Volume-7 Issue-5, January 2019

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Volume-7 Issue-5, January 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Success of Blockchain and Bitcoin
Chirag Madan1, Aayushi Sinha2, Kamlesh Sharma3

A Detailed study of Big Data in Healthcare: Case study of Brenda and IBM Watson
Dipesh Jain1, Vivek Kumar2, Darpan Khanduja3, Kamlesh Sharma4, Ritika Bateja5

Network Traffic Modeling, Case Study: The University of Jordan
Saher Manaseer1, Oroba M. Al-Nahar2, Abdallah S. Hyassat3

Analysis of Image Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Image in the Presence of Inhomongeneties
Sivaram Rajeyyagari1, Gopatoti Anand Babu2, Mohebbanaaz3, G. Bhavana4

Automation and Refuge of Fault Tolerance Approaches using Cloud Computing Platform
Abdullah S. Alotaibi

Statistical Approach to Analyze Student Learning Outcomes
Mohammad Rashid Hussain1, Mohammed Qayyum2, Mohammad Equebal Hussain3

Effect of Seven Steps Approach on Simplex Method to Optimize the Mathematical Manipulation
Mohammad Rashid Hussain1, Mohammed Qayyum2, Mohammad Equebal Hussain3

A Support Vector Machine Water Wave Optimization Algorithm Based Prediction Model for Metamorphic Malware Detection
Mohd Mursleen1, Ankur Singh Bist2, Jaydeep Kishore3

A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach for MME- Image Fusion Technique using Video
C.Ravichandranr1, C.Kalaiselvan2

Effect of Electroless Ni-P Coatings Containing Nano Additives on Surface Topography of Magnesium Alloy
Motilal Lakavat1, Pankaj Kumar Sharma2, Mukesh Saxena3, Parag Diwan4

Cost Effective Autonomous Plant Watering Robot
Mahendra Vucha1, K Jyothi2, Kiran Kumari3, R Karthik4

Design of Farmer Friendly Intelligent System to Monitor and Control the Parameters in Precision Agriculture
Santhosh B Panjagal1, V.Harinath2, G.N.Kodanda Ramaiah3, R Karthik4

Design of 8T SRAM using FINFET Technology
T Ravinder1, T Vijetha2, P Chandra Shaker3, Ch Neelima4, R Karthik5

Performance Comparison of Hive, Pig & Map Reduce over Variety of Big Data
Yojna Arora1, Dinesh Goyal2

WCA-DGVC: A Weight Clustering Algorithm for Decentralized Group Key Management with Variable size Cluster
Pooja Singh1, Nasib Singh Gill2

The Grading Effect of Coarse Sand on Consolidated Undrained Strength Behaviour of Sand Matrix Soils
Bakhtiar Affandy Othman1, Aminaton Marto2, Nor Zurairahetty Mohd Yunus3, Tan Choy Soon4, Faizal Pakir5

An Uncertain Trust and Prediction Model in Federated Cloud using Machine Learning Approach
A. Mary Odilya Teena1, M. Aaramuthan2

Smart Agriculture System using IoT Technology
Muthunoori Naresh1, P Munaswamy2

Two-Level Text Summarization with Sentiment Analysis for Multi-Document Summarization
Lavanya K C1, C. Sivamani2, Linnet Tomy3, Ann Rija Paul4

Path Analysis in Web Page Application
Sonali Pradhan1, Mitrabinda Ray2

An Evolutionary Perception to link Physical and Human Sciences
Rajarethinam Emmanuel1, S.N.Sugumar2, S. Chandrachud3

Simulation and Analysis of Perturb and Observe MPP Tracking Algorithm under Uniform and Non-Uniform Irradiation
G.Sreenivasa Reddy1, T.Bramhananda Reddy2, M.Vijaya Kumar3

Two Stage Block Truncation Coding for Lower Mean Square Error
N Shylashree

Feature Level Fusion of Iris and Finger Vein Biometrics for Multimodal Biometric Authentication System
Sudhamani M J1, M K Venkatesha2

Identification of Opportunities for Coding in a Network
V.Prashanthi1, P.Devika2, K.Srinivas3, J.Thirupathi4

Optimization of Energy Efficiency using Directional Flooding Protocol in MANET
M Vinoth1, S Omkumar2

Enhancement of QoS in MANET using Semi Graph Model and AODV Routing Protocol
G Sathish Kumar1, S Omkumar2

Natural Supportability Practices for INNS in Chennai
R Sangeetha1, Jeyanthi Rebecca2

An Approach to Ensure Security using Voice Authentication System
Rohit Tanwar1, Kulvinder Singh2, Sona Malhotra3

Network Tomography Integrated Probe Tested Network Coding in Wireless Networks
Mayank Kumar Goyal1, Satya Prakash Ghrera2, Jai Prakash Gupta3

Secrete Random Pattern Key Mosaic Images Steganography using DWT-DCT Transform
Sheshang D. Degadwala1, Dhairya J. Vyas2, Arpana D. Mahajan3

Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based Approach for Solving Rfid Reader Placement Problem Using Weight-Vector Approach with Opposition-Based Learning Method
Spurti Sachin Shinde1, K. Devika2, S. Thangavelu3, G. Jeyakumar4

Define – use Testing – An Example
S. Shanmuga Priya

Dynamic Dispatching of Elevators in Elevator Group Control System with Time-Based floor Preference
Malan D. Sale1, V. Chandra Prakash2

Humanitarian Impact of Drones in Healthcare and Disaster Management
Pankaj Pathak1, Madhavi Damle2, Parashu Ram Pal3, Vikash Yadav4

An overview on Biomedical Signal Analysis
Jagdeep Rahul1, Marpe Sora2, Lakhan Dev Sharma3

Ant Colony Optimization Based Support Vector Machine Towards Predicting Coronary Artery Disease
Omprakash Subramaniam1, Ravichandran Mylswamy2

A Novel Framework for Fast Video Inpainting
Md. Salman Bombaywala1, Chirag Paunwala2

Genetic Algorithm Based Imperceptible Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique with High Payload Capacity
Pratik D. Shah1, Rajankumar S. Bichkar2

Design of Non-isolated integrated type AC-DC converter with extended voltage gain and high power factor for Class-C&D applications
Nagi Reddy. B1, A. Pandian2, O. Chandra Sekhar3, M. Rammoorty4

A case study on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Scheme at Odisha: Assessment of its policy and implementation
Ansuman Sar1, Satya Narayan Misra2

Ordered Local Binary Pattern (OLBP) For Classification of Textures
Anil kumar Muthevi1, Ravi babu.Uppu2

Performance Evaluation and Availability Analysis of a Harvesting System using Fuzzy Reliability Approach
Ombir Dahiya1, Ashish Kumar2, Monika Saini3

Design of Low Power Delay Cell for Wide Tuning Voltage Controlled Oscillator for Frequency Synthesis Applications
Virendra K. Verma1, D.K. Mishra2, R. S. Gamad3

A Novel Arp Approach for Cloud Resource Management
Abhishek Kumar1, K. Vengatesan2, Rajiv Vincent3, Rajesh M4, Achintya Singhal5

Performance Analysis on Quantum–Dot Cellular Automata
A Kavitha

Design and Implementation of Vehicle Over Speed Warning System
K Jyothi1, R Karthik2

Advancement in Research of Smart Metals and Materials Used For Fabrication of “MEMS” Components-Review
Paul Pandian P

Study of Fuzzy Magic Graph on Intuitionistic Space
K. Anitha1, J.Komathi2

Image Quality Analysis of Segmented Iris using Filters
Sunil Kumar1, Vijay Kumar Lamba2, Surender Jangra3

Simulating Energy Efficient Cloud Environment using Advanced Mechanism
Ritu Rani1, Vinod Kr. Saroha2, Sanjeev Rana3

Preliminary Study of Cement Paste Admixed with Rice Straw Ash, Microsilica & Rice Straw Ash-Microsilica Composite
Arunabh Pandey1,  Brind Kumar2

A Text Mining Research Based on Topic Modeling using Latent Dritchlent Allocation
P. Lakshmi Prasanna1, D. Rajeswara Rao2

Mechanism of The Effect of Transverse Shifts on The Stress State in The Problems of Plate and Shell Mechanics
A.V. Yermolenko1, V.V. Mironov2

Review and Evaluation of Security Issues on Cloud Computing
Vikram Gupta1, Sarvjit S. Bhatia2

Performance Assessment of Image Fusion Algorithms using Statistical Measures in Slant Transform Domain
Veera Swamy Kilari1, Radhika.V2, Hima Bindu.Ch3

Solar PV Technology for Smart Cities of India
Madhuchandrika Chattopadhyay1, R. Rajavel2

An Efficient Content Based Image Retrieval with Low Level Fuzzy Color Histogram and Gabor Transform Features
Arpana D. Mahajan1, Sanjay Chaudhary2

Spyware Detection and Prevention using Deep Learning AI for user applications
Mahesh V1,  Sumithra Devi K A2

High Level Synthesis of VLSI based Image Scaling Architecture for High Definition Displays
Chidadala Janardhan1, Kota Venkata Ramanaiah2, K Babulu3

A Novel Cryptographic Data Security Approach for Banking Industry to Adopt Cloud Computing
Kanika Tyagi1, Anuranjan Mishra2, Mayank Singh3

Context Re-Ranking in Sketch Based Image Retrieval
Durga Prasad Kalasapati1, Manjunathachari Kamsali2, Giri Prasad Mahendra Nanjappa3

Analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
R A Veer1, L C Siddanna Gowd2

A Promising Light Weight Future Material – Translucent Concrete
Nadeem Gulzar Shahmir1, Manzoor Ahmad Tantray2

Smart Detection of Vehicle Accidents using Object Identification Sensors with Artificial Intelligent Systems
P. Amrith1, E. Umamaheswari2, R.U. Anitha3, Devi Mani4, D M Ajay5

Power Aware Routing Protocol (PARP) to Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
M Lingaraj1, A Prakash2

Security Issues and ANALYSING Sybil Attack Detection in VANET
K.Selvakumar1, S.Naveen Kumar2

Symptomatic Influence of Advancement in Technology and an Indicative Effect on Human Health
S.Bhagyashri1, Kanimozhi.G2, Umayal.C3, Xiao-Zhi Gao4

Blockchain and transaction Processing time using M/M/1 Queue Model
Riktesh Srivastava

Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction using Neural Network
Soumonos Mukherjee1, Anshul Sharma2

A Secure Model for Hiding Multimedia Files within Two Cover Images
Najla Nazar1, R. Satheesh Kumar2, M.Rajeswari3, G. R. GnanaKing4