Volume-8 Issue-2S6, July 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-2S6, July 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Efficient Diagnostic Process for Technical Vulnerability
Miyang Cha

Effects of the Perception of Convergence in Sports Industry and Service Differentiation Strategies Grafting Augmented Reality on Viewing Intention
Jung-Heui Oh1, Boo-Gil Seok2, Jai-Woo Oh3, Kwang-Min Cho4

Gambling Problem by Gambler Sub-Types among College Students in Korea
Seong-Ui Kim1, Jung-Hyun Choi2, Jum-Mi Park3

Complete Treatment of Food Waste using Vertical Carbonizer
Doo Hee Han

Factors affecting English Language Learning Motivation of Korean Freshmen and their General Characteristics
Weon-Hee Moon1, Ok-Hee Park2

A Research on the Mediating Role of Flow Experience between Involvement and Satisfaction-Focus on Leisure Satisfaction for University Students
Heejung Lee1, Janghyun Kim2, Ilhyun Bae3

Prediction of Stock Value using Pattern Matching Algorithm based on Deep Learning
Yoon-Ho Go1, Jin-Keun Hong2

Meaning and Future of Emotion-based Marketing Communication in New Marketing Era
Min-Wook Choi

Implementation of Disaster Evacuation Guidance System using Beacon Technology for Elderly Care Facilities
Jai-woo Oh1, Jin-Kyu Kang2

Child Pornography Websites on the Darknet
Julak Lee

Classification of Glandular Cells using a Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network
Migyung Cho

Slide Development of Remote Control Camera with Bluetooth Communication
Joon-Ho Cho

On the Relationship between Adolescents’ Dependence on Mobile Phones and their Career Identity
Mihee Han

Shape Proposal and Electric Field Distribution of Horizontal Lightning Conductor
Young Sun Kim

Optimal Frequency Regulation V2G Control with DOD of EV Battery
Seungmin Jung1, Minhan Yoon2, Jaewan Suh3

The Hardware Design and Implementation of a Key Exchange Protocol for Low-cost IoT Devices
Dennis Agyemanh Nana Gookyi1, Kwangki Ryoo2

High-Throughput Low-Area Hardware Design of Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data Cryptosystem that Uses Cha Cha20 and Poly1305
Guard Kanda1, Kwangki Ryoo2

A Low-Cost Complexity Intra Prediction Hardware Architecture for HEVC Decoder
Hongkyun Jung1, Kwangki Ryoo2

Qualification of Cluster Header and Cluster Member in Wireless Sensor Networks
EunHwa Kim

Properties of Lightweight Matrix according to Different Types of Alkali Stimulants
Won-Jong Kim1, Su-Jeong Pyeon2, Ha-Young Song3, Sang-Soo Lee4

Properties of Matrix using Diatomite Based on Blast Furnace Slag
Sang-Soo Lee1, Dae-Yeon Kim2

Design of Real-time Safety Accident Prevention Solution for Socially Vulnerable using Object Recognition and Tracking Technology
Sung-Jin Jeoung1, Bong-Hyun Kim2

The Nonlinear Interaction of Real Estates and Economic Growth in China
Heonyong Jung

Development of the Conceptual Model for Estimating Apartment Sales Price
Kim Ki-Hyuk1, Do Sung-Lok2, Lee Donghoon3

Standards for the Diagnosis of Concrete Structures using the Non-destructive Test in South Korea
Seonguk Hong1, Seunghun Kim2, Hyeyoung Kim3, Chanwoo Park4

Effects of Smartphone Addiction Prevention Program on Smartphone Addiction Tendency and Self-Control of Children using Local Children’s Centers
Kim Minkyeong

Big Data Accumulation of L-Shape Extruded Alloys for Interior Parts for High-Speed Trains
Kee Joo Kim1, Tae-Kook Kim2

Development of Motor Brake System for Explosion-Proof Elevator
Young-Joon Ko1, Chang-Ki Hong2, Soo-Chul Hwang3, Kwan-Hee Han4

Fire Safety Evaluation of Urban Buildings
Dong-Seung Baek1, Kyung-Bum Lim2

Image based Road Surface Classification Method using CNN
Dong-Geol Choi

Design of Platform for Service Optimization in Cloud System Environment
Young-Gee Min1, Eon-Gon Kim2

Status of Foodservice Sanitary Management in Family Child Care Center and Effect of Management Support
Joo-Eun Lee

A Method of Scene Boundary Detection for Indexing Video Data Efficiently
Seok-Woo Jang1, Sung-Youn Cho2

An Efficient Patient Information Transmission and Receiving Scheme using Cloud H-IoT System
Yoon-Su Jeong1, Dong-Ryool Kim2, Seung-Soo Shin3

An Analytic Verification on Fracture Behavior of Adhesion Exfoliation with Out-plane Shear Mode due to Tapered Angles of 6°and 8° at TDCB Made of Unidirectional Laminated CFRP
Jae-Woong Park1, Jae-Ung Cho2

Relationship between Ethics and Self-Management Behaviors in the High School Student Athletes
Lim Jong-Sik1, Yang Chun-Ho2

Relationship between Leisure Immersion and Life Satisfaction of Marine Leisure Sports Enthusiasts
Han Kyung-Seok1, Yang Chun-Ho2

Relationship between Physical Self-Concept and Social Personality Development of Adolescents Participating in Marine Sports Activities
Ham Do-Woong1, Han Kyung-Seok2

The Motivation of Physical Education Class in Liberals Arts Participation, Sports Personality, and Development of Sociality in the University Students
Do Jea-Hyun1, Jo Yeong-Gwon2, Lim Jong-Sik3, Yang Chun-Ho4

Design and Implement of Pets Management System using Mobile Phone
Sam-Jin Jeong

The Difference in English Proficiency Between Tourism and Engineering Students of Two Asian Universities
Massuline Antonio D. Ligaya1, Estrella F. Fajardo2, Joung-Hyun Ham3, Seungjin Lee4

The Effects of Job Stress and Hope on the Happiness of Office Workers: the Moderated Mediation Model of Growth Mindset
Chang Seek Lee1, Ji Young Park2

A Research on the Effects of Partnership between Consultant and Client in Accordance with Differentiation of Innovative Organizational Culture on the Consulting Performance
Chang Soo Han1, Yen yoo You2

The Effect of Negative Evaluation and Self-esteem on the Presentation Anxiety of Adolescents: the Moderated Mediation Effect of Growth Mindset
Chang Seek Lee1, Su Hyun Park2

Cyberbullying Response System on SNS
Sei-Youen Oh

Implementation of Smart Pot System using USB Plug-in Sensor
Yeong-Keun Lee1, Koo-Rack Park2, Dong-Hyun-Kim3

The Levels of Inner Compatibility According to Over-Engagement of HCI among Korean and Chinese University Students
Jae-Yong Lee1, Hae-Ri Park2, Cheong-Hwan Lim3

The Recognition of College Students in the Social Welfare Major in the Direction of Multicultural Family Support Policy in Korea
Su Sun Park

The Issues of the Evaluation System of Korean Long-term Care Facilities and Measures for Improvement
Yun-Jeong Kim1, Sang-Jin Lee2

Differences in the Perception of Birth Policies by the Middle aged and the Elderly in China
Yun-Jeong Kim1, Shuhu Chen2

Educational Effects of SW Coding Notes on Computational Thinking
Seung Ryol Maeng

The Influence of Service Usefulness of Community Children’s Centers of Problem Solving Abilities Mediated by Self-Esteem for Low-Income Families
In Kim1, Woong-Soo Kim2, Seong-Chan Bae3

The Double Mediating Effect of Start-Up Motive and Start-Up Spirit between Start-Up Opportunity Awareness and Expected Outcome af a Start-Up
Chang-Seek Lee1, Mi-Hyang Choi2

The Effects of the Local Culture Status and an Individual Cultural Capacity on Cultural Participation: Moderated Mediation Effect of Growth Mindset
Chang-Seek Lee1, Ha-Young Jang2

Designing Smart Supplier Chain Management Model under Big Data and Internet of Things Environment
Am-suk Oh

Bi-LSTM Sentiment Classifier for Climate Change Issues in South Korea
Do-Yeon Kim1, Sung-Won Kang2, Seong-Taek Park3

The Cultural Role and Legal Challenges in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence Era
Hye-Kyoung Lee1, Young-Hyun Song2

Effects of Stress and Hope on Happiness of Workers: The Moderating Mediation Model of Growth Mindset
Chang-Seek Lee1, Hye-Jeong Gu2

Extraction of Character Regions through Machine Learning and Filtering
Seok-Woo Jang1, Sang-Hong Lee2

Effects of Intensity Method on MEF of Biceps Brachii and Number of Repetition during Barbell Curl Exercise
Kim, Ki-Hong1, Lee Il-Suk2, Jung Song-Young3, Yang Chun-Ho4

Effect of Prior Learning Method on Nursing Students’ Practical Capacity
Shinhong Min1, Soonyoung Yun2

Pair-Work Teaching Method and Its Outcome
Shinhong Min

Authentication and Access Control Methods for Secured Smart Home IoT Service Environment
Sei-Youen Oh1, Aeri Lee2

The Effect of Automotive Seat Cushion Stiffness Distribution on the Subjective Comfort
Hyo-Seong Ji1, Sung-Yuk Kim2, Key-Sun Kim3, Yong-Du Jun4

Construction of System to Support Intelligent Coffee Shop using IoT
Byeongtae Ahn

Algorithm Design of Navigation Intention Message Transmission for Collision Avoidance of Maritime Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Ho Namgung1, Kwang-Il Kim2, Keon Myung Lee3

Automatic Identification System based Fishing Trajectory Data Preprocessing Method using Map Reduce
Jin-wan Park1, Keon Myung Lee2, Kwang-il Kim3

Implementation of Hybrid Indoor Positioning System based on Wi-Fi and PDR in Smartphone
Boney A. Labinghisa1, Dong Myung Lee2

Impact of Internet of Things (IoT)’s Service Quality on the Hotel Customer Satisfaction
Dong-Heui Choi

How it Effects the Influence of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Internet-based TV Home Shopping Service Quality
Tae-Hwan Kim1, Seung-Gyun Yoo2

The Volatility of Export Amount & the Number of Exports of Korea’s Major Exporting Countries
Soo-Ho Choi1, Jeong-Il Choi2

The Spatial Agglomeration of Korean Logistics and its Influence on the Growth of the Logistics Industry
Taek-Won Kim1, Tae-Hwan Kim2

Toward Developing a Real-World Computational Thinking Test Tool from Existing Models
Youngseok Lee1, Jungwon Cho2

Strategy for the Production of Smartphone Reward Applications Applying the Technology Acceptance Model
Seung-Yeob Yu

Smart Technology and Industry Trends in Fourth Industrial Revolution
Seong-Hoon Lee1, Hyun-Soo Jin2

AES-GCTR Mode-based Efficient Hybrid Encryption Scheme in Cloud-CCTV Service Environment
Yujin Jung1, Won-chi Jung2, Sangik Oh3, Donghyeok Lee4, Namje Park5

Blockchain-based Multi-Purpose Authentication Method for Anonymity and Privacy
Yong Joo Lee1, Keon Myung Lee2

Duplicated Code Slicing Technique for System Optimization
Seunghyung Lee1, Sungho Sim2

Construction of Simulation for Adsorption Process Visualization
Byeongtae Ahn

The Concept of Emotionally-Colored Vocabulary and the Main Aspects of its Inter-Language Transmission
Abduvakhabova Dilnoza Nurmaxamatovna

Rating system Establishment Conditions in the Higher Educational Institutions and its Tendencies of Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Zakhidova Shirin

Literary Translation and Stylistic Figures
Rakhimova Gulsanam Ashirbekovna1, Abdunazarova Iroda Melikuzi Kizi2, Eraliyeva Barchinoy Anvarkul Kizi3, Ashurova Shakhnoza Almasovna4, Kakharova Nafisa Ikramovna5

Econometric Analysis of the Development of Economic Entities in the Sphere of Small Business
Ulugmurodova Nodira Berdimurodovna

Eastern Melodies in the Text of Plato
Ruzmatova Gulnoz Mirakhrarovna

Bio Potential Signal Conditioning using MATLAB on Electromyography Signals
Roopa J1, Rahul N2, Pragna G S3, Geetha K S4, B S Satyanarayana5, Govinda Raju M6

Patent Mining to Predict Class using Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Algorithm
Darshana A Naik1, Brunda C J2

Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni Ferro Convection with Concentration and Temperature Dependent Viscosity
V Kavitha1, M Chenna Krishna Reddy2, S Harisingh Naik3

Classification of Spyware Affected files using Data Mining Techniques
D Anil Kumar1, Sisira Kumar Kapat2, Susanta Kumar Das3, Satya Narayan Tripathy4

Multilayer Perceptron Scheme for Beamforming and Channel Estimation of Massive MIMO
Sneha V.V1, Ismayil Siyad C2, S.Tamilselvan3

Controllers using Discrete Sliding Mode Control for 1 & 2-link FMs with Output Samples
Joshi Shubangi Milind1, Arunkumar G.2, T.C.Manjunath3

Women Security System using IoT
Suma K.V1, V. Simran Parveen2, Sucheta3, Kavya Jadav M4, Sanjana M5

Prediction of Heart Disease using SVM
Nagaraj M. Lutimath1, Arathi B N2, Shona M3

IoT Device and Service Discovery Framework
Akhileshwari K G1, Supriya Salian2

Some Degree-based Connectivity Indices of Tadpole Graph
Kavitha B N1, K Srinivasa Rao2, Nagabhushana C S3

An Efficient Neural Network Model for the Identification of Stress using Electrocardiogram
Mithun H R1, Suchitra M2

ABB 800xA applications in Process Control of a Stirred Reactor
Amrutha H1, Rupesh K C2

Android Chat Application Development using AWS
Sujatha Kumari B A1, Chiranth N L2, Pooja P3

Muntingia Calabura: Potential Source of Pharmacologically Active Substances
Siddhartha Marupati1, Murali Krishna Thupurani2, Gade Dayakar3

Development of Novel Classifying System to Identify the Right Sense of Audio Conversation in Social Networks using Deep Convolution Neural Network
P. Nirupama1, E. Madhusudhana Reddy2

Huge Dam and Power Construction Projects A Threat to Natural Environment, Alternatives-The Role of Human Resource Development (HRD)
Kavuluru Venugopal1, Abhilasha Ambatipudi2

Screening and Evaluation of Multi Drug Resistance Activity of Various 1,2,4-Triazoles Derivatives through in Vitro Anti tubercular
Jagadeesh Kumar Ega1, Ambala Nageswara Rao2, Kavitha Siddoju3, Boggavarapu Jyothi4

Biological Activity of Phenothiazine Sulfonamides
Boggavarapu Jyothia1, Suryadevara Kalpanab2, Nannapaneni Madhavi3

NPAs in Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks: Origination and Impact on Economy
Sunil B. Kapadia1, Venu V. Madhav2

Perception and Satisfaction toward Mutual Fund Investors in Andhra Pradesh
P. Ratnaraju1, V. V. Madhav2

Ovarian Cancer Detection in MRI Images using Feature Space and Classification Method (ABC-CNN)
Uroosa Shafi1, Sugandha Sharma2

The Effect of Different Dielectric Constant on Same Microstrip Patch Antenna Design
Zeeshan Alam1, S.K.Sriwas2, Atul Kumar Dwivedi3, Yatharth Shankar Misra4

Video Coding of Various Decomposition with Encoding Techniques
Nithin S. S1, L. Padma Suresh2

Antiurolithiatic Activity of Pisonia Alba Leaves in Experimental Animal Model (Albino Rats)
Kavitha Rani Mari1, Suriyavathana Mthukrishnan2, Punithavathi Manogaran3, Anandhi Eswaran4

Green synthesis of Ag-Nps using Chrysopogon Zizanioide and Ocimum Sanctum Extract and its Antibacterial Activity
Punithavathi Manogaran1, Suriyavathana Muthukrishnan2, Kavitha Rani Mari3, Anandhi Eswaran4

An Interrogation on Newsjacking in Content Marketing
S. Sridevi1, S. Chandramohan2

Complications in Infrastructure as a Service Layer of Cloud and its Solution
A. Banushri11, R. A. Karthika2

Fpga Based Random Pulse Width Modulation for Three Phase VSI
Sreeja P1, L. Padmasuresh2, P. Muthukumar3

Performance of Indian Mutual Fund Schemes
G. Indhumathi1, M. Babu2, J. Gayathri3

Assured and Coherent Sharing of Healthcare Data in Cloud using Cryptography
S. Vidhya1, V. Kalaivani2

Multi-Dimensional Poverty in Vietnam: New Evidence from Jarai People in the Central Highlands, Vietnam
Nguyen Bang Nong

Segmentation and Identification of Bilingual Offline Handwritten Scripts (Devanagari and Roman)
Priyanka Nirwan1, Gurpreet Singh2

Demonetisation Announcement and Price Movement of Indian Sectoral Indices
M. Babu1, J. Gayathri2, G. Indhumathi3, C. Hariharan4

Factors Influence the Choice of Mobile Apps for Transactions among Youngsters
A. Monilakshmane1, B. Rajeswari2

Data: the New Currency of the Digital World and the Race among Nations to Protect Data
S. Prasad1, A. Paul Williams.2

Online Marketing of Baby Care Products in India
Aswathy. R1, K. S Chandrasekar2

An Impact of Investment of E Commerce in India
KC Narayana1, M. Ganesan Dean2, J. Pavithra3

Going Green- the Road ahead for Green Challenges in India
Kasinathan Karmugilan1, B. Rajeswari2

The impact of C2C Communication and Shared Information on Buying Decision: ―A Buyer’s Perspective”
Jamshida K V1, B. Rajeswari2

Investors Perceptions & Corporate Announcements for Mumbai & Hyderabad
Lakshmi Rawat

Online Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumer Triggered by Digital Marketing
C. Kathiravan1, P. Mahalakshmi2, V. Palanisamy3

Influence of Social Marketing on Rain Water Harvesting Practices for Water Recycling System
AV. Karthick1, M. Ayisha Millath2, R. Rajesh Karthik3, M. Faisal4

Digital Food Delivery Apps Revolutionizing Food Products Marketing in India
N. Thamaraiselvan1, G. R. Jayadevan2, K. S. Chandrasekar3

Circular Economy – Key for the Change of Natural Resource from Scarce to Abundance
G. Jeyanthan1, G. Ilankumaran2

Influence of Fashion Behavior on Store Choice among the Arts College Students in Sivganga District
M. Faisal1, S. Chandramohan2, M. Ayisha Millath3, AV. Karthick4

Quantifying the Level of Awareness on Brand Extension using Index as the Tool
R. Rajkumar1, Lj. Chaarlas2

Impact of GST on MSMEs
Shetty Deepa Thangam Geeta1, SP. Mathiraj2, M. Thivya Bharathi3

Online Shopping Behavior Pattern among School Children
E.Saraladevi1, S. Chandramohan2, M. Ayisha Millath3

Marketing Trends using Latest Technology
P. Nivetha1, S. Sudhamathi2

NPA and its Impact on Asset Quality- Bankers’ Perception
Salini R Chandran1, K. Alamelu2

Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Online Advertisement towards Consumer Purchase Decision
M. Ramapriya1, S. Sudhamathi2

Identifying Family-Work Conflict among Employees of the Travancore Cements Limited, Kottayam, Kerala
Dhanya S Nair1, M. Ayisha Millath2

Effectiveness of Online Marketing and Hedonism among University Students in Singapore
S. Aishwarya1, M. Ayisha Millath2

Online Advertising and its Effective Methods
V. Sithartha Sankar

Online Marketing: Problems and Prospects as Perceived by Customers
G. Latha1, B. Karthikeyan2, V. Sitharthasankar3

A Contemporary on Indian Government Initiatives and Challenges of Warehouse Industry
Aravindaraj K1, P. Rajan Chinna2, Kalidhasan. M3, Srinivasan. K4

Customer Satisfaction towards Online Car Insurance at South Tamilnadu a Special Reference with Madurai and Sivaganga District
K. Chandrasekar1, Karthick R2

Financial Inclusion of Fisher Folk in Ramanathapuram District
B. Vimala1, K. Alamelu2

Role Model a Tool towards Cross Training in Improving Team Performance
S. Sridhar1, V. M . Ponniah2

Predicting Factors Influencing Online Purchase Behavior among Indian Youth
Sanjeev K. Sharma1, Pooja Chopra2

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon Single and Multi-Channel Scanning Delay Evaluation for Improved Home Automation User Experiences
Mohamed Ragab Mahmoud Farghaly1, Yewguan Soo2, Kim Chuan Lim3, Feng Duan4

Combining of Transfer Learning with Faster-RCNN For Aedes Aegyti Larvae Detection
M.A.M Fuad1, F.N. Zohedi2, M.R.A. Ghani3, R. Ghazali4, T.A. Izzuddin5

Design Consideration and Impact of Gate Length Variation on Junctionless Strained Double Gate MOSFET
K. E. Kaharudin1, Ameer F. Roslan2, F. Salehuddin3, Z. A. F. M. Napiah4, A. S. M. Zain5

Design of Power Conditioning Circuit for Thermal Energy Harvester in Powering a Wireless Sensor Node
Wei Ping Chen1, Swee Leong Kok2

Development of an Energy-Aware Algorithm for Low Power Wireless Sensor Node Powered by Dual Energy Harvesting Sources
Ali Mohammed Abdal-Kadhim1, Kok Swee Leong2

Development of Wireless Sensor Node Addressing and Data Packet Collision Avoidance Scheme
Nurulidayu Binti Sainuddin1, Ali Mohammed Abdal-Kadhim2, Kok Swee Leong3

Hardware Implementation and Quantization of Tiny-Yolo-v2 using OpenCL
Yap June Wai1, Zulkalnain bin Mohd Yussof2, Sani Irwan bin Md Salim3

Home Switching using IoT System via Telegram and Web User Interface
RidzaAzri Ramlee1, Eric Law Chee Yong2, Siva Kumar Subramaniam3, AsemKhmag4, Ahmad Shukri Fazil Rahman5

Improvement of Inset Fed Microstrip Antenna’s Pefromances with Types of Metamaterials at 28 GHz
Maisarah Abu1, Siti Adlina Md Ali2, Siti Normi Zabri3

Transformer Oil Ageing Detection using Mach–Zender Interferometry Configuration as a Sensor
A. Razzaq1, H. Zainuddin2, F. Hanaffi3, Y. Ying4, Radhi M. Chyad5, HA Razak6

Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning
Lavanya.P1, Sangeetha.A2, Santhana Krishnan3

Election Result Prediction using Spatial Statistical Method
R. Vinodha1, R. Parvathi2

Data Analysis and Classification of mHealth Shimmer2 Sensor Data sets for Human Physical Activities Recognition
Maria Navin J R1, Sridevi N2, Pankaja R3

Machine Learning Algorithms: Diagnosing Breast Cancer
Sridevi N1, Kulkarni Varsha2, Maria Navin J R3

Malayalam Error Sentence Detection using Deep Learning with RNN-LSTM
Supriya L P1, Chinchu M S2

Factors Influencing Employee Absenteeism in IT Companies at Trichy
Aishwariyashindhe S1, Sathyapriya J2, Vijayalakshmi.P. S3, Sudha4

Employee Engagement as a Rhizome for Talent Retention
Esther Zionia.A1, Sathyapriya.J2

Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress on Medical Representatives in Trichy and Tanjore Districts of Tamil Nadu
Thamilvanan G1, Thavasumani S2

Relationship Management is a Pattern of Screening Core Values in Indian Banking System
M. John Paul1, S. Muthumani2

Development of Innovative Course Outcomes : using S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Kamal Mistry1, Prathamesh Churi2

Enhancement of the QoS Parameter of LEACH Protocol using Modified K -Means Algorithm
Arvinda Kushwaha1, Mohd Amjad2

Automated Estimation of Predictive Object Points Metric Values for Object-Oriented Code
Vijay Yadav1, Vibhash Yadav2, Raghuraj Singh3

Mobile Technology Adoption by Indian Consumers
Deepshikha Aggarwal

Digitalization of Street Hawker and Vendor Services
Shubham Aggarwal1, Anubhav Bose2, Ritu Gupta3

Regression Examination of Factors Influencing the Chatbots usage in Banking Industry of India
Deepti Sharma1, Amisha Gupta2

A Steganographic Apps-based Patient’s Information Encryption-Decryption
Shomitro Kumar Ghosh1, Md. Toheen Bhuiyan2, Md. Ismail Jabiullah3

Voting Based Classification Method for Diabetes Prediction
Harwinder Kaur1, Gurleen Kaur2

Design and Implementation of University Network
Mugdha Sharma1, Chirag Pupreja2, Akash Arora3

Load Balancing in Cloud Computing with Enhanced Genetic Algorithm
Kalpana1, Manjula Shanbhog2

CDCT: CT Scan Images based on Mechanism for Lung Cancer Detection
Sakshi Sharma1, Maninder Pal Singh2, Baljeet Kaur Nagra3

Discovery of Knowledge by using Data Warehousing as well as ETL Processing
Arif Ali Wani1, Bansi Lal Raina2

Secure Index on Distributed Data: UML Extension for Wireless Sensor Networks

Challenges in using a Standard Speech Recognition Engine in Small Vocabulary Domain
Narayanan Srinivasan1, S. R.Balasundaram2

Software Matrices Selection for a SDLC Based Software Reliability Prediction Model
Neha Yadav1, Vibhash Yadav2, Prashant Kumar Mishra3

E-Cloud: A Solution towards E-Waste Management for Educational Institutions
Ritu Singhal1, Archana Singhal2, Varun Sharma3, Saachi4

Algorithm for Document Integrity Testing Pre Upload and Post Download from Cloud Storage
Mohd. Tajammul1, Rafat Parveen2

Performance Examination of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attacks in MANETs
Mahendra Pd. Sharma

A Consumer Behavior Prediction Method for E-Commerce Application
Kareena1, Raj Kumar2

Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System
Supreet Kaur1, Seemu Sharma2, Seema Bawa3

Seismic Performance and Cost Comparison of Concentrically Braced Frames Designed By Performance-Based Plastic Design and Force-Based Design Method
Sejal P Dalal1, Khyati Vaidya2

Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on the Organizational Performance-using SEM
Joiceswarnalatha R1, V. Murali Krishna2