
Concrete Canvas: A Multifaceted Construction Material
C.Lakshmi Prasanna1, ME (2) B.Amar Deepak, M.Tech2

1C.Lakshmi Prasanna, ME, AP State Police Housing Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2B.Amar Deepak, M.Tech, AP State Police Housing Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Manuscript received on 4 August 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on 9 August 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 September 2019. | PP: 1898-1901 | Volume-8 Issue-3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: C4462098319/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C4462.098319
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Cement concrete is a most used construction material, due to its enormous demand worldwide in the construction sector. Concrete serves many purposes in different adverse conditions, there are many advantages but there is one limitation that is concrete is not flexible. Concrete Canvas brought a revolutionary change in the construction materials called Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs) which as many applications and used as an alternative to conventional concrete. It is a flexible, concrete canvas that gets hardens on hydration to form a thin, durable, waterproof and low-carbon concrete layer. Concrete Canvas may find its tremendous scope in the Construction sector as fire resistance and water proofing material. The concrete canvas has a self healing property thereby adds good benefit to the life of material and economically because of its zero percent repairs maintenance. Even though if the concrete canvas gets damaged after a period of time, it gets self healed with the contact of water which helps in the hydration process. This paper mainly focuses on the case study done on the applicability of concrete canvas for fire resistant, Water proof and bulletproofing with the help of AP State Police and to explore different applications in Construction sector as well as Defense sector.
Keywords: Concrete Canvas, Fire Resistant, Impregnated fabric, Self healing, Waterproofing.

Scope of the Article:
Concrete Engineering