attrition and Leverage Retention in IT Companies) –Madurai District, Tamilnadu, India
V. B. Devi Bala

Measuring the Consequences of Perceived Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction
Mohammad Saleh Miralam1, Vikram Jeet2

Formulation and Preparation of Fortified Paneer
K. Murali Naik1, A. Rama Rao2, V.V. Tejaswini3, K. Sai Manogna4

Behaviour of Cold Formed Built – Up Steel Compression Member
K.Thiyagu1, P.Kanaka2, R.Elanchezhiyan3

Mechanical Strength Properties of Geo Polymer Concrete incorporating Quarry Rock Dust and Recycled Coarse Aggregate

Development of IoT based Blaze Corroboration Response System for Global Applications
T.Govinda Rao1, T. Narasimhappadu2, A.Sudhakar3

The Method of Generalizing Spatial Information into a Single Multidimensional Data Model
Tetyana Honcharenko1, Yurii Andrashko2, Olena Fedusenko3, Iryna Domanetska4, Nataliia Olkhova5

Application Development for Education on Scientific Experiments in Virtual Reality
Makoto Sakamoto1, Takahiro Ishizu2, Masamichi Hori3, Amane Takei4, Takao Ito5

Neuro-Fuzzy Driven Context-Aware Optimized Topology for IoT – Nucot
S.Sivanesan1, S.P.Shantharajah2

FPGA Implementation of Area Efficient CMOS Multiplier using Fast Kogge Stone Look Ahead Logarithmic Adder
L.Malathi1, A.Bharathi2, A.N.Jayanthi3

An Efficient Adaptive Load Balancing Scheme for Mitigating Reduction of Quality-Based DDOS Attack on Cloud File Storage Environment
V Loganathan1, S Godfrey Winster2

Regression Test Case Prioritization Frameworks: Challenges and Future Directions
Bakr Ba-Quttayyan1, Haslina Mohd2, Yuhanis Yusof3

Range Specific Neighborhood Rough Set Based Feature Selection for Driver Inattention Classification
J. Mary Dallfin Bruxella1, J.K.Kanimozhi2

Concept Relation Knowledge Visualization with CR Logic using Neo4j
Praveena Rachel Kamala S1, Justus S2

Various Performance Datum that Affect the Working of TEG
Prabhjot Singh1, Simran Bhola2, Sanjeev Choudhary3, Dhruv Kumar4, Devendra Jha5

Segmentation of Brain MRI with Tumor by Image Overlapping using Cellular Automata
Jasmeena Tariq1, A.Kumaravel2, Fasel Qadir3

Pavement Overlay Design using Falling Weight Deflectometer
Swetha G1, Chandana I2, Rakesh M3

Trends of Current Assets in Indian Auto Mobile Companies
Ramneek Kaur1, Sanjay Taneja2

Smart Detection System for Falling of Human Body
S. Janardhana Rao1, J. Abhilash2

Performance Analysis of MANET under Rushing Attack
Shukla Mondal1, Khondekar Lutful Hassan2

Cloud-Based Interactive Hands free E-Learning Environment for Students with Disabilities
Loay Alzubaidi1, Ghazanfar Latif2, Jaafar M. Alghazo3, Mohammed Zikria4

A Cognitive Workload Identification using EEG Power Spectrum
Anshul1, Rashima Mahajan2, Dipali Bansal3

Minimize of Harmonic Distortion and Power Quality Analisis using a New Discontinuous Svpwm of Multilevel Inverer for Indestrial Deives
K.RamaGandhi1, K.Harinadha Reddy2

Virtual Friend
Radhika Begmal1, Animesh Kumar2

Double Precision Floating Point Fft Processor using Vedic Mathematics
Anitha R

Crop Planning of the Warangal District of Telangana State using Probability Distribution of 40 Years Rainfall Data
Deepa D1, Sasireka K2, Anusha Avala3, Chilakala Sreya4, Meesala Arundhathi5

Heavy Machinery Condition and Risk Monitoring System for Industrial Automation
Apoorv Kansal1, Manan Gupta2, Garima Setia3, Mohan Jagannath4

Modelling Prediction of Consumer Demand in the Tourism and Hospitality Based on Time Series
Bohdan Danylyshyn1, Lidiia Shynkaruk2, Olha Prokopenko3, Svitlana Bondarenko4, Kateryna Veres5, LiliiaKovalenko6

Program Development of Digital Economy in Russia
Vyacheslav Vasiliev1, Evgenia Bolotnova2, Alexander Turovski3, Elena Batishcheva4, Natalya Lazareva5

Weighted Deep Neural Network Based Clinical Decision Support System for the Determination of Fetal Health

Design Combinational Circuit of Reversible Circuits in Emerging Technologies for HCI
Ravitesh Mishra1, Sanjeev Gupta2

Mining on Social Media Data: To Determine the Personality of Unrevealed Person
Deepak. V1, M. Bhargava Teja2, V. Sravani3, K. Venkata Raghavas4

An Arithmetic Mean of FSM in Making Decision
T. Geetha1, S. Anitha Raj2

Penalty Based Reliable Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Adhoc Network Environment
Adilakshmi Yannam1, G.V.S.N.R.V.Prasad2

Boiling Curve and Droplet Evaporation Lifetime on Hot Hemispherical Copper Surface
Nor Atika ROSMAN1, Suhaimi ILLIAS2, Suhaila HUSSAIN3, Mohamad Shaiful Ashrul ISHAK4, Mohd Nazri OMAR5

Performance Assay of Big IoT Data Analytics Framework
Sandeep Bhargava1, Bright Keswani2, Dinesh Goyal3

Dimension of Knowledge, Practice and Skill in Entrepreneurial Field
Hanim Zainal1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Sarimah Ismail3

Malaysian Polytechnic: Entrepreneurial Practice Amongst Lecturers
Hanim Zainal1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Sarimah Ismail3

Performance Analysis of Dual Edge Triggered Memory Cells using Multiple C-Elements
K.Mariya Priyadarshini1, Sampad Kumar Panda2, R.S. Ernest Ravindran3, S Sarvani4, P Mohan Vinay5, B Suresh Gopi Chand6

Interest in Awareness of the Application in Tahfiz School Students to Technical and Vocational Education Programs
Amir Faisal N Yakim1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Azlan Abdul Latib3

Level of Teacher’s Preparedness in Pedagogical Aspects towards Disabled Student in Vocational Special Education School
Nur Hidayah Mohamad Rozai1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Sarimah Ismail3

Solar PV Fed Irrigation Pump
Jayarama Pradeep1, Pearl Nightingale. R.H2, Mrunal Deshpande3

Factors Influencing Students Venture Online Business
Hanim Zainal1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Sarimah Ismail3

Level of Involvement Leadership among Final Year Students in Education of Engineering and Engineering at the University of Technology Malaysia
Ahmad Fuad Seman1, Mohd khata Jabor2, Nor Fadilah Amin3

The Implementation of Green Technology among Polytechnic Students
Norsyafatin Salim1, Mohd Khata Jabor2, Aede Hatib Musta’amal3

Factors Affecting Job Stress of Fashion & Lifestyle Journalists
NehaMiglani1, SanjeevK2, Prabhdip Brar3

Reformulation of the Status and Legal Position of Wives in the Concept of Joint Marital Property in the Islamic Inheritance System

Smart Student Intelligent System
P. Pavan Kumar1, D. Madhusudhana Rao2, S. Chinna Gopi3, Gokul Yenduri4

Reduction of Cyber Crimes by Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Mahesh Chandra

A Simple and Easy Movie Recommendation System
B Lakshmi Pravallika1, K.Pravallika2, P.Jitendra3, CMAK Zeelan Basha4

Risk Management Culture as a Systematic Method for Ensuring Safety Development
Olha Prokopenko1, Borys Kholod2, Valentyna Pavlova3, Viktoriia Niziaieva4, Olena Shtepa5, Victoria Orlova6

Construction of Codes from Symmetric Groups
Sudesh Sehrawat1, Manju Pruthi2

Novel Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
Abhishek Pandey1, Lokendra Kumar Tiwari2

Microstrip Spork Patch Antenna for Integration Into Wearable Textile Substrates for ISM Band Applications
V.Ramkumar1, S.Mahaboob Basha2, A.Iyswariya3, K.Jeevitha4, V.Praveen Kumar5

Examining the Relationship between Diffrent Modes of Infrastructure Financing and Economic Growth in India
Chumki Handique

Dengue Fever Prediction using Datamining Classification Technique

Minimum Number of Neighbour Nodes and Transmission Range Based Overhearing Controlled Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Nanditha Boddu1, B.Veeramallu2

Personalized E-Learning System Based on User’s Performance and Knowledge: An Adaptive Technique
Patchava. Ramya Sree1, Tammisetty. Bhuvaneswari2, Vulchi. Vamsi Swapnika Reddy3, Jonnalagadda. Surya Kiran4

Employee Engagement: A Practice That Creates Endurance for Retaining Employees of Service Sector
Anurag Joshi1, Sarvendu Tiwari2

Detection of Diabetes using Biosensors
B.Venkateswarulu1, Nandita.Y2, M.Hitesh3, M.Vamsi Krishna4

Leveraging Consumers’ Showrooming Behaviour – A Supply Chain Perspective
Vani Haridasan1, Kavitha Muthukumaran2

Factors That Influence Retail Store Preference and Impact of in-Store Digitization
Sunetra Saha1, Ashok Sharma2, Anita Kumar3

Neighbourhood Degree Based Index for Graph Operations Related To Composition
S.Manimekalai1, U.Mary2

The Behavior of Household Investors in Various Financial Instruments
Bharadia Mital

Enterprise Architecture Repository to Support the Company IT-Strategic
Tri Pujadi1, Wihendro2

Feature Extraction of Iris and Palmprint Biometric System using Dwt
K.Sripal Reddy1, A.Vijaya Lakshmi2

Improved Method of OCT Image Segmentation for the Detection and Classification of Retinopathy Diseases
Saya Nandini Devi M1, Santhi S2

Relationship Marketing: Impact on Bank Customers‟ Satisfaction
Deboshree Chatterjee1, AVS Kamesh2

Audit and Accounting Procedures in Organizations (with reference to Petty Cash)
Santosh Ashok1, Kamaladevi Baskaran2

Longitudinal Wave in a Thermally Conducting Elastic Medium
Nirakara Pradhan1, Sapan Kumar Samal2

An Enhanced Musical Instrument Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
S. Prabavathy1, V. Rathikarani2, P. Dhanalakshmi3

Smart Classroom – A Stepping Stone in Making Digital India
R. Babuji1, T. Suresh2, P. Gunasekhar3, Lukas Krishnan C M4

Impact of Advertisements on Consumer Buying Behaviour for Jewellery Purchase
Shamily Jaggi1, Dheeraj Nim2

QR code based Visitor Management System for Smart Offices
Santhosha Rao1, Casbona Jonathan2

Age Group Estimation Based on the Transition Count of 3rd Order Neighborhood using V and Inverted V Patterns
Moka Uma Devi1, Uppu Ravi Babu2

Twitter Sentiment Recognition using Support Vector Machine
V Uday Kumar1, CMAK Zeelan Basha2, M Vikas Chandra3, D Sai Mahesh4, K.Anish5

Multi Level Marketing (Mlm): A New Era of Social Selling and Self Employment
Alimpiya Bordoloi

Assessment in Higher Institutions: Do Students and Lecturers Share Similar Preference?
Noor Liza Adnan1, Rokiah Muda2, Wan Karomiah Wan Abdullah3, Nur Raihana Mohd Sallem4

Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastics Corn Starch (TPCS) Reinforced Pineapple Leaf Fibre (PALF) Composite
H.Z. Nazri1, Z. Ngali2, M.Z. Selamat3, R. Jumaidin4, F.A. Munir5

The Impact of the Colour of the Packaging Influencing the Buyer’s Purchase Intent
Deepa Damodaran1, N Sambandam2

Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Resin Composites Reinforced with Banana Fiber
V. S. Jagadale1, S. N. Padhi2

Durability Assessment of Concrete with Class-F Fly Ash by Chloride Ion Permeability
M. Kanta Rao1, DCh. Naga Satish Kumar2

The Technology to Increase the Level of Education at the University in the Context of the Development of Society Informatization
Tatiana Vladimirovna Вorzova

Multifunction Filter/Inverse Filter Configuration Employing CMOS CDBAs
Ram Bhagat1, D. R. Bhaskar2, Pragati Kumar3

IT Effect Assessment for Non-profit Organization
Svetlana E. Vecherskaya

Attribute base Cloud Data Integrity Check out for Secure Outsourced Storage
Sunanda Nalajala1, Namburu Sivaram2, Kallepalli Teja Sai3, Shaik Murthaza,Pratap N.L4

Measuring the Quality of Water using Ph Sensor and Filling Automatically Into Bottles
Aswin Kumer S V1, Sai Ram N L S P2, Pavan B3, Guru Sai Teja C4, Arun Kumar S5

An Expert System to Rate Construction Site Based on Safety
S. P. Sangeetha1, R. Divahar2, P. S. Aravind Raj3, P. M. Aboobacker Minaz4, Abdulla Nahavir Namzeer5

Enhancement of System Information Acquisition for User Based CSG Femtocells in Heterogeneous Network
Fazida Adlan1, Nasharuddin Zainal2, Mahamod Ismail3, Sabariah Bohanudin4

Revocation of a Banking License as an Instrument for Regulating Merger and Acquisition Transactions
Natalia Nikolaevna Natocheeva1, Yury Alexandrovich Rovensky2, Yury Yuryevich Rusanov3, Tatiana Viktorovna Belyanchikova4

Tests of Monitoring of Motion Variables of Unmanned Vehicle Convoy
Andrey Mikhailovich Saykin1, Denis Vladimirovich Endachev2, Sergey Evgenievich Buznikov3, Vladislav Olegovich Strukov4, Dmitrii Sergeevich Elkin5, Igor Dmitrievich Loginov6

The Models of Corporate Governance
Vladimir Eduardovich Serogodsky1, Alexey Mikhailovich Bochkarev2, Vadim Petrovich Cherdantsev3, Igor Yurevich Zagorujko4

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Legal Features of Aerial Video
Vadim Vasiljevich Karev1, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Sytnik2, Marsel Shabanovich Medzhidov3, Andrei Ivanovich Kardakov4

Neutralizing the Threats of The Organization Involvement in Corruption Offenses: Innovations and Technologies
Vitaly Anatolievich Mordovets1, Sergey Igorevich Andreev2, Olga Vladimirovna Averyanova3, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Grafov4, Alexey Mikhailovich Shunaev5

Optimization and Forecasting the Efficiency of Solar Water Heater by Mathematical Regression
G.Senthil Kumaran1, S. Jaisankar2

Substantiation of the Choice Diversification Strategy for Ensuring the Safety of the Enterprise Activity
Anzhela Ignatyuk1, Nina Khumarova2, Andrii Vitrenko3, Oksana Kuzmenko4, Hanna Koptieva5, Andrii Doroshenko6

The Fact of Economic Life as an Object of Accounting of an Economic Entity
Alibekov Shakhizin Il’mutdinovich1, Morunov Vitaliy Viktorovich2, Nurmukhametov Il’nur Fagilevich3

The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Company’s Financial Growth
Kateryna Andriushchenko1, Viktoriia Kondarevych2, Oleksandr Datsii3, Dmytro Mishchenko4, Ljudmyla Ivashova5, Nataliia Levchenko6, Konstantin Pivovarov7, Igor Kutashev8

Detection of EEG Signal and De-Noising for Hypoglycemia detection by Brain Wave Sensor
Praveena Sindagi1, Mahesh P K2

Drowsiness Detection Based on Eye Closure and Yawning Detection
B. Mohana1, C. M. Sheela Rani2

“Go Boy” Traditional Games to Improve Cardiovascular Endurance for Handicapped Children in Bengkulu Indonesia
Dian Pujianto1, Syafrial2, Bayu Insanistyo3

Process Parameters of Ultrasonic Machining
Rajathesh B C1, Vinay G2, Shivayogi C Akki3, Dr T S Nanjundeswaraswamy4

Detection of False Report Injection At Wsns Based on Data Calibration in Iot Environment
Ye-lim Kang1, Tae-ho Cho2

A Fuzzy Logic Based System for Secure Scrum
Nikhat Parveen1, Arpita Roy2, Yagna srilatha3, Chaitanya4, Hemanth kumar5

Ground Vibration Induced by Moving Vehicle on Soft Soil
Engku Shahrulerizal Engku Ab Rahman1, Adnan Zainorabidin2, Hazlina Mahfidz3, Habib Musa Mohamad4

Performance of Static Iot Networks using RPL Objective Functions
Spoorthi P Shetty1, Udaya Kumar K Shenoy2

A Data warehouse Testing Strategy for Banks
Donia Ali Hamed1, Neveen ElGamal2, Ehab Hassanein3

An Examination of E-Loyalty for Online Purchase of Apparel among Y Generation
Lokesh Jasrai1, Shabnam Narula2

Design of Sepic Convetrer Controlled Bldc Motor for Electric Vehicle
S. Dinesh Kumar1, Al.Chockalingam2

A Hybrid Method of Face Detection Based on Feature Optimization and Neural Network
Apurwa Raikwar1, Jitendra Agrawal2

An Efficient KP-ABE for Information Centric Networks
P. Jhansi Rani1, P. Ajay Kumar2, P. Manasa3, B. Navya4

Civic Consciousness in the Russian Youth Community
Anatoly Vladimirovich Lubsky1, Daria Alexandrovna Mamina2, Alisa Vitalievna Kovaleva3

Monitoring the Natural Focal Indicators of a Parasitic System in the Rural and Urban Territories
Alena Nikolaevna Gorina1, Vasily Vasilyevich Sochnev2, Pavel Nikolaevich Sisyagin3, Alexander Vladimirovich Usenkov4, Nikolay Vasilyevich Filippov5, Olga Sergeevna Eletina6, Olga Vyacheslavovna Kozyrenko7

Innovative Educational Technologies: Professional Development Programs for University Staff
Alexander Alexanderovich Gorbunov1, Andrey Nikolaevich Evlaev2, Dmitry Ivanovich Valigursky3, Satsita Salikhovna Khasanova4, Ariadna Gavrilievna Semenova5

Information Security of Critically Important Information Systems
Andrey Andreevich Baybarin1, Natal’ya Vladimirovna Grigor’eva2, Saleh Aisaevich Khodzhaliev3, Olga Aleksandrovna Kovaleva4, Yuliya L`vovna Shumskikh5, Alexander Alexandrovich Gogin6

Legal Regulation of Relations in the Field of Education
Vladimir Lvovich Slesarev1, Vitalij Anatolevich Malcev2, Oksana Aleksandrovna Kuznetsova3, Andrey Vladimirovich Ryzhik4

Parameters of Communication Behavior and National Language
Arkadiy Petrovich Sedykh1, Zhao Yonghua2, Daria Alekseevna Shchukina3, Olga Ivanovna Vorobeva4, Sergey Borisovich Nikonov5

Data Mining Technique for Diabetes Diagnosis using Classification Algorithms
Priya. M1, M. Karthikeyan2

Investment Activity of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia: Organizational and Economic Mechanism
Viktor V. Gorlov1, Inna S. Gorlova2, Tatyana M. Rogulenko3, Irina V. Soklakova4, Vladimir I. Surat5, Igor L. Surat6

Managing Entrepreneurial Risks
Irina Anatolievna Kiseleva1, Mikhail Samuilovich Gasparian2, Dmitry Gennadievich Korneev3, Simon Ogannesovich Iskajyan4, Olga Alexandrovna Zharikova5

Laterally Extended Field of View Imaging without Geometric Distortion using Image Stitching in Open-Configuration MRI
Cheolpyo Hong1, Bong Soo Han2

Universities and Cross-Cultural Management: Opportunities and Technologies for Improving the Quality of Services in Education
Natalia Vasilievna Philippova1, Svetlana Ivanovna Karpova2, Nina Alexandrovna Oparina3, Mikhail Yurievich Bykov4, Oleg Nikolayevich Makarov4, Deni Dokkaevich Saydulaev5

Factors That Influence the Industrial Complexes Performance at the Mesolevel
Larisa Anatolievna Sakharova1, Elena Vladimirovna Levkina2, Anna Vladimirovna Loksha3

Economic and Mathematical Model for Size and Structure Optimisation of Predator and Prey Populations
A.P. Kaledin1, Yu.A. Yuldashbaev2, T.S. Kubatbekov3, A.I. Filatov4, A.M. Ostapchuk5, V.M. Makeeva6, M.V. Stepanova7, U.A. Shergaziev8

State Policy of Rural Economy Diversification
Artur Arsenovich Shetov1, Sergey Vladimirovich Zvolinsky2, Vadim Gennadevich Pliushchikov3, Andrey Nikolaevich Zharov4

Quantum Algorithm to Construct Linear Approximation of an S-Box
Ashwini Kumar Malviya1, Namita Tiwari2

Role of Knowledge, Attitude, on the Adoption of Improved Pearl Millet by Farmers in North-east, Nigeria
Mohammed Galadima1, Salim Hassan2, Norsida Man3, Ibrahim Abdul Abu4

Features of the Medical and Environmental Assessment of the Carcinogenic Risk of Air Pollution of Industrial Centers
Saida Olegovna Apsaliamova1, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kalmanovich2, Bella Olegovna Khashir3, Oleg Zakireevich Khuazhev4, Diana IgorevnaStygun5

An Implementation of Substantial and Structure Algorithm on Brain MRI Image Datasets for Tumor Detection
Padmavathi Vanka1, T.Sudha2

Distance and Similarity Measures Including New Hesitant Degree on Hesitant Fuzzy Set
Biplab Singha1, Mausumi Sen2, Nidul Sinha3

An Iot Based Forest Fire Detection using Raspberry Pi
Pamarthi Kanakaraja1, Kotapati Vaishnavi2, Konathala Pradeep3, Pathan Imran Khan4

Text Dependent Speakers Pattern Classification with Back Propagation Neural Network
N K Kaphungkui1, Gurumayum Robert Michael2, Aditya Bihar Kandali3

The Influence of Technology Innovation and Social Media on the Use of Mobile Payment in Indonesia
Hilda Oktavianni JM1, Togar Alam Napitupulu2

Mechanical Properties of lightweight Concrete Produced using Pottery Waste as Aggregate
Mostafa Shaaban

A Research Travelogue on Classification Algorithms using R Programming
S.Nagaparameshwara Chary1, B Rama2

Twitter Data Analysis using R
Jaichandran. R1, Karthik. K2, S.Rajaprakash3, H. Dhrithimanth Prabhu4, Yerasani Aditya Gowtham5

Use of ICT in Pedagogical Practices with Special Reference to Sibsagar District of Assam
Pallab Jyoti Boruah

M/M/1 Queue with N-Policy Two-Phase, Server Start-Up, Time-Out and Breakdowns
A.Ankamma Rao1, V.N. Rama Devi2, K.Chandan3

Pore Pressure Prediction using Well-Logging Data in the West Baram Delta, Offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia
Dejen Teklu Asfha1, Haylay Tsegab Gebretsadik2, Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff3

Auditing on Energy Consumption and Thermal Load Calculation of a Building and Optimized Duct Design to Attain Uniform Cooling
Mohd Abdul Raheem1, L.Gopinath2

Object Removal using A New Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Algorithm and Seam Carving
Rammah Yousef1, Ayush Agarwal2, Pranaw Kumar3, Nabhan Yousef4

Security Vulnerability and Possible Attack Methods in e-commerce
Anjali Jolly

Environmentally Responsible Business; Lessons from Indian Mythology
Tripti Sahu1, Nitin Ranjan2

Post Stabilization Performance of Lime Stabilized Soil Admixed with Press Mud
Parthiban.D1, Srija Juluru2, Sanjay Kumar.R3, Bava shahad.TR4, Unnimaya K Premachandran5

Novel Preventive Detection Technique for Black-Hole Malware Attack in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (WMANET)
Arun Kumar1, Abhishek Kumar2, Prashant Johri3, Shiv Prakash4, Tarun Kumar5

High-Quality MRI and PET/SPECT Image Fusion Based on Local Laplacian Pyramid (LLP) and Adaptive Cloud Model (ACM) for Medical Diagnostic Applications
J.Reena Benjamin1, T.Jayasree2, S.Anjana Vijayan3

Robust and Accurate Automated Methods for Detection and Segmentation of Brain Tumor in MRI
K Bhima1, A Jagan2

Waste Management Technique Applied in the Preparation of Bio Concrete Material
E. Kowsalya1, L. Jeyanthi Rebecca2

Lift Enhancement of NACA 4415 Airfoil using Biomimetic Shark Skin Vortex Generator
N F Zulkefli1, M A Ahamat2, N F Mohd Safri3, N Mohd Nur4, A S Mohd Rafie5

Burn-Through Responses of Aero-Engine Nacelle using Fiber Metal Composites by ISO2685 Propane-Air Burner
Ibrahim Mohammed1, Abd Rahim Abu Talib2

A critical look at the Textual Side of Court Verdicts Through the Gricean lens
Sajjad Ahmed1, HadinaHabil2

An Arduino Based Safety Alerts for Vehicle and Accident Detection System
L.S.P.Sairam Nadipalli1, V.Venkata Sai Ajay2, B.Sai Vardhan3, Ch.Ganesh kumar4

Occlusion Detection with Background Elimination and Moving Object Tracking
K. Padmapriya1, P.V. Gopirajan2, K.Suresh Kumar3

Logical & Analytic features of Internet of Things (IoT)
Sandeep Singh Rajpoot1, Dhanraj Verma2

Prediction of Ozone Concentration using Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBP-NN)
Norhazlina Suhaimi1, Nurul Adyani Ghazali2, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie Mohamad Japeri3

Human Resources Accounting: An Analysis of State Bank of India’s Income and It’s Expenditure Incurred on Human Resources
Mukesh Kumar Meena

High Performance Predictive Analytics in IoT
Sandeep Singh Rajpoot1, Dhanraj Verma2

Quantum Algorithm to Construct Linear Approximation
Ashwini Kumar Malviya1, Namita Tiwari2

Pancreatic Tumor Segmentation Based on Optimized K-Means Clustering and Saliency Map Model
Sindhu. A1, V.Radha2

Organizational Effectiveness with the Holistic Organizational Effectiveness Method
Nur Laily1, Farida Rahmawati2, Sukaris3, Triyonowati4

Rainfall Analysis of Vrishabhavathi Valley in Bengaluru Region
Rajakumara H N1, Ganesha Raj K2, Ramesh K S3, Vidya A4, Ajey Kumar V G5

Intelligent Intuitionistic Fuzzy with Elephant Swarm Behaviour Based Rule Pruning for Early Detection of Alzheimer in Heterogeneous Multidomain Datasets
Dhanusha C1, A.V. Senthil Kumar2

An Innovative Methodology for Organizational Development
Garima Singh1, Rajesh Singh2

Design and Analysis of 3d Printed Gear for Automobile Wind Wiper
N. Rajesh1, K. Suresh2, P. Charan Theja3, P. Punna Rao4, T. Pratheep Reddy5

Projection Mapping: Interactive Operation using Kinect
Makoto Sakamoto1, Takahiro Shinoda2, Takahiro Ishizu3, Masahiro4, Amane Takei5, Takao Ito6

Quantum Algorithm to Construct Linear Approximation
Ashwini Kumar Malviya1, Namita Tiwari2

Detection of Foreign Materials in Wheat Kernels using Regional Texture Descriptors
Neeraj Julka1, A.P Singh2

Structural Behaviour Fly ash and Ferrochrome ash Based Geopolymer Concrete with Recycled Aggregate
Srishti Saha1, Purnachandra Saha2, Tribikram Mohanty3

Exploring Feasibility of Incorporating Vertical Gardens in Indian Context
Neha Mary Boby1, Shanta Pragyan Dash2, Deepika Shetty3

Market Reaction to Buyback Announcement: Evidences from Select Indian Manufacturing Companies
C. Sivashanmugam1, Sowmya.S2

VAT History, Computation Method, and Control
Z.A. Kevorkova1, A.K. Esenova2

Diffusion Entropy Analysis: Stability of Indian Stock Market
Sushil Kumar1, Sunil Kumar2, Pawan Kumar3

Model-Based Teaching and Learning: An Experiential Research of Teaching Engineering Drawing for First Year Engineering Students
R.Tamil Selvi1, G.Chandramohan2, D.Elangovan3, V.Navin Ganesh4

Emission of Green House Gases from Municipal Solid Waste by IPCC Model in Chidambaram
K.Sasireka1, D.Deepa2, K.S.Dhivya3

Optimal Polyphase Coded Signal Design
J.Pandu1, N. Murali Krishna2

Evolutionary Techniques for Process Modelling and Optimization in Turning Ti-6al-4v Alloy
Ambae Rakesh1, D.Kondayya2

Assessment of Geostatistical Models for the Major Soil Nutrients for Tumkur District of Karnataka, India
Leena H.U1, Premasudha B.G2, P. K. Basavaraja3, H. Mohamed Saqeebulla4, G.V. Gangamrutha5

Multi-objective Prediction based Task Scheduling Method in Cloud Computing
Swapnil M Parikh1, Saurabh A Shah2, Narendra M Patel3

Life style and Human Ailments at Kodaikanal Hills
M.Shanmugapriya1, S.N. Sugumar2

Family Vitality Utilization Design and Socio-Cultural Measurements Related with A Contextual Exploration of Rustic Haryana, India
P. Rathna1, A. Ravikumar2

Computational Depiction of Transportation Phenomenon Control using Auxiliary Draught in Cold Storage
Pankaj Mishra1, K. R. Aharwal2

Nation’s Historical Past under Multicultural Conditions
Mariia A. Abysova1, Olha P. Antipova2, Oleg V. Pavlyshyn3, Serhii V. Bondar4

Secure Sharing of Documents using Image Encryption and Key Image
N.Archana1, S.Manogna2, Mohammed Ali Hussain3, Sk. Razia4

Deep Features based Multilingual Text Detection and Recognition in Video Frames
Sunil C1, K S Raghunandan2, H K Chethan3, G Hemantha Kumar4

Diffusion-Thermo Effect on a Free Combined MHD Flowwith Mass Diffusion and Temperature Variationpast an Inclined Oscillating Plate
E. Ranjit Kumar1, B.Shankar Goud2, B. Suresh Babu3, G.Srinivas4

Performance of A Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System
Ramadoni Syahputra1, Suko Ferbriyanto2, Faaris Mujaahid3, Agus Jamal4, Sudarisman5

Wind Resources Potential as a Wind Power Plant in Kulon Progo, Indonesia
Ramadoni Syahputra1, Cahya Adijana Nugraha2, Agus Jamal3, Sudarisman4

Reliability Index of Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Plants using the Expected Energy Not Supplied Method
Ramadoni Syahputra1, Fahrian Noor2, Faaris Mujaahid3, Agus Jamal4, Sudarisman5

Some Issues of Ensuring of Procedural Guarantees of Participants of the Criminal Process of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Mamatkulova Khosiyat Ural qizi

Replication of Quantum Computing towards an Unconventional Environment using QuIDE
E. Subramanian1, C. S. Sanoj2

Voltage Stability Enhancement with Optimal Placement of IPFC
K.Radha Rani1, N.Chaitanya2

Predicting Faculty Performance in Higher Education using Machine Learning
T. Manjunath Kumar1, R. Murugeswari2

Development of a Novel Ubiquitous Client monitoring and Pervasive Vehicle Tracking System using enhanced 3G Technology for Transportation Applications
Karthik M1, Usha S2, Venkateswaran K3, Suganya S4, Jothibasu M5

Performance Analysis of Reduced Handoff Interruption Time and Energy Utilization in Cognitive Radio Networks by Unmanned Area Vehicle
M.Suresh Chinnathampy1, T.Aruna2, C.Amarsingh Feroz3, S.Esakki Rajavel4, S.Allwin Devaraj5

Numerical Simulation of Leakage Current on Conductive Insulator Surface
N. A. A. Rahim1, R. Ranom2, H. Zainuddin3, I. A. Wan Abdul Razak4

5thgeneration Wireless Network using Distributed Power Control, Novel and round Robin Scheduling Algorithms
P. Supriya1, S.P.V. Subba Rao2

Perceived E-Service Quality (Pesq) and Its Effect on Consumer Satisfaction and Web Site Loyalty on Customers
Zoheb Ali K1, Rashmi Kodikal2

Person Re-Identification using Reduced Dictionary Sparse Representation Based Classifier
M.K.Vidhyalakshmi1, E. Poovammal2

Secure Dynamic Groups Data Sharing with Modified Revocable Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud
Dileep Kumar Murala1, Sandeep Kumar Panda2, Santosh Kumar Swain3

Vehicle Recognition based on Support Vector Machine
Vikash Yadav1, Krishna Vir Singh2, Deepak Kumar Singh3

CFD Analysis on Propeller Performance with Propeller Boss Cap Fin
Swapnil D. Sankpal1, B.M. Shameem2

Effect of Partial Replacement of Cement by Quarry Dust, Rice Husk Ash with using Polyester Fiber in Concrete
M. Guruprasad1, G. Sangeetha2, B. Tipraj3, A. Srinivas4, Sathanantham. T5

Modeling and Simulation of DoS Attack Response in WSN based IoT
Won Jin Chung1, Tae Ho Cho2

Teaching Professional Stressors: An Empirical Research with reference to Female Teachers working in Private Schools
K.A.Harish1, B.Jeya Prabha2

Performance of 4G-LTE Communication and Navigation System in Blended Wing-Body UAS
Shahrean Zainurin1, Rizal E. M. Nasir2, Atikah B. A. Muta’ali3, W. Wisnoe4, W. Kuntjoro5

Internet of Things for the Development of Smart Cities
P.Dhivya1, A.Karthikeyan2, V.K.Shunmuganaathan3

Multiresolution Bio-Medical Image Segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
Priya B S1, Basavaraj N Jagadale2, Swaroopa H N3, Vijayalaxmi Hegde4

Techniques of Big Data Text Summarization
Anish Mathew Kuriakose1, V.Umadevi2

Aerodynamic Performances of Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blades for Applications in Malaysia
S.A.H. Roslan1, Z. A. Rasid2, H.T. Toh3, M.Z. Hassan4

Fuzzy PID AGC of Multi-Area Power System Optimized by Hybrid DEPSO Algorithm with FACTs
Sunita Pahadasingh1, Chitralekha Jena2, Chinmoy Ku. Panigrahi3

Smart Monitoring and Controlling of home Appliances using Internet of Things
Mittapelli Nikitha1, Rajeshwar Rao Arabelli2

Segmentation of Thermogram Based on Region Based Technique using Split and Merge Method
V. Phani Bhushan1, K.S. Sagar Reddy2, K. Murali3

Assessment of the Dynamic Development of Entrepreneurship in the Cross-Border Areas
Ekaterina G. Shumik1, Ksenia V. Smitskih2

CFD Simulation of Knock Onset in a Heavy-Duty Spark Ignition Gas Engine
Andrey Kozlov1, Alexey Terenchenko2, Nikita Zuev3, Andrei Zelentsov4

Integrated Earthquake and Landslide Monitoring Over Wireless Sensor Network
Th.Nanao1, RomeshLaishram2

Secure Text Transfer using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Based on Cloud
D Komali, Vamsi1, Tejsai2, Ganga Bhavani3

Extreme Learning Model Based Phishing Classifier
Praveen Tumuluru1, Radha Manohar Jonnalagadda2, Divya Sai Sree Konatham3, Vineetha Samineni4, Burra Lakshmi Ramani5

The Structure of Humic Substances in the Agricultural Genetically Modified Soils of the Kansk Forest-Steppe
Ol’ga Anatol’evna Vlasenko1, Natal’ya Leonidovna Kurachenko2, Ol’ga Alekseevna Ul’yanova3, Vitalij Viktorovich Kazanov4

Optimization Methods to Improve Energy Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps at Thermal Power Plants
A.A. Vikhlyantsev1, A.V. Naumov2, A.V. Volkov3, A.A. Druzhinin4, A.K. Lyamasov5, S.N. Pankratov6, B.M. Orahelashvily7

Features of the Formation of an Officer of the Armed Forces as the Sole Leader (Manager) of a Military Organization
Ivan S. Bakhov1, Vadym S. Ryzhykov2, Alla V. Kozyr3, Dmytro G. Yunyk4, TetianaYunyk5

Hereford and Simmental Cattle Breeds in Siberia: Implementation of the Adaptive and Productive Potential in the Cold Climate
G.I. Ragimov1, K.V. Zhuchaev2, M.L. Kochneva3, V.V. Gart4, B.O. Inerbaev5, G.M. Goncharenko6, V.S. Deeva7

Motivational Models in the Formation of a Strategy for the Development of the Fitness Services Industry in the Region
Natalya Stepanovna Martyshenko1, Angelina Georgievna Kim2, Olga Gennadevna Marchenko3

Design of Multi-Biometrics for Fake Fingerprint Detection through Body Odor
Pratharan Sai Rupak Reddy1, Nimmoju Arun Kumar Chary2, Kiran Jeedi3

Wettability Behavior of XLPE Nanocomposite with Surface Modified Nanofiller
Anuaruddin Hanizan1, Rahida Wati Sharudin2, Zakiah Ahmad3, Istikamah Subuki4, Azerai Ali Rahman5

Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slot Array antenna for Broadband Applications
Rekha S1, S Ramani2

Key Metrics Identification of Distinct Process Models to Develop an Iot Based Systems
Satyanandaram N1, Smitha Chowdary CH2

Manets Trust Based Data Security and Secure Anonymous Routing
S.Bharathiraja1, S.Selvamuthukumaran2, V.Balaji3

Parameter Estimation and Predictive Control Design for a Nonlinear Reactive Distillation Column
M.Manimaran1, S.Nagalakshmi2, V.S.Chitra3

Influence of Different Parameters on Shear Wave Velocity
Menaka K.1, Premalatha K.2

Prevention of Session Hijacking and Authentication Providing to the Session Cookie
Prasuna Kotturu1, Syam Prajwal Kammula2, Sai Surya Bunga3, Praneeth Sai Atluri4

Accuracy Invoked Course Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering
A.K.Mariappan1, R. Ramana Surriyan2, E.S.Shobana3

Impact of Micro Finance Through Amhara Credit and Saving Institution on Women Economic Empowerment
Belay Mengstie1, Amanpreet Singh2

Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Venkata Ramani Varanasi1, Shaik Razia2

Influence of Common Weighing Agents on Rheological Behaviour of Drilling Mud
Venkata Swamy Nalajala1, K.Rajesh Kumar2, Venkata Ramana Avula3

Kinetics of Reactive Dyed Pretreated Cotton Fabrics With and without using Salt
B. Venkatesh1, Govardhanrao Ch2, Md. Vaseem Chavhan3, M Siva Jagadish Kumar4

General Purpose Opinion Mining System for Social Media Platform using Machine Learning Based Api
Urmita Mehta1, Dhanraj Verma2

Detection of Stress Level in Social Media users using Cnn-Fg Model
Tanzila Nargis1, Nikitha Saurabh2

Multi-Objective Gas Lift Optimization using Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II)
V Sreeharsha1, Pulak Jawaria2, M Ragavendra3, B Madhuri4, Vishesh Bhadaria5

Processing and Ingredient Effects on Quality Attributes of Maize Cereals
Er. Anshul Dhawan1, Er. Parinder Kaur2

Rank Prediction for Articles and Conference Papers using Machine Learning Techniques
P.Subhashini1, K. SatyaVijaya2, G.S.K.Bhargav3, V.Vjiay Kumar4

A Fuzzy Based Analysis of Software Confidentiality at Specific Stage
Munindra Kumar Singh

Numerical Simulation of Non-Destructive Characterization of CFRP Composite Through Frequency Modulated Thermal wave Imaging
T. S. V. Saketh1, V. V. N. S. G. Sathwik2, D. V. Sai Prahlad3, V. Gopi Tilak4, G. V. P. Chandra Sekhar Yadav5, V. S. Ghali6

Internet Data Security System using AES256 Encoding Technique
Pamarthi Kanakaraja1, Vemuri Sahithi2, Katari Ramyavani3, Donepudi Richa4

To the Way of Informed Society
A.Muminov1, O.Muminov2, Kh.Polvonov3, S.Ktaybekov4

Real Time Face Detection using DNN with Raspberry Pi 4
Aswin Kumer S V1, Raja Chandrasekaran2, Mandadi Karthik3, Polinati Sri Sai Sugandhi4, Gade Vijaya Venkateswara Reddy5

Performance Assessment of the Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Effluent from the UASB Reactor – A Demonstration in a Tropical Climatic Region
Kamal Kulshrestha1, Nadeem Khalil2

Ensemble of Multi Feature Layers in CNN for Facial Expression Recognition using Deep Learning
Chintan B. Thacker1, Ramji M. Makwana2

Influence of Organizational Capabilities on Innovative Climate and Talent Retention
Nayeemunnisa. A1, S. Gomathi2

Optimized Hybrid Soft Computing Model for Weather Predictions in Delhi
Suvendra Kumar Jayasingh1, Jibendu Kumar Mantri2

Key Elements of Technology Package Influencing Annual Tea Production of Small Tea Growers (STGS): Insight from Biswanath District of India
Aditya Gogoi

An Authorized ClouDedup in Hybrid Cloud using Triple Data Encryption Standard
K Ghamya1, K G Suma2, V Bhargavi3

Advanced Connection Manager for Interworking between 3GPP and Non-3GPP Networks
Sumit Gautam1, Rajesh Purohit2, Durga Prasad Sharma3

Implementation of Cloud Security by Identity Based Encryption
M. Nagarajan1, A. Balaji2, S. Velmurugan3, G. Sathish Kumar4

Collision of Work Life Balance on Millennials Life Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Work Family Conflict
Y. C. Mohan1, P. Pradeep2, S. Susi3, R. Jothikumar4

Secure Data Aggregation Protocol with Efficient Energy in Sensor Networks
M Selvi1, P M Joe Prathap2

Green & Safe Environmental Technology with Sustainable Development
R Balamurugan1, G Srinivasan2, J Thirumal3, R Rajendran4, R Sivakumar5

Identification of Bearing Faults using Wavelet Transform
Ajay Sharma1, Prem Narayan Vishwakarma2

Design of Variable Fractional Delay Filter using FIR Filter Approximation
Anton Nesterenko1, Andrey Koshchaev2, Nadezhda Kenijz3, Ruslan Omarov4, Sergei Shlykov5

Genetic Algorithm Based Optimized Adaptive Teen Routing for WSN
G.R. Annusha Kumar1, V. Padmathilagam2, K.Devarajan3

Performance of Polymer Concrete Seeded with Steel Fibres and Stone Powder
S.Vinay Babu1, N.Venkata Ramana2

Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Based Concrete Aided With Recycled Aggregates and Manufactured Sand
E.Laxmi Prasanna1, B.Tipraj2, Sandela Haripriya3, MdIkramullah Khan4, Gobinath R5

Performance Improvement of DTN Routing Protocols with Enhanced Buffer Management Policy
G.R. Sreekanth1, R.C. Suganthe2, R.S. Latha3

Fail-Safe Design Analysis of an Aircraft Fuselage with Crack Stopper Strap
K Veeranjaneyulu1, M Satyanarayana Gupta2, Omprakash3, G Sravanthi4, Sai Prakash5

Effect of Dynamic Spectrum Aggregation and Allocation Algorithms in Cognitive Radio Networks
N. Suganthi1, S. Meenakshi2

Managing Pollution Impacted Potable Ground Water in Rural Area of Eastern Pune Metropolitan Region: Disinfection by Common Plants
Sunil S. Deo1, Milind R. Gidde2

Cost Accounting and Analysis for the Creation of an Enterprise Website
Mariya Lalakulych1, Erika Yuhas2, Lesya Rybakova3, Alona Lysiuk4, Alla Kostyrko5

Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6 Networks: Challenges and Countermeasures
Rajula Angelin Samuel1, D. Shalini Punithavathani2

Multiple Sequence Alignment by Differential Evolutionary Algorithm with New Mutant
Lakshmi Naga Jayaprada. Gavarraju1,  K. Karteeka Pavan2

Customer Loan Approval Classification by Supervised Learning Model
K. Gana Sai Prasad1, P. Vamsi Sai Chidvilas2, V. Vijay Kumar3

Backpropagation Neural Networks Implementation for JKSE Forecasting
Seng Hansun

Prediction of the Elastic Properties of the Clay-Rice Straw Composite by Numerical Homogenization Technique using Digimat
Christian Enagnon Adadja1, Clément Adéoumi Labintan2, Mohamed Gibigaye3, Hamid Zahrouni4, Mahdia Hattab5

Human Resources Accounting and Organizational Performance in It Sector: An Analysis of Infosys Ltd
Mukesh Kumar Meena

Developing Alumni Relationship Management using Thai Speech Recognition on Mobile Application
Sumitra Nuanmeesri

Audio Event Identification and Classification for Cricket Sports using LSTM
Pooja N.K1, John Sahaya Rani Alex.2

Does the Recent Global Business Growth Exhibit An Inclusive Growth? a Research on Socio-Economic Status of Least Developed Nations in Asia
T.Sisili1, D.David Winster Praveenraj2

Effectiveness of Different Insoles on Plantar Pressure Distribution using Finite Element Simulation
Rezchell Chame Alysion1, Solehuddin Shuib2, Nur Faiqa Ismail3

Two Heuristic PID Tuning for a 4-DOF Robot Arm Control
M. F. M. Ariffin1, R. L. A. Shauri2, M. I. Roslan3, W. M. L. W. Zainudin4, M. A. Rosli5

Simulation of Photovoltaic Modules using Matlab/Simulink
M Fadlan1, W A W Benjamin2, H J Lee3, P J Ker4

Language Attitude towards Preservation and Development of Khamti Language of Assam
Bishwa Hazarika

What Are the Main Dimensions of Digital Transformation? Case of an Industry
Fadwa Zaoui1, Saliha Assoul2, Nissrine Souissi3

System to assist in the Diagnosis of Diabetes using Ontology and Machine Learning
Traore Issa1, Oumtanaga Souleymane2, Claude Lishou3

Peer Scaffolding in Promoting Critical Thinking Engagement
Shahizah Shukri1, Zaidatun Tasir2

Expert System for Information Technology Services Management
Flores Zafra David1, Carhuancho Mendoza Irma Milagros2, Venturo Orbegoso Carlos Oswaldo3, Sicheri Monteverde Luis Guillermo4, Mendivel Landeo Ingrid5

Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Drought using Effective Drought Index (EDI) and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) During Monsoon Months in Cuttack District, Odisha, India
Abhilash Mishra1, Shubham Choudhary2, Jyotiprakash Padhi3, Bitanjaya Das4

Internet Banking Adaptation in Different Age Ranges
Yousef A. El-Ebiary1, Salameh A. Mjlae2, Shatha F. Ghazal3

Application of LED (Lean Embedded D3) Methodology to Improve Quality of Starter Motor EGT- Assembly
N.Naga Suresh Babu1, Venkata Subbaiah2, Mallikarjun Koripadu3, Varun S4

HIF Detection and Classification in Distribution Systems using Wavelet Transforms
B. Baddu Naik1, M. Hemanth Sai2, B. Bala Sai Babu3

Gaussian Immature Bayes Classifier and Uneven Lay down Conception for Information Flow Group in Frequent Concept Drift
D Kishore Babu1, CH. Vijaya Kumar2, Ashoka Deepthi3, B Vijaya Durga4

Implementation of Pll in Rf Transceiver using SPI and Uart Protocols
V.Kumara Swamy1, Prabhu G Benakop2

A Method for Eliciting Customer Requirements from Question Sentences
Neunghoe Kim1, Chanki Hong2

Cluster Head Selection and Packet Delivery Estimation Based on K-Means and FCM
Anil Khandelwal1, Yogendra Kumar Jain2

Simulation of Impeller Exit Flows of A Centrifugal Blower
Seralathan S1, Balaji R2, Mukesh Nadarajan3, Ijas Ahamed A4, Hariram V5

Demand Side Management Technique to Optimally Schedule Electric Vehicle Loads in Smart Grid
G. Harsha Nikhanj1, G. D. V. N. S. L. Kuma2, Swapna Ganapaneni3, Sk.Moulali4

Term Document Frequency (TDF) Method for Extracting User Posts and Emerging Events in Social Networks
S.S.Manivannan1, M.Iyapparaja2, M.Prasanna3, T.Velmurugan4, J.Prabhu5

Discussion on Big Data: TDFS Vs HDFS
C Bagath Basha1, S Rajaprakash2, S Karthick3, Preesha louise4, Amritha.S5

Dengue Outbreak Prediction using Regression Model in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India
J. Avanija1, G. Sunitha2, R. Hitesh Sai Vittal3

Facial Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning
Ch.Kousalya1, G.Sripoorna2, Y.Keerthi Tejaswi3, G.Pradeepini4

Relationship between Emotional Maturity and Altruistic Behaviour among High School Students
Juri Das1, R. D. Padmavathy2

Adaptive Position Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Motors-A State of Art
Manoj Kumar1, Amit Ojha2

Design and Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Solar Power System by Fuzzy Control Algorithm
Shivaji Bhukya1, S. Prakash2

Design of 8-Bit ALU Design using GDI Techniques with Less Power and Delay
Harshmaniyadav1, Uday Panwar2

OS Level Power Optimization in LCMP
Vanlalmuansangi Khenglawt1, Zonunmawii2, Vanlalhruaia3

Independent Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous System
Sarthak Srivastava1, Santanu Kumar Misra2

Effect of Process Parameters on Machining Performances during Machining of Al7075-T6 in Electro-Discharge Machining
Bharat Chandra Routara1, Basanta Kumar Nanda2, Diptikanta Das3, Mantra Prasad Satpathy4, Shubham S. Singh5

A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Framework for Lung Cancer Detection
Hemalatha Eedi

Implication of Production and Monitoring Techniques in Bayesian Single Sampling Plan using Gamma-Zero Inflated Poisson Distribution
V.Kaviyarasu1, P.Sivakumar2

UV Protecting Behavior of Imidazole Based Zno Hybrid Thin Films for Sunscreen Applications
O. Akbar Basha1, S. Mohammed Ghouse2, I. Pugazhenthi3, V. Vishnu Vardan4

Modeling and Analysis of Communication Subsystem design Process for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Petri Net
Sonal Dahiya1, Sunita Kumawat2, Priti Singh3, Karamjit Kaur Sekhon4

Generating Highlights of Cricket Video using Commentators and Spectators Voice
Mohammed Inayathulla1, C Karthikeyan2

Consumer Perception towards Food Delivery Applications with Special Reference to Dibrugarh Town
Merry Borgohain

Hybrid Solar Cell using Conjugated Chlorophyll from Pandanus Amaryllifolius as Photosensitizers
N. Ishak, H. Salleh1, A. N. Dagang2, A. R. Salisa3, N. H. Kamarulzaman4, S. M. Ghazali5, N. Abd Majid6, Z. Ahmad7

Design of 8T CNTFET SRAM for Ultra-Low Power Microelectronic Applications
K. Sarath Chandra1, K. Hari Kishore2, Pushpa Giri3, E. Santhosh Reddy4

Ontology Based Thai Chatbot on Social Media Marketing for Community Enterprise
Sumitra Nuanmeesri1, Lap Poomhiran2

Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone
Radha Mothukuri1, Tunuguntla Aishwarya2, Chalasani Himasree3, Dasari Pushkar Babu4

A Modified Series Voltage Controller for Power Conditioning
Jeevan J. Inamdar1, K. Iyswarya Annapoorani2

Design and Simulation of Injection Mold for a Laryngoscope
Shreekanth B1, P B Shetty2, Chetan S3

Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion in Nine Phase Induction Motor Drive with Third Harmonic Injection Pulse Width Modulation Technique
Manjesh1, Nilima Siddhartha Dabhade2

Personalization in Collaborative Fusion based Enterprise Information retrieval
Dinesha L1, Kumaraswamy S2

Design of an Area-Efficient Various N-point Support radix-2/22 FFT using Modified Butterfly Units
Parthibaraj Anguraj1, Thiruvenkadam Krishnan2, Kumaresan Natesan3

Travel package booking application with API BOT
K Sai Karthik1, CH Naveen Aaditya2, Ravi Kiran3, Swarnalatha P4

Determination of Crop Productivity Based on Climate Change using Geographic Information Systems
Mohamed Osman Abd Elhadi Eltaib

An Efficient MRI Brain Image Registration and Wavelet Based Fusion
Vidhya K1, Mala C Patil2, Siddanagouda S Patil3

Factors Affecting the Stability of Functionally Graded Sandwiched Beams
S.N.Padhi1, K. S. Raghu Ram2, Jasti Kasi Babu3, K Suresh4, T.Rout5

Simulation and Performance Analysis of Chaotic Sequences using Enhanced Cuckoo Search Optimization Method
K. Renu1, P. Rajesh Kumar2

Various types of Security Issues and Challenges for Attacks, according to the Attacking Type, Threat Level and Effects: IoT Security Mechanism
Jayanta Kumar Pahari1, Arindam Roy2

Effects of Inclination of the Plate Embedded in Porous Media on Radiative and Chemically Reactive MHD Convection
Debozani Borgohain

Enriching Unification through Ethnicity: a Quest through the Culture and Tradition of Mana Village
Hyma Santhosh1, Beena S Nair2

An Innovative Fuzzy Based Power Quality Assessment Considering Short Circuit Level
Sanhita Mishra1, S.C.Swain2, Pampa Sinha3

Image Classification using Deep Learning Framework
Shaik. Razia1, Maddula. Venkata Dharaneeswara Reddy2, Kollu. Jaya Sai Mohan3, Dharanikota. Sai Teja4

A Compromise Decision Support Multi Objective Travelling Salesman Problem
T. Leelavathy1, K. Ganesan2

Modeling Outcomes of Unconventional Monetary Policy
Halyna Alekseievska1, AndriiKyfak2, Tetiana Rodionova3, Sergey Yakubovskiy4

Forecasting the Outcome of the Next ODI Cricket Matches to Be Played
Md. Minhazul Abedin1, Silvy Rahman Urmi2, Md. Towfiqul Islam Mozumder3, Md. Samiur Rahman4, Adnan Firoze5

Facial Expression Recognition using Ensemble Learning Technique
Ayushi Gupta1, Anuradha Purohit2

Defect Detection using Active Contour Method
V.Krishna Chaitanya1, N.Pranay Manikanta2, S.Mukesh Kumar3, M.Anil Kumar4, B.Suresh5, V.S.Ghali6

An Analytical Evidences of Indo-Us Relationship with Reference to India‟s Act-East Policy
Mini Jain

EMOSIS Sentiment Analysis on Tweets with Emotion and Intensity Level Recognition Considering Ending Punctuation Marks
Ria Ambrocio Sagum1, Ma. Monique L. Navarro2, Arvin Jasper E. Victore3

Lung Cancer Diagnosis from Ct Images Based on Pre-Processing and Ensemble Learning
Denny Dominic1, K. Balachandran2

Diffusion of Mobile Telephony Services in India
Kishore Kumar Morya1, Ajit Shankar2

Biogenesis, Characterization and Bioefficacy of Tin Oxide Nanoparticles from Averrhoa Bilimbi Fruit Extract
Nisha Elizabeth Sunny1, Venkat Kumar S2

Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques
Shaik Razia1, J. Chinna Babu2, K. Hemanth Baradwaj3, K. S. S. R. Abhinay4, Anusha M5

Prediction of Emoji from News Headlines using Machine Learning Techniques
Soumya S.1, K. V. Pramod2

Application of AI in Human Resource Management and Gen Y’s Reaction
Suruchi Pandey1, Priyadarshini Khaskel2

Ethical Hacking: Cyber-Crime Survival in the Digital World
C Nagadeepa1, Reenu Mohan2, Ajeet Singh Shekhawat3

Detecting Faces in Noisy Images using Hit-Miss Transform (HMT)
Poornaiah Billa1, Anandbabu Gopatoti2, Kiran Kumar Gopathoti3, K.C Koteswaramma4

Consumption of Food by College Students using Ml Algorithms
R. RamyaSri1, G. Susmitha2, K.SaiSurya3, V.Bhavani4, K Venkata Raju5

Model of Fire Alert System using Arduino Nano Pro
Sai Kumar Garre1, M. Leena Reddy2, N.V.K Ramesh3

Differential Transform Technique on the Effect of Baffle Convective Nanofluid Flow in Saturated Porous Channel
M. Karuna Prasad1, J. Prathap Kumar2, J.C. Umavathi3, B. Devika4, C. S. K. Raju5

Rotary Friction Welding of Dissimilar Materials
Jagjeet Singh Chatha1, Talwinder Singh Bedi2, Amit Handa3

Evolving a New Revolutionary Learning Environment Based on Blockchain Technology
M. Mohanasundari1, P. Vidhyapriya2, P. Sundaresalingam3, R. Mughil4

Factors Affecting Online Advertisement Effectiveness
Shiney Chib1, Kanchan Dewal2, Kanchan Artani3, Chitralekha Potnis4, Ajay Krishnan5

Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease using Classification Algorithms
Feiroz Khan T.H.1, Pavan Sundar Reddy G2, Sai Surya Harsha D3, Gopala Krishna M4

Assessment of Cost and Extent of Delays in Public Sector Construction Projects in Aseer Region, KSA
Ibrahim I. Falqi

Information Extraction using User Opinion Procedure

Design of Reversible Gates-Based Image Steganography using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata for secure Nano-Communications
V.Nancharaiah1, B.Sridhar2, S.Sridhar3, N. Haritha4, N.L.N.Keshav Kumar5

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Rhynchostylisretusa (L.) Blumeleaf extract under Sunlight
JahnabiSarma1, A M Dutta2

Agribusiness (Foods) Supply Chain Management in Indian Agriculture: Affairs, Favorable Circumstances and Further Research
V. A. Anand1, J. Pandilakshmi2

Decision Tree: Categorizing Financial Inclusion
Tanu Tiwari1, Alpana Srivastava2, Surendra Kumar3

Demand Re-Allocation in Conjunction with Feeder Input Power using Iterative Power Flows Method
M.S.N.G.Sarada Devi1, G. Yesuratnam2

Dynamic Channel Assignment MAC Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs)
M.Ramchandran1, E. N. Ganesh2

Involvement of Women of Assam in Handloom Weaving Industry: Exploring a Linkage with Their Socio-Economic Conditions
Rituparna Kalita

Limit Value Task Scheduling (LVTS): an Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm for Distributed Computing Environment
G.K.Kamalam1, K.Sentamilselvan2

Network Simulation of a Transportation System Based On Accelerating Moving Walkway for Efficient and Sustainable Cities
Gurram Narendra Santosh Kumar1, A Srinath2, Y. Kalyan Chakravarthy3, Ratna prasad paladugu4

Design and Analysis of Disc Brake using ANSYS
M.Iyyappan1, M.Robert Paul2, S.Nirmal Moses3, J.Yasin4

Geoinformatics Based Sprawl Dynamics Analysis of Berhampur Development Authority Area, Odisha, India
Binita Tripathy1, Kabir Mohan Sethy2, P. Mishra3

The Barricade for the Fluent Function of Businesses using Artificial Intelligence
Roswell Sumer1, Raj Mishra2

Smart Milk Adulteration Detection
Chirag Chandnani1, Harsh Belani2, Naman Bansal3, Mani Roja Edinburgh4

Design of Advanced 64-bit Full Adder in 45-nm Technology
Paruchuri Uma Devi1, Joseph Anthony Prathap2

SCA Based Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PID Controller for Solar MPPT
Raj Kumar Sahu1, Binod Shaw2, Jyoti Ranjan Nayak3

A Prototype of the Humanoid Model for Rehabilitation of Patients with Severe Motor Disorders
Vanitha A

Feature Selection on Noisy Twitter Short Text Messages for Language Identification
Mohd Zeeshan Ansari1, Tanvir Ahmad2, Ana Fatima3

Prediction and Analysis of Soil properties in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh
D.Venkata Revanth Naidu1, Sridevi Sakhamuri2, A.Venkat Vardhan3

Performance Analysis of LMS, RLS, CMA Algorithms for Beamforming in Smart Antenna Systems
Sunita V. Mane1, Uttam L. Bombale2

Segmentation of Tumor in MRI Brain Images using Morphological Operators and Non-Local Means Filter
Kavin Kumar K1, Meera Devi T2, Abirami R3, Akila R4, Ashok D5

Using Aggloramative Clustering to Asses and Improve Software Reliability
Venkateswar Rao1, Pravallika2, Manogna3, Sree Ram4

Offloading of Mobile Apps in Hand-Held Devices using Machine Learning
Neelesh Chourasiya1, Neeraj Mohan2

Research on Recommendation Systems using Deep Learning Models
M.P.Geetha1, D.Karthika Renuka2

Design and Implementation of Content Addressable Memory Unit using Qunatum Dot
G Surya Kranth1, R. S. Ernest Ravindran2

Trace Elements in Soil Systems
Bhawana Mathur

Multilayer Structure of a New Portable, Low-Cost and Reversible Arithmetic and Logic Unit using High-Speed and Low-Power “QCA” Technology with Good-Scalability
Rupsa Roy1, Swarup Sarkar2, Sudipta Das3

Localization of Seizures in Epilepsy using Low Frequency Fluctuations from Rs-fMRI
A.Allwyn Gnanadas1, S. Sathishbabu2, P.Arunkumar3

Potential Finish Time and Min-mean Algorithm for allocating Meta-Tasks on distributed Computational Grid
K.Sentamilselvan1, G.K.Kamalam2

BER and Spectrum Efficiency Analysis of Massive MIMO Systems for IoT Application
Srashti Gupta1, Abhishek Bhatt2, Vandana T. Bhatt3

Signcryption Based Security for PSO-GD Localization in WSN
R. Latha1, T. N. Prabakar2

Longitude Recognition of Satellite Broadcasting Depiction to Discerning the Filed for Agronomy by using Data Mining Algorithms
V.P. Muthukumar1, S. Subbaiah2

Pattern Recognition on Anthropometric and Fitness Components Relative Birth-month Quartiles among Malaysian Boys and Girls
Siti Musliha Mat-Rasid1, Mohamad Razali Abdullah2, Hafizan Juahir3, Mohd Izwan Shahril4, Gunathevan Elumalai5, Mohd Khairi Zawi6, Sukono7

Design and Fabrication of Portable Luggage Cart
Potli Aswarthanarayana1, Shaik Ahammad Basha2

Design of Coplanar Circuit Switching Network in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
A.Chandrasekaran1, K.Senthil kumar2, K.Hemalatha3, K.STamilselvan4, P.Umarani5

Twitter Spam Detection using Pre-trained Model
Ankur Gupta1, Yogendra P.S. Maravi2, Nishchol Mishra3

Efficiency of Shear Wall Location on Reinforced Concrete Buildingsin Ethiopia under Seismic Excitation
Vijay Singh Rawat1, Manikandan.P2

Grothendieck Eisenstein Arrows for an Unconditionally Regular, Totally Ultra Solvable Domain
Arjun Singh1, Surbhi Chauhan2

The Effects of Cylindrical Grinding Factors in the Production of Grinding Spindle u sin g Hardened EN 353 Steel
Manikandan.M1, Prabagaran.S2, Sivaram.N.M3, Milon Selvam Dennison4

Design of Low Power Memory Architecture using 10t Sram Array
M. Madhumalini1, B. Saranraj2

E-Shopping: Outlining the Impact of Explanatory Variables
Indrajit Ghosal1, Pragya Singh2

Implicit Landmark Path Indexing for Bounded Label Constrained Reachable Paths
Bhargavi B1, K Swarupa Rani2

Marketing Promotional Strategies of Start-up Enterprises: A Systematic Examination of Past Literatures
Madhusudan Narayan1, Birajit Mohanty2, M.L. Vadera3, Suhasini Verma4, Mahesh Kumar5

Early Exposure of Lung Cancer by Combining ANN and SVM Algorithm
M. Sheik Mansoor1, M. Mohamed Sathik2

Isolation and Characterization of PHA Producing Bacteria from Sewage Samples of Assam
Jasmine Chetia

Isolation and Characterization of PHA Producing Bacteria from Sewage Samples of Assam
Jasmine Chetia

Efficient Task and Data Scheduling Policy for Vehicular Fog Computing Based on Link Weight
Santosh Kumar Sahoo1, Asif Uddin Khan2, Ajit Kumar Nayak3

Human Driver Interaction with Self-Balancing Vehicles’ Dynamics
Paolo Righettini1, Vittorio Lorenzi2, Bruno Zappa3, Roberto Strada4

Design of Improved Electrosurgical Unit with Pad Plate Design
Chitra.BK1, K.Kalaivani2, T.Kalaiselvi3, K.R.Sugashini4, B.Chinthamani5

Implementation of Decentralized Control Scheme to Control a MIMO System using Response Optimization Toolbox in MATLAB
Surendran T1, Suganya M2, Navaseelan P3, Sobana S, Nandini K4

Integrated Aircraft Landing System using Lidar and RSSI
B.Chinthamani1, K.Kalaivani2, K.R.Sughashini3, P.Navaseelan4, R.Nagalakshmi5

Neural Network Based Nonlinear Autoregressive Models for CNC Machine Process
M. Suganya1, S.Sobana2, J. Johnsi3, R. Nagalakshmi4, K.R. Sughashini5

Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Based Robust Detection and Isolation of Economizer and Air Pre-Heater Faults in Steam Boiler
Navaseelan P1, Nagarajan S2, Chinthamani B3, Nagalakshmi B4, Chitra B K5

The Need of Business Analytics in Today’s Scenario
S. Yamini

Sentence Wise Telugu to English Translation of Vemana Sathakam using LSTM
P.Sujatha1, D. Lalitha Bhaskari2

Third-Eye Two Wheeler for Accident Detection with Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) Enabled in Smart Helmet
V. Vani1, M. Mohana2, S. Haritha Meenashi3, G. Jeevitha4, A. Keerthika5

Smart Drainage System using Zig Bee and IoT
V. Vani1, M. Mohana2, D. Vanishree3, K. S. Subiksha4, M. Sushanthika5

Voltage & Frequency Stabilisation of A Hybrid Micro Grid Framework using Sliding Mode Controller
Abhijeet Choudhury1, Amar Bijay Nanda2, Amiya Kumar Naik3, Swagat Pati4, Sanjeeb Kumar Kar5

Design and Implement a Real Time Detection a nd Defence Mechanism Against t he SYN Flood Attack i n Server Client System
Sumonto Sarker1, Kritimoy Bosu2, Firdous Bin Ismail3, Md. Mahabub Hossain4, Md. Mehedi Islam5

Strength Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced High Performance Concrete with Mineral Admixtures
Adanagouda1, H.M.Somasekharaiah2

Factors Modulating Entrepreneurial Mindset: An Empirical Analysis of Small Traders in Odisha
Sidhant Mohanty1, Srinibash Dash2

DL-IPS: Deep Learning Based Indoor Positioning System for Improved Accuracy
Bhulakshmi Bonthu1, Subaji M2

Wind Analysis of Tall Building with Vertical Setback for Different Height & Area Ratio
Pradeep Sindal1, Savita Maru2

A Research on Collaborative Filtering Based Movie Recommendations: From Neighborhood to Deep Learning Based System
Dayal Kumar Behera1, Madhabananda Das2, SubhraSwetanisha3

Retinex Color Balanced Piecewise Contrast and Fuzzy Trilateral Filter for Underwater Image Enhancement
A.Parameswari1, M.V.Srinath2

An Unsharp Masking Algorithm Embedded With Bilateral Filter System for Enhancement of Aerial Photographs
D. Regan1, C. Padmavathi2

IoT Based Automatic Tyre Sorting System
R.Ramakala1, Dr.R.Uma2, A.Parimala3, W.Nancy4, D.Joshua Jeyasekar5

Possibilistic Distribution for Selection of Critical Path in Multi Objective Multi-Mode Problem with Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number
Rekh Riddhi Ketankumar1, Jayesh M. Dhodiya2

Effect of Colour Spectrum and Plastic on the Performance of PV Solar System
Bhabani Patnaik1, Sarat Ch. Swain2, Ullash Ku. Rout3

Forensic Acquisition of IOS Devices
Hyndavi Koganti1, G Siva Nageswara Rao2

2D Cam Capture: An Optimal Real-Time Dimension Measurement System
Venkatesan.B1, Sudharsan.T2, Sugitha.S3, Sumithaa.S4, Swarga.S.R5

Mitigating the Side Channel Power Analysis Attacks using New Variable Mapping Substitution Technique
Hytham M. Hussein1, Abd Elhamed Gaafer2, Ahmed A. Abdel-Hafez3, Eman H. Beshr4

Epizootic Risk of Trematodiases in Aqueous Dwellers of the North-West Region of the Russian Federation
Olga Leonidovna Kulikova1, Marina Leonidovna Gusarova2, Vasily Vasilyevich Saushkin3, Alexander Vasilyevich Pashkin4, Nadezhda Ivanovna Volkova5, Ali Abakarovich Aliev6, Elena IgorevnaLykova7, Olga Vyacheslavovna Kozyrenko8

Flexural Behaviour of Geopolymer RC Beam with Scrap Steel Slag Coarse Aggregate
Suganya. N1, Thirugnanasambandam. S2

Transformation of the World Steel Market Under the Influence of General Industrialization and Digitalization of Industry
Saltykova Yana Alexandrovna

Implementation of Minigrid with Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources for Urban Community Buildings
S. N. V. Bramareswara Rao1, Kottala Padma2, Y. V. Pavan Kumar3

Integrated System for Classification of Pulmonary Nodules on CT Images
Vijayalaxmi Mekali1, Girijamma H. A2

Prediction of Mechanical Behavior of GFRP with Elastomer under Impact and Tensile Loading
Sivaa Charan Muralidharan1, Balaji Rajendran2

Task – Heterogeneous Resource Mapping Algorithm for Grid Environment
G.K.Kamalam1, B.Anitha2

Reconstruction Error Analysis of Skin Lesion Images using Orthogonal Moments
Sudhakar Singh1, Masood Alam2, Shabana Urooj3

Nature and the Pattern of Menstrual Problems among Adolescent Girls
R. Shakeela1, S.N. Sugumar2

Multimedia Video Streaming using Advanced Compression and Bandwidth Efficient Technique
S D N Hayath Ali1, M.Giri2

Mouse Dynamics as Continuous User Authentication Tool
Anam Khan1, Suhail Javed Quraishi2, Sarabjeet Singh Bedi3

Big Data Analytics and Its Applications
B. Manjulatha1, Suresh Pabboju2

Personality Type and Birth Order of Women Engineering Students
Preetha Menon1, TK Anurekha2

Influence of war on currency exchange using Jennrich’s statistics
Bhargavi B1, K Swarupa Rani2

Mechanical Characterisation of the Coated Roller Bearing
Srinivas S1, Sharath GS2, Manjunath G3, Niranjan Hiremath4

A New Efficient Technique Based on Majority Logic Decoding to Decode Linear Block Codes
Issam Abderrahman Joundan1, Moulay Seddiq El Kasmi Alaoui2, Karim Rkizat3, Said Nouh4, Abdelwahed Namir5

Performance of Petrol-Ethanol Blended Spark Ignition EngineS
Balappa Hadagali1, N.R. Banapurmath2, Kirankumar B.3, V.S. Yaliwal4

SVM-Based Detection of Miniature Area of LCLU: A False-Damage Assessment Index for Disaster Management Application
Darala Siva1, Polaiah Bojja2

Effectiveness of E-Learning and Perceived Satisfaction for an Accounting Course in Engineering using the FA4v1 Hybrid Application
Tengku Besaruddin Shah Tengku Yaakob1, Wan Zuraida Wan Yusoff2, Che Alias Mohd Yusoff3

Analytical Modelling of Premises-Specific Solar-Energy Estimation
K.A. Aznan1, Sheroz Khan2, Mashkuri Yaacob3, Othman O Khalifa4, Ezzidin Aboadla5

Assessment of Friction Stir Welding on Aluminium 3D Printing Materials
S.S.S. Abu Bakar1, S. Sharif2, Mohd Faridh3

The Application of Taguchi Method in Optimizing Fabrication of Composite Panel for Particleboard
M.N.M. Baharuddin1, Norazwani Muhammad Zain2, Eida Nadirah Roslin3, W. S. W. Harun4

Optimization of Foam-Filled Square Thin-Walled Aluminium Structures
Nurul Izzah Ab Rahim1, Salwani MS2

Discovering the Readiness of Malaysian Industry in Adaptation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 towards Manufacturing Sustainability
M.N.H.M. Rosdi1, M.R. Muhamad2, W.H.W. Mahmood3, M.H.A. Kadir4

Effect of Drying Duration on Production of Sabah Snake Grass (Clinachantus Nutans) Botanical Drink
Zaleha Ismail1, Siti Nasiroh Ismail2, Norehan Aziz3

Development of Sustainable Supplier Selection Model using Dematel for Manufacturing Industry
Norhafiza Mohamed1, Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood2, Muhamad Zaki Yusup3, Rahayu Tukimin4

Prediction of Driver Behaviour in Different Driving Path by using Electric Buggy Car
Hasri Haris1, Wan Khairunizam2, Hafiz Halin3

ICT Integration Practices of STEM Teachers in TVET
Fariedah Lal Chan1, Fitri Suraya Mohammad2

The Making of Particleboard from Palm Oil Fiber and Dust Wood with Epoxy as a Resin
Siti Norzailina Md Som1, M.N.M. Baharuddin2, Norazwani Muhammad Zain3, M.R.Shaari4

Prioritization of Supplier Development Practices: A Fuzzy Method
Rahayu Tukimin1, Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood2, Norhafiza Mohamed3, Mohd Noor Hanif Mohd Rosdi4, Maimunah Mohd Nordin5

Surface Roughness Performance during Machining Aluminium Alloy using Automated Coolant System
Farizan Md Nor1, Fairul Azni Jafar2, Mohd Hadzley Abu Bakar3, Wan Nur ‘Izzati Wan Md Hatta4

Digital Interactions and Internationalisation of Small, Medium Enterprises
Azlina Mohamad1, Adriana Mohd Rizal2, Rohaida Basiruddin3, Suzilawati Kamarudin4

Police Alert System using Wireless Heterogeneous Networks
G Aloy Anuja Mary1, Hiran Kumar Singh2

Financial Leverage Determinants on the Financial Performance of a Company
A V N Murthy1, N Konda Reddy2, S Ragamayi3

A Multi User based Joint Bit Error Rate improvements in PDMA
J Ravindra Babu1, Kancharla Niharika2, E V Krishna Rao3

Low Power Allocation Based Error Improvements in wireless 5G
Yarramsetty Naga Lakshmi1, B Samuyelu2

Results on Homomorphism of a Vague Γ-Nearring
S Ragamayi1, Y Bhargavi2, N Konda Reddy3

Emotion Recognition in Speech Processing using Fast Fourier Transform
Veerendra Kumar Jammula1, Ashok Reddy Gogireddy2, Hari Kiran Vege3, Kolla Bhanu Prakasha4

An Effective Scheme for Shot Boundary Detection and Key Frame Extraction for Video Retrieval
Gs Naveen Kumar1, Vsk Reddy2

An Adaptive Correlation Based Video Data Mining using Machine Learning
Mallikharjuna Lingam K1, VSK Reddy2

Customer Adoption and Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking
Vyas Muktak1, Kumar Neeraj2

Strategic Planning of Information System using Ward and Peppard in the Ministry of Health, Timor Leste
Fernao Dos Santos1, Nilo Legowo2

Structural Behaviour of Concrete with Fly-Ash and Ferrochrome Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement
Tribikram Mohanty1, Srishti Saha2, Purnachandra Saha3, Bitanjaya Das4

Perceptions of Waqf Reporting Practices by State Religious Islamic Councils
Dalila Daud1, Aida Maria Ismail2, Rashidah Abdul Rahman3, Raziah Bi Mohamed Sadique4, Nor Balkish Zakaria5

Direct-Indirect Association Rule Mining for Online Shopping Customer Data using Natural Language Processing
B.Hemalatha1, T. Velmurugan2

Recognition of Online Handwritten Isolated Kannada Characters using PCA and DTW
Keerthi Prasad G1, Vinay Hegde2

Underwater MANETs: A Specialized Protocol (RANR) for Routing the Packet
M.Srinivasa Sesha Sai1, R.Ramesh2

MRCC-Measuring Reusability Based on Coupling and Cohesion Methodology
G.Maheswari1, K.Chitra2

Target Detection of Sar Image using Modified Markov Random Fields Ayed Model Segmentation Along With Google Net Classification
A.Glory Sujitha1, P.Vasuki2, S. Md. Mansoor Roomi3

Dynamic Euclidean K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining
G.Sivabharathi1, K.Chitra2

Groundwater of the Maamoura Water Table Morocco
Hamdan Abderrahim1, Chaouch Abdelaziz2

Digital Marketing of Women Fashion Products towards Entrepreneurs Perspective in Chennai City
S.Soniya1, S.Sudhamathi2

Rasterhadoop: An Application Perspective of Raster Data Processing on Hadoop
R. Phani Bhushan1, DVLN Somayajulu2, S Venkatraman3, RBV Subramanyam4

Detection of Neurons in the Proteomic and Genomic Image Data
Aswin Kumer S V1, Pamarthi Kanakaraja2, Pathan Bahalul Khan3, Vudatha Veera Venkata Dileep4, Challapalli Ujwala5

Impact of Glass Ceiling on Stress, Well-Being, Self-Esteem, Effective Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Working Women
AbdulSattar Abulbaqi Al-Azzawi1, Makarand Upadhyay2, Nishi Tyagi3

A Gist Warning of Sighting in Face Classification and Recognition
Nikita Jain, Loveleen Kumar1, Ankita Joshi2

Forced Convection upon Heat Sink of AL-Cu for Design Optimization by Experimental and CFD Analysis for cooling of ICs in CPU
Srinivas. D1, S. Ramamurthy2, Juhi Ansari3

Routing Protocols for the Aircraft AD HOC Networks
Menakadevi T1, Prasannavenkatesan T2

Improvement of Control Strategy for Pmsg Based Wecs under Strong Wind Conditions with Anfis Controller
B.Sai Charan Reddy1, M.Ram Sekhara Reddy2

Fake Profile Identification in Online Social Networks
Sk.Shama1, K.Siva Nandini2, P.Bhavya Anjali3, K. Devi Manaswi4

Establishment of the Relationship between Productivity and Technological Parameters of the Process of Grinding Ore in Ball Mills
Hamidov F.M.1, Habibov I.A.2

Geo-spatial Techniques for rapid Post Disaster Needs Assessment (rPDNA)
Kalyan Munjuluri1, Indrajit Pal2, Nitin Kumar Tripathi3

Treatment of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills using Low Cost Adsorbent
Rashma Shetty1, Manjunath N.T.2

Is SMEs Ready to Manage Intellectual Capital?
Bharti1, Babli2

Problems of Commercialization of Environmental Innovations at Industrial Enterprises
Olena Kanishchenko1, Nataliia Chupryna2, Antonina Bobkova3, Natalуa Andrуeуeva4, Valentyna Kozlovtseva5

Impact of Psychological Contract Violation on Information Technology-Based Educational Institutions of Kolkata and Suburbs
Saikat Chakrabarti1, Ipseeta Satpathy2, B.C.M Patnaik3

Defect Inspection Based on Segmentation and Defective Tracking in Radiographic Image
C.V.Govindan1, D.Jeyasimman2, M.Ganesh3, R.Narayanasamy4

Set Point Weighted Modified Smith Predictor for Higher Order Integrating Processes with Time Delay
P. Deepa1, V. Vijayan2, D.Sankaran3, V.Supraja4

An Effective Performance Based on Static and Dynamic Features to Detect Malware in Android by Machine Learning Algorithm
P.S.Rajakumar1, V. R. Niveditha2, T. V. Ananthan3, N. Kanya4

Stance Detection using Extreme Learning Machine with Improved Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering on Social Network
Saini Jacob Soman1, R. Anandan2

Ant Colony Optimization Based Qos Routing Protocol (ACORP) for Vanets
Damodar S. Hotkar1, S. R. Biradar2

Field Optimization using Segmented Patch Antennas at High Frequencies
Mohammed Nayeemuddin1, P. Karpagavalli2

Secured Wireless Data Transmission using Encryption and Frequency Hopping Technique
S.P.Vijaya Vardan Reddy1, T.V.Padmavathy2, D.S.Bhargava3, B.Raghunatha Rao4, T.Jagapathi Babu5

Tracking Database Access Design by Solicitation Programs for Detecting Inconsistency
S. Muthuselvan1, Jaichandaran R2, S Rajaprakash3, Arunachalam4, Midhindas.M5

Assessment of Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Stress as a Risk Factor using Classification Algorithms
Rohini Patil1, Kamal Shah2

A Modified Honey Keyword Generation to Prevent Bruteforce Attack
B. Manjula Josephine1, K.Ruth Ramya2, Jaswanth Gottipati3, Lokesh Nallani4, Harshita Patel5

Operation and Control of Photovoltaic Panel Based EC Motor by using Optimized MPPT
Valluri Aruna1, G.Venu2, T.Anil Kumar3

Large Scale Civilian Digital Identification Systems- A Technological Perspective
Dharam Pal Singh1, A. J. Singh2

Soil Urea Estimation using Embedded Systems
Sulaxana R.Vernekar1, Jivan S. Parab2

Dimensionality Reduction using Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation
B.Raviteja1, K.Venkata Rao2

Smart Auditorium Automation system based on object recognition
Ansh Kapoor1, Sarthak Shah2, Shashank Agrawal3, Preeti Kathiria4, Smita Agrawal5

Emotion-Driven Facial Animation for Chat-Bots
Pulkit Juneja1, P. Gayathri2, Anshupriya Srivastava3, Hemant Jain4

Enhancing Structural Stability of Submerged Cylindrical Shell with Stiffeners
Elumalai E S1, Mukesh Kumar2, Dominic Xavier D3, Sarath Kumar R4, Seralathan S5

Contact Stresses and Bending stresses for Worm & Helical Gear
B. Dhanraj1, Maruthi Gangadhar2, M. Vishnuvardhan3, K. Rajasekhar Reddy4

The Third Hand
Sudhakar.T1, Jessie Christilda.J2, Sindhuja Mary.S3, Sindu Divakaran4, Hemalatha RJ5

Determination of Oxygen Tension in Peripheral Neuropathy and Diabetes using Nirs Method
M.Karthiga1, A.Keerthana2, R.Nirmala3, B.Janani4, S.Uma Maheshwari5

Classification of Liver Tumor on Ct Images using Machine Learning
A.Keerthana1, G.Srividhya2, R.J.Hemalatha3, Jaya Rubi4

Blood Group Measurement using Light Emitting Diode
Jaya Rubi1, A.Keerthana2, G.Srividhya3, R.J. Hemalatha4

Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Device
Jaya Rubi1, Thella Shalem Rahul2, G.Srividhya3, A.Keerthana4

Detection of Renal carcinoma in Ultrasound Images using HOG and SURF features
T.R.Thamizhvani1, R.Chandrasekaran2, A. Josephin Arockia Dhivya3, Hemalatha.R.J4, D. Babisha5

Effective Servicing of a Busy Base Station using Queuing Models in Cognitive Radio Networks
C. Sharanya1, V.Rajendran2

Segmentation and Classification of Image Abnormalities in Retinal Fundus using Discrete Wavelet Transforms
V.Devi1, D.Ravikumar2

Soil Stabilization on Problematic Soil with Traditional Stabilizer
Soundarya M.K1, Bhuvaneshwari.S2

Implementation of DTMF and RFID in Robotic Telesurgery
Josephin Arockia Dhivya1, R.Chandrasekaran2, R.J.Hemalatha3, T.R.Thamizhvani4

Modelling the Foreign Portfolio Investor Shareholding of Select Private Sector Banks in India
Manisha Pallavi1, S. S. Prasada Rao2

Carbon Dioxide Capturing from Natural Gas using Di-glycol Amine and Piperazine – A New Solvent Mixture
Rehab M. El-Maghraby1, Aly A. Salah2, Abeer M. Shoaib3

Consciousness about Mobile App Permissions
Uma H R1, Rashmi G R2, Bindushree V3

Implementing Cyber Security of Health Care IOT Based System
B.Aruna1, G. Vijay Kumar2, P.S.G.Aruna Sri3, Ravi Kumar Tenali4

Detection and Control of Malicious activity and Digital Forensic in BYOD
Md Iman Ali1, Sukhkirandeep Kaur2

Pilot Drone for Convoy Escort
U.Saravana kumar1, P.Ilangovan2, R.Rakesh3, S.Sathish Rakin4

Influence of Electric Field Distribution on 33kv Non-Ceramic Insulator with Different Shed Configurations using 3D Finite Element Method
K. Chermajeya1, P.Eswari Prabha2, V.Iswarya3, B.Vigneshwaran4, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan5

The Optimization of Excellent Performance through Managerial Ownership, Funding Policy, Corporate Governance: Does it Depend on The Environmental Technology Dynamism?
Levana Dhia Prawati1, Martinus Hanung Setyawan2

Batik Classification using Deep Learning
Muhammad Taufik Dwi Putra1, Gede Putra Kusuma2

A Compact SRR Loaded Dual Band Antenna with Modified Ground for Terahertz Applications
Sandeep Kumar Toshniwal1, Anita Garhwal2, Kanad Ray3, Anirban Bandyopadhyay4

Adapting Green Technology on the Minimization of Carbon Emission in a Higher Education Institution
Cecilia A. Geronimo1, Audie L. Geronimo2

Iot and Weather Based Smart Irrigation Monitoring And Controlling System for Agriculture
J. Jegathesh Amalraj1, M. Sivakumar2

Prediction of Bipolar Disorder with Voice Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques
K. Naga Yaswanth Reddy1, Ganesh Naga Sai Nerella2, K. Samantha Roy3, Swarna Kuchibhotla4, B. Manjula Josephine5

Major Courses Selection using Three Layer Factors: A Recommender System
Ghanta. Pavani Lakshmi Mounika1, Bobburi Sri Sai Chaitanya2, Chitte. Sai Manohar Reddy3, Jonnalagadda. Surya Kiran4

Performance Efficient Alu using Finfet
D.Jothi1, L.Priyanka2, I.Nandhini3, B.Rajeswari4, Kanimozhi.P5

Modelling of Transformerless Upfc Toimprovepower System Stability using Optimization Technique
Jaganmohan Rao.Tarra1, K.B Madhu Sahu2, B.Srinivasa Raot.Manamadharao3

Estimation of the Catastrophe Bonds Price by using Risk Neutral Measurement
Sukono1, Dwi Susanti2, Eman Lesmana3, Ghasani Sharfina4, Mustafa Mamat5, Puspa Liza Ghazali6, Mohamad Afendee Mohamed7

Descent Condition for a Scalar Parameter of Spectral HS (SpHS) Conjugate Gradient Method
U A Yakubu1, M Mamat2, A V Mandara3, A Iguda4, S Murtala5, M A Mohamed6

New Mathematical Model for Islamic Unit Trust
Siti Nadhirah Mohamad Fauzi1, Puspa Liza Ghazali2, Hazimi Foziah3, Lazim Omar4, Mustasfa Mamat5, Md Habibur Rahman6, Ahmad Shukri Yazid7

Image Steganography using Improved Lsb-Mapping Technique with Enhanced Recovery Speed
Shyla. M.K1, K.B.Shivakumar2, Rajendra Kumar Das3

Corrosion Inhibition of Magnesium by Anodizing In Safe and Unsafe Alkaline Electrolytes
Mahmoud Abbas1, Salah Salman2, Shaimaa Ali Abou El Ela3

Lemon Leaf Disease Detection and Classification using SVM and CNN
Balambigai Subramanian1, Jayashree.S2, Kiruthika.S3, Miruthula.S4

Hand Gesture Method to Speech Conversion using Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction Algorithm
D. Nagajyothi1, M. Srilatha2, V. Jyothi3

Timeseries Forecasting using Long Short-Term Memory Optimized by Multi Heuristics Algorithm
Hendri1, Rina Novita Sari2, Antoni Wibowo3

Assessment of Uncertainty Performance of a Mine Fans by Ventilation Network Design
Mithilesh Kumar Rajak1, Kaushik Dey2

Fuzzy Magic and Bi-magic Labelling of Intuitionistic Path Graph
D. Ajay1, J. Joseline Charisma2, P. Chellamani3

Assessment of Crop Changes in Southern Uzbekistan for Better Crop Allocation and Water Resource Management
Zafar Gafurov1, Dilshod Nazaraliev2, Farrukh Kattakulov3

Fashion on the Go: The Relationship between Consumers’ Adoption and Post-Adoption of M-Shopping Fashion App
Sunayna Khurana1, Dipti Jain2

A Bio-Inspired Model for Precise Control of Nozzle End of a Fire Hose Through Remote Controlled Operation
Sai Sudharshan Ravi1, Senthil Kumar P2

Reliable AODV for DANET using Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
Manoj Kumar G1, M. Abdul Rahiman2

Specific Features of Certain Aspects of a Delivery Contract for the State and Municipal Needs in the System of the Government Order in the Russian Federation
Elena Vladislavovna Bateeva1, Svetlana Jurievna Starodumova2, Eduard Victorovich Bogmatsera3, Maria Aleksandrovna Volkova4

Models for Optimisation of Delivery Timing and Volumes under Uncertainty Encompassing Penalty and Customer Attrition Risks
Oleg Kosorukov1, Igor Ilin2, Olga Sviridova3

Determination of Ground Water Stressed Regions of Visakhapatnam District using Arc Map
Srikanth Satish Kumar Darapu1, Hema Sumanth Bomma2, Kode Venkata Sayi Sankeerth3, Swathi Boosala4

A Pre-processing Step for Efficient Edge Extraction
Naveen Kumar N1, S. Rajkumar2

Shuffled Illusion PIN Framework to Prevent Shoulder – Surfing
M. Kavitha1, D. Hari Haran2, P. Meenan3, J. Likhitha Priya4

Ways of Antiepizootic Measures’ Improvement in Case of Cattle Brucellosis
V.I. Piontkovsky1, A.M. Ergazina2, V.A. Sapa3, G.K. Murzakaeva4, E.O. Rudenko5

The Chemical Composition and the Content of Macro- and Microelements in the Subproducts of Domesticated Reindeer in Yakutia
Nikolay Spiridonovich Robbek1, Nikolay Vasilievich Vinokurov2, Alexandra Innokentievna Pavlova3, Lena Prokopyevna Koryakina4, Natalya Nikolaevna Grigoryeva5

Update of the Cadastral Values in Two Neighborhoods in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas
Oscar Daniel Lara Ruiz1, Rafael Ángel Godard Santander2, Laura Del Carmen Moreno Chimely3, Edgardo Jonathan Suárez Domínguez4

Income Diversification and its Impact on Profitability of Banks
Santosh Kumar1, Salineeta Chaudhuri2, Priyanshu Sharma3

A Classification of the Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radio
Faten Mashta1, Wissam Altabban2, Mohieddin wainakh3

Indian Banking Sector a Major Contributor to Economy: Constancy Major Concern
Namita Rajput1, Anil Kumar Goyal2

Sensor Fusion based Polygon shaped Obstacle Avoidance using FPGA
Kishore Vennela1, Rishi Malladi2, M Vamsi3, M Sowjanyasree4

Going Solar- Conducive Shift to Domestic Solar Electric System
Amit Kumar1, GunjanAnand2, Ajeet Kumar Sahoo3

Verification of Vibration of Composite Beam with Crack by using Finite Element Method and Experimental Method
Abhijeet S. Tate1, Manoj M. Jadhav2, Sanjay B. Zope3

M-Commerce for Agriculture Commodities using Android Application
R. Poorni1, V. Sai Kumari2, V. Sunitha3, S. Bhuvaneswari4

Optimal Placement and Optimal Combination of DTC, STATCOM and Line Reconfiguration to Minimize the Power Loss in Distribution Networks
Rudresh. B. Magadum1, D.B. Kulkarni2

Development of Back-Propagation Neural Network for Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems
R. Anirudh1, Sk. Janibasha2, M. Naga Chaitanya3, Sk. Moulali4

Enhance the Security and Improve the Performance of Web Crawlers using Web Crawling Algorithms
Vandana Shrivastava1, Harvir Singh2, Arvind K. Sharma3

Attendance Posting Through Face Recognition
Angulakshmi M1, Deepa M2, Sudha S3, Brindha K4, Rathi R5

An Efficient Intelligent Diabetes Disease Prediction using AI Techniques
K. Sai Prasanna Kumar Reddy1, G. Mohan Seshu2, K. Akhil Reddy3, P. Raja Rajeswari4

Service now Based Advanced Issue of No Fee Due Certificate
Chandra Sekhar Maganty1, K. Sai Prasanthi2, G.Jyothirmai3, K Harshitha4, S Harika Lakshmi5

Digi Locker –Indian Digital Locker, How much the youth is actually using it?
Harpreet Kaur1, Ushveen Kaur2

Teacher Engagement and Commitment towards the Organization, Teaching and Work group in Engineering Colleges in Hyderabad
Anuradha Chavali1, Vijayalaxmi Biradar2

Optimal Process Parameters to Achieve Maximum Tensile Load Bearing Capacity of Laser Weld Thin Galvanized Steel Sheets
Mooli Harish1, V Shanmukha Prasad2, M.B.S Sreekara Reddy3, Koora Rajanikanth4, B Nageswara Rao5

Optimal FSW Process Parameters to Improve the Strength of Dissimilar AA6061-T6 to Cu Welds with Zn Interlayer
V Shanmukha Prasad1, Mooli Harish2, M B S Sreekara Reddy3, Koora Rajanikanth4, B Nageswara Rao5

Improving Energy Consumption of a Node in Wireless Sensor Networks
S.K. Mouleeswaran1, M.S.Nidhya2, G.G.Gokilam3

Contention Current Problem in Level Shifter
Gyan Prabhakar1, Abhishek Vikram2, Rajendra Pratap3, R.K. Singh4

Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Machine Learning Algorithms
Manoj Athreya A1, Avani H S2, Pooja3, Madhu S4, K. Paramesha5

Market Reaction to Stock Splits Announcement–An Analysis of Abnormal Returns
Prabhakar Rane

Mutual Fund Performance: Evidence from India
Mahfooz Alam

Design and Selection of Power Circuit and Control Parameters for DSTATCOM
K. Mahammad Rafi1, P. V. N. Prasad2

PDTB-IDS: A Parameter and Distributed Trust Based Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Network
Jasmine Samraj

Online Toll Gate Payment System using RFID &IoT
A.Chandra Suresh1, M.Srinivasa Rao2, D.V.Sridhar3, G.Sita Annapurna4

Hybrid Metaheuristic Based Offline Parallel Job Scheduling in Heterogeneous Computing Systems
Amit Chhabra1, Gurvinder Singh2, Karanjeet Singh Kahlon3

Automated Monitoring System for Heart Patients using Ambubot
Karthikeyan M1, Arvind M2, Jagan Sandibp NS3, Karthik V4, Vijayalakshmi S5

Characterisation and Properties of Recycled Craft Shell Powder/Epoxy Composites
Deshmukh Deepak1, M.Chandrasekaran2, V.Santhanam3

Hyper Elliptical Curve Cryptography (Hecc) For Cloud
G.S. Parimalam1, M.Gobi2

Defects Avoidance in E-commerce Projects using Rayleigh Method
R. Sudarshan1, S. K. Srivatsa2

Integration of Fog and IoT with Multiensor Data Gathering
S. Muthuselvan1, S. Rajaprakash2, K. Karthik3, Prasanna4, vidhiyadharan C.J5

Enhanced Classification of Service Usages with Human Trajectory Data for Location Recommendation Systems
Suryakumar B1, Ramadevi E2

The Status of Security, Health and Education among Children Living in Child Care Institutions in Delhi
Hrishika1, Rakesh Rai2

Iot Based Water Quality Monitoring System using Machine Learning
P.Baskaran1, D. Selva Pandiyan2, D.Jebakumar Immanuel3, R.M. Bhavadharini4

Network Intrusion Detection and Measuring the Data Set Performance by Machine Learning Technique (MLT)
A.Abirami1, R.M. Bhavadharini2, N.B.Prakash3, G.R.Hemalakshmi4

Intelligent Content Conciser using Pointer Generated Network
Kalpana Devi S1, Nithya R2, Oviyaa B3, Sandhya G4

Metamaterial Inspired Microstrip Offset Feed Truncated Antenna for Automotive Radar Application
K.Arunkumar1, S.Srinivasan2, A.Beno3, W. Mesiya Stalin4

Data Collection and Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication to improve Quality of Service
Prashanth P1, Sahitya G2, V A Balakrishna Jakka3

Psychological factors effects on Propensity towards Indebtedness by applying the Behavioural Economic Theory: Evidence in Malaysia
Monica Selvaraja1, Amalina Abdullah2

Risk Management of Credit Card Payment Gateway using Octave Allegro Methodology At Electronic Payment Provider Institution
Nilo Legowo1, Kemas Airlangga Saputra2

Advanced ATM Crime Prevention System by using Wireless Communication
Mohd. Abdul Naqi1, Sireesha Pendem2

Throughput of Multicast Source Routing in Adhoc Network
K.Vanisree1, V.S.K.Reddy2

Design and Implementation of Hybrid FIR Filters using Vedic Multiplier and Fast Adders
S. Jayakumar1, R. Selvam2, K. Karthikeyan3, R. Natesan4

Patch Based Deep Local Feature Learning and Self Similarity Multi Level Clustering for Neonatal Brain Segmentation in MR Images
Puja Shashi1, Suchithra R2

Some Expansion of Fuzzy Paranormal Operators
A.Radharamani1, A.Brindha2

Noun Identification for Tamil Language using Morphophonemic Rules
M. Mercy Evangeline1, K. Shyamala2

Mispronunciation Detection for Spoken Isolated Words using Segmentation and Classification under Low Resource Conditions for Kannada Language
Savitha Murthy1, Pragnya Suresh2, Preet Shah3, Dinkar Sitaram4

Phosphorus Removal from Textile Industrial Wastewater using Aerated High Calcium Steel Slag Filter System
Nur Ain Nazirah Mohd Arshad1, Rafidah Hamdan2, Nuratikah Ahmad3

CHOG Based EFD for Geometric Shape Retrieval of Images for Cloth and Object Invariant Gait Recognition
Tejas K. Rayangoudar1, H. C. Nagraj2

Privacy Preserving with Association Rule Mining using Evolutionary Algorithm
Sasanko Sekhar Gantayat1, Bichitrananda Patra2, Niranjan Panda3, Manoranjan Parhi4

Identification of Least Risk Path using GA-SVM for the Software Project Management
K Amandeep Singh1, T.V. Ananthan2

Strategies for Developing the MSMEs of Fisheries Processing Industry in Sukabumi, Indonesia
Yusuf Iskandar1, Nimmi Zulbainarni2, Siti Jahroh3

High Density Impulse Noise Removal using Advanced Median Filter for Preserving Image Quality Metrics
Maheswaran U1, Vengadapathiraj M2, Manimaran B3, Arunajayashree R4

Performance Analysis of Multi Scale Applications on Cloud Systems
Vijaya Kumbhar1, Ajay H. Kumar2

Perception of Active users towards Whatsapp Pay in India
Vunnava Amulya1, Perepu Raga Sruthi2

Enhance the Security of Data Storage and Retrieval in Cloud Computing Through Authentication Based Encryption
J. Sai Geetha

Impact of Hrm Practices in Engineering Small Scale Industry
Astha Singh

Discriminant Analysis: Classifying and Predicting Sexual Offenders
Bhajneet Kaur1, Laxmi Ahuja2, Vinay Kumar3

Open Education Resource for School Children with Down Syndrome
Kotur Guna Pragna1, Dindi Dhanunjai2

Eight-Day Daytime Land Surface Temperature Pattern over Peninsular Malaysia
Nur Arzilah Ismail1, Wan Zawiah Wan Zin, Wan Ibrahim2, Liong Choong Yeun3

The Development of Low-Temperature Lead-Free Solders using Sn-Bi Solders Alloys
M. S. Hashim1, O. Saliza Azlina2, M. N. Ervina Efzan3

Radiation Characteristics of Dual Print Microstrip Patch Antenna using IE3D and CST Electromagnetic Simulation Software
Gunaram1, Gaurav Sharma2, Vijay Sharma3

Advanced Encryption Standard for Data Encryption using EDK Environment in FPGA
B.Satyanarayana1, M.Srinivasan2

Parameters for Acoustic Design in Auditorium
Prerna Sharma1, Neha Prakash2

Improvement of Operational Performance through Value Stream Mapping and Yamazumi Chart: A case of Bangladeshi RMG Industry
H. M. Emrul Kays1, MD. Shohag Prodhan2, Noorliza Karia3, A. N. M. Karim4, Sazzad Bin Sharif5

“Design and Fabrication of Micro Air Vehicle (Mav) with Double-Bubble Fuselage”
Sreekanth Sura1, A.Sai Kumar2, Nirmith Kumar Mishra3, Sohail Raheman4

Energy Efficient Cross Layer Based Multi-Hop Clustered Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks
Parvinder Singh1, Rajeshwar Singh2

Position of Women in Indigenous Customary Law in Nanggulan Village, Klaten District, Central Java
Agung Basuki Prasetyo

Effectiveness of Solar Driven Anodic Oxidation and Uv Methods for Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater in India
Roopak Varshney1, Nadeem Khalil2

IOT: the Current Scenario and Role of Sensors Involved in Smart Agriculture
Harshit Bhatt1, Brij Bhushan2, Nagesh Kumar3

Employee Engagement leads to Job Satisfaction
Bandita Dash1, Mousumi Panda2

Improving the Variation-Tolerance of Memristor Synapse by Selecting the Optimal Memristance
Son Ngoc Truong

Experimental Work of the Hydraulic Equipment of the Multi-Purpose Machine Mm-1
Rustamov Kamoliddin Juraboevich

Icici Bank’s Performance and It’s Expenditure on Human Resources
Mukesh Kumar Meena

Adaptive Noise Cancellation from Speech Signals using Variablestep Sizealgorithm
Jyoshna Girika1, Md. Zia Ur Rahman2

A Proposed DNA Postfix Hiding Method
Ghaith Dehiaa Kahdum1, Sahar AdillAl-Bawee2, Mahdi Nsaif Jasim3

Context Based Learning in Basic Thermodynamics through Day to Day Events
K V Muralidhar Sharma1, S.G.Gopala Krishna2, N.Kapilan3

Internet of Things (Future of Inventions on Artificial Intelligence)
Raj Malhotra1, Bhavyadeep Bhatia2

Diversification of Private Participation in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries
Bikram Acharya1, Jongsu Lee2, Birku Reta Entele3

Impact of Performance Management System and Employee Satisfaction towards Employee Retention in a Small Finance Bank
Ayushi Maheshwari

Understanding the Recruitment and Selection Practices of an Indian IT SME (Small and Medium Enterprise)
Nikita Parihar

Effect of Fly Ash and Fibres on Strength and Permeability Characteristics of Pervious Concrete
Alfia Bano1, Abhiram Shukla2, Chandrajyoti Kumar3

The Loss of Object Promised in Built Operate Transfer Scheme
Budi Santoso1, Hendro Saptono2

Banking Technology and Service Quality: Evidence from Private Sector Banks in Kerala
Jacob Joju1, Manoj P. K.2

Human Emotions Classification using EEG Signals in Virtual Instrumentation Platform
Ch. Kusma Kumari1, K. Prem Sai2, K. Mounika Satya Gowri3, K. Srujan Kumar4, K. Naveen Murthy5

Analytical 2D Modeling of Surface Potential and Threshold Voltage for Lightly Doped Substrate NMOS
Nitin Sachdeva1, Tarun Kumar Sachdeva2

Artificial Intelligence on the Move: A Revolutionary Technology
Vatan, Avinash Sharma1, Sandip Goyal2

Social Media Marketing and Brand Loyalty among Generation Y
Azhar Ahmad1, Nur Aqilah Mohd Abid2, Nur Fatini Zainol Abidin3, Lokhman Hakim Osman4

Six Sigma Implementation Efficiency in an Automobile Firm
N. Venkateswaran

Exploration of Face Detection methods in Digital Images
C. Ruvinga1, D. Malathi2, J. D. Dorathi Jayaseeli3

Driving Strategic Leadership towards Tourism Sustainability in Abu Dhabi
Hamad Ali Salem Mahdi Alseiari1, Gamal S. A. Khalifa2, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami3, Abhijit Ghosh4

Resistance of Acid Attack on Geopolymer Concrete Developed With Partial Replacement of Course Aggregate by Recycled Aggregate
T.Srinivas1, S.P.Raju Vundi2, N. V. Ramana Rao3, Deepak Kumar Shinde4

Optimal Generation of Output Torque for Industrial Motors using Variable Frequency Drive and Gearbox Drive
S.Joseph Francis1, S.Karthikeyan2, S.Balasundaram3, L.Kalaivani4, M.Gengaraj5

Tidal waves Based Power Generation
Palpandi.M1, Merlin Medona.C2, Balaji.G3, Nagaraja. M4

A Hybrid Diesel Wind PV Based Energy Generation System
A. V. Sudhakara Reddy1, Balla Shiva Kumar2, Ch. Narendra Kumar3

Automatic Vertebral Body Segmentation using Semantic Segmentationt
Adela Arpitha1, Lalitha Rangarajan2

Characterisation of Mechanical Properties on Magnesium Hybrid Composites for Bio-Medical Applications
Praveen Math1, Kumaraswamy K L2

Design of Advanced 64-bit Full Adder in 45-nm Technology
Paruchuri Uma Devi1, Joseph Anthony Prathap2

Enhancing the Friction Welding on CastSIC Composites
S.Joe Patrick Gnanaraj1, A. Abdul Munaf2, P.Ebenezer Sathish Paul3, M.Saravana Kumar4, R.Prabaharan5

Adaptive Radio Link Framework for Wireless Communications
R.Arun Chakravarthy1, N.Kaleeswari2, M.Arun3

Authenticated Medical Image Transmission using Enhanced Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) with NNP2 Algorithm and Rhombus Prediction
R Gomathi

Development of the Strategy to Control the Enterprise Tax Risks
Natalia Nazarova1, Oleg Borisov2, Alexander Kozharinov3, Olga Zinisha4, Rosa Avdeeva5

Model Development to Ensuring the Enterprise Financial Security
Alexandr Agibalov1, Lyudmila Zaporozhtseva2, Victoria Malitskaya3, Maria Chirkova4, Natalia Gorlova5

Design and Analysis of Double Bobble Cross Section Fuselage Micro-Class Aircraft
M.Satyanarayana Gupta1, Kalavagunta Veeranjaneyulu2, MNVS Swetha Bala3

An Efficient Grouped Task Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Environments
Ilya Musa Adamu1, Ismail Zahraddeen Yakubu2, A.Y Gital3, S. Boukari4

Detection of Water Quality using Defected Ground Double Split Ring Resonator
Sushmita Bhushan1, Sanjeev Kuamr2

Utilization of Bioslurryfrom Biogas Plant as Fertilizer
J.Devarenjan1, G.M. Joselin Herbert2, D.Amutha3

Implementation of ANN Classifier for Skin Cancer Detection
Aditi Gupta

Association Measures in Network Outlier Detection Methods
Ch.Nagamani1, Suneetha Chittineni2

Effect of Fiber Loading on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Uniaxial Long Kenaf Bast Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
T Venkategowda1, Manjunatha L H2

Internet of Vehicles for Traffic Management
N.Vinod Kumar1, K.Prasad Babu2, V Sundara Siva Kumar3, Syed Feroz Shah Ahmed4, Syed Ahmed Basha5

IBADedup – Image Based Authentication and Deduplication Scheme in Cloud user Group
T. A. Mohanaprakash1, J.Andrews2

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Providing Customer Services with Special Reference to SBI and HDFC Bank
Ritu TuliSameer Salunkhe

Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Capsule Endoscopy: From Inception to Future
Kuntesh K. Jani1, Subodh Srivastava2, Rajeev Srivastava3

Preliminary Assessment on the Effect of Bentonite and Ibeshe Clay on Bleaching of Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) Seed Oil
Oyinlola R. Obanla1, Joseph D. Udonne2, Olayinka O. Ajani3, Augustine O. Ayeni4, Farouk U. Mohammed5

Role of Passion as a Mediator between Motivational and Individual Traits of Technology Entrepreneurs
Srividya Prathiba C.S

Rumor Detection System for Twitter (A Micro-Blogging Site)
Sakshi Yadav1, Anuradha Purohit2

Rayleigh Damping Coefficients of Laminated Rubber Bearing
Ahmad Idzwan Yusuf1, Norliyati Mohd Amin2

Lung Cancer Prediction using Data Mining Techniques
E. Yatish Venkata Chandra1, K. Ravi Teja2, M.Hari Chandra Siva Prasad3, Mohammed.Ismail.B4

A Method for Autonomous Picking of Paper Reels
Meqdad H. M. Hasan

Unraveling the Socio-Economic Condition of Tribal Peoples in West Bengal
Shambhu Prasad Chakrabarty1, Jayanta Ghosh2, Bhupal Bhattacharya3, Santanu Panda4

A Machine Learning Methodology for Classification of Movement Articulation For Robotics
L.Jagajeevan Rao1, Ram Kumar Madupu2, CMAK Zeelan Basha3

The Perceived Risk Factors of Fintech in Indonesia
Erick Fernando1, Ratih Kusumastuti2, Derist Touriano3

Seismic Isolation System using U-Shaped Steel Damper
G. Jyothi Sri Sravya1, Atulkumar Manchalwar2

MRR – Performance on EDM Drilling over Nano Composite Material
S.Dhandapani1, T.Rajmohan2, D.Kumar3

Stability Analysis of Wind Farm Connected Multi Machine System Using Fuzzy Controller Based STATCOM and SVC
Varun Kumar1, A S Pandey2, S K Sinha3

Workplace Deviance: A Conceptual Framework
V. Utkarsh1, T. Ravindra2, N. Ananta3

Data Warehouse Testing: A Step Towards using Business Intelligence in Banking
Sonali Mathur1, S.L. Gupta2, Payal Pahwa3

Employment Creation through Microfinance and Self Help Groups with Special Reference to Thanjavur District
V. R. Palanivelu1, S. Narmada2

Fuzzy-based Adaptive Multipath for En-route Filtering in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network
Kyoung A Kim1, Tae Ho Cho2

Stress Meter using Pulse and Sweat Sensor
Josephin Arockia Dhivya1, S.Akshaya2, U.Rithikka3, Fathima4

A Novel Deep Learning Based Sentiment Analysis of Movie using Hybrid CNN_SVM Algorithm
Raviya.K1, Mary Vennila.S2

Cellular Automata over Hexagonal and Triangular Tessellations for Path Planning
Jasmeena Tariq1, A. Kumaravel2

Performance of HCCI engine with Various Modes of Charging Operations
A.Renuka Prasad1, Rakesh Bhandari2

Power System Expansion Planning Incorporating Renewable Energy Technologies with Reliability Consideration: A State of Art Literature
Tulasi RamaKrishna Rao Ballireddy1, Pawan Kumar Modi2

Experimental and Analytical Behavior of Geopolymer Concrete Interior R.C. Beam Column Joint with Glass Fibres under Cyclic Loading
Lenkala. Krishna1, Rena Dedefo Buta2, SK.B B Ayesha3, Muktar Jeylan Alo4

Guerrilla Marketing
S.Lakshmi1, Gee Varghese2

Design and Cost Efficiency of Steel Silos and Concrete Silo
D.S.Vijayan1, S.Arvindan2, Mithun P S3, Nizam Muhammed4, Yahiya Yoosuf Thattarth5

Optimization of Parameters to Improve Ventilationin Underground Mine Working using CFD
Mithilesh Kumar Rajak1, Kaushik Dey2

Understanding the Customers Portfolio towards Smart watch and Intension to Recommend Ambient Technology
Gladys Gnana Kiruba B1, D. P. Acharjya2

Digital Poverty Conditionsfor East Java in Fourth Industrial Revolution
Dyah Anisa Permatasari1, Lilik Sugiharti2, Ahmad Fudholi3

Semi-Arid Region Soil Moisture Prediction using Multivariate Regression
Roohul Abad Khan1, Javed Mallick2, Rachida El Morabet3

Diagnosis of Malaria from Peripheral Blood Smear Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
M.Mohana1, V. Vani2, Shri Dikshanya K.N3, Shruthi.B4, Vinothini V5

A Implementation of Secure and Strategic E-Voting System using the Algorithmic Security Visualization
Bimal Kumar1, M. Siddappa2

The Potential of Aloevera Gel and Cinnamon Oil Coating for Improving the Shelf Life of Pomegranate Arils
Kumkum C R1, Anushree Dave2, Payel Ghosh3

Designing Employee Engagement Framework for a Business Unit of an Indian Multinational Conglomerate
Archna Kumari

Experimental Behavior of Composite Infilled & Encased Column by using MSAND, Metakaolin & Recron Fibre
M.R.Ganesamoorthy1, S.Arivalagan2

“Structural Equation Modeling on Evaluate Validity and Reliability of the Instrument in Soft Skills Training to Enhance Employability Competency”
Santhosh Kumar A.V1, Dinesh.N2, Periasamy P3

A Research on Cloud Computing Adoption Practices in the Context of Online Business SMEs in Sri Lanka
Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Ayoobkhan

Research on Energy-Efficient Resource Provisioning System for Cloud Datacenters
Harkirat Singh Brar1, Yogesh Kumar Sharma2

Detection of Abnormalities in Digital Mammogram Images by Analysing Optical Parameters
R. J. Hemalatha1, A. Akalya2, R. Jeyanthi3, T.R.Thamizhvani4, Josephin Arockia Dhivya5

Alternative Voice Communication Device using Eye Blink Detection for People with Speech Disorders
Srividhya G1, Murali S2, A. Keerthana3, Jaya Rubi4

Malicious Node Detection using Route Prediction Based on HMM
Manoj Kumar G1, M. Abdul Rahiman2

Home Energy Management System for a domestic load center using Artificial Neural Networks towards Energy Integration
M. Pratapa Raju1, A. Jaya Laxmi2

Automated Method for Optic Disc Detection and Elimination in Digital Fundus Images
Parashuram Bannigidad1, Asmita Deshpande2

The Effects of Tanning with Kepok Banana (Musa Paradisiaca L) Bunch on the Physical Quality of Rabbit Skin
Tutik Maryati1, Ambar Pertiwiningrum2, Zaenal Bachruddin3

Decentralized Application on Voting System
P. Sri Subhash1, K.Kiran Kumar2, R. Goresh Chowdary3, B. Sai Teja4, P.S.G.Aruna Sri5

Treatment of Tannery Wastewater by Electrocoagulation using Aluminium and Iron Electrodes
Kiran Kumar H S1, Lokeshappa B2, Mohammad Rizwan M R3

Simulation Modelling of Market of Derivative Financial Instruments
Olena Stashchuk1, Nataliia Bazhanova2, Maksym Marych3, Liubov Shevtsiv4, Olena Tarasova5, Olga Purtskhvanidze6

Eri Silk Rearing As a Land Base Livelihood Strategy: Experience of a Rural Household
Abhijit Hazarika1, Balin Hazarika2

Performance Measure of CI Engine by Varyingblends with Different Proportions and Parameters
T.Kathiravan1, R. Karthikeyan2, J.Murugesan3, N. Narendran4

Hardware Testing of New MPPT Method under Various Environmental Conditions
Arjyadhara Pradhan1, Babita Panda2, Srikanta Mohapatra3, Lipika Nanda4, Chitralekha jena5

Enhanced 32-Bit Adder Implementation using Different Configurations of Adders
L.S.P.Sairam Nadipalli1, Sita K2, G.Sai Sri Ram Reddy3, R.Sudheer4, M.Chaithanya5

Multi-Stage Filter Designs for a Gasifier System
Sunil Kumar1, Amit Kumar2, O.P. Singh3

CAI method in Cloud services for user workload using Cloudsim framework
AlaguVignesh A1, Barath B2, R.R Sathiya3, P Prakash4

Software Reliability Growth Models: A Critical Research with Experimentation for Parameter Estimation
Sreedhar Y1, Krishna Mohan G2

Optimization of Flexible Hose for Reducing Flow Maldistribution in Manifolds
Mohit Kumar1, V K Bajpai2

Web Browser Artefacts using Cryptographic Examination
Yamunah Kathiravan1, Mohd Fahmi Mohamad Amran, Noor Afiza Mat Razali2, Afiqah Mohammad Azahari3, Suhaila Ismail4

A Trust Model for Security Against Black Hole Attack in Hierarchical Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network
Ganesh R. Pathak1, M.S. Godwin Premi2, Suhas H. Patil3

Experience of Investment Activity in the Railway System of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Gaibnazarova Zumrat Talatovna1, Makhkamova Mamlakat Abdukadirovna2, Saitkamolov Mukhammadkxuja Sobirkhuja ugli3, Ziyayeva Dilorom Sayfutdinovna4, Mirkhamidova Dilorom Nigmatillayevna5

Understanding the Customers Portfolio towards Smart watch and Intension to Recommend Ambient Technology
Gladys Gnana Kiruba B1, D. P. Acharjya2

Intellectual Property and Criminal Law: Recent Trends
Denis Aleksandrovich Zvyagintsev1, Alexander Yurievich Larin2, Olga Borisovna Shelonina3

Recent Trends and Technologies in Legal Training
Nikolay Nikolaevich Gorach1, Tatiana Vyacheslavna Maltseva2, Aleksandr Semchenko3, Ekaterina Anatol’evna Sumina4, Sergey Alexandrovich Khmelev5, Ekaterina Alekseevna Trishkina6, Svetlana Belova7

Consolidated Reporting Technology: Objectives and Means of Achieving
N.D. Brovkina1, E.V. Negashev2, R.M. Magomedov3

Spectral Analysis of Polysomnograph
R.Chandrasekaran1, R.J.Hemalatha2, T.R.Thamizhvani3, A. Josephin Arockia Dhivya4, Anand Kumar.E5

Implementation of the Positioning of an Improved WSN Particle Swarm Optimization in Node Ranging
M.Rambabu Naik1, Shaik Khamuruddeen2, C.Arunabala3, K Siva Naga Narasimgarao4

Iot(Internet of Things) Based Smart Device Network to Monitor and Control Urban Air Pollution

Simulation Modeling of Cost Overrun in Construction Project in Ethiopia
Geletaw Taye

Optimization of Speech signal for improving BER using Adaptive 3-D Turbo Codes
Suman Kshirsagar

Integrated Automatic Power Factor for 3-Phase Load and Management in Home Appliances using IoT
B. Rajesh Kumar1, S. Ishwarya2, R. Senthil Kumar3

Legal Protection for Child Victims of Trafficking in Indonesia
Ifahda Pratama Hapsari1, Moh. Ahyan Yusuf Sya’bani2

Effect of Multi-enzyme (Pectinase, Cellulase and Hemicellulase) Treatment on Clarification of Papaya (Carica papaya) Fruit Juice
Ravi Kumar1, Alak Kumar Singh2

Finite Element Analysis of Artificially Frozen C-Phi soil
Gouri Mohan L1, K. K. Abdul Rasheed2, Reebu Zachariah Koshy3

Numerical Validation of Frictional Coefficient for a Flat Plate with Various Anti-Fouling Coatings
K Abhiroop1, B.M. Shameem2

Technology and Organization of Accounting: Recent Changes
Zoya Ivanovna Latysheva1, Elena Viktorovna Skripkina2, Olga Ilinichna Mamrukova3, Ekaterina Yevgenievna Listopad4, Vera Vitalievna Zholudeva5

Understanding Employee Engagement Initiatives Taken by Different Companies under BFSI Sector in Areas of Pune & Mumbai
Sneha Bagchi

The Market of Energy Capacities: Development and Recent Economic Opportunities
Andrey A. Polukhin1, Bella O.Khashir2, Andrei N. Osipov3, Khatimat N. Gasanova4, Elena A. Silko5, Svetlana S.Sushentsova6

Creation of a New Design of a System for Feeding raw Cotton to a Cylinder
S.Kh. Fayziev1, Kh.K. Rakhimov2

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Inflowson Balance of Payment
Lalit Kumar Bhardwaj1, Rohit Sood2, Gangu Naidu Mandala3, K. Srinivasa Rao4

Classification of Myocardial Infarction using Convolution Neural Network
K.Venu1, P.Natesan2, B.Krishnakumar3, N.Sasipriya4

Android Based Defence Robot
Punitha A1, Raghupathi S2

Design and Performance Analysis of a New Framework of Multipath Load Balancing Routing in Ad-Hoc Network
K. R. Yadav1, Dinesh Goyal2, Narendra Yadav3, Devesh Kr. Bandil4

Understanding Facial Recognition System Usage and Adaptation among Millennial and Nonmillennial consumers
SaurajitMallick1, Palak Sharma2, Abhishek Srivastava3

The Role of Audit Committee in Corporate Governance
Aishwarya.R1, B. Sangeetha Tomer2

RD efluoridation of Groundwater using Natural Bio Adsorbents
Susmitha Sambaraju1, Sree Lakshmi2

Intrusion Detection System in Manets
M.Durairaj1, S.Dilipkumar2

Logistics and E- Logistics Management: Benefits and Challenges
G. Kanagavalli1, Ramseena Azeez2

Measuring by Interpretive Structural Model the Perceived Barriers for GSCM Practices in Indian SME’s
Mustafa Md. Sajid1, Shiva Prasad H C2, Yogesh Pai3, Alapati Vittaleswar4

Drivers of Audit Quality for the Development of the Audit Quality Framework based on the International Standards
Nurna Aziza1, Andi Agus2

Dominating Set Based Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Adhoc Network
A. K. Das1, B. Kalita2

Automated Soil Nutrient Content Analysis and Fertilizer Suggestion for Farmers
M.K.Dharani1, K.R.Prasanna Kumar2

Imperative Models and Functions in Environmental, Organizational and Individual Synergy with the Concept of Harmonious Engagement
Retno Setyowati1, Suharnomo2, Indi Djastuti3

Password Based Client-Server-User Authenticated Key Agreement Mechanism for Cloud System
Arif Mohammad Abdul1, Sudarson Jena2, Balraju M3

Real Time Detection and Identification of Human Emotions through Live Streaming
Keerthana B.Chigateri

Response Surface Optimization for an Eradication of Dye onto Ground Nut Shell
R. Mandapati1, T. Subbaiah2, V. Ponnam3, H. Gunti4

Automatic Segmentation and Classification of SEM Images of Bacteria Cells
Mangala Shetty1, Balasubramani R.2, Vidya S.M.3

Heuristic Algorithm for Independent Task Scheduling In Grid Computing
B.Anitha1, G.K.Kamalam2

Electricity Market Price Assesment Utilizing Hybrid PSO – ANN Algorithm
Anamika1, Kiran Srivastava2

An Enhanced Method for Identifying Android Malware Detection
P. Jayanthi1, K. Nirmaladevi2, N. Krishnamoorthy3

Vehicular Crash Signaling System
Sharmila K P1, Renjitha V C2, Rizwan Roshan3

Uwb Bpf using Quad Section Stepped Impedance Resonator
Thomas George1, Lethakumari B2

Performance Analysis of SCTP for Multiple Parallel Streams
Sangram Keshari Nayak1, Sarojananda Mishra2, Manoranjan Dash3

Face Recognition using Fast GA
B.S.Sathish1, A Daveedu Raju2, G. Prasanth Kumar3, P.V.K Kumar4, Y. Nagendra Kumar5

Synthesis, Characterization and Analysis of Metal Complexes and their Inhibitor, and Anti-Microbial Activities
N. Srividhya1, Ignatius Navis Karthika2, K. Kavipriya3

Elevate Project Success Rate with Right Judgement of Complexity and Skill Competency Gap
Thejasvi N1, Shubhamangala B R2

Energy Efficient Operation of Light Rail Transit (LRT) System for Kelana Jaya Line via Train Headway Time in Malaysia
A Adilah1, C S Tan2, C L Toh3

A Scheme to Identify Suspicious Activity on Video
Avuku Obulesh1, Pogalla Rohini Reddy2

Role of Environmental Factors in Enhancing Financial Capability of Beneficiaries under Pradhanmantri Jan Dhanyojana (PMJDY) of Assam Graminvikash Bank of Nalbari District of Assam
Tandraleem Kashyap1, Ratan Borman2

Toward Centralized/Decentralized Controlled Power Flow Applying Whale Versus Genetic Optimization Algorithms
Nada Mamdouh Hassan1, R.A.Swief2, M.Z. Kamh3, Hany M. Hasanien4, Almoataz Youssef Abdelaziz5

Green Cosmetics – Changing Young Consumer Preference and Reforming Cosmetic Industry
Rachita Kapoor1, Anurupa B Singh2, Richa Misra3

Behaviour Based Data Dispatcher
Mohan Sai S1, Mona Teja K2, Akhil Amudala3, Sai Karthik M4, Swarnalatha P5

Assessment Analysis and Performance Prediction using M5 Rules
Kolli Sai Poorna Chand1, Prabakaran N2, Ramani S3, Damaraju Venkateswara Rao4, Sriram Vemparala5

Approximation of Empirical and ANN Based Solar Radiation Models for Four Smart Cities in Tamil Nadu with Most Prompting Input Parameters
V.Annapeachi1, G.S.Gayathri2, P.S.Manoharan3

Highly Advanced Projects for the Development of Digital Economy: Opportunities for Small Business
Hussein Vakhaevich Idrisov1, Vladislav Alekseevich Teplyakov2, Olga Vladimirovna Averyanova3, Ivan Alekseevich Blagikh4, Irina Petrovna Gladilina5

Awareness of Farm Women in Regards To Agricultural Coverage in Media
Gursimar Kaur Middha1, Amrinder Singh2

By Practicing the Satisfied Reconnaissance and Speculative Research on the Substantiated Broadcast Transportation
G. Menaka1, N. Rajendran2

Issues in Urdu-Hindi NER Output of Google and Bing Translator: An Orthographic Perspective
Md. Tauseef Qamar1, Juhi