Volume-8 Issue-3S, October 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-3S, October 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

PSO Fined-tuned Model-Free PID Controller with Derivative Filter for Buck-Converter Driven DC Motor
Mohd Zaidi Mohd Tumari1, Amar Faiz Zainal Abidin2, A Shamsul Rahimi A Subki3, Ab Wafi Ab Aziz4, Mohd Ashraf Ahmad5, Mohd Riduwan Ghazali6

Development of A Multi-Client Student Attendance Monitoring System
Jia Yi Pang1, Kwee Yee Low2, Hwee Ling Wong3

A Systematic Method for the Design of Earthing System for Low-voltage Installations
Siow Chun Lim1, Yousef Al-Shawesh2

Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Estimation using Handheld Near Infra-Red Device
Mahmud Iwan Solihin1, Yaameen Shameem2, Thein Htut3, Chun Kit Ang4, Muzaiyanah Bt Hidayab5

Design of a Substation Grounding System for Fast Front Overvoltage
L. Kevin Yuan Jet1, N.2, N. Mohamad Nor3

Popularity of University based on Sentiment Analysis in Social Network Media
Chiu-Lin Koh1, Su-Cheng Haw2, Lay-Ki Soon3

Intelligent Maintenance Prioritization and Optimization Strategies for Thermal Power Plant Boilers
Noor Fazreen Ahmad Fuzi1, Firas Basim Ismail2

In-line Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based on Hybrid Structures for Refractive Index Sensing
A.H.M. Nasir1, M.R. Mokhtar2, N. S. M. Rodzi3

Seamless Personnel Authentication using Facial Recognition and Identity-Based Identification on Mobile Devices
Jun-Ren Tan1, Wai-Kit Chin2, Ji-Jian Chin3, Vik-Tor Goh4

Feedforward Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Voltage Stability Indices in Power Systems
Sim Sy Yi1, Goh Hui Hwang2, Chua Qing Shi3, Ling Chin Wan4, Goh Kai Chen5, Siong Kai Chien6, Cham Chin Leei7

Examination of Social Economic Impact on the Energy Consumption of Myanmar
Sim Sy Yi1, Goh Hui Hwang2, Ili Najaa Aimi Binti Mohd Nordin3, Ling Chin Wan4, Goh Kai Chen5, Sim Ga Yi6

Assessment of Hydropower Generation in Small Scale River
Sim Sy Yi1, Goh Hui Hwang2, Ronny Wong Hoe Gi3, Goh Kai Chen4, Ling Chin Wan5, Sim Gia Yi6

Estimation of Energy Efficiency for Hydropower Generator
Sim Sy Yi1, Goh Hui Hwang2, Ronny Wong Hoe Gi3, Mohd Muzaffar Bin Zahar4, Goh Kai Chen5, Ling Chin Wan6, Sim Gia Yi7

Cloud Computing Awareness in Malaysia Construction Industry
Kai Chen Goh1, Kamalludin Bilal2, Hui Hwang Goh3, Sulzakimin Mohamed4, Chang Saar Chai5, Hun Chuen Gui6

Integration Precision and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Technology in Oil Palm Management System Development
Kai Chen Goh1, Sy Yi Sim2, Toong Hai Sam3, Kamalludin Bilal4, Hui Hwang Goh5, Sulzakimin Mohamed6

Model Dispersion Analysis of Circular Waveguide in Normal and Reverse Boundary Condition
N. Shamini1, K. Deepak2, Y. N Phua3

Carrier Transport Properties of GAN in High Electric Field
Pei Ling Cheang1, Eng Kiong Wong2, Lay Lian Teo3

Usable Authentication Methods for Seniors
Jaspreet Singh1, Yvonne Hwei-Syn Kam2

Throughput Analysis for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)-Based 5G Networks
Osama M.S. Abuajwa1, Chee Keong Tan2, Ching Kwang Lee3

PHP Frameworks Usability in Web Application Development
Norhaidah A. Haris1, Nurdatillah Hasim2

Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Removal of Arsenic from Water
Merghani M. Hassan1, N. K. Devaraj2, W. W. Wen3, A. S. M Mukter-Uz-Zaman4

Model-based XML to Relational Database Mapping Choices
Emyliana Song1, Su-Cheng Haw2, Fang-Fang Chua3

Enhancing Privacy for Big Data in Healthcare Domain based on Cryptographic and Decentralized Technology Methods
Tahir Yinka Olaosebikan1, Su-Cheng Haw2, Gaik-Yee Chan3

Automated Nudity Recognition using Very Deep Residual Learning Network
Rasoul Banaeeyan1, Hezerul Abdul Karim2, Haris Lye3, Mohamad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi4, Sarina Mansor5, John See6

Performance Evaluation of Low Cost Analog Feedback Active Noise Cancellation System
Soo Joon Yee1, Pang Wai Leong2, Chan Kah Yoong3

Robustness Security of Data Hiding for H.265/HEVC Video Streams
Grace C.-W. Ting1, Bok-Min Goi2, Sze-Wei Lee3

Methods to Eye Gaze Interaction for Authentication
Yvonne Hwei-Syn Kam1, Kar Wing Kwong2, Vik Tor Goh3

Dynamic Spectrum Algorithm Based on D2D Communication
Fareha Nizam1, Mardeni Bin Roslee2, Zubaida Yusoff3, Abdulraqeb Alhammadi4, Khairil Anuar5, Hafizal Mohamad6

Development of Scaled Real Time Augmented Reality Sandbox
Fahad Muhyialdeen Aljabal1, Hezerul Abdul Karim2, Mazlan Mahadzir3, Mohd Hafizuddin Mohd Yusof4, Che Zulkhairi Abdullah5

Implications for Asset Management in the Broadcasting Industry arising from Industrial Revolution 4.0
Ponnan R.1, Supramaniam M2, Abdullah A3

Methods to the Principle of Austerity in European Linguistics
Hamdamova Gulshan Hamroevna1, Jabbarova Dilafruz Sharofovna2, Turakulova Dilafruz Khahhorovna3

Pedagogical Process of Teaching in Higher Education Institutions
Maksudova Mokhigul Usmanovna1, Bozorova Viloyat Muzafarovna2, Kamoliddinova Vazira Fazlitdinovna3

Semiotics and Fiction
Saidova Rayhonoy Abdughaniyevna

The Realistic Genre and its Development in World Literature
Sobirova Zarnigor

“Women”S Prose” in the Context of Modern Literature
Feruza Murtazaeva

Nominal Description of the Bukhara District
Nodira Adizova

The Main Motives and Objectives of Fun Genre in Folklore
Adizova Nigora Bakhtiyorovna

Semantic Tag Categories in Corpus Linguistics: Experience and Examination
Akhmedova Dildora Bahodirovna1, Bakhtiyor Mengliev2

Some Interesting Artistic Games in Teaching Arts for Elementary Level Schoolchildren
Islomov Eldor 

Literary Psychology and Style
Gulnora Khakimova Abdumalikovna

Improvement of Ability and Creativity in Pre-School Children
Mamatov Dilshod

Literary Motives of Sufizm and Spiritual, Moral Ideas in the Lyrics of Jamal Kamal
Nazarova Dildora

Depiction of Human Tragedy in Literary Works
Ochilova Nilufar O’lmasovna1, Toirova Umida Sobirovna2

Lexical Stylistic Devices and Literary Terms of Figurative Language
Saidova Mukhayyo Umedilloevna

Metaphorization of Mythological Images in Modern Uzbek Poetry
Nurullaeva Sarvinoz Majidovna

Parametric Modeling of Assessing The Development Level of Economical Thinking of Students
Olimov Shirinboy Sharofovich1, Sayfullaeva Nigora Zakiralievna2

Assessing Risks and Cloud Readiness in PaaS Environments
Vinita Malik1, Sukhdip Singh2

Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Banking Sector
M. Baladevi1, G. Nedumaran2, M. Manida3

Double-Level Indication of Globalization Effects in Portfolio Investment Models
Valeriy V. Davnis1, Viktoriya I. Tinyakova2, Valeriy A. Fetisov3, Marina A. Chervontseva4, Svetlana I. Oparina5

Emerging Trends of Foreign Direct Investment on Various Sectors in India
R. Nageswari

The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Financial Inclusion through Social Empowerment through in Nanded District
Mudholkar Gajanan Panditrao1, Rupali Gajanan Mudholkar2

ServQual Parameters of Financial Institutions in Nanded District
Mudholkar Gajanan Panditrao

Growth and Infrastructure Development of Foreign Direct Investment in India
M. Rama Priya1, P. Nivetha2, S. Prasanth3, S. Sudhamathi4

Influence Temperatur of Pyrolisis Process on Production of Liquid Smoke from Candlenut Shell by Examining its Potensial Coumpound
Sulhatun1, Rosdanelli Hasibuani2, Hamidah Harahap3, Iriani4

The Process of Legal Education of Students at the University
Natalia P. Nikonova

Research of Market Maturity Phases of Energy Technologies
Azat Rafailovich Sadriev1, Bulat Nailevich Kamaev2

Brassinosterioids Stimulate Nitrogen Metabolism of Pigeon Pea Plants under Water Deficit Conditions
Sujatha Edupuganti1, Shahana Tahinyath2, Anusha3

Optimization of the Control Scope of the Technical Means of the Vessel during Assessment of its Readiness for Sailing in Ice Conditions
Anisimov A. N.1, Razvozov S. Yu.2, Menshikov V. I.3

Brassinosterioids Promote Photosynthetic Parameters of Pigeon Pea Plants under Water Deficit Conditions
Sujatha Edupuganti1, Shahana Tahinyath2, Anusha3

Prospects and Challenges of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Adama City, Ethiopia
Bisrat Tekle Woldearegai1, Trisingh Pattamajhi Asima2, Babita Das3

Development of Measures to Reduce the Negative Impact of Sewage Sludge from Pulp and Paper Production
Kholudeneva A. O1, Efremova S. Yu2

Role of Attitude and Entrepreneurship Education towards Entrepreneurial Orientation among Business Students of Bhutan
Shad Ahmad Khan1, Purna Prasad Sharma2, Prabha Thoudam3

Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and Time of Liquid Smoke Product from Candlenut Shell by Pyrolysis Process
Sulhatun1, Rosdanelli Hasibuan2, Hamidah Harahap3, Iriani4

Android Based Rural Decision Support Information System Model
Taufiq1, Herman Mawenkang2, M. Zarlis3, Saib Suwilo4

Charakter Variable Model Determination of Regional Potential Decisions using Driven Data
Taufiq1, Herman Mawenkang2, M. Zarlis3, Saib Suwilo4

Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance Sector: A Key for Better Insurance Penetration
L. Terina Grazy1, G. Parimalarani2, M. Rathi Meena3

Assessment of the Time for Vessel’s Readiness to Sail in Ice Conditions
Anisimov A.N.1, Razvozov S.Yu.2, Menshikov V.I.3

Implementing Risk Management in Pervasive and IoT Environments
Vinita Malik1, Sukhdip Singh2

Cyber Security and Information Security
R. Eswaran1, G. Vinayagamoorthi2

Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics: Impact and Behavior of Business Decision Making Process
S. Ganesan1, S. Gopalsamy2

Impact of FDI in Agriculture Sector in India: Opportunities and Challenges
G. Nedumaran1, M. Manida2

Foreign Direct Investments on Small Scale Industries in India
K. Praveen Kumar1, S. Josephin Arulmozhi2, G. Vinayagamoorthi3

Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Industry in India
S P. Mathiraj1, M. Thivya Bharathi2, N. Nagalakshmi3, Shetty Deepa Thangam Geeta4

An International Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and its Role in Community Development
Shanmuganathan S

Structure and Properties of Heterocomposite Polymeric Materials and Coatings from them Obtained by Heliotechnological Method
Ziyamukhamedova.U.A.1, Bakirov. L.Y.2, Rakhmatov.E.A.3, Bektemirov.B.Sh4

Methods of Forecasting and Management of Land Fund Diversification in Local Areas
Altiev Abdurashid Sultanovich1, Mahsudov Muhammadbek Dilshodbek Ugli2

New Methodologies on the Improvement of Public Administration in Uzbekistan
Raximova Mukaddas Ibragimovna

Development of Integrated Horticulture based on Investments (in the Case of Uzbekistan)
Mahmudov Nosir Mahmudovich1, Dadaboev Tulkinjon Yusupjonovich2

World Experience of Application of the Added Value Tax and Prospects of its use in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdurakhmanov Olim Kalandarovich1, Khazratkulova Lola Narmuminovna2, Mirsoatov Alisher Kudratullaevich3

Information Disclosure in Social Media among Teenagers
Norhayati Hussin1, Nurul Nabila Azli2, Ahmad Zam Hariro3

School Leadership for Sustaining Pedagogical Innovation such as Inquiry based Learning in ICT Implementation: an Experimental Evaluation of a High School in India
Jayati Bhattacharjee1, Alka Muddgal2

An Experimental Evaluation of e-Commerce in Supply Chain Management among Indian Online Pharmacy Companies
Vipin Jain1, Satyendra Arya2, Rajeev Gupta3

Cluster based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (EERP) for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
Atul Garg1, Kavita Gupta2, Aarti Singh3

Understanding Brand Loyalty in Relation with Brand Affect and Brand Commitment: Evidence from Oral Care Segment
Sonia Kataria1, Vinod Kumar Saini2, Ajay Sharma3

Awareness of Netizens on Cyber Crimes – an Empirical Examination in Andhra Pradesh
Satish Kumar Ganta1, K. I. Pavan Kumar2

Perception of Teenage Internet Users on Cyber Crimes (An Empirical Examination on Intermediate College Level Students in Guntur District of A.P)
Satish Kumar Ganta1, K.I. Pavan Kumar2

Culture and Personality: A Examination of Impulsive Buying Behavior of Indian Consumers
Nishtha Bhushan1, Bhawna Agarwal2

Copyright Protection and Role of Publishers: Perceptions of Indian Authors
PK Madhavan1, K Sundar2

Author-Publisher Relationship in the Digital Era: Disintermediation and Proliferation of Self-Publishing
P K Madhavan1, K Sundar2

An Examination on Challenges and Prospectus of Radio 7
Amit Verma1, Rayaz Hassan2

Speech Communication in Teaching a Foreign Language
Hikmatova M.N.

Medical Euphemisms’ Ways of Formation and their Attitude towards Related Events
Abuzalova Mekhriniso Kadirovna1, Gaybullaeva Nafisa Izzatullayevna2

Freshwater Ascomyctes from Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (M.P., India)-II
Patil, V.R.

Examination on Foreign Direct Investment in the Tourism Industry in Kerala
G. Kanagavalli1, Haseena K. P2

Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in India
M. Arul Provin Binny1, A. Morarji2

Influence of Seeding Norms and Mineral Fertilizer Rate on the yield of Winter Barley
Zulaykho Yarkulova1, Khalilov Nasriddin2

Role of User Experience through Electronic Word of Mouth About e-commerce Platforms in Re-Patronage Intentions of Shoppers
Navjyoti Singh Negi1, Manish Kumar2

Prevention of Payment Card Frauds using Biometrics
Ashutosh Singh1, Ranjeet Srivastva2, Yogendra Narain Singh3

A Theoretical Critique of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series
N. Jothi1, V. Chanthiramathi2

The Classification with Respect to Strobe Artifacts
M. A. Al-Askari

Examination of Technologies and Physical Effects for the Enrichment of Arable Land and Plants Growing on them
Shegelman I. R.1, Ershova N. Y.2, Vasilev A. S.3, Shtykov A. S.4, Shchukin P. O.5

Measuring the Impact of Learning Organization on Employee Retention, Competitive Advantage and Financial Performance in the BPO Industry
Rajesh N. Pahurkar1, Jaya Nair2, Ashutosh Kolte3

Settlement and Clanship of Wolaitta in Omo River Valley of Ethiopia
Abesha Shirko Lambebo1, Ratnakar Mohapatra2

How Does Green Marketing Influence Consumers? The Market Trend Examination towards Environmentally Sustainable Products in Emerging Indian Cities
Balkrishan Sangvikar1, Avinash Pawar2, Ashutosh Kolte3, Akshay Mainkar4, Prasanna Sawant5

Impact of Demographic Processes on the Labor Market of Uzbekistan
Abdurakhmanov Kalandar Khodzhaevich1, Umurzakov Bahodir Khamidovich2, Zokirova Nodira Kalandarovna3, Tula Nodirbek Bakhodir ugli4, Abdurakhmanova Gulnora Kalandarovna5

Methods of Early Diagnostics Fiber Optical Communication Lines
Nushtaeva Ozoda Xasilovna1, Alimjonov Botirjon Abdulmaqsud o’g’li2, Yusupova Muhtabar Muminjanovna3

Mitigation of Inrush Current in Three Phase Power Transformer by Prefluxing Technique
Pradeep J. Kotak1, P. S. Verma2, Atul D. Tekade3, S. B. Warkad4

Untraditional Methods of Growing Cucumbers on Open Areas
S. A. Yunusov1, F. O. Bolikulov2

Experience of Formation of the Scientific Research Environment At Russian Universities
Ludmila N. Zanfir

Accessing the Equity Return Volatility Effect of East and South Asian Nations: the Econometrics Modelling Method
Jewel Kumar Roy1, Ashutosh Kolte2, Balkrishan Sangvikar3, Avinash Pawar4

A Deep Learning Method on Medical Image Dataset Predicting Early Dementia in Patients Alzheimer’s Disease using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
N. Deepa1, S P. Chokkalingam2

An Innovative Video Summary and Pattern Mining using VSP Algorithm
N. Venkatesvara Rao1, D.V.V. Prasad2, D. Susitra3

Era of Quantum Computing- An Intelligent and Evaluation based on Quantum Computers
Shiny Irene D1, G. Vamsi Krishna2, Nalini M3

Design of Low Power Artificial Intelligence Model for Resilience of IoT Devices
Ashwini. S1, P. Shanmuga Prabha2, S. Magesh Kumar3

Impacted Cyber Attacks Assessment in Wide Range of Big Data Security Systems
P. Shanmuga Prabha1, Ashwini. S2, S. Magesh Kumar3

Performance Evaluation of Various Block Chain Platforms
P. Sriramya1, Golda Dilip2

A Multi Biometric IRIS Recognition System based on a Profound Learning Method
S. Janardhanarao1, V. Jyothi2