Volume-7 Issue-ICETESM18, March 2019

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Volume-7 Issue-ICETESM18, March 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Numerical Modeling of Regular Wave Tank
P. Kishore Kumar Reddy1, M. G. Muni Reddy2, S. Jaya Kumar3, G. Ravi Kumar4, T. Appa Reddy5

Experimental Study on Diffusion Behaviour of Chloride ION in Cement Mortar
B. Bhaskar1, T. Raghavendra2

Prediction of Properties of M25 SCC for 20 mm & 12.5 mm Size Coarse Aggregate Blends Using Neural Networks
Chamarthy Krishnama Raju1, N. Sai Namratha Reddy2, G. Uday Kumar3, P. Ravitheja Reddy4, B. Thirumaleshu5, M. Samba Siva Reddy6

Comparison of Elastic Constants and Compressive Strength of M40 Grade Concrete Cylinders Wrapped with and without GFRP Sheet
B. Bhaskar1, C. Krishnamaraju2

The Effect of Polypropylene Fibers on Properties of Expansive Soil
B. Bhavani1, Chamarthy Krishnama Raju2, C. Mounika3, S. L. Vinay Kumar4, H. Manesh5, M. Anil Kumar6

A Machine Learning Based Decision Support System for Improvement of Smart Watering Equipment in Agricultural Fields
Sreenivasulu Vasu1, Vikram Neerugatti2, C. Naga Swaroopa3

Using Diverse Feature for Opinion Mining of “Kerala Floods 2018”
S. Fouzia Sayeedunnisa1, Nagaratna P Hegde2, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan3

A Review on High Utility Itemset Algorithms
M. Suleman Basha1, K. Nageswara Reddy2, P. Arun Babu3

Privacy Preserving Redundant Data Removal in Cloud Storage: RDRC
Srinivas Mudepalli1, V. Srinivasa Rao2, R. Kiran Kumar3

Cardiac Episode Detection and Classification – A Systematic Review
Avvaru Srinivasulu1, Srinivasa Rao Lam2

Secured Communication using Programmable Devices for IoT Applications
Nanda Kishore Holla1, Siva Yellampalli2

Real-TimeTask Simulator for Scheduling
Saranga Mohan1, Anju S Pillai2, Dioline Sara3

CSD Based VLSI Architecture for NN Based Image Compression
Lakshmi Kiran Mukkara1, K. Venkata Ramanaiah2

Power Law Enhancement Based Fuzzy C-Means Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation
Sekar Mohan1, Vijayarajan R2

Data Encoding Techniques to Reduce the Switching Activity and Crosstalk Delay of on-Chip Data Interconnects
M. Chennakesavulu1, T. Jayachandra Prasad2, V. Sumalatha3

UWB System: its Regulations, Trends and Applications
Sophiya Susan S1, Siva S Yellampalli2

Renewable Energy Fed BLDC Motor with DC- DC Converter by Implementing MPPT Technique for EV Application
Priya S1, Rajesh Uppara2

EMI Design for DC-DC Converters
Sandeep Tammana1, Siva Yellampalli2

Towards Designing an Effective Business Communication Course: An Empirical Study
Sreenivasulu Yadamala1, Jayanth Kasyap2

Dramatization Practices: A Proactive Framework to Enhance Communication Skills among Aspirants of Professional Courses from Rural Foundation in the Northern Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India
Ramappadu Kakita1, Vijayababu Palukuri2

Assessment of Soft Skills among Engineering Students – An Analytical Study
A.K. Gopi Krishna1, K. Suneetha Reddy2, V.B. Chitra3, Suneetha Yadav4

Negotiating Ethnicity and Gender Identity in Anisul Hoque’s Freedom’s Mother and Monica Ali’s BrickLane
Mahaboob Basha1, Anil PremRaj2

The Influence of Communication and Culture on Engineering Education in Hyderabad
P. Rosy Matilda

Problems in Teaching Educational Technology to UG Teacher Educators in AP: A Study on the Effect of Demographic Factors
Vijaya Babu Palukuri1, Vijaya Kumar Chavan2

Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of New Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Composite Sheets: An Experimental Approach
K. Mallikarjuna1, M. Ashok Kumar2, T. Balasai Goud3, G. Siva Prasad4

Modal Analysis of V-12 Engine Cylinder Block Using Abaqus Software for Different Materials
B. Jayachandraiah 

Enhancement of Heat Transfer Coefficient in an Automobile Radiator Using Ethylene Glycol Water Based ZnoNanofluids-An Experimental Investigation
M. Chandra Sekhara Reddy

Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Effects of L/D Ratio in a 2 Stage Hot Cascade Vortex Tube
R. Madhu Kumar1, N.V.V.S. Sudheer2

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Waste Plastic Bio-Oil/Diesel
M. Venkata Subbaiah1, S. Sunil Kumar Reddy2, B. Durga Prasad3

Surface Roughness Measurement of Machined Surfaces by Machine Vision Technique
P. Naresh1, Syed Altaf Hussain2, B. Durga Prasad3

Experimental Studies on the Thermal Performance of a Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Using Water-Ethanol Binary Working Fluids
P. Venkataramana1, P. Vijaya Kuamr2, B. Bala Krishna3

Feasibility of A Powder Coating Process inside Indian Paint’s Company through VSM Approach
Nithin Rajappa1, Srinivasa Rao Potti2, Giridhar B Kamath3, Shiva Prasad H.C4

Impact of Injection Timing on CI Engine using Biodiesel
Ch. Ravikiran1, K. Thirupathi Reddy2, M. L. S Dev Kumar3

Experimental Study on the Effect of Inlet Air Temperature on Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Oil with Diesel Fuelled HCCI Combustion Engine
R. Jyothu Naik1, K. Thirupathi Reddy2

On Le- Ternary Semi Groups-I
C. Sreemannarayana1, D. Madhusudhana Rao2, P. Sivaprasad3, T. Nageswara Rao4, K. Anuradha5

On Le- Ternary Semi Groups-II
C. Sreemannarayana1, D. Madhusudhana Rao2, P. Sivaprasad3, M. Sajani Lavanya4, K. Anuradha5

Neodymium Doped Zinc Oxide Nano Particles as Photocatalyst
Shanthi Karidas1, B. Kalyani2, K. Srikanth3, C.P. Vardhini4

Implementation and Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Systems with Bit Loading Algorithm and Fast Walsh-Hadamard STBC System for ICI Reduction
Rajidi Sahithi1, T. V. Ramana2

Harmonic Elimination of Three-Level Inverter Based on Hybrid PWM for PV Application: Analysis and Simulation Verification
B. Pragathi1, Deepak Kumar Nayak2

A Novel Multiple-Objective Grid Integrated DG Scheme by Using FFR-CG Controller Based DSTATCOM
K. Ravi Sankar1, V. Kamaraju2, R. Srinivasa Rao3

A Comprehensive Survey on Cloud Computing Related Challenges and Issues
K Sreelatha1, V Krishna Reddy2

Analyze and Implementation of Inter-Carrier Interference Reduction Technique in OFDM System
T. Srinivas Reddy1, J. Prabhakar2, CH. Shekar3

Analyze and Implementation of FPGA Implementation of HUB Floating-Point Addition
T. Srinivas Reddy1, CH. Shekar2, J. Prabhakar3

Multiphase Self-Excited Wind Generator
C. Kalaivani1, K. Rajambal2

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS): A Review
Y. Mastanamma1, D. Subbarayudu2

Comparative Analysis of PI and Fuzzy Based Multilevel UPQC for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System
V. Veera Nagi Reddy1, D.V Ashok Kumar2, Venkata Reddy Kota3

A Performance Investigation of Proposed High-Voltage Boost (HVB) DC-DC Converter Fed BLDC Pumping System Using ANFIS Controller
Kshatriya Vamshi Krishna Varma1, A. Ramkumar2

A Comprehensive Evaluation of FFR-CG Controller Based DSTATCOM For Power-Quality Enhancement
K. Ravi Sankar1, V. Kamaraju2, R. Srinivasa Rao3

A Newly Designed Asymmetrical Multi-Cell Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Distributed Renewable Energy Resources
K. Lakshmi Ganesh1, N. Saida Naik2, K. Narendra3, G. Satya Narayana4

Experimental Investigation of Dual Terminal Inverter Topology
C. Janani1, C. Kalaivani2, K. Rajambal3