
The Indonesia Implementation of National Policy for Rural Community to Business Development in Banyumas Regency Central Java Province
Hari Walujo Sedjati1, Lily Montarcih Limantara2

1Hari Walujo Sedjati, Lecturer of Social and Politic Science Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya-West Java Province –Indonesia.
2Lily Montarcih Limantara*, Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesuia.

Manuscript received on 3 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 10 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP:2902-2908 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: C4781098319/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C4781.098319
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: One of the alternatives, the national program for rural community empowerment was regarded the most effective way by the government of Banyumas Regency. The implementation of the program in extending credit had hit the accurate target, but was not successful in terms of opening new employment and increasing the income of woman’s business groups because of relatively small amount of entrepreneurial loan, relatively high interest of 17% per year, and short repayment period of 1 year. Poor traders encounter tight competition, lack of information, lack of skills and low motivation to thrive. As a supporting factor, the implementation of physical development was not effective because the poor as the target group were not involved much in development planning discussion represented by recognized local figures, representatives of several villages and village apparatuses who had authority to take the initiative for designing the program. The decision regarding the physical development was preferably designated for their own interest rather than the business orientation of poor housewives group in rural areas. In addition, low education and low social status of the poor business group cause the tendency to inferiority, which lead to be apathy and passiveness in planning and supervision of the rural community empowerment program.
Keywords: Policy, Increase, Income, Poor, Rural Areas

Scope of the Article: E-Business