Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019

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Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

REDIC K –Prototype Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Data (Numerical and Categorical Data)
Khyati R.1, Nirmal2, K.V.V.Satyanarayana3

Preparation of Titania Thin Films Using Sol-Gel Techniques
Abd Al-Abass Abd Al-Ameer Shakir Al-Hamadani1, Khelfa Fadelshedhan Muselmawe2

Enhance Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete by Adding Silica Fume
Ilham Abid Almajeed1, Samer K. Turki2

Stability and Stiffness of Asphaltic Concrete Incorporating Waste Cooking Oil
KRamadhansyah Putra Jaya1, Khairil Azman Masri2, Haryati Awang3, Mohamad Idris Ali4, Noram Irwan Ramli5, Wan Nur Aifa Wan Azahar6, Ekarizan Shaffie7, Haryati Yaacob8, Muhammad Naqiuddin Mohd Warid9, Ichwana Ramli10

Experimental Study on Properties of Concrete using Latex and Rock Wool Fibre
Prabavathy.S1, N.K.Amudhavalli2

Performance comparison of Quasi-Z-Source inverter with Current Source Switched Boost Quasi Impedance Source Inverter
Shines T.S1, S. Ramamoorthy2

A Review of Recent Advancements in Flux Reversal Permanent Magnet Machine (FRPMM)
Manne Bharathi1, M. Kiran Kumar2, O. Chandra Sekhar3, M. Ramamoorty4

Visco-Elastic Characteristic of Bitumen Incorporating Nano Silica
Khairil Azman Masri1, Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya2, Mohamad Idris Ali3, Noram Irwan Ramli4,

Haryati Awang5, Ahmad Kamil Arshad6, Mohamad Saifullah Samsudin7, Mohd Khairul Idham Mohd Satar8, Dewi Sri Jayanti9

Design and Analysis of Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Slot on Rectangular Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
Sriram Sandhya Rani1, K. K. Naik2

Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Wire Cut EDM Parameters for Performance Measures of Heat Treated SS304: Ranking Algorithm and Anova Approach
Ganesh Babu Loganathan1, S. Kalyan Kumar2, S.P. Sundar Singh Sivam3, K. Saravanan4, S. RajendraKumar5

Perceptions of the Employees on Green and Sustainable Practices in the Hotel Industry and Its Implications: Empirical Evidence from the Selected Star Hotels
R Sangeetha1, L Jeyanthi Rebecca2

A Knowledge Structure for MIMO OFDM
R A Veer1, L C Siddanna Gowd2

Disease Gene Identification Using Reliable Robust Classifier
V. Murugesan1, P. Balamurugan2

Online Learning: An Emergence of New Model of Education
Rahul Chandra Kushwaha1, Achintya Singhal2

ICT: A Paradigm Shift in Promotion of Agricultural Products
Shantanu Saurabh1, Veenita Singh2, Abhishek Kumar3

Quantitative Analysis of Development Environment Risk for Agile Software through Machine Learning
Anand Kumar Rai1, Shalini Agarwal2, Mazahar Khaliq3, Abhishek Kumar4

Investigating the Performance of Cement Mortar containing Rice Straw Ash, Microsilica and Their Composite by Compressive Strength
Arunabh Pandey1, Brind Kumar2

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Approaches with Mining of Reviews: A Comparative Study
Neha Nandal1, Jyoti Pruthi2, Amit Choudhary3

The Effect of Machining Factors on Surface Roughness and Flank Wear While Turning Steel Alloy AISI 3415 using Tialn Coated Carbide Insert
Venkatesh.P1, Sivaprakasam.R2

A Novel and Fast Way to Decode VLEC
Richa Gupta1, BhuDev Sharma2, Vishal Jain3

Locating Book In Library Using Wi-Fi
N.Thulasi Chitra1, R.Anusha2, G.Roja3, B.Dhana Lakshmi4

A Credit Card Fake Detection System Using Image Cryptography
G.Roja1, N.Tulasi Chitra2, K. Pushpa Rani3, B.Dhanalaxmi4

Unsupervised Deep Neural Scheme for Mobile Phone Based Unlabelled Medical Image Classification
Priyadarshini Adyasha Pattanaik

Digital Humanities: Can Machine Translation Replace Human Translation
VenuShree1, Iti Mathur2, Geetha Yadav3, Nisheeth Joshi4

Area and Power Budget Estimation of Hierarchical Network Topology in Comparison with 2D Mesh Topology for NOCs and its Design and Implementation Oriented Overview
Kulkarni Rashmi Manik1, S Arulselvi2, B Karthik3

Influence of Graphite Fillers in Mechanical and Thermal Property of Carbon Fiber Epoxy Resin Composites
Sunitha K1, Bharathi A2,  AnnaMahesh A3, Mohamed Haris S4

A Progressive Classification Framework for Detecting SPAM emails and Identification of Authors
I V S Venugopal1, D Lalitha Bhaskari2, M N Seetaramanath3

ECETR-Extended Content Extraction via Tag Ratios
KR Ashok Kumar1, Y Rama Devi2

Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna for WLAN/ Bluetooth/ ISM/GPS/ LTE Applications
K. Dharani1, V. Rajesh2, B.T.P. Madhav3, B. Prudhvi Nadh4

Correlation analysis of Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) and Tide Data observed at Port Blair, India during 2013-2016
M. Ravi Kumar1, M. Sridhar2, V. V. D. Dharani Kumar3, Sarat K. Kotamraju4, D. Venkata Ratnam5

Misarticulated /r/ – Speech Corpus and Automatic Recognition Technique
Suresh Kumar Nagaram1,  Suman Maloji2,  Kasiprasad Mannepalli3

Improvised mRMR feature selection for predicting Breast Cancer
Senthil S1, Deepa B G2

Health Advisory System using IoT Technology
K. Asish Vardhan11, N.Thirupathi Rao2, S. Naga Mallik Raj3, G.Sudeepthi4, Divya5, Debnath Bhattacharyya6, Tai-Hoon Kim7

Experimental Investigations on CI engine with Different Combustion Chamber Designs
V.Sivaramakrishna1, A Siva Kumar2, A Aruna Kumari3

Bipartite Graph Energy Based Similarity measure for Document Clustering
G. Hannah Grace1, Kalyani Desikan2

Digital Generation of Harmonic Signals
Inga Nikolaevna Bulatnikova1, Natalja Nikolaevna Gershunina2

Development of a Threat Detection System for Network Attacks
G. Krishna Kishore1, Suresh Babu Dasari2, S. Ravi Kishan3

AgriFog- A Fog Computing based IoT for Smart Agriculture
Sucharitha. V1, Prakash. P2, Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer3

Identification of Common Sitting Postures of Aircraft Passengers through Observation Method
Fairuz I Romli1, Negin Ozve Aminian2, Norfara Aiza Hamzah3

Multiple Motion Control System of Robotic Car Based on IoT to Produce Cloud Service
Rajitha Annangi1, Mohammad Khadir2

Experimental Investigations on CI Engine using different Combustion Chambers and Biodiesel as Fuel
Shaik Hussain1, A. Siva Kumar2, A.  Aruna Kumari3

An exact facsimile of a version of the Newton Raphson Iteration Formula is established and a new formula discovered.
Abdel Wahab Nourein

Memristor employed Accurate-Approximate Ripple Carry Adder and Ripple Borrow Subtractor Architectures
S.Muthulakshmi1, A. Sivasubramanian2, S.R.S. Prabaharan3

Network Coding Based Transport Protocol Variants in Cognitive Radio Network
Shine Let G1, Josemin Bala G2, Benin Pratap C3, Magdalene W4

Detection and Identification of a required keyword within an audio content
Naresh E1, Vijaya Kumar B. P2, Niranjanamurthy M3

Analyzing the Interobserver Variability in Stages of Tooth Development with Orthopantomogram (OPG)
Stella A1, Jeevarathan J2, Emmanuel Dhiravia Sargunam3, Thirumalai Selvi4

Optimal Order of the Differentiator Selection in Noise Removal of ECG Signals
G.S.S.S.S.V. Krishna Mohan1, Yarravarapu Srinivasa Rao2

Internet of Vehicles (IOV): Evolution, Architectures, Security Issues and Trust Aspects
Indu1, Sibaram Khara2

Experimental study and model development for on-line drill wear monitoring system using Lab VIEW
T. Sathish1, D. Chandramohan2

Design and Analysis of Wind Box Segment in Travelling Grate Stoker Boiler using CFD
T. Sathish1, D. Chandramoha2

Teaching Methods and Methodologies Used in Laboratories
T. Sathish1, D. Chandramoha2

A Review on the Design of Lightweight Symmetric Block Ciphers for Cyber Physical Systems
Prathiba A1, Kanchana Bhaaskaran V S2

Attribute Reduction and Cost Optimization using Machine Learning methods to Predict Breast Cancer
Magesh G1, Swarnalatha P2

Planar Monopole Antenna with Compact EBG For Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Applications
CH Deepthi1, T V Rama Krishna2, B T P Madhav3, B Prudhvi Nadh4

Multi-Modal Biometric System Using Iris, Face and Fingerprint Images for High-Security Application
Ayesha Tarannum1, Md. Zia Ur Rahman2

The Effect of Machining Factors on the Mean Cutting Force and Cutting Power While Turning Steel Alloy AISI 52100 in Dry Condition
Rajarajan. S1, Sivaprakasam. R2

Language and Text Independent Speaker Recognition System using Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
J Sirisha Devi

Dual Edge Classifier Based Support Vector Machine (Desvm) Classifier for Clinical Dataset
S. Kavipriya1, T. Deepa2

Consumers Behaviour With Respect To Adoption of M-Banking Services in Tamilnadu
DeepaDamodaran1,  N. Sambandam2

Speed Range Enhancement for Five Phase Induction Motor Drive using Reconfiguration of Five Phase Supply
B. Jyothi1, P.Bhavana2

Publication Trends on Overlapping Boundaries among Capabilities related to Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Management in R&D Context
Zeeshan Asim1, Shahryar Sorooshian2, Muhammad Shahid Ahmad3

Study on Effect of Partial Replacement of Sludge in Bricks
Keerthana. S1, Kavya. K2,  Pradeep.T3, Sharmila.S4

Point and Interval Estimates of Weibull Distribution to Progressively Type II Censored Data by order statistics Approach
Sujatha.V1, Ravanan. R2, Ramakrishnan. M3

IoT based Accident Management System
Vijaykumar P1, Ganesan V2, Sharmila A3, Madhu G. C4, R. Rajashree5, Xiao-Zhi Gao6

Machine Learning Approach for Agricultural IoT
Abraham Sudharson Ponraj1, Vigneswaran T2

An Effective Resource Utilization for Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Environment in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks
Anusha M1, Srikanth Vemuru2

Programmable Logic Control (PLC)-Based Fire Alarm System
Lloyd L. Tejano

A Survey and Analysis on Various Objective Functions Defined for RPL in 6LoWPAN
P.Suganya1, Ch. Pradeep Reddy2

Iterative Gradient Ascent Expected Maximization Clustering for Weather Forecasting
Pooja S. B1, R.V Siva Balan2

A Study of Hybrid Cloud in Big Data using Fog Computing
S. Charumathi1, K. R. Sekar2

Predictive Analytics in Cryptocurrency using Neural networks: A Comparative Study
Agha Salman Khan1, Peter Augustine2

Labeling of Splitting Graph of a Bipartite Graph
G. Sathiamoorthy1, K. R. Sekar2

Creation and Data Analysis of Women Safety Index of Delhi and It’s Neighbouring Cities
Pranika Kaur1, Rinku Dixit2, Shailee Choudhary3

Chemical Process Parameter Surveillance using IoT
R. Sanjeev1, S. Rathidevi2, M. Surendar Pandi3, U. Rajkanna4

Influence of Airline Service Marketing Mix with Airline Passenger Satisfaction and Loyalty
G. Rajesh1, K. Sakthidasan Sankaran2

MONO-Spam: An Intelligent Spam Detector Based On Natural Language Processing
Eshwar.S1, Lavanya. K2

The Performance of Control Charts in the Presence of Assignable Causes
Moya-Fernández P. J1, Álvarez E.2, Skalská H3


Grid Connected, Transformer less Single phase Inverter Topologies for Photovoltaic systems
Selvamathi R1, V Indragandhi2, AshokKumar L3, Ramani Kannan4

A vital SVKPCA Feature Set for Robust FRS with Ensemble Neural Network Classifier
S. Princy Suganthi Bai1, D. Ponmary Pushpa Latha2

Design and Analysis of Ku/Ka Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna using Varactors
S.S.S Kalyan1, K.Ch.Sri Kavya2, Sarat K. Kotamraju3, P. Nethan4

Hybrid UWB Based Imaging Technique for Breast Tumour Detection by using Enhanced Robust and Artifact Removal Algorithm
E.Govinda1, V. B. S. S. Indira Dutt2

Synthesis of Adaptable Gadgetfor Shielding the Crops
S. Suresh Kumar1, P. Akash2, V. Ashish3, E. Aswin4, R. Gowtham5

A study on improving the marketability of job related services among the recruiters with reference to online job portal, Kochi & Trivandrum
Karthik R1, Jeayaram Subramanian2

An Effective Data Classification Method for Medical Dataset in terms of Accuracy and Time
Sivakumar Venkataraman1, Subitha Sivakumar2

Flag Semaphore Detection using Tensorflow and Opencv
Athul Motty1, Yogitha A2, R Nandakumar3

Enhancing Software Reliability Prediction based on Hybrid Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor with Glowworm Swarm Optimization (FKNN-GSO) Algorithm
Shailee Lohmor1, B. B. Sagar2

Railway Gate System: Railway Gate Status Detection
Chandolu Yeshwanth Sai Vivek1, Dharaa C2, Prakash P3

E-Anfis to Diagnose the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
Subhashini R1, Jeyakumar M K2

Programmable Conveyor System with Product Counter
Jessie Nigparanon

Computer- Assisted Programmable Logic Controller Simulator
Ribomapil D. Nacorda

An Efficient and Secured Secret Password Sharing Technique using Block Chain
Adury Vijay Kumar1, Avvaru Anil Kumar2, Kotra Mounica3, Sambangi Hitesh4

Vehicles to Vehicle Communication in Intersection using Li-Fi and RF Technology
Sundara Ganesh S1, V. Evelyn Brindha2

Exploitation of Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities and their Prevention on the Server-side
K. Joylin Bala1,  E. Babu Raj2

Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Based Voice Controlled Autonomous Vehicle for Surveillance
Hans Tiwari1,  Ashish Jha2, Vetrivelan. P3


Indo-Malayan Stingless Bees’ Propolis Extract-Loaded Chitosomes: Characterization and Storage Stability Evaluation
Nur Amalina Ramli1, Nora’aini Ali2, Sofiah Hamzah3

An Efficient Multi Level Client Integrity Verification and Encryption Model on Cloud Data Security
Lakshmi Naga Divya Tamma1, Shaik Shakeel Ahamad2

Routing Protocol for Manet: Token Based Energy Efficient Qos Aware Routing Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms
S. J. Sultanuddin1, Mohammed Ali Hussain2

Ethiopia as a Newly Emerging Global Textile Centre: A Review
Meseret Diriba1, Sanjaya Kumar Ghadai2, Satya Narayan Misra3

The Optimum Dosage of the Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Improving the Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Vijaya Bhaskar. A1,  M. Shanmugasundaram2

Optimized Multi-threading To Balance Energy and Performance Efficiency
Sri Vidya B1, Harini Sriraman2, Rukmani P3

Optimal Placement of Facts Devices in Power System for Power Quality Improvement
Mithilesh Singh1, Shubhrata Gupta2

Distributed Programming Frameworks in Cloud Platforms
Anitha Patil

A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method for Tourist Location Selection
G. Rajesh1, K. Sakthidasan Sankaran2

Synthesis and Characterization of SiC/Al2O3 Reinforced AA5083 Metal Matrix Composite by Friction Stir Processing
Sabitha Jannet1, R Raja2, Maialen Gonzalez Jaio3, Morish Manohar B4

Nb-IoT Based Water Meter
Aravind Raj D1, S. Kayalvizhi2

FORETELL: Forecasting Environmental Data Through Enhanced LSTM and L1 Regularization
Gayathiri Kathiresan1, Krishna Mohanta2, Khanaa Velumailu Asari3

Cognitive Radio Networks for Detecting Malicious Nodes
Dinokumar Kongkham1, M Sundararajan2

Design and Simulation of a Fuzzy Logic Controlled Hybrid Wind-Solar System
V Mahalakshmi1, S P Vijayaragavan2, T Jayanthi3

Fuzzy Based Modular Bidirectional Energy Conversion for Hybrid Vehicle and Renewable Energy Applications
Arikesh1, Maumita Saha2

Bilateral Filtering Allied with Neural Network Based on GLSZM Characteristic Mining and Typical Classification of Human Brain Images
S Hariharasudhan1, B Raghu2

PV Based Power Electronic Converters for High Voltage DC Applications
V Mahalakshmi1, S P Vijayaragavan2

Interpretation of Mammogram Images and Shape Description Analysis with Convex Hull Method
Kumara Guru Diderot P1, N Vasudevan2

ESP8266 Based Pre-Paid Electricity System
Tejas Gujrati1, E Terence2

Advanced Defence Mechanisms for Future Network Security using SDN
Jisha S Najeem1, Prabhakar Krishnan2

Design and Development of Remote Location Water Quality Monitoring System using IoT
P. Gopi krishna1, Panchumarthi Harish2, K. Krishna Veni3, Gangisetti Sai Kumar4, J Raja Sekhar5

An Approach of Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Based on SVM Classifier
J. Keerthi1, Suman Maloji2, P. Gopi Krishna3

Smart Home Authentication and Security with IoT using Face Recognition
P. Gopi Krishna1, P. Sai Phani Kumar2, K Sreenivasa Ravi3, M. Divya Sravanthi4, N. Likhitha5

Super-Pixel Segmentation and Saliency based Plant Leaf Disease Detection using SVM
Bollamreddi VVS Narayana1, K Sreenivasa Ravi2, P Gopi Krishna3

Game Environment Exploration using Curiosity-Driven Learning
Harihara Sudhan N1, Shriram S2, Meghna Anand3, Sujeetha R4

Virtual Enterprises in A Spatial Economy
Sergey Vladimirovich Shaytura1, Alina Mazhitovna Minitaeva2, Konstantin Vasilievich Ordov3, Valeria Vyacheslavievna Shaparenko4

IoT based Smart Farming using TVWS
G. Ashwinraj1, Sitaraa krishnakumar2, G. Kasi viswanathan3, P. Thanu krishna4, R. Sujeetha5

Optimization of Deep Neural Networks for Modeling Traffic Data using GPS
GA.Sampath Dakshina Murthy1, Rudra Pratap Das2, T.Karthikeyan3

Degradation of Modified Sisal Fiber Buried in Black Cotton and litomargic Soil
Kiran S.P1, A.N Ramakrishna2

A Study of Campus Engagement Practices in India
Vishnu Sreenivasan

Building Large Scale Cloud System for Product Sentiment Analysis using Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection
P Vasudevan1, K P Kaliyamurthie2

A Comprehensive Analysis on Sign Language Recognition System
Rajesh George Rajan1, M Judith Leo2

Human Emotion Detection Based On Facial Expression Using Convolution Neural Network
Penke Satyanarayana1, Pathan Madhar Khan2, Shaik Junez Riyaz3

Design and Simulation of Star Circular Micro Strip Patch Antenna
S. Anitha Rani1, P. Dhana lakshmi2

An Improved Pso Algorithm for Floor Planning in Asic Design
R. Dheebiga1, R. Manikandan2

Analysis of Buckling Strength in The Case of Axial Load of Various Composite Cylinder Shells
K. Radha krishna1, S. S. rao2

Am-Multiplication: A Novel Multiplication Algorithm Based Binary Multiplexer
Amit Verma1, Manish Prateek2

Identification of Obstacles in Implementation of Total Quality Management (Tqm) In Building Construction Industry in India –An Empirical Study
S. K. Gupta1, R. K. Khitoliya2

Processing and Evaluation of Strength Properties of Granite Powder Reinforced Al7075 Metal Matrix Composite
Muthanna K. P.1, Thammaiah Gowda2, Kuldeep B.3, Ravikumar K.P4

Optimized De-Authentication Attack in IEEE 802.11 Networks
G. Mani Chandra1, K. Raghava Rao2, P.N.S.B.S.V Prasad V3

Delineation of Suitable Sites for Wind Farm: A Geospatial Study in Jigawa State Nigeria
Auwal S. Abdulwahab1, Kamalanandhini M2

Delineation of Probable Flood Hazard Zones using Geospatial Analysis
M.Mistika1, N.Sachikanta Nanda2, R.Annadurai3

Development of Generic Context-Aware Middleware for Pervasive Smart Environment (GCAMPSE) Based Unified Modeler (GUM TOOL)
J. Madhusudanan1, S. Geetha2, V. Prasanna Venkatesan3, D. Saravanan4, Venkata Naresh Mandhala5

Amelioration of Decision Making
Harsh Thakur1, M. Balasubramanian2

Identifying Trends in Facebook Usage: A Visual Approach
R. Sethuraman1, Krishna Chaitanya Reddy V2, M. Gautham Veer3, R. Subhashini4

Collision Avoidance using Gazebo Simulator
Sandeep Jose1, Kavitha R2

Influence of Airline Service Marketing Mix with Airline Passenger Satisfaction and Loyalty
Tanweer Alam

Stock Value Prediction using Machine Learning
R. Aadith Narayan1, Baby D. Dayana2, B. Yagneshwaran3, Vignesh Babu M.R4, Kurmala Ajay Vamsi Krishna5

Fake News Detection using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Kushal Agarwalla1, Shubham Nandan2, Varun Anil Nair3, D. Deva Hema4

Locating Wire Fault using Time Domain Reflectometry in Controller Area Network based on Kelvin Resistance (4-Wire) Method
J.Selvakumar1, Robbi Rahim2, C.Ramesh3, R.Manikandan4, K.Hariharan5, Ambeshwar Kumar6

Exploring Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification of the ASHRAE RP-884 Database
Tay Lee Yong1, Harimi Djamila2

Antecedents of E-Trust in Cab Services Market
Ms. Sharon Sophia. J1, J. Clement Sudhahar2, Joseph Varghese3

Design of Home Automation System using Nodemcu with the Implementation of Iot
V.Sahiti1, Yamala Teja Narayana2, Yarradla Nagarjuna Reddy3, Yenni Sridhar4

Analysis and Protection of Networks from Crossfire Attacks
V.Sahiti1, Aditya Dhanekula2, Achyuth Balanthrapu3, Ramya Choppala4

Penetration Testing using Wireshark and Defensive Mechanisms Against MITM
V. Sahiti1, Prasanth. Tilakchand2, Balu. Kowshik3, Pokala. Avinash4, Simhadri Leela Kavya5

Software Engineering Oriented Approach for Iot Applications: Need of the Day
Darshan Pradeep Pandit1, Sudhir Ranjan Pattanaik2

Box-Office Revenue Estimation for Telugu Movie Industry using Predictive Analytic Techniques
V. Anantha Natarajan1, K SaiHarsha2, M Santhosh Kumar3

Design and Analysis of A Heavy Vehicle Chassis By using E- Glass Epoxy & S-2 Glass Materials
A. Raj Kumar1, Gurram Narendra Santosh Kumar2, Jeevan Kumar chithanoori3, ksk mallik4, P.srinivas5, Sk.Hasane Ahammad6

Ndvi Based Crop Response with Lst and Spi for Vegetation Quality Analysis
Nedun. R1, Sivakumar. R2, Hariharan. B3

A Novel Automated Method for The Detection of Strangers at Home using Parrot Sound
Febin Antony1, Anita H.B2

An Empirical Study on Organisational Learning Capability in It Industry
S. Jyothi Kannipamula1, Srinivas Rao D.2

Implementation of Monitoring and Controlling system for Smart Home based on IoT
M. Ajay Babu1, N. S. Rama Krishna Teja2, G. Soumith Reddy3, J. Lakshmi Bhargav4, K. Gopinath5

Analysis of FSO System under Clear and Rain Conditions
K.Sony1, V.N.M. Sri Harsha Kurella2, Roopesh Mallisetty3, Bh. Sai Vardhan4, M.S.S.Datta5

Effective and Scalable Recommendation Model Combining Association Rule Mining and Collaborative Filtering In Big Data
Manikandan R1, Ramesh R2, Saravanan V3

Analysis of Overlapped Tire Marks Characteristics With The Aid of Enlarged Photography
Bhoopesh Kumar Sharma1, Dinesh Chand2, Raessa Bashir3, Eiman Shafiq4

Influence Of Nanomaterials On Properties Of Bituminous Concrete Mixes
Aakash Gupta1, Aditya Kalra2, Atul pal3, Pranav Sharma4

Effect of Chemical Exposure on Mechanical Strength of Polymer Mortar
Mohan Kantharia1, Pankaj Kumar Mishra2, Manoj Kumar Trivedi3, Ripunjoy Gogoi4

Morphometric Parameter Based, Watershed Prioritization Analysis – A Geospatial Study of Umrynjah Watershed, Meghalaya, India
Fedalene Jyrwa1, R. Annadurai2, Sachikanta Nanda3

Recognition of Vehicle Number Plate and Measure the Distance
B. Jyothi Sravya1, V. Naga Lakshmi2, J.Rajasekhar3

Governing Distributed Generators and FACTS in Restructured Power system for System Adequacy using Genetic Algorithm
Mahiban Lindsay1, A.K.Parvathy2

An investigation into the forensic significance of the Windows 10 Operating System
Ratna Sri1, M. Seetharama Prasad2

Outlier Detection in Imbalanced Data Classification
M. Kamaladevi1, K. R. Sekar2, V. Venkataraman3, K. Kannan4

Low Power VLSI Design of a modified Brent Kung adder based Multiply Accumulate Unit for Reverb Engines
Rakesh S1, K. S. Vijula Grace2

Collaboration Tools In MOOC: A Provider’s Perspective
Jyoti Chauhan1,  Anita Goel2

Speculation of Compressive Strength of Concrete in Real-Time
Prakash M1, Manikandan2, Surenther I3, Aswin Kumar M N4, Ilakkiya S5, Menaka D6

Optimized VLSI Design of 2-Bit Magnitude Comparator using GDI Technique
Bhaskara Rao Doddi1, Y E Vasanth Kumar2, G Sai Kiran3, K Sri Sravya4, V Pruthivi5

Innovative Approach To Assessing Natural Resources
Irina Anatoljevna Filippova1, Anna Mikhailovna Ermakova2, Liana Nilevna Gabdrakhmanova3, Juliya Zufarovna Bogdanova4, Vera Nikandrovna Cherepanova5, Svetlana Vladimirovna Abramova6

An Optimized Multipath Routing for Secure Communication of Wireless Sensor Network
Biplab Raj Shrestha1, K. Raghava Rao2, KV Daya Sagar3

Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder using Machine Learning Algorithms with Jaundice Symptomatic Analysis
Sharath Chandrika M B1, Nallakaruppan M K2, Siva Rama Krishnan S3, Senthilkumar N C VIT University4

Quarry Dust as an Auxiliary Additive to Lime Stabilized Expansive Soil in Subbase
S. Srikanth Reddy1, A.C.S.V. Prasad2

A study on student’s perception towards virtual learning environment, Palakkad
SAmritesh PS1, Jeayaram Subramanian2

Experimental and Numerical Vibration Response Comparison of Mono and Hybrid Structural System for Tall Wind Mill
S. Srikanth Reddy1, A.C.S.V. Prasad2

Customized Operation of Solar – Variable Speed Diesel Generator Hybrid System for Remote Power Applications
Gireesh Kumar A1, C A Babu2

A Cryptographic Mechanism using Prime Number and Character Stuffing to Prevent Hijacking of Cloud Data
Narander Kumar1, Jitendra Kumar Samriya2

Numerical Estimation of Hardness of Carbon Nanotubes reinforced Al metal matrix
Pothamsetty Kasi V Rao1, B. Raghu Kumar2

Magnetic Susceptibilities and Fault Surface Anomalies. The Study of Land Magnetic Data & Interpretations
Syed Kaiser Bukhari

The Processing of Seeds of Spring Wheat by Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field in An Industrial Environment
А.S. Alchimbayeva1, L. S. Shibryaeva2, E.V. Zhalnin3, Z.S. Sadykov4, R.T. Kaimova5

An Experimental Study to Find the Optimum Dosage of Admixtures in Blended Concrete
Avuthu Narender Reddy1, T. Meena2

A Novel Filtering Approach for Tracking Visual Objects
Manne Dinesh Kumar1, Krishna Samalla2

Restoration of Characters in Degraded Inscriptions using Phase Based Binarization and Geodesic Morphology
Sachin Bhat1, Seshikala G2

Simulation of Electronics Cooling Deploying Water-Zinc Oxide Nanofluid
N. K. Kund

Numerical Studies on Fuel Cell Cooling Introducing Water-Copper Nanofluid
N. K. Kund

Application of Big Data Analytics and Pattern Recognition Aggregated With Random Forest for Detecting Fraudulent Credit Card Transactions (CCFD-BPRRF)
B.J.Jaidhan1, B. Divya Madhuri2, K. Pushpa3, B.V.S Lakshmi Devi4, Shanmuk Srinivas A5

Seamless MPLS using BGP Label Unicast Deployment in Service Provider Network using GNS3 Simulator
Sony Jenusha M1, Prem kumar B2, Jayashree Balaji3, Senthilkumar J P4, Amutha M5

The TREE LIST – Introducing a Data Structure
Sibin James1, Pranav Prakash2, R Nandakumar3

On Nag#-Continuous And Nag#y  Irresolute Functions In Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
T. Nandhini1, M. Vigneshwaran2

A New Algorithm for the Classification of Faults in Multi-Terminal Transmission Network using Wavelet Morphology
Y. Srinivasa Rao1, G. Ravikumar2, P. Srinivasa Varma3

A Heuristic Approach of Location Estimation Based on Pre-defined Coordinates
Rhowel M. Dellosa1, Arnel C. Fajardo2, Ruji P. Medina3

A Study on Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Finding Similarity in Indian English Authors Poetry
K. Praveen Kumar1, T. Maruthi Padmaja2

Environmental Air Pollution Monitoring System in Vijayawada
Nimmagadda. Satyanarayana Murthy

 Study on Understanding the Adoption of Water Saving Technology: A Case Study of Drip Irrigation
Kaarthikeyan G M1, Suresh A2

Smart Pollution Monitoring System
Stanly Wilson1, Tony Manuel2, Peter Augustin D3

Crowd-Based Profiling : A Framework to Detect Psychological Disorders in Social Media Users
A.Sharmila Agnal1, Akshay Kannan V2, Durga S3, Nishanth Kumar. S4, Dheeraj. R5

Novel Approach in Image Processing to Recognize Facial Expressions
Samta Jain Goyala1, Arvind Kumar Upadhyaya2, Rakesh Singh Jadon3

Design of Smart Energy Meter with power Theft detection and a novel of billing Payment
A.Aswin1, Chidambaram .R2, S.B. Kavin darshan3, Abinav Soorya .N4, S. Senthilmurugan5

International Experience in Management of Urban Green Spaces and Water Bodies
Andrey Igorevich Nikiforov1, Anna Eduardovna Semak2, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kazakova3, Olga Yurievna Mironova4, Alexey Dmitrievich Burykin5

Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Healthcare Applications: A Proposed Approach
B. Siva Kumar Reddy1,  N.L. Pratap2

Disease Prediction by Using Deep Learning Based on Patient Treatment History
Kadam Vinay R1, K.L.S.Soujanya2, Preety Singh3

Routing Protocol for Manet: Token Based Energy Efficient Qos Aware Routing Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms
S. J. Sultanuddin1, Mohammed Ali Hussain2

Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis over Bilingual Cross Domain Platform using Machine Learning Approaches
S. Arun Kumar1, M. Sanjanaa Sri2, Rishendra Ravi3, Dipon Sengupta4,  Arhant Chatterjee5

Wireless Battery Charger Based Charging Station for Eva Vehicle With Pave Inclusion
V. Kubendran1, S. Senthilmurugan2, A. Aswin3

Demand Side Load Management for Residential Buildings
PL. Somasundaram1, R. Kaviya2, K. Sundararaju3

Filter Based Hybrid Decision Tree Construction Model For High Dimensional Anomaly Classification
Y.A. Siva Prasad1, G. Rama Krishna2

A MIMO-OFDM Based Secure and Robust Communication System for IOT Driven Healthcare
Uzma1, Ghulam M. Bhat2, Javaid A. Sheikh3

Effective Energy Audit and Energy Management of Residential Building
C. R. Saravanan1, R. Rathika2, S. Prakash3

Automatic Detection and Prevention of Distributed Denial of Service using Dynamic Path Identifiers
N. Sreekala sai1, k. Abdul bisth2

Analysis of Different Techniques for Score Level Fusion in Multimodal Biometrics
Suneet Narula Garg1, Renu Vig2, Savita Gupta3

Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement of Array Antenna for S and C Band Application
Kanchan Wagh1, S. S. Shriramwar2

A Novel Mechanism for User Centric Similarity Search
J. Srikanth1, y. Apparao2

Disaster Reporting and Alert System Using Tweets in Social Media
P.Tamije Selvy1, V. Suriya Prakash2, S. Shriram3, N. Vimalesh4, M. Anitha5

To Compare The Outcome Of Lumbar Traction With Infra-Red Ray In Lumbar Disc Herniation
Rishi kesavan1, Yokeshwery A/P Muniandy2, Elanchezhian Chinnavan3,  Yu Chye Wah4, Susmitha Govind5, Kshtrashal Singh6

Securing Health Industry Data using Modern Ceaser Cipher Technique
Sumana Reddy Reddybathula1, Kiran Kumar K2, Dharsini Vandanapu3, Mahitha Guduri4

Reorganization of License Plate Characteristics using Image Processing Techniques
Ramya keerthi P1, Niharika B2, Dinesh Kumar G3, Sai Venakat K4, Sheela Rani C M5

Decentralized Authority and Operational Excellence Influence Organizational Culture on Overall Development
Mannava Sumaja1, Yaddula Chitra Rekha2

Study and Analysis of 3 -Input Logic Gates By using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
G Surya Kranth1, D Naveen Sai2, R. S. Ernest Ravindran3

Recycling of RTOS Systems using Smart Sensor Module
Nishant Mathew Surathu1, T.J. Nagalakshmi2

A Comparative Analysis of MPPT with Tracking Panel Mechanism and Fixed Panel Arrangement
Bhageerath Choudhary1, J. Sai Krishna2, K Venkata Siva Reddy3, Sk.Moulali4

Performance Analysis of DBA Algorithms for EPON with Differentiated Classes of services
N.Subhashini1, A.Brintha Theresed2

Effective Implementation of Cloud Based Smart Parking System using Internet of Things
K Manoj Kumar1, M Trinath Basu2, K. Gopinath3, Ravi Kumar Tenali4

A Survey on Analysis of Network Traffic in Data Centers using Controllers in SDN
Srishti1, Shubhankar Singh2, V. Deeban Chakravarthy3,  Ruturaj Kadiar d4

Implementation of Firefly Algorithm for Distribution System Reconfiguration With Reliability Evaluation
K Venkata Rao1, K. R. Sudha2

A Study on the Digital Wallet Usage among Citizens of Kochi using FP-Growth Algorithm
Aparna H1, Karthika S2, Rajalakshmi V R3

Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using HARALICK Features
Reshma Sultana1, K.S.Rajasekhar2

Modeling and Analysis of Deadbeat Controller Based Split Capacitor Dstatcom for Dc Voltage Regulation
Manchalla  Harshini Bhargavi1,  Jarupula Somlal2

Internet of Things Based Smart Flood Monitoring & detecting system
N. V. S. Sunny Varma1, E. Esha Preethi2, M. Ramesh Kumar3, Ravi Kumar Tenali4

Technology of Production, Nutritional Value and Food Safety of Gluten Free Bread
Botagoz Kulushtayeva1, Gulnur Nurymkhan2, Farida Smolnikova3, Eleonora Okuskhanova4, Ludmila Kozubayeva5, Meruert Abilova6, Mars Khayrullin7, Boris Kisimov8

Octagon and Decagon Shaped Fractal Patch Antennas for S, C and X Band Applications
Anita Garhwal1, Nornikman Hassan2, Mohd Riduan Ahmad3, Badrul Hisham Ahmad4, Sanyog Rawat5,

Pushpendra Singh6, Kanad Ray7, Anirban Bandyopadhyay8

Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Micro- Structure of Perlite Powder Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperatures
Abdul Ajeej K1, Varun Teja K2, Meena T3

Hybrid C-PSO for QOS based Cost Effective Model for Package Selection in Cloud
K. S. Guruprakash1, S. Siva Sathya2

Comparison of Closed Loop Optimal High Level Novel Multilevel Inverter fed Induction Motor Drive using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Bolla Madhusudana Reddy1, Y.V. Siva Reddy2, M. Vijaya Kumar3

Non-Cooperative Iris Segmentation: A Survey
M. Rajeev Kumar1, K. Arthi2

An EPLQ Approach for Preserving Privacy over Outsource Encrypted Data
C. Shyamala kumari1, Florence S2

Disambiguation of Named Entity with Supervised Technique over a Knowledge Base
Aarthi D1, Viswanathan V2

Understanding Students’ Learning Experiences By Mining Social Media Data
Garima Chanana1, V.Vijaya Kumar2, M.Geetha3

Factors Influencing the Acquisition of Writing Skills
M. Dhanya1, C. Alamelu2

Fractional Order Fuzzy Logic based UPQC for Improvement of Power Quality in Distribution Power System
D. Krishna1, M. Sasikala2, V. Ganesh3

Two Way Authentication System in Internet of Things (IOT) For Impersonation Attacks
K. Meena1, Suresh Mundru2

Making Teaching Compatible with the Digital Natives: A Survey
T. Sugadev1, P. Santhosh2

A Glove Based Approach to Recognize Indian Sign Languages
N. Krishnaraj1, M. G.Kavitha2, T. Jayasankar3, K. Vinoth Kumar4

Design and Study of Interleaved Step up DC Converter with High Level Gain for the Application of Solar Photovoltaic Module
T. Kesavan1, K. Lakshmi2, S. Sheeba Rani3, R. Kavin4, M. Senthilkumar5

User Request Scheduling for Multimedia Resource using Improved Fuzzy Logic with Hybrid Lyapunov Based Algorithm in Hybrid Cloud
D.Daniel1,  A.Wims Magdalene Mary2

A Comprehensive Approach to Visualize Industrial Data Set to Meet Business Intelligence Requirements using Statistical Models and Big Data Analytics.
Baby.D.Dayana1, Aindrila Samanta2, N. Ranganathan3, Kiran Venkatachalam4, Neketa Jain5

Performance of Partially Shaded Solar Photovoltaic System
Tarana Afrin Chandel1, Md Arifuddin Mallick2, Mohd Yusuf Yasin3

Classification and Correlational Analysis on Lower Spine Parameters using Data Mining Techniques
Richie V Johny1, R.Roseline Mary2

Risk Prioritization for Software Development using Grey Wolf Optimization
B.Prakash1, V.Viswanathan2

Message Authentication using Threshold Blockchain in VANET
N Sushmetha1, S Vairamuthu2

Importance of Fuzzy Logic and Application Areas in Engineering Research
Aruna Bajpai1, Virendra Singh Kushwah2

Sensors Enabled for Anti-Thefting System
T. Akhil1, B. Aruna2, S. Praveen3, K. Bharathi4

Energy Efficient Protocol for Multi Hop Routing In Cognitive Radio Networks
Dileep Reddy Bolla1,  Shivashankar2

Classification of Text Documents using Adaptive Robust Classifier
E Chandra Blessie1, Deepa A2

Paper Currency Identification using Image Processing and Radial Basis Function (Rbf)
Prakhar Chaturvedi1, Harshdeep Kalra2, Ritu Raj Madhup3

Cluster Based Triple Threshold Energy Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
K.V. Rop1, P.K. Langat2, H.A. Ouma3

A Hybrid Error-Driven Approach to Data Stream Classification
G. Abinaya1, Aditya Subramanian2, Harsh Kumar3, Sanjeev Rao4, Sourav Patra5

The Design of UML-Based Sales Forecasting Application
Rendra Gustriansyah1, Nazori Suhandi2, Fery Antony3

Comparison of different Methods of In-situ Leaf Area Measurement of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.)
Amar Kumar Dey1, P. Guha2, Manisha Sharma3, M. R. Meshram4

Prediction of Diabetics using Factor Analysis
S. Kavitha1, E. Srividhya2, S. Muthuselvan3

Multilingual Sentimental Analysis by Predicting Social Emotions Via Text Summarization
K. VaraPrasad1, B.B.V.SatyaVaraPrasad2, P. Chandrasekhar3,  Ravi Kumar Tenali4

Energy Aware Buffer Management Routing Protocol (EABMRP) for Improving The WSN Lifetime Based on Energy Harvesting Model
Sudhakar K. N1, Dinesh K Anvekar2

Secure Localization in UWSN using Combined Approach of PSO and GD Methods
Shanthi M. B.1, Dinesh K. Anvekar2

Impact of Related Languages as Pivot Language on Machine Translation
Syed Afroz Ahmed1, Nisheeth Joshi2, Iti Mathur3, Pragya Katyayan4

A Performance Perspective: Content Based Image Retrieval System
Senthil Kumar Sundararajan1, B ShankaraGomati2, D Saravana Priya3

An Energy-Efficient New Approach for Cluster Head Selection Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network
P. Thiruvannamalai Sivasankar1, B. Maheswara Rao2

Hybrid Filter for Removal of Speckle Noise in Digital Images
Devasena D1, Jagadeeswari M2, Srinivasan, K Radhika V3

A Dynamic Multi-class Neupper Classification for Multiple Crop Yield Prediction
S. Manimekalai1, K. Nandhini2

ERDH in Medical Images Based on 2-D Compound Transform Domain Technique
G. Nagaraju1, P. Pardhasaradhi2, V. S. Ghali3

Development Of Required Power Point Tracking Algorithm For Standalone Solar Photovoltaic Inverter
Parthasarathy Eswaran1,Vaidyanathan P. N2,  Akshay Vimal J3, R.Manikandan4, J.Prassanna5,  Ambeshwar Kumar6, Chris Sam Daniel W7

Optimal Allocation of DG using Hybrid Optimization Technique for Minimizing the Power Loss
Banka Jyothsna Rani1, Ankireddipalli Srinivasula Reddy2

Measuring the Tourist Service Satisfaction: Factor Analysis based Study at Red Fort Complex
Md. Danish1, Manjari Chakraborty2

Haar Critical Path Method To Solve Fuzzy Critical Path Problems
S. Dhanasekar1, S. Hariharan2, A. Manivannan3, And E. Umamaheswari4

Design of a Frequency Reconfigurable Fractal Antenna for Internet of Things (IoT) in Vehicular Communication
T. Anilkumar1, B T P Madhav2, Ch. V. Naveen Kumar3, P. Sai Sruthi4, M. Sahithi5, K. V. Manikanta6

Analytics and Machine Learning Approaches to Generate Insights for Different Sports
S.S. Subashka Ramesh1, Nadeem Hassan2,  Anushka Khandelwal3, Ritwiz Kaustoob4, Sonal Gupta5

A Study on Human Observer Classification and Ou-Isir Database for Gender and Age Estimation
M.Hema1, K.Babulu2, N.Balaji3

Early Detection of DDoS Attack on Cloud Environment using Queuing Model
A.Saravanan1, S.Sathya bama2

A Chat Boot UI with Blockchain
M Gowtham1, Anthoniraj Amalanathan2

Wireless Sensor Network Based Controlling and Monitoring for Smart Homes using Sigsbee
Bhavnesh Jaint1, S. Indu2, Neeta Pandey3

Dynamic Administration of Setting and Substance Catchphrases for Individual Web Revisitation
N. Ravali1, N. Pushpalatha2

Geospatial Analysis of Slum Growth using Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery in Ranchi, India
Amiya Kumar Mahato1, A. Manimaran2

Zigbee based Indoor Location Tracking and Monitoring System
Athira K.R1,  Anju Babu2

CNN Integrated With HOG For Efficient Face Recognition
R.Angeline1, Kavithvajen.K2, Toshita Balaji3, Malavika Saji4, Sushmitha.S.R5

Building Scalable Framework for web Applications using Go Lang and No Sql
S.Arun Kumar1, Vanishree P Iyer2, Abhinav Parhad3

Design of optical logical Multiplexer using SOA
Sumit Gupta1, Sairam Boddapati2, Chaganti Sridhar Sai3, Borra Nanda Sai4

Navigation Solutions for GPS Receiver Position Estimation over the Southern Region of India
P Sirish Kumar1, V B S Srilatha Indira Dutt2

Different aspects of Environmental laws
Mukund Sarda1, Bhagyashree Deshpande2, Jyoti Dharm3, Vidya Dhere4

Monarch Butterfly Optimization With Greedy Strategy and Self-Adaptive Crossover Operator Algorithm for Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems
B.Rajasekhar Reddy1, C Hari Prasad2, K Ram Prasad3, Dinakara Prasad Reddy P4

Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Multicarrier Scheme for 5G Communications
Patteti Krishna

Network on Chip: A Survey on Router Design and Algorithms
Krutthika H.K1, Rajashekara2

Performance Analysis of the Effects of Non-Adaptive Image Scaling on Image Edges
Hamdy Amin Morsy

Geometric Water filling Algorithm For Resource Allocation In Cognitive Radio Networks
C.S. Preetham1, G. Srikanth2, Jinkala Anil Kumar3, Sean Savio Harper4, Shaik Ashiq5,  C.Sriram6

Effective Implementation of Low-Cost Smart Irrigation System
N.V.K. Ramesh1, B T P Madhav2, Adusumalli Sai Manoj3, Y. Sai Guru4

Health Diagnosis by using Machine Learning Algorithms
B.Pavitra1, R.Nagaswetha2, E.Sathish3

Deep learning for Short Answer Scoring
Surya K1, Ekansh Gayakwad2, Nallakaruppan, M.K3

Gender Budgeting in Inida: An Impact Analysis
Sanjaya Ku. Ghadai1, Satya Narayan Misra2

Modelling and Analysis of A Heavy Vehicle Chassis by using Materials E- Glass Epoxy & S-2 Glass
Mooli Harish1, K. Bhaskar2

Crossover-Free Differential Evolution Algorithm to study the impact of Mutation Scale Factor Parameter
Dhanya M Dhanalakshmy1, G. Jeyakumar2, C. Shunmuga Velayutham3

Mechanical and Durability Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Reinforced With Carbon Fibers
Arvind Kumar Cholker1, Manzoor Ahmad Tantray2

Improving QoS Parameters using Dynamic Priority Scheduling (DPS) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Shoukath Ali1, S. Venkatanarayanan2, Sandeep P,3 D. Naresh4

A Common Access Control Service for Multi Tenant Cloud Environment
D. Raju1, p. Sudeer2

Optimized Feature Extraction and Hybrid Classification Model for Heart Disease and Breast Cancer Prediction
Sireesha Moturi1, S. N. Tirumala Rao2, Srikanth Vemuru3

Improving Satellite Image Processing Via Hybridization of Fusion, Feature Extraction & Neural Nets
Kavita Joshi1, Dilip D Shah2, Anupama A. Deshpande3

Organizational Climate as a Predictor of Readiness to Change among Academics
P. Bruntha1, Shabana.S2, B. Indirapriyadharshini3, N. Giri4

Blockchain: Single Source of truth in Shared Services? An Empirical Paper on the Relevance of Blockchain for Shared Services
M.V.N. Naga Lakshmi1, Y.V.N. Sai Sricharan2

Smart Highways: Harvesting Electricity using Speeding Vehicles
Yashvi Thakkar1, Anisha Sai Sistla2, Faiz Palwala3, Krithika Balasubramanian4, Suhavi Singal5, Animesh Aggarwal6, Neelesh Gupta7, Santhi V8

Automatic Toll Gate System using Advanced RFID and GSM Module
G Sainath Reddy1, M.Sri Bhargavi2, Mohammed Ali Hussain3

The Use of Molecular Markers in Searching for Tomato Fusarium Blight Resistance Genes
I. N. Shamshin1, Yu. V. Gryazneva2, M. V. Maslova3

Fixed Point Theorems of Soft Metric Space Using Altering Distance Function
Sanath Kumar H.G1, Ramakant Bhardwaj2, Basant Kumar Singh3

Drinking Water Quality Assessment In Some Selected Villages Of Madanpalli,Chittor Dist-A.P
K. Mahammad1, Rafi M. Umamahesh2, R.T. Ramachar3, G.V. RamanaMurthy4, A.Venkateswara Rao5

Intelligent Decision Making in Medical Data using Association Rules Mining and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Ramjeevan Singh Thakur

Propinquity Market Behavior of Nifty and Sectoral Indices of Nse
Jincy K. John1, R. Amudha2, J. Clement Sudhahar3

Implementing Context Awareness in Health Monitoring System
Sonia Suddala1, Satyannarayana Penke2, Krishnaveni Kommuri3

Image Denoising using a Combination of Spatial Domain Filters and Convolutional Neural Networks
Rajeshkannan Regunathan1, Punith N S2, Ashraf Ali K3, Gautham S4

A Multi-Objective Transportation Problem Solve By Laxicographic Goal Programming
Kirti Kumar Jain1, Ramakant Bhardwaj2, Sanjay Choudhary3

An Efficient Approach for Iterative Learning Algorithms
G. Abinaya1, Anirudh Sundararaman2, R. Ashwin3, Ravi Teja4, Vinay Motghare5

Study and Implementation of Finger Print Detection and Authentication for wide Varieties of Security Systems using STM32 Board
Krishnaveni Kommuri1, P Gopi Krishna2, V. Tarun Reddy3, P. Hemanth4

Studies on Effect of Lateral Force on Different Types of Composite Building Frame Systems
Varghese Basil Alexander1, Dominic Ashwin W2, Anand N3, Jayalin D4

A Lightweight Digital Signature Generation Mechanism for Authentication of IoT Devices
K. Sambasiva Rao1, M. Kameswara Rao2

Implementation of Smart Cart in Retail Marts using RFID Tags and Wi-Fi Module for Fast Bill Generation
P.N.S.B.S.V Prasad V1, Venkata Ratnam Kolluru2, G. Mani Chandra3

Exhaustive Approach for Multistage Filter Design to Minimize Complexity of FIR Filter for WCDMA Applications
Sudhir Kumar Madhi1, V Jayaprakasan2, Pandya Vyomal3

Prevention of Hacking in Vanets using Network Security
Badrinath V1, Kishore Kumar MJ2, G.Arun Dev3, Minu4

A Systematic Approach Toward Description and Classification of Cyber Crime Incidents
G.Charles Babu1, A.Sai Hanuman2, J.Sasi Kiran3, B.Sankara Babu4

Automatic Detection of Abnormalities in Retinal Blood Vessels using DTCWT, GLCM Feature Extractor and CNN-RNN Classifier
Revathi priya Muthusamy1, S. Vinod2, M. Tholkapiyan3


Modeling and Analysis of Deadbeat Controller Based Split Capacitor Dstatcom for Dc Voltage Regulation
Manchalla  Harshini Bhargavi1,  Jarupula Somlal2

Engineering Students Perception Towards Social Media Advertising for Social Causes, Vijayawada: An Empirical Study
B. Kishore Babu1, P. Pavan2

Performance Measure for Detection of Data Discontinuity in Large Scale System
J. Dillibabu1, K. Nirmala2

An Automated Process of Monitoring and Control on Multivariable Non-Linear Greenhouse Environment
Vinothkumar. C1, Marshiana. D2, Balasankar Karavadi3

Industrial Fuel Control using Cloud Management
Elakya R1, K.S.Srivastavan Iyer2, M.Vignesh3, Vyshnav A K4, Dhanashekaran V5

Improvement of Dynamic Stability via Coordinated Design of PSS and UPFC in a Two Machine Power System Employing Cuckoo Search Optimization Technique
Subhashree Choudhury1, Anshuman Satpathy2, Prakriti Rout3, Tara Prasanna Dash4

Prediction of Shear Strength of Steel Fibre Based Concrete Beams without Shear Stirrups
Manzoor Ahmad Tantary

Efficient Implementation of Refund Process in Online Shopping Industry Internal Tool-OMS
Niranjanamurthy M1, Bhawna Nigam2, Niveditha N.M3,  Naresh E4

Design Optimization of Triple Material Gate Stacked Oxide TFET
A Maria Jossy1, Swati Sajee Kumar2, Ananya Chakraborty3, Namrata Lahiri4

Experimental Work on Structural Elements of Concrete by the Replacement of Copper Slag with Fine Aggregate
J.Ushakranti1, K.Srinivasu2, T.Chandrasekhar Rao3, P.Ch.Sanjeeva Rao4

Chennai – Smart City for Smart People
K. Kalaivendhan1, M. Balasubramanian2, Harsh Thakur3

Visualizing the Clinical Data of Diabetes using Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms
Vennapusa Vishnu Priya1, Abdul Gaffar.H2

Computation of Daily Global Solar Radiation by Using Decision Tree Algorithm
R. Saranya1, N. Selvam2

Handwritten Digit Recognition of MNIST Data using Consensus Clustering
Monica Rexy. F1, Lavanya. K2

The Secure Migration of Data to Cloud using Data Sanitization and MAC address based AES
Hitesh Marwaha1, Rajeshwar Singh2

Data Analysis and Interpretation: Student’s Absenteeism among Engineering & Arts College in Kannur District
K. Vidhyapriyadharshini1, D. Suthamathi2

Concerns in Learning Confronted By Students of Commerce with Special Reference to Teaching Learning Process
Manisha Sharma1, Neetu.M.Shukla2

DTEclat: Dynamic Threshold Based Eclat ARM Algorithm for DNA Binding
Baby D Dayana1, Preethi.M2, Haripriyaa Shri SD3, Aakhya Singh4, Sanjay Aravind LR5

A Survey Paper on Dynamic Load Balancing in Software Defined Networking
Gaurav Tiwari1, Aditi Rai2, V Deeban Chakaravarthy3, Ruturaj Kadikar4

Inventory Optimization Model for Quadratic Increasing Holding Cost and Linearly Increasing Deterministic Demand
Pavan Kumar

Automatic Physical Access Control System Based on Biometric Identification by Wavelet Transform Algorithm
Sakthi Prabha R

Design of Suicide Prediction System Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set
S. Rajaprakash1, S. Muthuselvan2, K. Karthik3, K. Somasundaram4, R. Jaichandaran5

High Speed Event Driven Data Acquisition system based on ZYNQ SOC Architecture
Himanshu Tyagi1, Nagendra Gajjar2, Suryakant Gupta3

The Use of Study Apps among the High School Students – A Data Mining Approach
Roshni Kurian1, N SaiDharshana2, Rajalakshmi V R3

PLC Reducer – A Tool to Generate Possible Reductions in Coupling at Design Level
Aprna Tripathi1, Rahul Pradhan2, Ankur Chaturvedi3

Automatic Drug Delivery System for The Drug Adrenaline using Pi, Pid, Imc & Mpc Controllers
D. Sathish1, Alamelu Nachiappan2

CT Scan and X-Ray Medical Images Compression using WDR and PCA techniques: A Performance Analysis
S. Saradha Rani1, G Sasibhushana Rao2, B. Prabhakara Rao3

Smart Building System using IoT
P. Sai Sumanth1, P.Hareesh2, P.Linga Reddy3

Optimal Operation Strategy of an Islanded Microgrid using Genetic Algorithm
K. Sri Harika1, SVNL Lalitha2

Photovoltaic – Standalone System with SMES-Battery Energy Storage System Cascaded MLI for Rural Area Applications
Battini Prasanth Kumar1, M Srikanth2

An Extensive Power Balance Management of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles Fast Charging Stations Architecture using NPC Converter
M Sankaraiah1, K Krishna Sai2, B Loveswara Rao3

Autonomous Irrigation System
M. Murali1, Akshay Kumar2, Mohit Khare3

Analysis of Heat Energy Transfer and Friction Characteristics for Turbulent Flow in a Copper Tube with Various Inserts.
Chaitanya Vashisth1, Nitin Kukreja2, Ravindra Pratrap Singh3

Performance Analysis of Fusion Based Brain Tumour Detection Using Chan-Vese and Level Set Segmentation Algorithms
K. Rajesh Babu1, P. V. Naganjaneyulu2, K. Satya Prasad3

Image Processing Based Edibility Analysis of Spinach Leaves using Machine Learning Approach
Bhagavatula Aiswarya1, Anushka Sharma2, Rupsa Chakraborty3, Malathi.G4, T Raghav Kumar5

Global MPPT Control Algorithms for Solar PV Systems under Non-uniform Solar Radiation
Ramalingam Senthil