Volume-8 Issue-2S4, July 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-2S4, July 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Identification and Classification of Cyberbully Incidents using Bystander Intervention Model
J.I. Sheeba1, S. Pradeep Devaneyan2, Revathy Cadiravane3

Perspectives in Water Quality Assessment
N D S S Kiran Relangi1, Aparna Chaparala2, Radhika Sajja3

Intelligent Framework for Public Transport Bus Services system
Nithesh Chandher Karthikeyan1, Aswath Ananthasamy2, Yokesh babu Sundaresan3

The Impact Analysis of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Education
Tanvi Vijay1, Mohit Anand2, Divya Udayan J3, Anupama K Ingale4

Object Sorting Robot Mechanism on the Basis of Colour, Height and Type (Metal or Non-metal) Using Human Voice Input
K Vijayan1, Anjima S Nair2, D Shruthi3, Krishna Manoj4, Rohan Sharma5

User Clustering Algorithms in Online Advertising
Honey Vachharajani1, Rajeev Gupta2, Nikhlesh Pathik3

Technologies to Overcome Spoofing Attack in Facial Recognition
Kriti Pratap1, Anjali Priya2, Gayathri Mani3

Emerging Security Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Keshvi Khambhati1, Kakelli Anil Kumar2

An Optimal Enhancement of the Dynamic Features of Recommender Systems
R. Lavanya1, Rithika Lahari2, Palak Gupta3

Smart Real-Time Traffic Optimization System
Ramanarayanan S1, Udaya Prakash2, Uma Maheshwaran3, Velappa Ganapathy4, Sundara Kanchana J5

Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Summarization of Product Feedback
Sindhu C1, Vadivu G2

Design of Mobile Hemodialysis Apparatus for Acute Renal Failure Patient’s Self-Help and Treatment Adherence
Sakthivel Sankaran11, M Pallikonda Rajasekaran2, Vishnuvarthanan Govindaraj3, Preethika Immaculate Britto4, Mohamed Mydeen Mohamed mansoor5, Abinaya Srinivasan6, Javithrasha Askar7

Efficient Registration of Land Using Block Chain Technology
A. Ponmalar1, M. Poovarasan2, T. Vasumathi3, G. M. Keerthana4, A. Yogesh5, V. Dhanakoti6

Data Visualization on Crime against Women
Jaya Preethi Mohan1, D.Usha2

Machine Translation (MT) Techniques for Indian Languages
S. Anbukkarasi1, S. Varadhaganapathy2

Performance Analysis of Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization and Ant Colony Optimization for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem
Valarmathi B1, Santhi K2, Ravi Chandrika3, Peeyush Goel4, Bhagyashree Bagwe5

An Exhaustive Consideration of Wired and Wireless Network Simulators
Jaganath. M1, Vasanth. R2, Malarselvi. G3

An Optimal Energy Consumption Based Resource Management in Mobile Cloud Computing
M. R. Sudha1, C. P. Sumathi2, A. Saravanakumar3

A Conception For Identifying Trust Service Providers in Collaboration Cloud Computing
Venisha.A1, M. Murali2

Data Driven Scene Classification to Analyze ADAS
Priyadarshini R1, S Kayalvizhi2, A Geetha3, Premkumar T4

An Intelligent Solid Waste Management System using Internet of Things (IoT)
Pramod Mathew Jacob1, Rasha Kabeer2, Negha Nair3, Sony V Saji4, Meenakshi5, Renju Rachel Varghese6

Generation of Numerous S-Box For Advanced Encryption Standard
S. Aruna1, G. Usha2

Randomised Traffic Path Analysis and Formation For Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Botnet Attacks
M. Maheswari1, Madhana Gopal Bhavani2, Tanya Aggarwal3

Community Spam Detection Methodologies for Recommending Nodes
J. Jeyasudha1, G.Usha2

Augmentation and Orchestration of Security Techniques in Fog Computing
G. Usha1, S. Kannimuthu2, Vinoth N A S3, H. Karthikeyan4

Pneumonia Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks and Transfer Learning Model
U. M. Prakash1, Hitarth Pandey2, Abhishek Suryavanshi3, K. R. Gokul Anand4

Brain Computer Interface for Controlling Mobile Robot
Hareendar S1, Jeya Raghul R2, Aashish Kumaravelan3

Detecting Soil Moisture Content Using Self Balancing Rover
Harisudha Kuresan1, Abhinav Rajput2

Averting Paging Related Attacks in 4G LTE Communication System
Vignesh Kumar V1, Lakshmy K V2

Chip off IoT Devices: Attacks and Mitigations
Gottumukkala Eswar Kumar Raju1, Lakshmy K. V2

Detection of Cotton Leaf Diseases Using Image Processing
S. Batmavady1, S. Samundeeswari2

Interference Cancellation For Underwater Environment
B Priyalakshmi1, G Dileep Reddy2, V Pavan Raju3, N Ravi Teja4, G Sandeep Reddy5

IoT – Based Wireless Sensors for Agriculture Monitoring
Lavanya. P1, Muthu Mayil. K2

Automatic Attendance System
Arvind Lakshmanan1, Vivek Maik2

Image Spam Filtering Using Machine Learning Techniques
Abhishek Rungta1, Bhawna Arya2, G. Usha3

Position Identification Using Dihedral Function For Data Hiding
Rajeev K1, M. Sethumadhavan2, Amritha P. P3

A Role of Routing, Transport and Security Mechanisms in Information Centric Network
Mahesh R Patil1, Agilandeeswari L2

Methods of Torque Ripple Minimization techniques on Switched Reluctance Motor
Maheshbabu Valeti1, D. Susitra2

Eauction Web & APP Synced Smart Agriculture Using IoT
S. Amudha1, Jatin Nandwani2, Akshay Agarwal3, Navneeth Singh4, Bharath Parihar5

Image Processing in Intelligent Traffic Management
Ishaan Gulati1, R. Srinivasan2

IoT Based Water Consumption and Quality Monitoring System
P. Selvaraj1, S. Prabakaran2, Sayani Chatterjee3, Ambika Srivastava4

Novel Payment Wallet Management with Blockchain Based Cryptocurrency
P. Selvaraj1, S. Prabakaran2, V. Krishnateja3

Improving Intrusion Detection System Using an Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm
M. S. Abirami1, Shivam Pandita2, Tanvi Rustagi3

Aurora Retrive – An Augmented Reality Game using Real World Maps
Anupama.C.G1, Gobinath.V2, Satyajit Vijay Patil V3

Secured Health Protective Services in Social Media Network Using K-Anonymity
N. A. S. Vinoth1, M. Yohapriyaa2, K. Janani3, V. Vijaypriya4

IoT Based Patient Monitoring in Industrial Areas
K. R. Jansi1, Mahesh Srivinay Rayavarapu2, Vamsi Koganti3

Data Visualization and Prediction using Candlesticks Chart for Open Government Data Set
M. Uma1, M. S. Abirami2, S. Metilda Florence3

An Efficient Hybrid Message Authentication Scheme in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
H. Karthikeyan1, G. Usha2

Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in Higher Education through Smartphone
Rinku Dulloo1, M. M Puri2

Cancer Prediction with Gene Expression Data
G Sivagamasundari1, Latha Parthiban2

A Tool for Analyzing Software Requirements Document Quality
C. Arun1, S. Karthick2, G Sivan Muthu Krishnan3, Soumitro Dutta4

Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
A.Saranya1, R.Anandan2

Effective ways of finding Adverse Drug Reactions in Pharmacovigilance
Kamatchi Sankar1, Latha Parthiban2

Improved Frequent Item-Sets Mining in Pharmacovigilance
Kamatchi Sankar1, Latha Parthiban2

Developing a Customer Model for Targeted Marketing using Association Graph Mining
Suresh. K1, Pattabiraman. V2

A State of Art on Content Based Image Retrievalsystems
V. Elizabeth Jesi1, S. Govindarajan2, M. Jayanthi3

A Critical Evaluation of articles Related to Islamic Banking
Yaaseen Masvood

Does Job Satisfaction and Employee Commitment Pave way for Employee Engagement in IT Sector
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, N. Sarath Lal2, Veena Prasad3, Jahira Parveen4

Online Shopping and its Impact on Customer satisfaction considering the Role of Respondents Trust and Gender Influence
K Francis Sudhakar1, Habeeb Syed2

Employee Absenteeism in Johnson Control Automotive Limited Bidadi, Bangalore
Kiran Kumar Thoti

Annihilation of Traditional Union through Ktmax-Maxam Algorithm in Disorder Mining
Thiagarajan K1, Maheshwari .A2, Kavitha J.3

Assessing the impact of Authentic Leadership and Team Climate on Innovative Work Behavior within Self-managed teams in IT Organizations
Rajeesh Viswanatha1, Divya Lakshmi2

Behavioral Perspective on Investor’s Reaction to Mergers and Acquisitions Announcements
Neethu T C1, Rajeesh Viswanathan2, Arun T C3, Jahira Parveen4

Convergence of Stock Futures Markets – An Analytical Study of Indian Stock Markets
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Jintu George2, D Lazar3, Jahira Parveen4

Cost impression on Human Resource Accounting
S. Revathy1, S. Pragadeeswaran2

Consistent Network Emerge for N-Hop Network
Girija M.S1, Thiagarajan K2, Tapas Bapu B.R3

Emerging Trends and Future Perspective of Human Resource Reskilling in Higher Education
B. Suhasini1, Santhosh Kumar N2

Employee Engagement – Making Internal Customer Happier
I. Yabesh Abraham Durairaj1, T. Thiruvenkadam2, Mu. Subrahmanian3

Engineering Students Attitude towards On-Line Shopping in Dindigul
Mathankumar. G1, Kavitha Shanmugam2

ERP Skills – A Lifelong Learning Achievement
S. Sankaranarayanan1, Jayshree Suresh2

Flexible and Friendly, But it is Fair? Work – Life Considerations Needs Delicate Balance
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, N. Sarath Lal2, Veena Prasad3, Jahira Parveen4

Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural intelligence, Perceived Organizational Supporting Practices and Perceived Family Support on Cross Cultural Adjustment of Indian IT Expatriates Working in the United States of America
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Moiz Mohammed2, N. Sarath Lal3, Jahira Parveen4

Stress Management Techniques of ITES Employees
Rajandran KVR

Dynamic VlSI Methods For OLSE and Syndrome Calculation using Synchronized Mitigation Procedures for Intact Circuit Functionality
Farha Anjum1, P. Keerthana2, Kavya Reddy3, Kiran4, Samhitha5

Design and Implementation of AES Algorithm
T. Krishnarjuna Rao1, Aftab Jamil2, I. V. Saikumar3, J. Sairam4

Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on MBA Students in Kerala on Their Entrepreneurial Intent with Special Reference to the Students of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
Muhammed Sajjad. A1, Sathyapriya. J2

Particleboard Manufactured from Rubberwood RRIM 2002 Clone Planted with Different Fertilizer Treatment
Syeed SaifulAzry Osman Al Edrus1, Paridah Md Tahir2, Chuah Teong Guan3, Lee Seng Hua4, Juliana Ab Halip5, Lee Ching Hao6

Quantitative and Qualitative Identification of Phytochemical Constituents of Sida Rhombifolia Leaves Extract
Anooj E. S1, Amrutha T. M2, M. Charumathy3, Lekshmi Gangadhar4

FIR Filter Design Using Floating Point Column Bypassing Technique
Jency Rubia J1, Sathish Kumar G.A2

Implementation of Electronic Human Resource Management
S. K. Manivannan1, M. Valliammal2

Industry-Adjusted Post-M&As Operating Performance of Indian Acquirers
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Neethu T C2, Arun T C3, Jahira Parveen4

Language as a Tool for Effective Communication Management
M. G. Bhaskar1, Sahana. B2

Liquidity Risk Analysis in Scheduled Commercial Banks
S. Anitha1, A. R. Shanmuga Priya2

Relationship of Leadership and Organizational Climate Indispensable Element to Facilitate Employee Engagement
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, N. Sarath Lal2, Veena Prasad3, Jahira Parveen4

Role of Travel Behaviour Characteristics in Selecting Wellness Services at Tourism Destination
K. Subathra1, S. Senthil Kumar2, T. Ramachandran3

The Emotional Intelligence in IT Employee’s
Sajan Vaidhyanathan Shanker1, Jahira Parveen2

Structural Modelling of Automotive Engine Mounting from Kenaf fibre Reinforced Natural Rubber/Thermoplastic Polyurethane “Green” Composites
A. M. Noor Azammi1, S. M. Sapuan2, Mohamed T. H. Sultan3, Mohamad R. Ishak4

Green Bio Composites For Food Packaging
H.N. Salwa1, S.M. Sapuan2, M.T. Mastura3, M.Y.M Zuhri4

Application of Response Surface Methodology Models for Dimensional Stability of Hydrothermally Treated Semantan Bamboo
Zaidon Ashaari1, Lee Seng Hua2, Juliana Abdul Halip3, Syeed SaifulAzry Al Edrus4, Lum Wei Chen5, Lee Ching Hao6

Kenaf and Kenaf-Rubberwood Hybrid Particleboards
Juliana Abdul Halip1, Lee Seng Hua2, Paridah Md. Tahir3, Syeed SaifulAzry Al Edrus4, Siti Mastura Md Ishak5, Mohamad Ali Selimin6, Abdullah Al Rashid Ab Hamid7

Effect Inclusion of Graphene on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites
Nur Aqilah Sairy1, Norkhairunnisa Mazlan2, Mohamad Ridzwan Ishak3, Nik Noriman Zulkepli4

Effects of Nanoclay on Tensile and Flexural Properties of Pineapple Leaf Fibre Reinforced Phenolic Composite
M. Asim1, M. T. Paridah2, M. Jawaid3, M. Nasir4, R. Siakeng5

Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy Composite Reinforced with Hibiscuss Sabdariffa Var. Altissima Fiber Micro Cellulose
Abhilash Karakoti1, A. Soundhar2, M. Rajesh3, K. Jayakrishna4, Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji Hameed Sultan5

Preparation of Fibrillated Cellulose from Kenaf Bast Fiber Using High Speed Homogenizer without Pressure
Nurul Husna Osman1, Rosazley Ramly2, Wan Haslinda Wan Ahmad3, Ainun Zuriyati Mohamed Asa’ari4

Correlation between Flexural and Compressive Properties of Kenaf/Epoxy Composite filled with Mesoporous Silica
Chai Hua T.1, Norkhairunnisa M.2

Torrefaction Treatment on Fuel Properties of Bambusa Vulgaris and Gigantochloa Scorthecinii
R.A. Raja Nazrin1, P.S. H’ng2, K.L. Chin3

The Effects of Soxhlet and Power Ultrasonic-Assisted Soxhlet Extraction on the Yield of Terpenoids Extract from Jasminum Sambac
Nasrul Fikry Che Pa1, Teh Jian Hong2, Syeed Saifulazry Osman Al Edrus3, Siti Khatini Abd Talib4

Effect of Soil Biodegradation on Tensile and Physical Properties of Coir/pineapple Leaf Fibre Reinforced Poly Lactic Acid Hybrid Biocomposites
Ramengmawii Siakeng1, Mohammad Jawaid2, Hidayah Ariffin3, S. M. Sapuan4

Water Absorption and Thickness Swelling Properties of Silica Aerogel Infused Sugar Palm Fiber/Polyester Composites
R. M. Shahroze1, M. R. Ishak2, M. Asim3, M. Chandrasekar4, M. T. Paridah5, M. Jawaid6

Effect of Fibre Length and Sea Water Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Sugar Palm Fibre Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites
A.M.N. Maisara1, R.A. Ilyas2, S.M. Sapuan3, M.R.M. Huzaifah4, N. Mohd Nurazzi5, S.O.A SaifulAzry6

Environmental-Friendly Food Products’ Packaging: Women’s Purchasing Preferences
Norfaryanti K.1, Sheriza M. R.2, Zaiton S.3

Relationship between Wood Colour of Seven Tropical Hardwood Species and Formaldehyde Emission of Plywood
Syafinaz Abd Rashad1, Paridah Md Tahir2, Rafeadah Rusli3, Lee Seng Hua4

Addition of Furfuryl Alcohol and Palm Oil on Physical and Biological Properties Changes in UF- and Citric Acid-Bonded Particleboard
Zhou Huaxu1, Lee Seng Hua2, Paiman Bawon3, Syeed SaifulAzry Al Edrus4, Lee Ching Hao5, Lum Wei Chen6

Degradation of Medium Density Fibreboard and Particleboard Mechanical Performance after Exposed to Different Environmental Condition
Syeed SaifulAzry Osman Al Edrus1, Paridah Md Tahir2, Chuah Teong Guan3, Lee Seng Hua4, Juliana Ab Halip5, R.A. Ilyas6, S.M. Sapuan7

Cross Cultural Adjustment – A Catalyst to Enhance Psychological Well Being and Work Performance of Indian IT Expatriates in USA
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Moiz Mohammed2, Sarath Lal3, Jahira Parveen4

Vendor Behaviour in Automotive Component Industry
Sadasivan1, P. S. Rajeswari2, Samson Santhosh Kumar3

Impact of Brand Awareness and Customer Satisfaction Towards Services of Jan Aushadhi Medicalstores
Milton Solomon C1, C. Sundar2

A Scrutiny of Self Concept Level of Bank Customers as an Emerging Bank Marketing Strategy
T. S. Uma Rani1, Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy2, Rtn. N. Panchanatham3

A Buying Behaviour Pattern of Modern Women
A. Suganya1, K. Ganesamurthy2

Individual Up-skilling
S. M. Karthikeyan1, V M Ponniah2

A Performance Against the Challenges in Private Industrial Security Service from Training Perspective
V. Rangarajan

“Information Technology” With Special Reference Supply Chain Management
Col Subramanian1, Rajeesh2

Determinants of Team Climate and Team Trust on Team Performance-An Extensive Examination
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Divya Lakshmi2, Jahira Parveen3

Employee Engagement a Conundrum in Indian Information Technology Companies
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Sarath Lal2, Jahira Parveen3

A Contemporary Recapitulation of Major Findings on Vehicle Routing Problems : Models and Methodologies
D. G. N. D. Jayarathna1, G. H. J. Lanel2, Z.A.M.S. Juman3

Determinants of Strategic Sourcing and the Impact of them on Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry in Sri Lanka
T. H. T. D. Perera1, P. W. G. Madhushani2, D. G. N. D. Jayarathna3

The Stress Behaviour of Powered Vehicle Body
G. Vijay Prakash1, A. V. Ratna Prasad2

Face Recognition Using Cascade Algorithm
Vasavi Ravuri1, S. Vasundra2, A. Aryan3, Somula Ramasubbareddy4, K. Govinda5

Facial Expression Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Somula Ramasubbareddy1, K. Govinda2, E. Swetha3

Optimized Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing Using PSO and GA
B. V. Seshu Kumari1, Giri Prasad2, Somula Ramasubbareddy3, K. Govinda4

Formation of Cyber Space, Protecting Youth From the Danger of Cyber Extremism
Mukhamedzhanova Lalikhon Ashuraliyevna1, Kadirova Dilbar Salihovna2, Agzamova Nilyufar Shuhratovna3, Tulaev Avaz Ilhamovich4, Rajabov Shukhrat Sheraliyevich5, Alimov Sardor Komilovich6

Developing Entrepreneurial Skills
M. BhoomaKumari

Factors Influencing Training and Development in the Auto-Ancillary Industries
S. M. Karthikeyan

A Conceptual Perspective on the Impact of Micro Finance on Women Empowerment
N. B. Sikivahan1, V. M. Ponniah2

An Efficeint Operations Management Strategy using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making based Shop Floor Control Technique
K. Kavitha1, R. Muruganandham2, J. Dinesh3, A. Mohammed Raheel Basha4

A Weekends Shopping Behavior of Women Consumer with Special Reference to Retail Outlets in Chennai
V.  Anitha1, A. R Krishnan2

Relationtionship of Authentic Leadership and Organisational Culture with Organisational Innovation in Pharmaceutical Industry
Moiz Mohammed1, Rajeesh Viswanathan2

Examining the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Intention to Finish the Assignment of Indian Expatriates in the USA
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Sarathlal2, Moiz Mohammed3, Jahira Parveen4

Bank Level Challenges on Management of Loan Quality in Public Sector Banks
D. Yamuna1, S. Subramanian2

Service Quality aspects of Solar Project Management
S. Sundararajan1, K. Sadasivan2, R. Krishnaraj3

Green HRM Practices Followed by Selected Manufacturing Industries in Coimbatore
K. T. Vijaykarthigeyan1, A. Giriprakash2

Does Emotional Intelligence Pave way for Psychological Well Being and Enhancing Work Performance
Rajeesh Viswanathan1, Moiz Mohammed2, N. Sarath Lal3, Jahira Parveen4

Gender Differences in Police Stress, Coping, and Burnout in India
Priya Xavier

IoT based Android application for Smart Bridge Monitoring System
Shwetha A N1, Prabodh C P2

An Intimation System for Villages Surrounded by the Forest
Mukesh Kumar Singh1, Sridhar N K2

Time Frame Based Dynamic Data Shift Algorithm for Data Security in Mobile Cloud Computing
Sumangala B1, Sidhar N K2, Suresh P3

Analyze the Production System of an Body-in-White System Through Modelling and Perform Bottleneck, Optimization Using Simulation Software
D. Phanindra Kshatra1, P. Ratna Prasad2, Md. Kalamulla3, P. Sai Krishna4, P. B. L. N. Sai5

Farmers Integrated Management Challenges of Plantains product at Cauvery Delta, Thanjavur District
J. D. Aarthi Dhakshana1, K. V. R. Rajandran2

Long Term Stress Management Interventions at Workplace with Focus on Private Banking Employees
Allah Baksh.S1, Sulaiman.N2

Impact of Social Traits of Social Movements towards Social Empowerment in Kanyakumari District
Amaladhas Tensingh A1, Sathyapriya J2, KVR Rajandran3

Evaluating the Employability Skills towards Performance of Industrial Employees
C. Anitha1, K.V. R. Rajandran2

Market Simulation in Present Scenario
Ankita Chandra

Work Environment and Stress of Bank Employees
Anupa Kattil Prabhakaran1, Rajandran KVR2

Applications of Manpower Levels for Business with Various Recruitment Rates in the System through Stochastic Models
R. Arumugam1, M. Rajathi2

The issues of Internet Addiction and its Implications on Psychosocial Aspects of Adolescents
Gnanaraj.S1, Anand Jerard Sebastine.A2, Parameswaran.S3

Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Life Insurance Policies in Thanjavur City
Guru.P1, Umamaheswari.D2

The Importance of the Improvement and Convergence of Ias/Ifrs to the National Accounting System of Uzbekistan
S Ergasheva Shakhlo Turgunovna1, Kucharov Abror Sabirjanovich2, Shermatov Behzod Xalimkul o’g’li.3

Customer’s Perception and its Impact on Market Share of Mobile Communication Industry with Special Reference to Thanjavur Town
Salomi. S1, Prakash. S2, Singaravadivel. S3, Lakshminarayanan. K4

Psychological issues Faced by Government School Teachers on Upgradation of Technological and Teaching Techniques with Special Reference to Kumbakonam
Suganthi.K1, Umamaheshwari.D2, Valli.T3, Adhithya.N4

Role of Stress Management in Increasing Employee Productivity at Workplace
Sulaiman.N1, Allah Baksh.S2

Effectiveness of the Quality of Life Training in a Dairy Product Manufacturing Company in Trichy
Suthakar Singh S1, Sathyapriya J2, KVR Rajandran3

The Stress Behaviour of Powered Vehicle Chassis
P G. Vijay Prakash1, A.V. Ratna Prasad2

Analysis of Photo Neutron Production From the Patient During Radiotherapy Treatment Using CR 39 SSNTD
Rajesh. K.R1, R. Ganapathi Raman2

Machine Learning Approaches Used For Prediction in Diverse Fields
Ierin Babu1, R V Siva Balan2, Paul P Mathai3

Factors Affecting the Application of Preparation of Financial Statements at UMKM in South Tangerang
Rinny Meidiyustiani1, Indah Rahayu Lestari2

The influence of Leadership, Working Environment and Employee Performance Against Budgeting Process
Nursito1, Dewi Faeni2

Analysis of Effect of Organization Commitment, Microfinance and Accountability on Poverty Reduction in the Farmers
Nursito1, Dewi Faeni2

Influence of Motivation, Internal Control Structure and Women Economic Empowerment on Poverty Reduction Implication on Improvement of Productivity
Nursito1, Dewi Faeni2

Feasibility Analysis of Business; Case Study in Indonesia Minimarket
Ali Sandy Mulya1, M.Si2, FranciscaHermawan3, Benedicta Prabawanti Evienia4

Product Quality, Quality Services, Price Toward Customer Satisfaction at Indosat Ooredoo
Yugi Setyarko

Civilization Relationship of Islam, West and Europe: Potential Civilization Dialogue “Peace Communication Model”
Eko Putra Boediman

Effect Economic Return Performance to Company Financial Evidance From Indonesia
Amir Indrabudiman1, Wuri Septi Handayani2, Ratih Puspitaningtyas Faeni3, Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni4

Effect of Price, Promotion, and Facilities to Customer Satisfaction in Using the Service Event Management
Ratih Puspitaningtyas Faeni1, Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni2

Effect of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance
Qodariah1, Makruf Akbar2, Muchlish Mauluddin3

Quality of Service, Quality Products, Promotion and Location on Customers’ Behaviour Decision in Chosing Travel Agent of “Mika Tour” South Jakarta, Indonesia
Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni1, Sudiyanto Yudi Nugroho2

A New Framework for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Lesion using Various Classifiers
Lim J Seelan1, L. Padma Suresh2

Trusted Secure Routng for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Hybrid Trust Model
M. Anugraha1, S. H. Krishnaveni2

Product and Communication Analysis of Constituent Loyalty of Indonesian Democracy Party (PDIP) in Central Java, Indonesia
Hakam Ali Niazi1, Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni2

Price, Quality Products, Quality Services and Locations on Customer Satisfaction in Indonesian Culinary
Ravindra Safitra Hidayat1, Ratih Puspitaningtyas Faeni2

E-Budgeting for Public Finance Transparency and Accountability
Retno Fuji Oktaviani1, Dewi PuspaningtyasFaeni2, Ratih PuspitaningtyasFaeni3, Rinny Meidiyustiani4

Implementation of E-Government Working to Improve Effectiveness
Retno Fuji Oktaviani1, Dewi PuspaningtyasFaeni2, Ratih PuspitaningtyasFaeni3, Rinny Meidiyustiani4

Implementation of Mobile Payment in Indonesia
Retno Fuji Oktaviani1, Dewi PuspaningtyasFaeni2, Ratih PuspitaningtyasFaeni3, Rinny Meidiyustiani4

Steganography Technique with Huffman Code
Nilambar Sethi1, Padmaja Patel2

Effect of the use of Information Technology, Anntensity of Users,Users of Expertise of the quality of Accounting Information
Indah Rahayu Lestari1, BerlianKarlina2, Anita WahyuIndrasti3

Implementation of Hypnosis as base model Development Competitiveness and Level of Student Achievement
Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni1, Widi Wahyudi2, Ratih PuspitaningtyasFaeni3

Implementation of Importance Performance Analysis Methods as Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (GISA) Performance Measurements in Indonesian Provinces
Amir Indrabudiman1, Wuri Septi Handayani2, Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni3

Factors Affecting the Intellectual Capital Disclosure Index: Evidence from Indonesian listed Companies
Ali Sandy Mulya1, Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni2

The Customer Satisfaction in Buying Product by using Media E Commerce
Ravindra Safitra Hidayat

Compensation, Company Culture and Relational Returns Toward Employee Engagement
Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni1, Widi Wahyudi2, Imelda Imelda3

Analysis of Photo Neutron Dose to Patient from a 15 MV Linear Accelerator
Rajesh.K.R1, R. Ganapathi Raman2

Music Computer Education Concept For Teachers: Raising The Problem
Irina B. Gorbunova, Andreas Kameris

Impact of Energy Technologies on Public Health
Vladimir A. Grachev1, Natalia I. Kurysheva2

An Automatic Logistics System Using Artificial Intelligence
Jino Bae1, Sana Lee2, Siyu Kim3, Yonghee Lee4

Trend of Defect Occurrence Between Painting Work and Finish Work in Apartment Building
Junmo Park1, Deokseok Seo2

Effect of Reduced Irrigation on Flowering, Fruit Set and Yield of Indeterminate Tomato
Daniela Ganeva1, Stanislava Grozeva2, Galina Pevicharova3

The Aesthetic of Fish Scale Texture Patterns as Textile Designs Embellishments
Rusmawati Ghazalia1, Maithreyi Subramaniamb2, Sabzali Musa Kahn3, Rainal Hidayat Wardi4, Irma Murni Ismail5, Syed Muhammad Ahmad Sherazie.6

Optical Line Monitoring System Using Optical Fiber Closure
So-Ki Jung

Evaluation of Mel and Gammatone Filter Banks Used For Spectral Analysis in Comparison With the Direct Use of Fft
Saimir Tola1, Alfred Daci2, Gentian Zavalani3

Laplace Transform, Application in Population Growth
Alfred Daci1, Saimir Tola2

Implementing IoT in Underwater Communication using Li-Fi
Balaji K1, S. Shakthivel Murugan2

Grey Wolf Optimization on Modeling Saliency Detection in Stereoscopic 3D Images
Y Rakesh1, K Sri Rama Krishna2

Provisions of Labour Law to Safeguard the Interest of Female Workers to Ensure Equality in India
Sony Kulshrestha

A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Belief Network for Brain Tumor Detection in MR Images
S. Somasundaram1, R. Gobinath2

Two Fish Cryptography For Data Security in Network Communication
Divya1, R. Gobinath2

Prediction of Type2 Diabetes Patients using Rule Based K-Means Algorithm
Krishnamoorthy.P1, R.Gobinath2

Reducing end to end Delay Through Adaptive Greedy Search Algorithm For Wireless Body Area Sensor Network
E. Ramya1, R. Gobinath2

An Efficient Method For Extracting the Necessary Features in A Multimodal Biometrics
S. Arunarani1, R. Gobinath2