Volume-7 Issue-6S, March 2019
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Volume-7 Issue-6S, March 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
QOS Parameter Comparison of AODV for CBR, VoIP, and Video Traffic Over MANETs
Poluboyina Lavanya1, V. Siva Kumar Reddy2, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad3
A Forensic Approach to perform Android Device Analysis
Masanam. Sai Prasanna Lakshmi1, Pasupuleti Rajesh2
Smart Traffic Management System for Smart Cities using Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
D. Venkata Siva Reddy1, R.Vasanth Kumar Mehta2
Proposals on the Mitigation Approaches for Network Layer Attacks on MANET
Syeda Hajra Mahin1, Lubna Naaz Fatima2, Fahmina Taranum3, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan4
Low Cost HD Video Surveillance and Recording System Using Raspberry Pi
Rashmi Mishra1, Vandana Khare2
OS X Artifact Analysis
Bhavana Maddu1, P.V.R.D Prasad Rao2
Power Management Strategies in MANETs – A Review
Lubna Naaz Fatima1, Syeda Hajra Mahin2, Fahmina Taranum3, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan4
A Study of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Manufacturing Tools and Their Impact on Manufacturing Performance
Herry Agung Prabowo1, Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta2
Optimization of Driving Mode Switching Strategy for a Multimode Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Moumen Idres1, Mohamed Okasha2
Study on Intelligent Control System of EMA-CVT
Abdul Hassan Jaafar1, Ataur Rahman2
Adopting Dynamic Transient Response Analysis for Sensors Positioning to Monitor Cable Stayed Bridge
Mohammed Idris Mohammed1, Erwin Sulaeman2, Faizal Mustapha3
Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Positive Directional Pattern (LPDP)
Naga Raju Katta1, M. Babu Reddy2
Design and Development of a Retrofit Electric Motorbike
Z. Zainol1, S. F. Toha2, N. A. Kamisan3, W. M. S. W. Bukhari4
Carbon Diffusion in 304l Austenitic Stainless Steel at 650-750 O c in Carburizing Environment
F.I. Haider1, Suryanto2, M.H. Mahmood3
Improvement of Thermal Conductivity by Anodized Copper Coating
M.H. Mahmood1, Suryanto2, F.I. Haider3
Calcium Phosphate /Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Bone Cement: Cell Culture Performance
Sufiamie Hablee1, Nurhusna Samsudin2, Iis Sopyan3, Maizirwan Mel4, Hamzah Mohd. Salleh5, Md. Mujibur Rahman6, Yumi Z. H-Y Hashim7, Raha Ahmad Raus8
Development and Investigation of a Cooling System for a Parked Vehicle using Solar Energy
Mohiuddin A.K.M1, Amirah Osman2, Mohammad Faisal Uddin3
Developing Magnetic Damper System for Microsatellite
Ari Legowo1, Erwin Sulaeman2, Muhammad Danial Rosli3
A Comparative Study of two Different Numerical Schemes for the Simulation of Nonlinear Dynamics of Heated Falling Thin Films
Mohammad A. Hamza1, Ahmad T. Jameel2, Waqar Asrar3
Two-wheel Balancing Robot; Review on Control Methods and Experiments
M.R.M. Romlay1, M.I. Azhar2, S.F. Toha3, M.M. Rashid4
The Effect of Hydraulic Damper Characteristics on the Ride and Handling of Ground Vehicle
Farah Z. Rusli1, Fadly J. Darsivan2
The Whirling Frequency of High-Speed Shaft with Torsional Effect
A. M. A. Wahab1, S. A. H. Roslan2, Z. A. Rasid3, A. Abu4, N. F. M. N. Rudin5, F. Yakub6
Factors Affecting Thermosyphon Performance -A Review of Studies
Rajeanderan Revichandran1, A.K.M. Mohiuddin2, Mohammad Faisal Uddin3
Flexural Behavior of Open-Cell Aluminum Foam Sandwich Under Three-Point Bending
Muataz H. F. Al Hazza1, Nur Asmawiyah Bt. Ibrahim2, Erry Y. T. Adesta3, Nor A. Endut4, Mohammad Yeakub Ali5
Numerical Analysis of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Subjected to Compression Loading
Muataz Hazza F. Al Hazza1, Nor Amalina Endut2, Erry Y. T. Adesta3, Nur Asmawiyah Binti Ibrahim4
Battery Characterization of Hybrid Car
Wan Tarmizi Wan Isa1, Sanisah Saharin2, Wan Wardatul Amani Wan Salim3
Study on the Development of Electromagnetic two Speed Gearbox for EV
Ataur Rahman1, Nurul Hassan2, Abdul Hassan Jaafar3, AKM Mohiuddin4, Sany Ihsan Izan5
Performance Analysis of a Small Capacity Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using QBlade
Ali Said1, Mazharul Islam2, Mohiuddin A.K.M3, Moumen Idres4
Malaysian Automobile Industry and Green Supply Chain Management
Rafia Afroz1, Ataur Rahman2, Md Muhibbullah3, Niaz Morshed4
Efficiency of Thin Film Photovoltaic Paint: A Brief Review
Shaheer A Khan1, Ataur Rahman2
Influence of Internal Fill Pattern, Polishing Time and Z-Axis Orientation on the Tensile Strength of the 3D Printed Part
D Seprianto1, Iskandar2, R Wilza3, EYT Adesta4
Optimization of Parameters in Three Dimensional Printing Objects With Fused Deposition Modeling Technology Against Geometry Accuracy
R Wilza1, Iskandar2, D Seprianto3, EYT Adesta4
Computational Validation of Magnetorheological Elastomers for Engine Mount Application
Ismail Ladipo1, Fadly Jashi Darsivan2, Waleed Feekry Faris3
Design and Development of Automatic Inner Mirror Endurance Test System
A. M. Yaakob1, S. F. Toha2, M. A. A. Kadir3, M. S. M. Yusof4
Performance Evaluation of Linear Quadratic Regulator and Linear Quadratic Gaussian Controllers on Quadrotor Platform
M Islam1, M Okasha2, E Sulaeman3, S Fatai4, A Legowo5
Educational Software for Stress Analysis of Non-Idealized Closed Thin-Walled Sections
J.S. Mohamed Ali1, Mir Owais Ali Ibrahim2, Miah Mohammed Riyadh3
Autonomous Boat for Underwater Surveillance
M.M. Rashid1, Abd Halim Embong2, Azizi bin Hazim3, MD. Julkar Nayen4, Rupal Roy5
Design and Performance Test of a Compressed Air Operated Reciprocating Machine
Mohammad Abdul Aziz1, MM Rashid2, Rupal Roy3, Arifuzzaman4
Development of a Glucose Sensor System with Real Time Calibration
M.M Rashid1, Nadhirah Mokhtaruddi2, Md. Julkar Nayen3
Shape Control of Composite Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators
J. S. Mohamed Ali1, Munir Mohamed Mahmood2, M. S. I. Shaik Dawood3
Spring-Back of Thick Curved Uni-Directional Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composite Laminate For Aircraft Structure Application
M Zakaria1, M S I Shaik Dawood2, Y Aminanda3, S A Rashidi4, M A Mat Sah5
Experimental Investigation on Fresh Water Production using Air Gap Membrane Distillation
Mohamad Hafizuddin bin Roslan1, Rubina Bahar2, Irfan Hilmy3
Modeling Different Repair Configurations of an Aluminum Plate with a Hole
Abdul Aabid1, Meftah Hrairi2, MSI Shaik Dawood3
Determination of Stress Intensity Factor of Actuated Cracked Aluminum Plate Using Strain Gages
Awang Hadi Ifwat bin Awang Bujang1, Meftah Hrairi2, Mohd Sultan Ibrahim bin Shaik Dawood3
Optimization of Incremental Sheet Metal Forming Process using Grey Relational Analysis
Meftah Hrairi1, Jamal I. Daoud2, Faiz Zakaria3
Satellite Attitude Tracking Control using Lyapunov Control Theory
Mohamed Okasha1, Moumen Idres2, Alia Ghaffar3
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of a De-bonded Smart Beam in Actuatio
Mohammad Mursaleen Butt1, Sheikh Nazir Ahmad2, Abdulrehman A. Al-Robaian3, Sher Afghan Khan4
Development of Electro-hydro Automatic Parking Braking System for Automotive System
Ataur Rahman1, Mohiuddin AKM2, Ahsan Sakif3
Performance and Emission Trade-off Assessment for aero-gas Turbine Engine
Muhammad Hanafi Azami1, Mark Savill2
Gait Identification and Optimisation For Amphi-Underwater Robot By Using Ant Colony Algorithm
M. S. M. Yusof1, S. F. Toha2
Parametric Study of Ground Vehicle Suspension System
Mohamad U.H. Ruslan1, Fadly J. Darsivan2
Roll Control Reversal of Variable Swept Wing in Supersonic Flow
Mohamed Ibren1, Erwin Sulaeman2, Ari Legowo3, Nur Azam Abdullah4
Development of Rrapid Charging System for EV Battery
Ataur Rahman1, Abdul Hassan Jaafar2
Electromagnetic Contactless Torque Transducer: Torque Measurement and Shaft Impediment Approach
Ataur Rahman1, Mohiuddin AKM2, Badrul Md Daud3
Design and Material Analysis of Regenerative Dispersion Magnetorheological (MR) Damper
Mohammad Abdul Aziz1, Abd Halim Embong2, MM Rashid3, Mhd Salim Saadeddin4
Constant Flux Control N-level Drive Application for Industries
Urmila Bandaru1, M.Siva Satyanarayana2, N. Deepthi3, L. Rajasekhar Goud4
Real Time Monitoring of Integrated Coalmine Mash up Middleware System Using WSN
D. Navya Devi1, S. Zahoor-ul-Huq2, K. Ishthaq Ahamed3
Detection of Glaucoma using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy in DWT Domain
N. Ramamurthy1, KCT Swamy2, G. Ramarao3, Molla Riyaz Pasha4
Analysis of Multi-Frequency Multi-GNSS Real-Time Signal Observations Acquired by Septentrio PolaRx5 Receiver Station
K.C.T. Swamy1, N. Ramamurthy2, Pasuluri Bindu Swetha3, M. Riyaz Pasha4
Bit-Plane Slicing Algorithm for Crime Data Security using Fusion Technologies
Shaik Akbar1, K. Nageswara Rao2, T. Anand3
EPLQ: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Location-based Query over Outsourced Encrypted Data
M. Vani1, Y. Rama Mohan2
Analysis, Implementation and Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms on Breast Cancer Dataset using WEKA Tool
K. Srikanth1, S. Zahoor Ul Huq2, A.P. Siva Kumar3
A Secure Service Key sharing Approach for Authorized Service Access in Wireless Network Services
D.V. Srihari Babu1, Govardhan Reddy Kamatam2, K. Ayyanna3
Micro Strip Antenna Design for Low Power Cognitive Radio Applications
T. Sarath Babu1, S. Nagaraja Rao2, T.V. Rama Krishna3
QoS Guaranteed Metrics for Dynamic Scheduling through Void Filling and Burst Segmenting in OBS Networks
Kishen Ajay Kumar1, Katam Suresh Reddy2, Mahendra Giriprasad3
Riverbed Modeler Simulation-Based Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Y. Chalapathi Rao1, P. Kishore2, S. Rajendra Prasad3
Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion and its Performance Evaluation
Shaik Afroz Begum1, K. Suresh Reddy2, M. N. Giri Prasad3
Design of Step-up Inexact MAC (IMAC) Unit for DSP Applications
P.V.S.R. Bharadwaja1, M. Venkata Naresh2, Neelima Koppala3, J Sai Krishna4
An IoT for Door-2-Door Residential & Commercial (Waste Generating Units) Authentic Data Collection for Municipal Solid Waste
Shaik Akbar1, K. Nageswara Rao2, I. Murali Krishna3
Optimal Power Flow for IEEE-9 Bus System Using Etap
S. Anil Kumar1, M. Siva Sathya Narayana2, B. Amarnath Naidu3, G. Venkata Subba Reddy4
Multi-Stage Switching Control of Multi-LQR’S for STATCOM Operating Over Wide Range of Operating Conditions in Power System
Sai Shankar1, K T Veeramanju2, Yathisha L3
Detection Techniques for Selective Forwarding Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks
Surinder Singh1, Hardeep Singh Saini2
A Novel Hash based Encryption Technique on Video Steganog-Raphy Integrity Verification Against Attacks
V. Annapurna1, S. Nagaraja Rao2, M. N. Giri Prasad3
A Single Core Double Inductor Buck-Boost Converter with Positive Output Voltage
G. Kishor1, M. Harsha Vardhan Reddy2, R. Ramprasad3, Syed Jaffer Vali4
Low Cost and PI Based Smart Home Garden Watering System using IoT
D. Sowmya1, R. Praveen Sam2
Designing and Comparative Performance Analysis of Protocols in Manet
C. Priyanka1, M. Chaitanya Kishore Reddy2, K Shravani3
Application of Hybrid Techniques to Forecasting Accurate Software Cost Estimation
V. Venkataiah1, Ramakanta Mohanty2, M. Nagaratna3
Security and Privacy Issue of Big Data over the Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Analysis
Mudassir Khan1, Mohd Dilshad Ansari2
Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure De-duplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud
P. Sruthi1, L. Premkumar2
A GA-based Polynomial FLANN with Exploration and Incorporation of Virtual Data Points for Financial Time Series Forecasting
Subhranginee Das1, Sarat Chandra Nayak2, Sanjib Kumar Nayak3, Biswajit Sahoo4
A Contemporary Approach for Malwares Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Sudhakar1, Vandana Khare2
Block Chain Technology with Internet of Things in the Real time Network Stream
Archana Bathula1, Shaik Karimullah Basha2
A Modified TDMA Traffic Model For Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Shakeel Ahmed1, Humaira Nishat2
Surface Roughness Study on Forged Al-TiB2 Composite by Regression Analysis
Hemavathy S1, C N Chandrappa2, Prashanth Kumar K C3
Mask-Nha Based Image Denoising with Random Walker Segmentation
K.M. Hemam Baran1, S.A.K. Jilani2
Investigation on Ternary Blended Self Compacting Concrete using Fly Ash and Alccofine
Bode Venkata Kavyateja1, J. Guru Jawahar2, C. Sashidhar3
Digital Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Networks
Gopichand G1, Sailaja G2, N. Venkata Vinod Kumar3, T. Samatha4
Multi Dimensional Modeling of the in-Cylinder Fuel Sprays Combustion and Emission Formation in D.I. Diesel Engine
Bhanupriya K1, Hemachandra Reddy K2
Comparative Assessment on Privacy Preservation in Health Care Sectors Coupled with IoT
Pravin N. Kathavate1, J. Amudhavel2
Structure and FE Examination of Hybrid Composite Motor Protective Helmet
D. Sreenivasulu Reddy1, Ram Mohan .B2
Characterization of Jute Frp Composite for Structural and Electrical Applications
P L Srinivasa Murthy1, Balasubramanya H S2, Saumya Supratik3, Pavan Jadhav4
Development of Real Time Analytics of Movies Review Data using PySpark
Prakash K. Aithal1, Dinesh Acharya U.2, Geetha M.3
Fresh Properties of Self Compacting Concrete using fly ash and Alccofine
Shaik Sabiya Sulthana1, O. Nagaraju2, J. Guru Jawahar3
Spectral Efficient Massive Mimo Multi-Cell 5G Cellular Environment Using Optimal Linear Processing Schemes
Madan Mohan Rao. Nelluri1, Habibullah Khan.2
Discrete Wavelet Analysis Based Processing of Short-Duration Voltage Variations
M.S. Priyadarshini1, M. Sushama.2
Development and Applications of HHO Water Based Flame Torch
Putha Prasad Kumar1, K. Aruna Prabha2, Ch. Priyadarsini3, S. Swetha.4
Project Schedule Monitoring by Earned Duration Management (EDM)
Chitti Babu Kapuganti1, Pothuru Yaswanth Kumar2, Moosam Surya Teja3, Anga Akhil4, Rohan Barbhuiya5
Micro-Grid Based Electrification For Remote Villages
Vipin Valsan1, Siddhartha2, Dhruv Goel3, Rahul Yadav4, Pramathyu Awasthi5
Effect of Water Mass Flow Rate, Die Materials and Die Geometry on Thermal Profile of Pressure Die Casting Die
Krishna Patel1, Chinmay Desai2
Comparison of Analytical Model and Semi Empirical Model of Pressure Die Casting Die
Krishna R Patel1, Chinmay K. Desai2, Vatsal V. Panchal3, Ravi J. Bhatt4
Comparison of VADER and LSTM for Sentiment Analysis
Adarsh R1, Ashwin Patil2, Shubham Rayar3, Veena K M4
Computational Investigation on Design of Scramjet Combustor – A Review
Kumari Ambe Verma1, K. M. Pandey2, K. K. Sharma3
Comparison of Project Monitoring and Controlling Methods: Earned Value Management (EVM) & Earned Duration Management (EDM)
Chitti Babu Kapuganti1, Balaji K.V.G.D2, T. Santhosh Kumar3
Statistical Study of Product Obsolescence Detection Techniques
Manasvi Gurnaney
Analysis of Various Time Series Change Detection Techniques: An Empirical Review
Sony Kanhaiyalal Ahuja
Survey on Test Generation Using Machine Learning Technique
Naresh E1, Vijaya Kumar B P2, Madhuri D Naik3
A New Scheme For Maximum Utilization of Resources in Load Balancing Algorithm’s in Cloud Computing Architecture
K Ravindranath1, Jigisha D Gadhia2, K. Samaikya Reddy3
Hive Based Geospatial Analysis for Tracking and Envisioning of Geospatial Data in Hadoop Environment
Asha Kiran M1, M. Sreedevi2
Reverse Engineering the Behaviour of NotPetya Ransomware
R Lakshmi Prasanna Sai1, T. Pavan Kumar2
Enhanced Biomedical Data Modeling Using Unsupervised Probabilistic Machine Learning Technique
Syed Rizwana1, Kamala Challa2, Shaik Rafi3, S.Sagar Imambi4
Particle Filtering Based Opticle Flow Computation Model for Crowd Anomaly Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model
Vijay A. Kotkar1, V. Sucharita2
Analysis of Load Balancing Mechanisms in Public Cloud Service
R. Ramya1, B. Seetha2, S. Puvini Vigneshwari3, N. Angayarkanni4
Design of Circuit Optimization Techniques in Low Power Low Cost For Power-on Reset Circuit
A. Kaviya1, M. Janani2, E. Juhi Gladies3
Touchscreen Based Order Intake System in the Restaurant
S. Gowsika1, G. Sangavi2, I. Maia Selva Sujitha3
An Internet of Things based Smart Wearable System for Asthma Patients
S. Mohanraj1, K. Sakthisudhan2
Wireless Sensor Network Based Under Water Pipeline Monitoring For Using Autonomous Under Water Vehicles
S. Bhuvaneshwari1, R. Karuppathal2, A. Vincent Antony Kumar3, N. Pandeeswari4
Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play
N. Valarmathi1, V. Kavitha2, K. C. Mohanraj3, S. Revathy4, E. Gokila Nivetha5
E-Farming Platform for Agriculture Parameter Monitoring through Cloud Computing
E. Dinesh1, L. Ramesh2
Traffic Analysis by Using Random Forest Algorithm Considering Social Media Platforms
Kovuru Sridevi1, T. Ganesan2, B V S Samrat3, S Srihari4
Automated Hippocampus Segmentation
Lahari Hariram1, Karthik Kota2, J. Vedha3, K. Bharathwaj4
Document Classification Using KNN with Fuzzy Bags of Word Representation
P. Lakshmi Prasanna1, S. Manogni2, P. Tejaswini3, K. Tanmay Kumar4, K. Manasa5
Risk Assessment Strategy Performance Measure Using Confusion Matrix
Kunamneni Avinash1, Betha Yasaswi2, D Naga Malleswari3
IoT Ecosystem with Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Maneesha Poluri1, Abhishek Kumar2, Sunandha Allam3, K.V.D. Kiran4
A Comparative Analysis of Parallel and Distributed FSM approaches on Large-scale Graph Data
S. Ajay Kumar1, Pellakuri Vidyullatha2
Data Security Using Multi Prime RSA in Cloud
Sunanda Nalajala1, Pratyusha Ch2, Meghana A3, Phani Meghana B4
Performance Analysis of Regression Based Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Stock Market Movement
Nitin Nandkumar Sakhare1, S. Sagar Imambi2
Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Search over Outsourced Cloud Data Using N-Gram
V. Krishna Reddy1, Ch. Srikala2, Nishmai Chowdary V3, G. Sai Raghava4, Roshan Baig5
Secure Access Control For Cloud Data Using Attribute Based Encryption Schemes
Divya Vadlamudi1, Sunanda Garlapati2, Qhairunnisa Syed3, Krishna Kishore Nunna4
Identification of Opinionated Features Extraction from Unstructured Textual Reviews
Haritha Donavalli1, Balaji Penubaka2
A Systematic Study of Asset Management using Hybrid Cyber Security Maturity Model
Sai Sireesha Veerapaneni1, K. Raja Sekhar2
Expert system for Building Cognitive Model of a Student using Crypt Arithmetic Game and for Career Assessment
V. Chandra Prakash1, V. Kantharao2, JKR Sastry3, V. Bala Chandrika4
Approaches for Mitigating Insider Attacks in Cloud Infrastructure
Divya Vadlamudi1, Pushpitha.M2, Sarika.G3, Tejaswini.N4
IoT Based Home Intrusion Detection System
M. Kavitha1, K Anvesh2, P Arun Kumar3, P Sravani4
Machine Learning Approach for Student Career Assessment in the Modern World
V. Sai Kuswanth1, Gogineni Krishna Chaitanya2, B. Sekhar Babu3, Uppuluri Lakshmi Soundharya4
SSR Method for Private Medical Data in HSN using Light Weight Encoding Method
Radhika Rani Chintala1, Somu Venkateswarlu2, M. Sri Lakshmi3
Currency Note Verification and Denomination Recognition on Indian Currency System
Kaza Deepthi Sudha1, Pooja Kilaru2, Manna Sheela Rani Chetty3
Detecting and Analyzing the Malicious Windows Events using Winlogbeat and ELK Stack
J. N. Praneeth1, M. Sreedevi2
Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Using C4.5 Algorithm
M. Praveena1, N. Bhavana2
Video Steganography using LSB Scheme for Secure and Efficient Data Transmission
C. N. Sujatha1, Y V Raghava Rao2
A Biometric Security for Cloud Data Using Voice as A Key
B. Konda Reddy1, Ch. Gowri Supriya2, B. Durga Prasad3, K. Ruth Ramya4
Experimental Realization of 2D Chaos Synchronization using Microcontroller TMEGA 16 and Applied in a Secure PIN Transaction
Anup Kumar Das1, Mrinal Kanti Mandal2
Job Satisfaction in Secondary School Teachers With Respect to Demographic Factors
Deepti Chahar1, Dayal Pyari2
Disease Prediction by Using Deep Learning Based on Patient Treatment History
Kadam Vinay R1, K.L.S.Soujanya2, Preety Singh3
A Strategy to Attenuate Black Hole Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
A. Anjaiah1, P. Netrasri2, P. Sandhya3, Md. Ilias4, T. Vijay Kanth Reddy5
An Effective Straggler tolerant Scheme in Big Data Processing Systems using Machine Learning
Shyam Deshmukh1, K. Thirupathi Rao2, B. Thirumala Rao3, Vaibhav Pawar4
Feature Extraction and Clustering Techniques on Remote Sensing Images-A Survey
J V D Prasad1, M. Sreelatha2
Development of a Prediction Model for Atmospheric Scintilla-Tions on Earth –Space Ka Band Link in Indian Climate
R. Prabhakar1, T.V. Ramana2
A Cognitive Implementation For High Throughput, Low Power Hybrid Adaptive and Intelligent Mimo Detectors on Reconfigurable Architectures For 5g LTE/IoT Environment
Anil Kumar Tipparti
An Enhanced Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm based on User Similarity for Recommender Systems
Ramil G. Lumauag1, Ariel M. Sison2, Ruji P. Medina3
Deep Learning and Optimization for Degrade Single Numbers Document with Convolution Neural Networks
Sravan Kumar Vulchi1, Kalli Srinivasa Nageswara Prasad2
Comparative Study of Different Types of Feature Extraction Algorithms and Classifiers used in FER System
Trina Das1, Shamneesh Sharma2
Fifth Umpire – An Online Coaching System to Track and Monitor the Performance of the Players
Vallidevi Krishnamurthy
A Review of Different Machine Learning Models to Analyze Collective Behavior in Social Networks
M. Jeevana Sujitha1, P. Udayaraju2, V. Anjani Kranthi3
Secure Information Sharing in Cloud Exploitation Revocable Storage Identity Primarily Based Encryption
Ponnuru Anusha1, Ganga Ramakoteswararao2
Optimal Kernel based Neutrosophic Soft Sets Clustering for Image Segmentation based on Pareto Optimal Algorithm
B. Prasanthi1, N. Nagamalleswararao2
Design of Master-Slave Coupling for Chaotic Synchronization of Maps
A. K. Das1, M. K. Mandal2
Evolution of a Defect in a 2D Wet Foam
Atef AbdelKader1, E.A. Dawi2
Evaluation of Mangrove Crab Classification System
Jasmin H. Almarinez1, Alexander Hernandez2
Experimental Investigation on Special Concrete Using Steel Nail
N. Pannirselvam1, K. Chandra Mouli2, D.V.V. Naga Sai Pardhu3, V. Anitha4
Review on Factors Influencing Labour Productivity in Construction Project
Revianty Nurmeyliandari Nurhendi1, Muhamad Azry Khoiry2, Noraini Hamzah3
Web Automation using Selenium Web Driver Python
V. Neethidevan1, G. Chandrasekaran2
Implementing and Testing of IoT Technology in Agriculture
J. Maha Kavya Sri1, Narendra VG2, Vidya Pai3
Implementation of Smart Rescue Operations and Adversity Managing System using the Internet of Things and Sensors
J L Mazher Iqbal1, Y Aparna2
Interface Modification for Enhancing the Conduction Mechanisms in 2,2’,7,7’-Tetrakis(N,N-Diphenylamine)-9,9’-Spir Obifluorene (Spiro-TAD) Nano Layers for Optoelectronic Applications
Omwati Rana1, Ritu Srivastava2, M.N. Kamalasanan3, M. Husain4, M. Zulfequar5
Numerical Modeling for Wave Attenuation by Coastal Vegetation using FLOW3D
S. Hemavathi1, R. Manjula2
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors Fabricated on Zirconium Oxide High-Κ Gate Dielectric Nano Layers
Onkar Mangla1, Savita Roy2
RaspberryPi Based Surveillance and Monitoring System
D. Naresh Kumar1, S.V.S Prasad2, K. Ravishankar3
Experimental Investigation on Banana Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Conventional Concrete
K. Chandramouli1, N. Pannirselvam2, D.V.V. Naga Sai Pardhu3, V. Anitha4
DNA Based Access Control Method in Cloud Environment
L.S. Swasthimathi1, S. Sivagurunathan2
Health Machine Sensors Network Controlling and Generating Trust Count in the Servers Platform through IoT
Subrata Chowdhury1, P. Mayilvahananan2, Ramya Govindraj3
Classification of High-Resolution Images with Local Binary Pattern and Convolutional Neural Network
T. Gladima Nisia1, S. Rajesh2
Estimation of Erosion and Deposition of Krishna River Bank using Remote Sensing & GIS
K. Sudhakar1, M. Sudhakar2
A Review of Comparison Between NoSQL Databases: MongoDB and CouchDB
Rupali Kaur1, Jaspreet Kaur Sahiwal2
Constraints and Reasons that Prevent the Implementation the Smart Classrooms at Education in Saudi Arabia: South Governorates and Villages
AlGhamdi N.M1, Abdullah Altameem2
Squeezing Deep Learning Into Mobile Devices
Ramya Venkatesh1, Ramesh Ragala2, R. Jagadeesh Kannan3
Investigating the Challenges Encountered by the Omani Students in English Writing (ENG102) at Scientific College of Design Muscat
Roshini Michael
Exploiting Contextual Information of Color Images through Feature Extraction Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
Cheruku Sandesh Kumar1, Vinod Kumar Sharma2, Rekha Chaturvedi3
Short Term GA-NFIS based Hybrid Method for Prediction of Wind Speed & Power in Sustainable Power Generation
Vijay Kumar1, Yash Pal2, Madan Mohan Tripathi3
Wavenet Based Speech Recognition System on An Embedded Board
Aniruddha Sharma1, John Sahaya Rani Alex2
Machine Learning Approaches For Nurses Decision Support System
Elizabeth Sony Thomas1, Anju Pratap2
InFEvoS: Integrated Farming Evolution System
Tajinder Singh Sondhi1, Awari Renuka Sambhaji2, Sharmila Banu K3
PSO Tuned ANFIS Model for Short Term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting
Harendra Kumar Yadav1, Yash Pal2, Madan Mohan Tripathi3
Speech based Object Identification using Region Proposal Faster RCNN Algorithm
Samiksha Choyal1, Ajay Kumar Singh2
Improving the Accuracy of Rainfall Prediction using Optimized LSTM Model
S. Geetha
Text Classification Using Fuzzy Neural Network
U. Sree Krishna1, Hima Shree2, K. Jayadeep3, P. Lakshmi Prasanna4
A Fuzzy Transportation Problem Model for Well Balanced Diet Plan
A. Venkatesh1, A. Britto Manoj2
Exploration of the Impacts of Blended Learning in Higher Education Using CBDLHFCM
D. Durai Arul Durga Devi1, J. Femila Mercy Rani2, P. Vijayalakshmi3, C. Yamini4, Nivetha Martin5
A Mathematical Model for Nutrient Requirements Using Fuzzy Optimization
A. Venkatesh1, P. Manikandan2
A Mathematical Model for the Effect of Parathyroid Hormone using Fuzzy Log-Normal Distribution
A. Venkatesh1, S. Prakasam2
Cost-Effective Remote Energy Monitoring using the ESP8266 NodeMCU
Arthur James Swart
Comparative Analysis of ZigBee Based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Noman Shabbir1, Syed R. Hassan2, Muhammad N. Iqbal3, Lauri Kutt4, Arooj Unbreen5
Frequency Scaling Based Low Power ORIYA UNICODE READER (OUR) Design ON 40nm and 28nm FPGA
Amanpreet Kaur1, Keshav Kumar2, Amanpreet Sandhu3, Amandeep Kaur4, Abhishek Jain5, Bishwajeet Pandey6
Rift: A High-Performance Consensus Algorithm for Consortium Blockchain
Fazeel Ahmed Khan1, Adamu Abubakar2, Marwan Mahmoud3, Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Khasawneh4, Ala Abdulsalam Alarood5
Load Harmonizing Architectural Design Scheme for CBPR Networks
Jayaprakash R1, Radha Balasubramanian2
A New Monopole Antenna Design for ISM Band Coverage
Ch. Sai Sree1, B. Prudhvi Nadh2, B.T.P. Madhav3
A Systematic Literature Review on Cardiovascular Disorder Identification using Knowledge Mining and Machine Learning Methods
Syed Immamul Ansarullah1, Pradeep Kumar2