Generation of Electricity from Fruit and Vegetable Waste
Parinder Kaur1, Anjali Rathi2, Anshul Dhawan3
1Er. Parinder Kaur*, Assistant Professor, Food Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, VFSTR, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) India.
2Er. Anjali Rathi, Quality Assurance Technician in Dipardo Foods, Brampton, Canada.
3Er. Anshul Dhawan, Assistant Professor, Food Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, VFSTR, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) India. 

Manuscript received on January 02, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on January 15, 2020. | Manuscript published on January 30, 2020. | PP: 2032-2034 | Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020. | Retrieval Number: E5041018520/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E5041.018520

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Abstract: Roughly 1.3 million tons of food accounting to one-third of the annual food production meant for human consumption is wasted annually. Food wastage can be reduced to a great extent by proper post-harvest treatments, cold storage as well as improving the supply chain. However, food waste such as vegetable peels, meat carcasses and teabags is almost unavoidable and accounts for 19% of the total waste and can be used for energy generation by anaerobic digestion where microorganisms convert the waste material into biogas that can be utilized to produce electricity. Three set-up were made using E. Coli stains for the same- control set-up, set-up containing glucose to act as a substrate for E. Coli bacteria and a set-up containing KCl as it is an electrolyte and can help in transfer of charge. Set-up was made using air tight plastic containers connected with a salt bridge. Graphite rods were placed in each container and connected with wire. Slurry was poured in the container and connected to another container with water and air pump. The control MFC set-up produced the least amount of electricity followed by set-up containing KCl and most electricity production was found in set-up containing glucose. Thus, providing a substrate to the waste can help in production of electricity from waste thus giving a way to utilise the organic waste material in a judicious way.
Keywords: E. Coli, Electricity, MFC, Organic waste.
Scope of the Article: Next Generation Internet & Web Architectures.